Lux's Farewell

Chapter 83 [0080] Intention to cooperate

Chapter 83 [0080] Intention to cooperate
Lax, who opened the door, didn't expect that Jess actually came to Zaun, and brought an assistant with him, planning to study Hex technology here.

"They don't know anything!" Jess gritted his teeth and complained in front of Lux, "They don't believe in formulas, don't pay attention to's terrible..."

It can be seen that Jess is really dissatisfied with the council's choice. Even with Victor's approval, he still made no secret of his attitude when he met Lux—of course, there must be some acting elements in it. When facing investors, Jess has always been very smart.

And Lux ​​is naturally very satisfied with his choice. Although she doesn't know anything about Jess's research at all, she must be pretty good if she can be called "a little level" by Karya.

What's more, Karya also said that Jace's research can complement the rune tree project-this may be an opportunity to bridge the gap between the two parties, maybe?
Therefore, Lux gave Jess the highest level of treatment within the range she could bear.

This treatment is really too generous, whether it is personal salary or experimental support, it is far beyond the normal situation - moreover, Lux only needs the right to use the patent, and does not need any other rights in reputation.

Jess is naturally quite satisfied with this kind of treatment. Lux's bold attitude is not inferior to that of the Gilaman family, and even worse; but Victor, who was born in Zaun, is a little hesitant.

At this moment, Victor doubted whether Lacus might be a liar.

After all, in Zaan, cheating and abducting are all too common—it is said that even the flesh and blood in the dark alleys have been mixed with a few human monsters.

On the pretext of going to the bathroom, Victor temporarily left Jess, who was still talking, and secretly found Vander, wanting to inquire about Lacus' background. He was well aware of the portions at Forgan's Tavern.

However, much to Victor's surprise, Vander gave a vague answer.

"Miss Lacus... She is a very capable person." Fandre, who seemed to have just had a quarrel with someone, looked a little tired. He was smoking his pipe, letting the smoke completely cover his face, "Quite remarkable and very thoughtful."

"How is her financial strength?" Victor gritted his teeth, and ordered a glass of the most expensive wine, "As a sponsor, having an idea is not enough."

"Economic strength shouldn't be a problem." Vander accepted Victor's Gold Hex, and then poured him a cup of tea, "Ionian goods, obtained from Finn, are said to help sleep—at least She spends money lavishly, not that kind of liar."

"That's good..." Hearing what Vander said, Victor let out a long breath, and then drank the tea in his cup, "Thank you, Mr. Vander."

"People in Zaun always help each other!" Fandre knocked on his pipe, "Your boy is also from Zaun, you should know that there is a formal laboratory in Zaun—not the kind of human experimentation. Chamber—how difficult it is, I don’t understand such fine things as science, and I don’t know if it’s suitable for Zaun, but I believe that something is better than nothing.”

"Very well said, Mr. Van der, on this point, you are far superior to the members of the Piltover Council." Victor frowned, and leaned on his crutches again, "I'm going back, then, goodbye .”

Watching Victor limping away from the side door of the tavern, Fandre picked up his pipe again and took a deep breath.

In the smoke, he narrowed his eyes slightly.

This might be an opportunity... maybe?

Back at Lux's residence, Victor looked much more relaxed.

As for Jess, he was using his previous vigor to retell the speech he had prepared for the councilor to Lux in its entirety.

Lux remained expressionless the whole time. This part of the speech involved a lot of scientific terms. Even though Jess deliberately simplified it to make it understandable, Lux still didn't fully understand it.

However, Karya agrees with the content of his speech.

"Although he is still far from stepping into the door of magic, this application idea is quite good." Kalya commented, "And his direction is correct, technology should be used to change life... the only problem is , this guy seems a little self-aware."

"What is excess self-awareness?" Lux asked with some doubts, "This description sounds weird."

"It's narcissism." Carya made a tsk-tsk sound, "Even if there are no theorems and inventions, he has prepared a way to name them. I personally don't hate others' self-confidence, but I really hate people who are narcissistic - Jess First law, Jess' second law, won't he blush when he says these words?"

"According to Piltover's style, he does have the right to name these theorems, after all, he is right." Lux was also full of desire to complain about this, "But to be honest, I really like him looking like this." I'm a little suspicious."

"The ability to doubt is not enough." Kalya finally made a judgment, "But this kind of guy needs to pay more attention to it. Many people who are blinded by pride have this phenomenon in the early stages..."

In the end, it was Victor who secretly gave Jace a hand and interrupted his eloquent speech.

"We don't have much time, Jess." Victor lowered his voice and said, "Don't forget, those experimental materials are still locked in the college's sundry warehouse."

"Ah, yes, speaking of which, we will bring some experimental materials back tomorrow." Jess showed a big smile again, "As our initial experimental equipment, it can also be converted into our shares——can be used for us Ready for a place?"

"What do you think of this place?" Lux gave an answer that Jess never expected, "Compared with your laboratory, the space should be similar?"

"'s totally fine." Jess looked around carefully from a professional angle, "However, I need to confirm that there will be no inexplicable vibrations or other unstable phenomena here. Hex crystals are not docile. It's exciting, and you understand it in the end."

"Don't worry, absolutely not." Lux smiled, "Even if the Noxians announce tomorrow that they want to annex Zaun, it will always be quiet here."

"I like your sense of humor, Miss Lacus." Jess nodded in satisfaction, "Then, if everything goes well, see you tomorrow!"

 Carya's Small Classroom: Social Beeps and Social Phobia:
  He is also a scientific researcher, but Jess is amazingly gifted socially - although he is not popular, it is because in his eyes, many people are not worth mentioning; and contrary to Jess, Victor is a little bit social Fear, he remained polite throughout, but it was just a disguise and a demonstration to pull the distance.

(End of this chapter)

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