Lux's Farewell

Chapter 76 [0074] The third party in the dark

Chapter 76 [0074] Secret third party

"As a traveler, I have been in Piltover for ten days, and now I come to Zaun, is there anything surprising?" Seeing Marcos' surprise, Lacus casually walked over from the bar He took a cup and handed it to Ino, "I heard that Piltover has blocked some Zaun goods recently...but tourists should not have been blocked, right?"

"Of course not." Seeing a large amount of ice cubes growing from the cup in Ino's hand, which quickly melted into a glass of clear water and returned to Lux's hand, Marcos swallowed back his questioning words, and once again It changed into the slightly dull look before, "So, I wish you a pleasant journey?"

"Thank you." Lux raised the glass, then grinned in disgust, "Fandre, your wine glass should be cleaned properly!"

"By the way, Miss Lacus." Looking at Lacus who seemed to be joking with Van der, Marcos narrowed his eyes slightly, "I have a portrait of a wanted criminal here—I hope you, as an enthusiastic citizen of Piltover, Be careful when traveling in Zaun."

Having said this, he took out a scroll from his waist, placed it on the bar, and pressed the brim of his hat.

After finishing all this, Marcos finally turned around and closed the team to leave Forgan's Tavern.

As for Lacus, she opened the scroll, looked at the four portraits on it, and then curled her lips.

"The drawing is really ugly." Lux turned the wanted notice to the back, "Fandre, do you have a pen?"

"What are you doing?" Fandre looked at Lacus and asked in surprise, "What do you want a pen for?"

"Painting, of course!" Lacus stood up, and as soon as she reached out, she took out a pen from the account book in Vander's bar, "You're welcome!"

While speaking, Lacus quickly sketched on the paper the four backs she saw that day at an astonishing speed—even though it was just backs, Fandre could tell their identities at a glance.

Wei, Bobo, Melo, Craig.

It was the four brats who bombed Jess's house that day.

"That's pretty!" Lux nodded happily, and then handed the piece of paper to Fandre, "Give it to them as a gift—you're welcome."


Lux's attitude of almost disrupting the situation made the law enforcement officers somewhat afraid.

They couldn't figure out Lux's attitude at all.

Well, don't say they don't know, even Lux herself doesn't know why Karya wants to perform such a performance by herself.

"What's going on, Karya?" Back in the room, Lux finally couldn't bear it anymore, "Why do you want me to directly provoke Marcos, this obviously won't solve the problem!"

"It's not a provocation, it's a show of muscle, it's not for Marcos, it's for Vander," Karja explained, "In your opinion, what should we do next?"

"Increase the income of workers, prohibit highly polluting garbage from entering residential areas, and clarify the laws of Zaun—in short, the Golden Hex that allows the Gate of Sun to flow into Piltover can also flow smoothly into Zaun." Lux obviously thought. Through this question, "It turns out that the Zaun people have contributed their sweat to the prosperity of Piltover, and they have the right and qualification to enjoy the glory of evolution."

"Well said." Kalya was satisfied with Lux's reaction, "But do you think the people of Piltover will honestly allow this to happen?"

"They won't." Lux shook his head, "So, we need to unite the people of Zaun, so I can understand your rejection of Marcos, but I don't understand why you use this method, it doesn't make him let go."

"That's why I said, this is for Van der to see, and this is the way he can most accept." Carya snorted, "He obviously can't figure out a lot of things, but he is still terribly stubborn, and he is unwilling to accept others with humility. It's hard to convince this kind of person with words, even though he is a rough guy, he is more squeamish than anyone else in his heart."

" what do you mean?"

"Cooperation needs to be based on trust, but it is difficult for us to establish initial trust with him." Karya explained, "Threatening Marcos is not only an expression of goodwill, but also makes him a little afraid."


"That's right, it's the fear of having to cooperate." Kalya affirmed, "There's nothing wrong with it—whether it's coercion or persuasion, as long as we start to cooperate in a real sense, then trust can be established."

At this moment, Lux suddenly thought of herself.

It seems that at the very beginning, Kalya also took threats to let herself accept him...

"Moreover, this can also ensure that we occupy a dominant position in the cooperation." Kalya obviously didn't know what Lux was thinking, he paused, and continued to add, "We are not the only ones staring at Zaun."

"Is there someone else staring at Zaun?" Lux shook her head in disbelief, "Wait, when did you know? How did you know something I didn't even know?"

"It's Noxus." Kalya didn't mean to be secretive, "Do you still remember what Janna said, someone once tried to find Kalikan's laboratory."

"As far as I know, Piltover's exploration career has always been thriving, and there is no problem with someone eyeing the ancient ruins of the land under their feet." Lux was very puzzled, "And Janna said they came from Piltover—this is the same as What does it matter to the Noxians?"

"The cultural relic dealers in Piltover are indeed likely to be eyeing the relics that can unearth treasures." Kalya said in a tone of gritted teeth, "Those bastards dig graves and do everything, but the only thing that can be sure Yes, they don't trade at a loss."

"Uh, can you be direct?"

"Normal explorers will look for treasures according to legends, but Kalikan's laboratory is a secret that few people know, and it will never be revealed to the tomb robbers in Piltover." Kalya explained, " The passage to the laboratory has been broken, and it is impossible for the explorers of Piltover to obtain any information about the laboratory-but they are consciously looking for the laboratory."


"The only possibility for this to happen is that someone has noticed the energy escaping from the laboratory, or simply has some understanding of the series of experiments in the North at that time." Kalya continued, "Except for those Noxians , who would pay a lot of money to explore, or even hire explorers, for such a thing?"

"If that's the case, wouldn't we have to face the competition from the Noxus if we want to excavate Calikan's laboratory?" Lux's eyes widened in surprise, "and the explorers from Piltover ?”

"It's almost like this, so I called you back as soon as possible, we must seize the opportunity." Kalya sighed, "Okay, I admit that I made a small mistake and underestimated the Noxian dog nose Fortunately, it is not too late to find out, after all, they want to explore slowly, but we know the end point."


Lux was quite surprised, she had never seen Kalya admit her problems before, even in such an understatement.

"So, the original plan needs to be changed a little bit." Kalya continued in his non-Polish tone, "I need to expand the plan a little bit..."

 Karya's Small Classroom Noxus predecessor:
  The predecessor of Noxus was Noxie, an ancient empire formed by the fusion of some Freljord barbarians, some Shurima, and a few Ionian people who left the original land. It collapsed in the civil war, while Noxus rose rapidly on the corpse of Noxie.

(End of this chapter)

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