Lux's Farewell

Chapter 75 [0073]

Chapter 75 [0073]

Lux never dreamed that one day she would have a happy chat with a god—even more, she never imagined that the god who talked and laughed with her was standing on her shoulders at this moment.

That's right, Janna is the blue bird, although she has been holding the fruit-bearing branch, the wind will send her voice to Lux's ears.

According to Karya, Janna can't directly contact his current body, so Lux needs to act as a mouthpiece between the two of them.

So, after a few months, Lux did another simultaneous interpretation.

"Long time no see, little blue bird." Ever since Lux met Karya, he had never spoken in such a pleasant and relaxed tone, "It's great that you're still in Vazuan..."

"Mr. Kalya." Contrary to Lux's expectations, the wind god treated Kalya with great respect, "I should be the one who said this... It's really great to see you again."

"Ahaha, don't be so ignorant, Janna." Kalya seemed very uncomfortable with your title, "We are old friends now, and I am not the Ascended Commander in charge of 'destroying false idols', Shurima The glory and splendor of the empire have long been buried in the yellow sand—I am just a miserable Darkborn, leading my worthless students, plotting to make a comeback."

"Then you can do it." Janna showed amazing trust in Kalya, "Did you choose Zaun this time?"

"...If you use the title 'you' again, then we won't be able to talk about it today." Kalya sighed helplessly, "I've said it all, but I'm just a miserable dark descendant... "

"We all know that when we were in Icacia, it wasn't your problem." Janna reluctantly changed her words, "Although I have never been to Icacia, I believe that you will not persecute me as rumored. of those people."

"Maybe I didn't do anything, but in that position, if I didn't do it, I did it." Kalya didn't continue to struggle with this issue, but changed the subject, "You still have the original branch... that's great Alright, almost all my experiments in the north failed, Janna, what you saved may be my final result."

"I didn't save this branch." Hearing what Kalya said, Janna flapped her wings a few times embarrassedly, "It was planted by Karikan—it's a pity that after he left, he closed Vazu Ann's laboratory, I can only get this branch that grows out of the wall."

"You mean, there is at least one tree here!" Kalya said excitedly, "Karikan... that brat has a conscience, besides giving the teacher a nickname, it's still useful!"

"Hahahahahahaha." Hearing what Kalya said, Janna let out a burst of laughter like a wind chime, "Karikan has been here for a full 100 years, and he usually mentions you a lot. -"

"Okay, you don't have to repeat the bad things he said about me." Kalya hurriedly skipped the topic, "Where is his laboratory? Can we go and see now?"

"Most of his laboratory has been buried underground due to the previous geological movement." Janna did not continue to delve into this topic, but obediently answered Kalya's question, "However, if you—— Or if your student wants to go, I’m afraid it’s not possible now.”

"The laboratory collapsed?"

"The passage of the laboratory door has collapsed." Janna said helplessly. "If you want to enter, you need to clear the passage first. Although the passage is not too long, it will take some effort."

"It's good if we can clean it up." Kalya finally let out a sigh of relief, "As long as we find the laboratory left by Karikan, everything will be much easier—thank you, Janna, thank you for protecting Zaun... ..."

"This is what I should say, Mr. Kalya." Janna shook her head, rejecting Kalya's thanks, "I should thank you, if it wasn't for your help back then, I'm afraid I would have been destroyed by the giant god's iron fist under-"

"Let's not talk about the past, how is the situation in Vazuan after the battle of Icacia?"

"How should I put it... It's very exciting, as you have seen, the canal was finally built."



The amount of information in the conversation between Karya and Janna was so amazing that at first Lux was still trying to think, but later the whole person completely became a simultaneous interpretation machine without emotion-they knew what each other was talking about, but Lux She didn't know what they were talking about, whether it was the name of a person, a place or an event, Lacus didn't know any of them.

In such a situation where she didn't know anything, she had to think about the cause and effect forcibly, and it didn't take long for Lux to become confused.

But she understood one thing—the next social investigation in Zaun can be avoided, and Janna's wind will bring her countless news.


In the end, like an old man with a cage and a bird, Lux took Jana and a small windmill and wandered back to Forgan's Tavern.

No one knew that the one she was carrying on her shoulders was actually the patron saint of Zaun.

Then, when she came to the entrance of the tavern, she saw a few Picheng law enforcement officers in full armor and with filters surrounding the entire tavern.

This time, it was not the dark-skinned Ms. Grayson who led the team, but Marcos.

"Isn't Marcos a rookie law enforcement officer?" Seeing Marcos angrily leading a group of people into the tavern, Lacus raised her brows in surprise, "Looking at his appearance, I thought he was a novice ..."

"If Marcos knew that his cautiousness and restraint in the face of mages made him a rookie in the eyes of a 14-year-old kid, he would be very sad." Karya complained heartlessly. , "However, it seems that Marcos doesn't seem to have a good conversation with Van der."

"It's weird to be able to talk..." Lux shook her head, "Marcos seems to be determined to capture those four children and bring them back to Piltover for trial - and Vander will never allow this."

"So, how would you like this to end better?" Kalya asked. "Send the four children to Piltover? Zaun?"

"To be honest, I hope those four children will realize their problems." Lux sighed after hearing this, "But handing them over to Piltover won't teach them any lessons, and it will even provoke more trouble."

"This is the problem." Kalya said with emotion, "If this matter is not handled properly, it is likely to cause huge troubles—however, I feel that Van der seems to have some solutions?"

While speaking, Lacus pushed open the door of Fulgan's Tavern, and then walked towards her temporary residence in front of everyone without hesitation.

She picked the timing well. Marcos and the law enforcement officers of Piltover behind him were confronting Vander and the customers of the tavern. When the atmosphere was extremely tense, Lux and Ino walked past them as if no one else was there. The two groups of people who were competing with each other helplessly let go of their efforts.

"Miss Lacus?" Seeing Lacus and Ino passing by, Marcos nervously touched his weapon, "Why are you here?"

"Me?" Lux blinked, "I'm staying here temporarily!"


Marcos was at a loss—he obviously couldn't understand why someone would leave the high-end hotel in Blue Smoke Manor and come to dirty Zaun.

Could it be that there is no money?

No, Marcos remembered that Grayson gave them a large bounty!
Could it be that there is some conspiracy here?
 Karya's Small Classroom·Incarnation of the Gods:
  The avatars of the gods of Runeterra are always diverse, some are humans, some are beasts, and there are even non-existent ones who temporarily borrow a body to act.

(End of this chapter)

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