Lux's Farewell

Chapter 82 [0079] The Road to the Future

Chapter 82 [0079] The Road to the Future
When Jace and Viktor hurried to Fulgan's Tavern, they happened to see a not-so-happy scene.

A large group of people gathered around the tavern owner, all of them flushed and excited, as if they were shouting something like "you have changed" - and when Jess and Victor pushed the door open, everyone brushed He glanced at the two uninvited guests.

"Uh, sorry." Victor took the initiative to say, "No intention to disturb—"

"Little cripple?" A drinker seemed to recognize Victor, "Why don't you be your Piltover, what are you doing back in Zaun?"

"I am originally from Zaun." Victor said calmly, "It has nothing to do with where I am."

"Yeah, you're just a little cripple in Zaan, but you can be a big man in Piltover." Although the other party was not very polite to Victor, his attitude didn't seem to have any malice, "Your body is not suitable for drinking, It's none of your business here."

"I'm here to find someone." Victor smiled wryly and spread his hands, "I'm looking for Lacus, she said she lives here."

"What's your relationship with Lacus?" Hearing what Victor said, Fandre, who had been smoking silently before, finally stood up and looked down at the short and thin little cripple, "From Piltover, bring someone to find her?"

"She said she would be my sponsor!" Before Victor could find a suitable explanation, Jess said first, "Build a laboratory!"

"Oh? Did she really say that?" Vander raised his brows quite unexpectedly, "This is really surprising...they are in the back room, going out through the side door—at this moment...should still be there. "

"Thank you, Mr. Vandel."

Victor nodded politely, then grabbed Jess, and left the tavern neatly through the side door.

"What are they doing?" After leaving the tavern, Jess couldn't wait to ask, "I think I heard them talking about law enforcement officers and checkpoints?"

"That has nothing to do with us." Victor warned in a low voice, "Don't mind your own business!"

"I'm just worried about our future research environment." Jess curled his lips and told a bad joke, "The good news is that I don't need to receive any more complaints about nuisances, because everything is here Yes, one counts as one, and they are more disturbing than me..."

While talking, the two found the room where Lacus lived, reached out and knocked on the door.

"Is Miss Lux there? This is Jess."


Lux is naturally there.

In other words, Lux has been here these days—the socioeconomic survey on Piltover has ended, and now she is working with Karya to collect data from Janna to confirm Zaun's economic situation.

By the way, I also waited for Van der to find a few reliable people to start digging.

Even if one already has a certain understanding of the situation in Zaan perceptually, the intuitive data can undoubtedly explain the problem of Zaan better.

And, Janna has a lot of her own story to tell.

Lacus still plays the role of simultaneous interpreter, but apart from simultaneous interpreter, she also expresses her own opinions from time to time.

Generally speaking, the communication this time is smooth and effective, and Lux ​​is no longer an "outsider" like before.

Then, as the conversation progressed, it came to the issue of "use of violence".

"Kalya, tell the truth, if we are in Zaun there any guarantee in terms of force?"

"Generally yes." Kalya thought for a moment, and gave an unclear answer, "But it depends on who our opponent is——Zuan's alchemy barons can't stop you at all, and Janna knows their Happening."

"Then go further, what about Piltover?" Lux hesitated for a moment, and finally asked this question, "If the people of Piltover refuse the rise of Zaun and are unwilling to lose this place that can be squeezed, I can protect Zaun Is it?"

"If it's just you, I'm afraid it will be difficult." Kalya gave a negative answer without hesitation this time, "Piltover is not Zaun, even if their use of Hex crystals is quite simple Rough, but you and Ino are totally not enough to watch if they want to."

"Then... what about you?"

"Me?" Hearing this question from Lacus, Kalya froze for a moment, "Don't count me in, Lacus——the Darkborn's identity is far heavier than you imagined, and if you don't let everyone It would be pointless if all the people of Zaun were involved."

"But Zaun... really has this power?" Lux was somewhat worried, "Compared to them, I trust you more."

"So have you really considered, relying on a few of us, to force Piltover to recognize Zaun's independence by force, and to prohibit their exploitation of Zaun?" Kalya said in a very unexpected tone, "Piltover disagrees, so why don't you simply dissolve the council and control the entire Piltover?"

"Well, I really thought about it." Lux seemed to think that this was not good, "You also heard Janna talk about the previous operation of the Zaunites to attack the Sun Gate. If that operation is successful..."

"If that operation is successful, Zaun is the current Piltover, and Piltover is the current Zaun, that's all!" Kalya interrupted her without hesitation, "Why did we work so hard to investigate? ? It is to find out the specific social situation and economic situation of the Shuangcheng, and to find out why they are incompatible and messy."


"A simple violent confrontation can at most change a group of rulers, and changing a group of rulers has never been a problem. The problem is how to improve the situation of Shuangcheng, which relies on the port and can only enter and not go out!" Carya said seriously, "The problem is how to make no one in Shuangcheng be squeezed, not a group of people to be squeezed!"

"...Sorry, I'm in a hurry." Lux finally shook her head when she heard this, "So we got those things in the laboratory, found a way to make rune stones, and a way to use hex crystals, so we can avoid Has anyone been squeezed?"

"It's impossible to completely avoid it, but as long as their eyes are no longer confined to a corner, at least there will be no child labor, and there will be no flesh and blood all over the dark alley." Carya sighed, "I can understand your Be in a hurry, but everything has to be done step by step. The people of Zaun can't even tell right from wrong, and they directly lead them to overthrow Picheng. The only result is that they reverse what Picheng did to them. Everyone in Piltover—the kind that got worse, think about the bombing."

"That's tit for tat." Lux frowned, "Is there anything wrong with that?"

"No, this will definitely not be an eye for an eye." Hearing this, Kalya finally couldn't help laughing bitterly, "Do you think that if such a thing really happened, the ordinary people in Piltover would be worse off, and those big people in Piltover would be worse off?" Plutocrats are worse?"

"It must be a big——" Lux subconsciously wanted to say it was a chaebol, but she was stunned for a moment, and she suddenly realized that this might not be the case, "No, I'm's an ordinary person."

"So, is this what we want to see?" Kalya asked rhetorically, "Don't get too hot-headed, Lacus, having the advantage in force is our biggest reliance on changing Zaun, but it's not for me to treat the problem simply and roughly. reason."

"But what if you do it directly, and then legislate to prohibit it?" Lux was still a little unwilling, "Promulgate a written law, stipulate the minimum treatment, and prohibit child labor..."

"In that case, the law will be a dead letter." Carya seemed to think of something, and said with a sad tone, "Who will enforce the law?"

"We can choose a new law enforcement officer!" Lux obviously thought about this issue for a long time, so he was already prepared. "Let reliable people become new law enforcement officers to maintain the enforcement of the law."

"This is why the people of Zaun need to wake up." Kalya couldn't help laughing, "You can't drink water from cows—unless you are willing to stay in Zaun for ten or eight years, Handle all the big and small affairs by yourself every day..."

After thinking about what Karya said, Lux finally shut up.

At this moment, Janna alerted that someone was coming—the next moment, there was a knock on the door.

"Is Miss Lux there? This is Jess."

 Carya's Small Classroom about Carya's past:

  In the days of Shurima, Kalya had both successes and failures. He changed the fate of many people, but there were also some doomed things that could not be broken—unfortunately, at least for now, Kalya does not intend to disclose these.

(End of this chapter)

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