Lux's Farewell

Chapter 77 Testimonials on the shelves, it will break out tomorrow!

Chapter 77 Testimonials on the shelves, it will break out tomorrow!
It will be on the shelves tomorrow, at [-]:[-] noon, but because I have a lot of chapters to upload, it may take a little later to upload the outbreak on the shelves.

The author is actually a person who doesn't like to write testimonials very much, but this book... still has a lot to say.

To be honest, writing this book took a lot of time and effort. Although many readers complained about my broken chapters and the lack of updates, but the free period, there is no way - and to be honest, I am really working hard to update Yes, but in order to make the writing effect better, I usually write it once and change it three times, all of which are ground out a little bit.

Moreover, the author's code words belong to the experiential school, the kind who is very emotional and puts himself into it, like when I was writing the chapter of Lux's homesickness, I listened to "Father's Grassland Mother's River" and cried so much Like a fool.

I am personally satisfied with the things written in such code words, but the speed is really not up.

Unlike the previous books, when I was writing this book, I had to sit in front of the computer for about eight hours a day, excluding part of the time spent fishing in the water, half of which was writing and half was correcting.

The result of writing is that this book does not fit well with the rhythm of online articles, and each wave of outbreaks requires a lot of preparation and foreshadowing. It is for this reason that when entering the second volume, I can only When the daily update is [-], many readers are disgusted with my slow progress of the plot...

Well, now, though, I—finally—have it on the shelves!

After it is put on the shelves, I will try to upload as many code words as possible. Under the premise of ensuring the quality, I will try my best to make it more meaningful every day, with excessive foreshadowing and plot promotion, so that the reading experience of readers will be much better.

The author has been on the street for many years. He has written three novels about the League of Legends universe and been stabbed in the back one after another. But at least I can proudly say that I have never been a eunuch, and my character is guaranteed. This book has a complete outline. There will be some explanations about Kalya's past and future, and Lux ​​will grow from a kind noble lady to the light of Runeterra—and don't worry about the author's sudden brain twitching, I've always been very real.

Also, some readers asked me to add more things...

For this question, I can only guarantee that there will be a leader to add more updates. It’s hard to say if there are more—well, maybe in the S game every year, I will add more updates when the LPL wins the championship. This is also a tradition. I added it when FPX and EDG won the championship. .

In the end, thousands of words are merged into one sentence: I beg all readers to subscribe more! ! !
Please everyone!

In the end, the bigwigs of the author group said that a wave of works must be sacrificed to be put on the shelves, so I will add a batch of books here.

"My runes can be upgraded", the work of the angry laughing boss, a rare traditional web article in this era, don't miss it if you like this one.

Condition [-]: One yellow scarf soldier rune is satisfied

Condition 100: Kill [-] rune monsters independently

Condition [-]: [-] times of training to kill a pig with a knife is satisfied

Condition 10: [-] Spirit Talisman Pills are satisfied

Rune unlock upgrade.

Your source runes have been promoted from ordinary quality [Yellow Turban Soldiers] to premium quality [Yellow Turban Warriors]!

"In order to remind me to update, I got mixed up with the author group", the author of Uncle Tian's author Shui Qun Daily.

The young man who was seriously ill was bound to the reminder system when he was reminded. In order to cure his illness, he had no choice but to remind him as an author.

This book describes the daily life of the three groups of authors I belong to very well. Of course, from the fact that the people in the water group do not have me in the book, you can see that I am not a very water group person, really.


"The Correct Way to Raise Poro", the book written by Cat Cake, is also the author of the old League of Legends universe and a famous pure love fighter.

Zell runs a cat cafe in Piltover, but there are no cats in it, only poros.

Compared with the cold cats, the sticky poros are very enthusiastic in picking up customers. They will take the initiative to hug the legs of the guests, or open their belly to reveal the love on their belly.

Human nature, do not dismantle the house, cute and easy to support, with strong adaptability and learning ability, which is no more fragrant than raising cats.

Poro Shepherd: The herd needs only two things: love and company.Others are just nothingness.

In this book, there will also be easter eggs about the Poro Cafe!


The sacrifice is complete, see you tomorrow!

(End of this chapter)

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