Lux's Farewell

Chapter 74 [0072] Follow the footsteps of the wind

Chapter 74 [0072] Follow the footsteps of the wind

As Silko expected, the law enforcement officers in Piltover could not let this bombing go away.

Grayson, who was in charge of this matter, talked with Van der again, but unfortunately, the two sides did not reach a consensus—Van der must keep the four children who caused the bombing, while Grayson was forced to come to the council to Under tremendous pressure, Vander was required to hand over the prisoner.

After all... Evolution Day can be regarded as the facade of Piltover. It is obviously impossible for the council to let go of such a incident at this time.

Of course, these have nothing to do with Lacus for the time being. She is taking Ino with her at this time, trying to investigate in Zaun.

In addition, she still needs to work hard to find the laboratory that Kalya mentioned before, but compared with the one in Kalya's impression, the changes in Zaun now can be said to be earth-shaking. The understanding of the city is no longer sufficient as a basis, so on the issue of retrieving the heritage, Lux still needs to explore more.

However, unlike in Piltover, they are not popular in Zaun--Lux's socialite attribute can easily change the relationship between the two parties from neutral to friendly, but as long as she wears the filter, the Zuun An Ren saw that her attitude was at least indifferent at first.

In this case, Lux's investigation is not going well.

"Should I try not to wear a filter?" Lux sighed helplessly after seeing a pair of white eyes again, "Kalya, the eyes they looked at me were full of disgust."

"It seems to be like this at the moment." Carya's tone was also a little helpless, "It seems that your current state is indeed not very suitable for activities in Zaun..."

"Then what should I do?" Lux asked with a headache, "Things seem to have froze."

"Not at all." Kalya chuckled, "Although you haven't received any meaningful news these days, I found traces of an old friend."

"Your old friend is still there?" Lux asked in surprise, "When did you see it?"

"It's the bakery you just went to." Carya replied, "When you opened the door—do you remember the wind chime on the door?"

"Wind chimes?" Lux blinked her eyes, and said with some surprise, "It seems that... your old friend made bells?"

"No, no, no." Carya's tone was a bit more nostalgic, "That's her shrine."

"God... shrine?!" Lux finally widened her eyes in disbelief, "Is that a god? Same as Sister Feiyi?"

"Objectively speaking, she is indeed a god, but in terms of attributes, she is completely different from Sister Feiyi..."

"So are we going to visit her?" Lux, who grew up listening to the legends of the Flying Wing sisters, couldn't help but said excitedly at this moment, "To visit a real god?"

"Of course." Kalya affirmed Lux's guess, "However, we need to make some preparations to find her hiding place."

"Ready?" Lux was a little puzzled, "What preparation? Shower and change clothes?"

"Find a piece of strong paper and make a sensitive windmill." Kalya gave an answer that stunned Lacus, "The wind will guide our direction."


Although she didn't quite understand why she wanted to make a paper pinwheel when meeting a god, Lax followed Kalya's method and folded a toy windmill for herself.

Then, she pushed open the bakery door again.

When the wind chimes jingled, a gust of wind blew in. Under the glare of the owner of the bakery, Lacus raised the windmill and followed the footsteps of the wind according to Kalya's instructions.

The light wind seemed to be a pair of invisible hands, fiddled with the morning mist of Zaun in front of Lux, opening a path in the haze.

Lux held the windmill high in her hand, like a child playing, bouncing and stepping on the garbage blown by the wind, and getting into the smog driven by the wind.

Chasing the breath of the wind, she crossed the streets, drilled through the alleys, and unwittingly penetrated deep into Lower Zaun.

In Lower Zaun, there are alchemy factories everywhere. Simple roads span artificial ditches with sewage flowing across them, connecting them together. From time to time, rail vehicles that look like trains roar past, spewing out black smoke all the way, making this place The stale air becomes more choking.

And at the end of these roads and ditches, there are often mines with their exits uncovered—some of these semi-open-air mines are still being mined, and some are completely abandoned. An unhealed sore.

Following the footsteps of the wind, Lacus and Ino walked through one mine pit after another, turned over one ditch after another, and soon came to a place that was inaccessible.

When there was darkness ahead, Lux used magic to disperse the darkness; when encountering a ditch full of sewage, Ino used magic to freeze the sewage.

With the help of magic, they went all the way forward, circling downward, and when the wind finally stopped, a rift appeared in front of them.

When the Picheng Grand Canal was first excavated, there were many cracks in the underground of Zaun, and many of these cracks had poisonous gas seeping out-it was because of these underground cracks that Lower Zaun became uninhabitable .

However, the rift in front of Lacus was different. Standing in front of the rift, she clearly felt that a gust of wind was blowing out of the rift!

Lux took off her filter.

At this moment, she seemed to be in the forest. The warm wind not only dried her sweat, made the blonde hair on her forehead soft and fluffy again, but also took away her fatigue at the same time.

"Is this... the residence of the gods?" Lux asked in surprise, "In this crack?"

"Probably." Kalya replied softly, "Now, lift me up, and together with me, call Jan Alem's name!"

Lux nodded, handed the windmill to Ino, then pulled out her own broken sword and held it high.

"Jane Alem!"

A breeze blows.

Lux's call flew away with the breeze, and echoed in the overlapping mine pits, like the call of countless people.

Amidst the calls of countless people, an astonishing throbbing began to surge in the depths of Zaun—the next moment, in the crack under Lux's feet, a blue bird was holding a green , Bearing fruit branches, flapping wings and flying out.

The blue bird hovered beside Lux, as if answering her call.

The warm wind is also lingering around Lux, as if answering her call.

When the wind finally stopped, the blue bird landed on the broken sword, and at the same time, a voice finally sounded in the wind.

"Is that you, Carya?"

"It's him." Lacus answered instead of Kalya, "After 2000 years, Kalya is back."

 Kalya's Little Classroom: Gods of Runeterra:
  In Runeterra, gods are a complex and general concept. Some of the gods that appear in myths and folklore stories are true, and some are just conjectures. However, the real events may be different from those in the stories. The supervisor speculates Dreams will come true as more people believe.

  At the suggestion of Kalya, the Shurima Empire tried to conduct research on gods and theocracy in order to integrate the power of this belief, but unfortunately, the result was not resolved due to the influence of some external forces, and even caused That very famous "No False Belief" campaign.

(End of this chapter)

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