Lux's Farewell

Chapter 80 [0077] Conspiracy and Destiny

Chapter 80 [0077] Conspiracy and Destiny
Lux is preparing to dig the passage of Kalikan's laboratory.

In another place in Zaun, Silko was planning to let Lux die at the hands of the Piltovers.

The failure to storm the Sun Gate made Silko discover that, compared to Piltover, Zaun has nothing but a large population and a passion for blood.

Flesh and blood are no match for guns. If Zaun really wants to stand up, he must have his own strength, enough to make Piltover dread, and Ino's magic made him see this strength.

Ordinary thugs can easily defeat the law enforcement officials in Piltover even one-on-one, but if a group of law enforcement officers gather together and shoot a volley with guns, the thugs can only fall down in the end. What a change.

But Ino is different.

Silko listened to Mr. Shadow, his subordinate, carefully describe the situation after Ino created the freeze, and also learned from Finn that Ino alone can easily make a group of thugs lose their fighting power.

If you hold such a powerful mage in your hands, even the people of Picheng will be jealous and afraid!
For Shirko, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!An opportunity to make the people of Piltover fear Zaun!
The only problem is how to get Ino to stand on the side of Zaun, and make her willing to fight Piltover for Zaun.

This is not a simple matter.

Shirko needs a perfect plan, a plan without any flaws.

From Silko's point of view, Lax should be a "Miss of the Shurima family" - he didn't hear Lax and Vi's self-introduction, and didn't know that Lax came from Demacia.

In this case, he thought that as long as his plan was meticulous enough, even if Lux's family came to him later, they would not think it was his problem, and they would go to find trouble with the people of Piltover together.

Because the person responsible for the bombing was Grayson, she and Vander were old acquaintances, and they had a tacit understanding with each other, so it might be difficult to provoke them.

However, things seem to have changed now.

Mr. Shadow sent the news that today, Lacus had a dispute with the law enforcement officer who came to handle the case in Fulgen's Tavern, and the final result was that the law enforcement officer left the tavern disheartened.

"Isn't Grayson the one who came to Fulgan's Tavern today?" Silko's eyes lit up when he heard the news, "It looks like he's a stunned young man?"


"Lengtouqing is good, only Lengtouqing can be used." Xierke let out a long breath, and buried himself completely in the wide chair, "Lengtouqing can intensify conflicts—I like Lengtouqing green."

"Well, Marcos isn't that easy to talk about." Mr. Shadow replied in a low voice, "Although Marcos is a little dazed, he is not lacking in the usual pride of Piltovers..."

"I just like people who are not talkative." Silko chuckled, "A talkative guy like Grayson is the one who makes things troublesome... Ask Finn to talk to him. I have seen this kind of Picheng guy a lot. An eye grows on the top of the head, as long as you pay a compliment, you don't know who you are."

"But, is Finn really reliable?" Mr. Shadow finally couldn't help but ask, "He's been thinking about himself lately—or should you go in person?"

"It's not a big problem." Shirko shook his head and lit a cigar for himself, "Why did you make him a baron of alchemy? It's not because he's the best at kowtowing."


What Silko didn't know was that the reason why the person who led the team to Fulgan's Tavern this time was not Grayson, but Marcos, mainly because Grayson had a more important task.

She lifted Jess out of prison and took him to the council for questioning.

"Are you ready for your defense?" Personally raised Jess, Grayson looked at the somewhat sluggish man, and sighed helplessly, "You have caused me a lot of trouble, Jay Si, Zaun is still being blocked, from my personal point of view, I hope you can admit your mistakes and calm down this storm as soon as possible, which is good for everyone."

"I've heard enough about punishment, Ms. Grayson." Hearing this, Jess lowered his head helplessly, "Whether it's my mentor or my parents, I hope I can settle down—I'm not a Crazy careerist, I just see a new path..."

"Sorry, I don't know anything about technology." Grayson shook his head and interrupted Jace, "I'm just a sheriff, and all I know is that your dangerous experiment caused an amazing explosion that even made Piltover The relationship with Zaun has reached a dangerous critical point, but luckily no one died, otherwise I wouldn't even have the time to persuade you to be honest..."


Hearing what Grayson said, Jess closed his mouth dejectedly. Obviously, he has realized that this kind of question has no meaning to Grayson.

In other words, he knew this from the very beginning, and he took the initiative to defend himself just because he wanted to find someone to confide in.

It didn't matter that Grayson didn't understand.

Jace didn't expect a law enforcement officer to understand how the technology he researched could bring about changes in Piltover.

He had carefully prepared a speech. Although Lux didn't ask Ino to help him stand, Jess believed that the members of the council would understand the meaning of magic and the meaning of his experiment!
Hex crystals should not be used simply and crudely for mining and ditching, it still has a wider room for development!
From others' point of view, in this upcoming trial, Jess should pray for forgiveness from the council; but in Jess' own eyes, what is coming is not a trial, but a huge stage!

I, Jace, will prove to all of you that I have found my way.

In this way, Jess stood in front of the parliament full of confidence and began his speech.

"This is not a dangerous experiment, this is an independent experiment, it was an accident..."

"Actually, what I'm doing is research on the Hex Crystal, using it as a medium and source of energy to release magic..."

"I think that represents the direction of the future..."

"I believe--"

"That's enough, Mr. Tallis." Just as Jess was getting better and started to talk, one of the councilors interrupted him without hesitation, "This is a trial by the council, not against minors The apprentice's imagining the future speech contest, if your head was not badly injured in that explosion, you can shut up now."


Jace still wanted to say something, but then his mother appeared, and all his words ended up choking in his throat.

"Sorry, Members, please allow me to say a few words..."

"Jace has been obsessed with magic since he was a child, so that he often loses his judgment..."

"On matters of magic, he is always overzealous, and his intention is not to destroy..."

"I hope everyone can give him a chance and not exile him. Even as a craftsman, he can make his own contribution to Piltover..."

"I beg all MPs, I beg for your forgiveness and understanding for a whimsical child..."



Jess watched all this dully, watching his mother blame all the problems on his overzealousness, watching the councilors finally start to vote impatiently.

In the end, Jess' mother pleaded and Heimerdinger excused him from exile, but instead was deprived of his research qualifications and sent to his own home.

Seeing that these councilors didn't even know what they were doing, they easily decided their own destiny. At this moment, Jess felt that his life was dark.

 Karya's Little Classroom Piltover Council:
  The Piltover Council is the nominally highest administrative and arbitral body in Piltover, with limited seats, and under the condition of one person, one vote, it can decide almost all affairs of Piltover.

  However, judging from the overwhelming publicity and endless canvassing every time the term is changed, it seems that it is not as sacred and powerful as it seems.

(End of this chapter)

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