Lux's Farewell

Chapter 81 [0078]

Chapter 81 【0078】
Jace didn't know how he got home.

It wasn't until his mother persuaded him, hoping that he could give up his impractical research on magic, that he accepted the reality with difficulty.

"There is always a chance." Jess was still unwilling to give up. "You have seen magic, and I have seen it. We all know what a great force it is!"

"You were almost banished from Piltover by the Council—do you still want to conduct your own research in Zaun?"

"No, no." Jess shook his head, "I went to the Gilaman family for help. They have always been my sponsors, and they will understand me!"

Jess' mother wanted to say something.

But she looked at Jess who mustered up her confidence again, and finally could only shake her head.

In this way, full of confidence, Jess organized his outfit and found the Gilaman family.

But it turned out that he didn't even go in - only Miss Caitlin, who had always been on good terms with him, brought him bad news.

The Gilaman family will no longer support Jace's research.

"My father said you were a different kind." Through the door, Caitlin said in a disappointed tone, "He told me to stay away from you and not let me go out."

Jess forced a wry smile: "At least you're still here."

"Maybe... I am also a different kind." Caitlin said.

In the end, after a lot of busy work, Jess painfully found that he seemed to have lost everything, and even had no chance to make a comeback—under extreme pain, he thought of Lacus, and the girl who once said that he would sponsor her of outsiders.

Would you like to meet her at Fulgrim's Tavern?
No no no, this is crazy, finding an outsider to be your sponsor and go to Zaun to do research is a joke!

But...if he didn't go to Lacus, where else could he go?
Even though he was hit frequently, Jess was still unwilling to give up his ideals. He was caught between ideals and reality, and he was in great pain--the sponsors abandoned him, and his family did not support his research. Like your father, do you want to be a hammer craftsman and deal with all kinds of hammers all your life?

If Jess hadn't seen the brilliance of magic, maybe he would be happy to accept this, but he had to give up when he clearly had a clue in the research, this situation was unacceptable to Jess anyway!
Under such circumstances, he gritted his teeth and made an astonishing decision.

Check out Zaun—if Lux really wants to be her patron, then... maybe I can convince her to buy a lab in Piltover in her name?

You can give up all your economic interests!
Just do it.

However, before going to Forgan's Tavern, Jess had to prepare his own relevant materials.

Jess hopes to get back some experimental data as much as possible-those precious data represent the early results of Jess' experiment.

As for the teaching assistant who was in charge of handling these things at the time... When Jess went to the prison to retrieve his personal belongings, he asked Grayson by the way.

His name is Victor.

As for whether Victor would be willing to raise his hand and help, Jess was no longer worried.

Anyway, the situation is no worse than it is now.

Even if you get ridiculed, it won't be a problem.

After all, he was already an out-and-out alien.


Victor looked rather surprised when Jace found him.

"Jess——Jess Tallis, I was just about to find you." The moment he saw Jess, the thin, limping assistant showed a surprised expression, "I didn't expect you to find it on your own initiative. I!"

"You looking for me?" Jess froze for a moment, obviously he didn't expect to hear such words, "Why are you looking for me?"

"Talk to you about your hextech theory, the one written in your notes." Victor showed a subtle expression, "Whether it is the content of the notes or the speech in the parliament, they are very insightful—except for that This kind of self-confidence that I can't keep my eyes open."

"I don't even know if you're praising me or mocking me." Victor's words made Jess look bitter, "No one cares about it, they think I'm wishful thinking, or my brain was frozen by magic... ..."

"I didn't believe it at first." Victor said calmly, "But science is sometimes counter-intuitive."


"I have deduced every formula and found no problems." Victor said in a tone of great admiration, "And your reasoning is completely flawless in logic, so if you want, maybe I can help you and complete it together." Research."

"You help me?" Jess looked at the thin man in front of him in disbelief, "You...are you serious?"

"Of course I'm serious." Victor still looked sick, but his tone was unusually firm, "Because I saw a power that could change the world."

"However, my research may be carried out in Zaun." Jess gritted his teeth and decided to be honest, "I lost my sponsor, and the experiment may still need to go through several stages-someone said they would Fund me, but the lab she can provide is in Zaun..."

"What kind of problem is this?" Victor smiled for the first time, although there was a bit of intriguing bitterness in the smile, "Didn't you realize that I am also from Zaun, a low-level person."

"You're from Zaun too?!" Jess was stunned when he heard the news, "You understand my formula and my assumption—"

"It is precisely because I am from Zaun that even if I can understand everything about you, I am still a teaching assistant." Victor pretended to be relaxed, "But now it seems that in this coming great change, I may I will get used to it before you, after all, I am originally from Zaan..."

"Then let's go to Forgan's Tavern and meet our patrons!" Jess was very excited, "Then, in Zaun, a revolution will begin!"

"We have to hurry up." Victor nodded, "Your experimental equipment will be destroyed the day after tomorrow at most..."

"What?" Jess' eyes widened in disbelief, "Why isn't the council so efficient in normal times?"

"Maybe it's because... Creation is always more difficult than destruction?" Victor shook his head, and then took out a bunch of keys from his pocket, "However, time is too late for us, now set off to meet your new sponsor Man, maybe we'll be able to get the equipment to the new lab tonight."

"Are you really just Professor Heimerdinger's assistant?"

"At the academy, I also double as a janitor."

 Carya's small classroom Zaun students' work-study program:
  This is a policy insisted by the dean of the college, Heimerdinger. He hopes to give people from the bottom a little extra income, so that they will not be able to afford food-however, in the eyes of other people in the college Come on, this seems like a good way to save costs.

(End of this chapter)

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