Lux's Farewell

Chapter 78 [0075] The wall has ears

Chapter 78 [0075] The wall has ears

Kalya's tone of everything is under control, Lacus is very familiar with it - before in Demacia, when Lacus made up her mind to rescue Ino and change Demacia, Kalya used this tone , proposed the plan to make the nobles of Demacia still grateful to Lacus.

But now, Kalya spoke up again, which made Lacus realize immediately that Kalya was definitely ready again.

As for the rare voluntary admission of failure just now, it really was just laying the groundwork.

"So... the first thing is to hire people to clean up that Kalikan lab you mentioned?"

"That's right, that's the most important thing." Kalya said in a serious tone, "The property in the laboratory will be the source of change in Zaun. Janna has always protected its integrity and even sacrificed a lot of faith for it. Many people in Zaun have forgotten the voice of the blue bird."

"What's in there?" Lux frowned, "You said earlier, those are seeds?"

"It's the seed." Karya said calmly, "The seed of the rune tree."

"Oh, the seeds of the rune tree—wait a minute!" Lux's eyes widened. "The rune tree, are those ancient and fossilized rune trees that I saw when Demacia was established?"

"That's right, the main raw material of the forbidden magic stone." Kalya affirmed Lacus's statement, "Karikan's laboratory mainly focuses on improving and cultivating the forbidden magic tree."

"...This news is really shocking." Rao was already mentally prepared for Kalya's actions, but after hearing the contents of Karikan's research, Lux couldn't help being dumbfounded, "You guys Why would such an experiment be conducted in Zaun? And it was so long ago!"

"This involves some internal strife in Shurima at that time." Kalya was unwilling to say more about the reasons for this, but simply covered it with a sentence, "I think there was a problem in Shurima at that time, but It's a pity that I alone can't change this situation, so I entrusted my students—mainly those who are still reliable, to start researching the cultivation of rune trees, and try to cultivate a reliable enough tree. Rune tree."

"And those in Demacia..."

"It's one of my achievements." Kalya didn't continue to say more on this topic, "Zuan at that time was still called Oshra Vazuan, and it was an inconspicuous small city in the north of Shurima. Rich, and there are many caves, which are very suitable for the growth and cultivation of rune trees without light."

"So, you want to grow rune trees and make runestones and rune steels in Zaun?" Lux took a deep breath to calm herself down, "But I always feel that the people of Piltover will not be happy to see this scene Yes, think of Finn, the people of Piltover need Zaun to do things they don't want to do."

"Rune stone and rune steel are a complete waste of rune trees." Kalya sighed, "When Demacia was established, I really couldn't reveal more, because as soon as the envoy of the giant god discovered the existence of the rune tree, he raised his Trying to find me out of vigilance...that's a terrible history, rune trees are not just a material for making rune stones and rune steel."

"The people from Piltover?" Lux blinked, "You must have a plan too, right?"

"Theoretically speaking, the products of the rune tree and the gem of enlightenment used by the people of Piltover—they call it the Hex crystal are complementary." Kalya omitted most of the theory and gave a conclusion directly, "Heike The amazing energy in the Si crystal can be directly used by people through the secondary transmission of the rune stone, but we still need specific experiments on this, so I have always hoped that you can get some hex gems."

"Sorry, I was too busy talking to Jess about his ideals before."

"But this is not too urgent." Carya comforted, "Although the channel on the academy side is very exclusive, in fact, even the hex crystals of the people of Piltover were mined from Zaun. If it doesn’t’s not unacceptable to start self-reliance from mining.”

"Then if we successfully took over Calikan's laboratory, wouldn't everything be fine?" Lux thought for a while, feeling that the future seemed bright, "Plant trees in Zaun, and then make rune stones—as long as Get rid of the possible interference from Piltover, and things will get better in Zaun!"

"It's not that simple." Carya couldn't help but smile when he heard the words, "Development can indeed solve many problems, but there are also some problems that development cannot solve. Even though Zaan is just a city, there are things that need to be changed here. There are many, many more..."




Carya began to refine and arrange her "big plan" again.

And outside Fulgan's Tavern, a white-haired boy was eating ashes on the roof.

Inside, Kalya is discussing plans with Lux to change the world in Zaun—and up on the roof, Ike is trying to eavesdrop on their plans.

Although Vander finally allowed Lux ​​and Eno to live in the house where Vi, Bobo, Melo, and Craig used to live, the four children were not very willing after hearing about it.

It's hard to tell whether it's because of the child's petty emotions, or because of the disgust of outsiders. After some discussion, they recommended Ike to come over to "seek information."

Although Vi is the best among this group of children, she has been the most closely watched by Vander recently and has no chance to leave their hiding place. In this case, Ike did my part and stood up and said that he could touch Know the "conspiracy of alien mages".

Ike is familiar enough with the environment here. Forgan's Tavern itself has a lot of gadgets that can be used. He even eavesdropped on a lot of Vander's little secrets, monitoring two outsiders. That's not it. anyhow?

It's a pity that if it was the day before, Ike would have had a good chance—but now, with Janna joining the team, Ike's eavesdropping had been discovered immediately.

(Of course, precisely because of the possibility of being monitored, Karya kept holding back and said nothing until she found Janna.)
After finally climbing up to the roof, Ike, who was looking for the loose brick, was dazzled by a sudden gust of wind, and then, just as he was rubbing his eyes, another gust of wind blew away several pieces of wrapping paper. blown to his feet.

Unsuspecting, Ike, who is blinded by vision, stepped on it, then groaned and rolled off the roof, and finally plunged into the garbage dump behind the house.

At the same time, the blue bird that was standing on Lux's shoulder finally hopped and inserted the branch it was holding into the gap between the table boards, then flapped its wings and uttered a joyful cry.

For Janna, Zaun's rescue was one good thing, and Ike's headlong into the trash was another good thing that made her happy.

 Carya's Little Classroom·Character of Gods:

  Believers are influenced by gods, and gods are often influenced by their own believers in turn—Janna sometimes has a very "Zuan" side, this gentle and kind storm guardian, very innocently likes mischief.

(End of this chapter)

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