Lux's Farewell

Chapter 73 [0071] Weaving Conspiracy

Chapter 73 [0071] Weaving Conspiracy
Lux and Ino lived in the backyard room of Fulgan's Tavern, next to the warehouse of the tavern.

And judging from the furnishing and decoration of the room, it seems... that many people lived here.

There are a lot of graffiti on the walls of the room. Although the room seems to have been specially cleaned up, there are still many traces left by the previous occupants. To the surprise of Lacus and Ino, the mattress in this room The bedding and bedding are not bad, completely exceeding their expectations,

"The environment here is not perfect." After Lux carefully inspected the entire room, Kalya commented, "However, from the point of view of decoration, this place doesn't seem like a hotel, but rather like my own residence. "

"My own house?" Lux thought for a while, and then agreed with Kalya's point of view, "If you say that, it's really a bit similar—if it's just a double room, this place is a bit too big."

"It's more than enough to accommodate a family." Ino added, "Four or five people are fine."

"You said, the people who lived here before were the children who committed the bombing in Picheng?" Kalya reasoned, "I remember a red-haired one and a blue-haired one?"

"Why, are you looking for any hair left behind?" Lux rolled her eyes speechlessly, "Forget it, Carya, this place has been cleaned very cleanly, and even if there is hair, it doesn't mean anything ...In comparison, what I care more about now is how to conduct the investigation of Zaun, your data should be sorted out soon, right?"

"It's sorted out." Speaking of the data from Piltover's survey, Carya couldn't help but smack his lips, "The data is amazing. If our survey doesn't have too much water, then the entire Piltover is a huge one at present." Passing the port, it seems that everything in it is built on the three sea gates of the Sun Gate."

"What do you mean?" Lux was stunned for a moment, but she didn't expect Kalya to come up with such a conclusion, "Building on the three sea gates? The Gate of the Sun?"

"From an overall point of view, Piltover is a city that relies heavily on imports and hardly has any exports." Carya explained, "Even the merchants in Piltover only use Piltover Husband is just a transit point, and the people of Piltover seem to produce nothing."

"But I remember that Piltover maintains an astonishing number of various laboratories and colleges of astonishing scale." Lux blinked, "and also sponsors a lot of cultural and artistic research?"

"But these have been digested internally by them. The wealth of the entire Piltover comes almost entirely from the Gate of the Sun." Kalya explained, "From the news that we inquired about the porters at the Gate of the Sun, and from the Port Authority According to the data obtained by the personnel, the Gate of the Three Suns can bring Piltover an astonishing net profit of more than [-] gold hex every day."

"[-] gold hexes?!" Even Lux was stunned by the amazing income at this time, "Are you sure you didn't make a mistake, Carya—or there is something wrong with our statistics ..."

"I've been rounding down. Unless everyone we met at the pier is bragging, the specific data will only be more than this, not less." Carya sighed, "It's not very appropriate to use one To put it simply, the Gate of the Sun alone brings an income of nearly one gold hex to everyone in Piltover every month."

"But the Gate of Sun is not in the hands of every Piltover." Lux thought for a moment, "We have been inquiring for a long time, but we have not been able to figure out where the income from the port work goes. We only know about this part of the income. It should go partly to parliament and partly to private individuals."

"No matter whose pocket the money flows into," Kalya continued, "most of it will eventually flow into the market in Piltover, which eventually contributed to the amazing prosperity here."

"But the money didn't flow into Zaun." Lux followed Kalya's words and continued, "Even Piltover is still making money from Zaun."

"It's not about taking money from Zaun." Kalya used a more serious term. "I would normally call this a relationship exploitative."

"Ah..." Lux froze for a moment, "Is it so serious?"

"From the current point of view, it will only become more serious."


Lux's stay at Fulgan's Tavern was not a secret.

Soon, Silko, who was thinking about how to make Ino regard Piltover as his enemy, got the news.

"They live in Vander's place?" After hearing Mr. Shadow's answer, Silko was quite surprised, "What are these two people doing?"


Mr. Shadow didn't speak - apparently, Silko was just talking to himself and didn't ask for his opinion.

"It's really interesting." Silko reached out and touched the scar on his chin, "I thought these were two bold brokers who wanted to play a trick of two-handedness, but now they are colluding with Van der... ...however, it's a good thing."


"The Picheng guys won't let those bastards go easily, will they?" Shirko returned to his seat, "I remember that there is no guest room in Van der's kennel, that is to say, that The two little girls live in the place where those bastards lived?"


"Perhaps, we can let Fander push that Lacus away?" Silko casually picked up the eyelash curler on the table, "Well, it seems that we need to think of a reliable way—"

"It's all up to you, you are the leader." Mr. Shadow finally said, "You have the final say."

"Since this is the case, then you should stop running to the dark alley every day, and keep an eye on Van der." Shirko let out a long breath, "Once the Picheng guy finds him, you should tell me immediately. "

"No problem." Mr. Shadow shrugged, "However, those two little girls are not simple—mages cannot use common sense to judge."

"You're right, mages are not ordinary people." It was rare for Mr. Shadow to take the initiative to speak. Shirko was stunned for a moment, and then smiled, "Isn't that better?"

"...All right, you can do whatever you want."

Mr. Shadow quietly left the room.

"However, let me remind you that this matter is not simple. There is no way to find out where Lux came from. Maybe this is a terrible dragon crossing the river-this world is far bigger than you think."

"Before reminding me, pay more attention to yourself!" Silko sneered indifferently, "I don't want to collect your corpse in a dark alley or on the belly of some woman one day."

 Carya's Small Classroom·Zuan-style Space Utilization:
  In the concept of Zaan people, a city not only has front, rear, left, right, but also obvious up and down. They can always use various methods to dig a cellar for themselves, build an attic balcony, etc. Anyway, no one will care about this place "City Appearance".

(End of this chapter)

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