Lux's Farewell

Chapter 79 [0076] Reliable little guy

Chapter 79 [0076] Reliable little guy

When Ike finally broke free from the garbage dump and wanted to eavesdrop again, Lux and Ino had already finished the conversation—Kalya had almost finished speaking, and the next step was the action.

Seeing that Lux and Ino started to pack their things, Ike could only curl his lips and climb down the roof resentfully. Then, just as his foot hit the ground, Lux grabbed his ear.

"Ike, isn't it?" Lux said calmly, but it made Ike's heart sink, "What are you doing climbing on my roof?"

"I—" Ike wanted to make up an excuse, but it was embarrassing that he was not good at lying, "I just..."

"Just trying to peek at what the two girls are doing in their room." Lak added the second half without hesitation, "It seems that I need to talk to Vander about the safety of the rental house he provided It's..."

"It's not like that!" Hearing what Lux said, Ike was anxious at the time, "I didn't even peek at it when I lived here!"

"Boom... I remember Wei also mentioned her, it seems she is a girl?" Lux seemed to know nothing about grabbing other people's pigtails, "You want to peek into her life?"

"I——this?!" Ike was speechless, "Damn it, I just want to know what you want to do, a foreign guy—it has nothing to do with you being a girl or being explosive!"

"What did Vander ask you to do?" Lux narrowed his eyes, "He really is dishonest——"

"It has nothing to do with Vander!" Ike was flustered by Lux's self-assertive guessing, "Okay, okay, actually, this used to be their room, and we would like to know why you Living here, what is your intention, if you figure it out, maybe it will help Van der, that's all."

"If that's the case, it's a pity." Lux finally let go of Ike after hearing this, "We're just thinking about a deal—speaking of it, do you want to make a fortune?"

"Make a fortune?" Ike was stunned for a moment, "What are you going to do? Van der will not allow us to participate in those dangerous experiments."

"It's not an illegal human experiment."

"It's not good to be a thug!"

"Not thugs." Lux shook her head, "How about finding some people for me to dig something?"

"Mining?" Ike's eyes widened. "Zuan is full of miners. Six out of ten people in the dark alley have been in the mines. Where can I find them?"

"It's not mining, it's to clear a passage." Lux shook her head, "It's to dig out something left by my predecessors..."

"Your ancestor?" Ike was even more confused now, "Didn't you say that you are... a Demacian, how could your predecessor's things stay in Zaun?"

"One gold hex per person per day."

"Well, maybe you also have the blood of the Zaun people. I heard that the city of Zaun has a history of thousands of years." Ike resolutely stopped asking, "How many people do you need?"

"Within ten people, it depends on your speed." Lux shrugged, "Do you have any professional tool recommendations? The passage is hundreds of meters long, and it will take a long time to dig with a shovel alone."

"Do you need to explode?" Ike patted his chest without hesitation, and put on a confident look, "This is a big job-but it's absolutely no problem to leave it to me!"

"I hope so." Seeing Ike's appearance, Lux nodded with satisfaction, "I hope you can find enough reliable helpers—otherwise, I'm going to ask Vander."

"Why don't you just ask Vander directly?" Ike was a little puzzled when he said this question, "He has a lot of connections, and many people in Zaun—not just the dark alleys—are all introduced by him."

"It's just the work of ten people." Lux put on an understatement, "It's not worth owing Fandre a favor."

"Oh." Ike nodded without asking further, "Got it, I'll go and ask Bumblebee them..."

After finishing speaking, while rubbing his red and swollen ears, Ike quickly climbed up the wall and disappeared into the alley in the blink of an eye.

A moment later, a blue bird flew over and landed on Lux's shoulder, bringing her the latest news.

"Ike went around in circles, then went back to the tavern."

"He really went to look for Vander!" Lacus said with some surprise, "I thought he would try his best to contact the other four children directly... Karya, how did you know that Ike would look for Vander?"

"Because he is the smallest, but he is the most reliable." Kalya said in a natural tone, "Actually, although this little guy was very embarrassed when he saw you, compared to the other four, he has a lot of tricks. Most of all—that group of kids pretending to move things to cover his actions, in terms of acting skills, they are not inferior to those professional actors you saw at the Pittsburgh Theater."

"That doesn't explain anything?" Lux didn't quite agree with Kalya's statement, "The group of people pretending to quarrel that we met in Kalamanda is much more similar to them than them."

"Thinking about it now, I'm afraid he didn't really want to steal things." Speaking of this, Kalya sighed with some melancholy, "Do you still remember what he said at the time, this is equal revenge-if it is really stealing, His goal should be the golden hex in your bag, not the key, and from the very beginning, he started with the mentality of causing trouble for the people of Piltover."


Lux blinked her eyes, a little dazed—obviously, she just subconsciously thought that Ike was a bastard from Zaun, but she didn't realize that, in terms of theft, Ike was actually a rookie.

"Okay, it's not a big problem if you don't find such trivial things." Seemingly aware of Lux's emotions, Karya laughed and fast forwarded to the next topic, "In short, through Ike's mouth, Fan Del has already heard the news that we are going to dig something, and soon we will find the manpower we want, and the excavation work will start soon, let's go to the next step, we still have a lot of work to do! "

"Then why didn't you just tell me to find Fandre?" Lux was still a little puzzled, "Do you have to go around from Ike?"

"Doesn't this show that we are frank?" Carya smiled, "Fandre has been a little nervous recently and is always suspicious. Let's find some work through Ike, and Ike will notify Fandre. Fandre will definitely send the most reliable manpower. , both work and surveillance—this kind of opportunity for self-expression is rare!"

"Well...that's true, but, Kalya, I still feel that compared to me, you are more like a nobleman who fights with others all day long."

"do not mind the details."

 Guarantor of Carya's Little Classroom Zaun:

  To work in Zaan, a reliable guarantor is often essential—in this city where the per capita prenatal education education is a city, people tend to trust those who have a good reputation more than contracts written in black and white, and Vander is Zaan The most famous and reliable guarantor.

(End of this chapter)

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