Lux's Farewell

684 [0675] Vigilance and understanding

684 [0675] Vigilance and understanding

Following the sentence "high-purity rune steel", the student who had been laughing and watching his companion make a fool of himself before became vigilant in an instant.

A few stronger-looking ones stood faintly in a semicircle, surrounding Bobby in the center, while someone behind them turned around and left, heading directly to the patrolling Northern Territory Walker not far away.

Poppy had no idea what was going on.

However, she soon found out—a moment later, the northern walkers who had received the report surrounded her as if facing a formidable enemy, and began to call for Bobby to put down his weapons.

Although Bobby could understand what these people said, Bobby had no idea what was going on.

She obviously didn't understand why she was asked to put down her weapon and why her warhammer was a dangerous item.

She has experienced similar things. Out of self-preservation, she swung the hammer in her hand with all her strength, and then smashed it heavily on the ground.

As the heavy war hammer hit the ground, the well-repaired streets and pavement of Fossbarrow City cracked in a large area, and the cracked earth and rocks shaped a large war hammer, directly smashing the unstable northern border walkers and students. All were blown away.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Bobby held the warhammer with one hand, and ran directly towards the direction of the nearest Bandle City portal she sensed.


Although Bobby's legs were short, his stride was fast enough, and he ran to the bottom of the city wall in the blink of an eye.

That's it!
The surrounding northern walkers had already surrounded Poppy after hearing the movement, but before they could surround Poppy, the little yordle smashed a brick of the city wall with a hammer.

Open it, the way to Bandle City!
Ripples in the space rippled, and Bobby grabbed the warhammer and rushed straight towards the portal.

Then... he bumped his head against the space barrier and was bounced.

Why didn't the portal work?

Under Bobby's puzzled eyes, a group of fully armed spellcasters came out of the "portal to Bandle City".

Seeing this scene, Bobby finally realized something was wrong.

The portal I perceive is not leading to Bandle City!
After seeing Bobby, this team of mages looked a little surprised, but they didn't hesitate at all.

First, a space anchor invisible to the naked eye was nailed to Bobby's body, and then a net that isolated space was completely unfolded, wrapping Bobby's whole body in it.

Bobby, who saw the situation was not good, swung his warhammer again.

But it's a pity that although this warhammer is indeed different, the battle sequence of the Archon who acts collectively is not so easy to deal with.

Even if the space net is torn again and again, as long as Bobby can't pull out the space anchor nailed to her body, she is still doomed to have nowhere to escape.

In the end, the poor yordle, who didn't even have room to swing his warhammer, was completely controlled like prey in a spider's web.

The entire battle from start to finish, but only 2 minutes.

Unfortunately, the end of the battle does not mean the calm of the situation.

Even if Bobby was indeed caught, because she was holding the warhammer firmly all the time, the Archons couldn't touch her for a while—this warhammer was really special.

As a result, the street was temporarily put under martial law, and the incident was reported layer by layer, and finally even Yinuo was alarmed.

After hearing that a yordle carrying dangerous items resisted arrest by force, even if she was controlled by the first sequence of archons, Ino found Kalya immediately.

Karya, who had gradually become accustomed to fishing, finally became interested after hearing about it, and came to the scene of the accident with Ino.

Then, at a glance, he recognized the hammer in Bobby's hand.

"Isn't this Oren's warhammer?"

"Who are you?" Bobby looked at Karya warily, "How do you know this hammer?"

"Are you... that little yordle following Oren's ass?" Kalya's mask showed a meaningful smile, "So this warhammer was in your hand?"

"If you're not a hero, don't covet the Warhammer!" Although he was imprisoned, Bobby still stuck his neck, "Come here, I'm not afraid of you!"

"Then can you tell me what is considered a hero?"

"Anyone who can pick up and use this hammer is a hero!"

Kalya blinked, and then stepped forward, easily took the hammer from Bobby's hand, while rubbing the handle of the hammer, carefully studying the lines on it.

Poppy's eyes widened.

"When I first saw this hammer, I felt very familiar." Kalya took the war hammer in his hand and fiddled with it a few times. "The person who made this war hammer with rune steel wrapped in a monolith is really a genius."

Kalya was feeling, but Bobby's brain was blank.

Although the little yordle has been looking for the unrivaled hero who can use the warhammer, when Kalya really easily picked up the warhammer, she felt that her life suddenly lost its meaning.

Then, just when Bobby was confused and relaxed, and his whole body began to blur, Kalya touched her little head, and then put the warhammer back in her hand.

"Unfortunately, I am not the unrivaled hero you wish to see."

"Huh?" Bobby blinked after taking the hammer, and his brain crashed again, "You can use it—"

"That's not counting." Kalya shook her head with a smile, "This warhammer is so powerful that I can't even move a ten-thousandth of it now."

"Is...really?" Bobby was still skeptical, "But you clearly..."

"Could it be that a child can use a sword as long as he can hold a wooden sword?" Kalya ruaed the furry yordle head again, then waved his hand at Ino, "Let go of the space net, Release the space anchor, this is a misunderstanding."


Poppy is free again.

Several students with high vigilance were also praised, and then sent to check their bodies - although they were only thrown out by the collapsed earth and rocks, it seemed that they were only flesh wounds, but in order to avoid accidents, they still had to be checked. examine.

Both the First Order and the Northwalker Squad were asked to submit an additional report.

And Bobby was led by Karya all the way to Lux's office.

Although Fossbarrow no longer needs an Oren's warhammer to make claims for himself, for Lux, this warhammer is still very meaningful-the monolithic core in the warhammer is to her Should be quite an inspiration.

Then, when Karya Karya proposed to borrow this warhammer, after thinking for a moment, Bobby also put forward his own conditions.

"You have to help me find that hero!"

"No problem." Karya nodded very seriously, and then touched the yordle's little head by the way, "Aside from being able to pick up and use this warhammer, does that hero have any other characteristics?"


Bobby blinked, thought for a while very seriously, and then said a word.

"I don't know, but as long as he appears, I will know!"

"Okay." Kalya, who had roughly guessed what was going on, wanted to laugh, but his expression was still quite serious, "Forsbarrow will try his best to find that unrivaled hero. If he finds something, he will be the first Time will tell!"

In this way, after agreeing to borrow Poppy's warhammer tomorrow, the little yordle got a special pass, and then left Lux's office with a big warhammer on his shoulder.

After she left, Lux, who had been watching silently, finally couldn't help asking Kalya what was going on.

"Is that a yordle?" Lux was confused, "You seem to know that warhammer? You know her too?"

"Her name is Bobby. I should have mentioned it to you."


Lacus tried hard to recall after hearing the words, but she just couldn't remember.

"It's normal if you can't remember it." Kalya said cheerfully, "She is Oren's little follower. I just said once that the warhammer in her hand is Oren's weapon."

"The sacred hammer of Demacia that His Majesty Centu mentioned?" Lux's eyes widened. "How could this hammer be in the hands of a yordle?"

"It seems that Oren made an agreement with her." Kalya sat down and explained with a smile, "or it is a commission, commissioning her to find a master for the Warhammer, and that master is an unrivaled hero."

"And the characteristics of that person?"

"Just being able to pick up and use that hammer."

Hearing this, Lacus and Ino nodded at the same time, and then frowned at the same time.

"Isn't she very skilful?" Yinuo recalled the mess on the street, "I heard that she knocked those students and a group of northerners into the air with one move."

"You guessed it right." Kalya's mouth turned up with a happy expression, "Actually, she is the unrivaled hero I have been looking for."

Hearing what Kalya said, both Lacus and Ino showed a very subtle expression on their faces—it seems that this unrivaled hero's head is not very bright?
"The yordles are a group of persistent little guys." Kalya clearly understood what they were thinking, "They are wonderful creatures born in the spiritual realm of Bandle City. After leaving Bandle City and coming to Runeterra, they often fall into A subtle obsession, this obsession is the meaning of their existence itself, so sometimes, yordles look a bit like they have no strings in their heads."

Lacus and Ino looked at each other speechlessly.

"Think about Heimerdinger." Kalya spread his hands, "Is that great inventor smart enough? But he is obsessed with automatic control theory. Obviously, Hex technology control theory is the mainstream now, but he Still sticking to the quartz red lead modulator control system."

Karya’s example is a bit abstract, but it’s not incomprehensible if you look at it in conjunction with the recent technology news in Vazuan—Mr. I just don't like to use the existing control interface that is allowed for research and experimentation, and I have to study my own control system.

"There are many other examples like this." Carya seemed to remember something, and then sighed helplessly, "In short, these little guys always seem to have a sense of mission that ordinary people cannot understand, which is the source of motivation for their existence .”

"Poppy's motivation is to find that hero?"

"Maybe not at first, but I'm afraid it is now." Kalya nodded, "So, don't tell her about it in front of her—— Lacus, your main task is to study the monolith in the Warhammer Fragment, this monolith is much larger than Sefikan's, although I don't know how it fell into Oren's hands and was forged into a warhammer, but it is very worthy of your research."

"I'm afraid I don't have much time." Lux couldn't help showing a wry smile when she heard this, "You know, I have a lot of work recently..."

"Relax, I will help with government affairs." Kalya changed her sitting position, "It's not a good habit to do everything yourself."

"I'm still a little worried." Lux shook her head lightly, "Okay, I will spare time to study Monolith, but before that, Teacher Kalya, do you have something to clarify with me? "

"Ah?" Carya blinked innocently, "What's the matter?"

"Why do you want me to study monoliths?" Lux asked very directly, "There are many contents in the introduction to advanced elements, but you have always focused on monoliths."

Karya continued to play dumb.

"At first I thought it was because we had monolithic samples in our hands." Seeing her teacher put on a look of dementia, Lux couldn't help but gritted her teeth, "But then I came to my senses, obviously minting coins There is a lot of pure ice in the factory, if it is used for research, no matter how you look at it, true ice is more suitable than monolith, right?"

"Zhen Bing is too pure." Kalya still pretended to be stupid, "You know, Monolith is the highest achievement of the Shurima Empire in terms of advanced elements..."

"Well said." Lacus nodded, "But, dear teacher Kalya, I would like to ask why you, who most admire step-by-step and plan-based action, let me skip the pure, easy-to-use What about Zhenbing, who is researching, and start analyzing the monolith directly?"

"Everyone's talent is different." Kalya spread her hands, "Lax, your talent is so good, naturally you shouldn't waste time—"

"But I remember that among your students, my aptitude is not outstanding at all, right?" Lux showed a smile on her face, "Is there some reason for such an urgent teaching plan?"

"Is there any reason?" Kalya's mask showed an exaggerated and puzzled expression, "Is there?"

"Perhaps, this somewhat unusual teaching plan itself is included in a larger plan, and in this larger plan, a very important link is the monolith?" Lacus stood up, A pair of eyes locked on Kalya condescendingly, "Dear teacher Kalya, you are hiding something from me!"

 Karya's Little Classroom Forsbarrow's Arms Control:
  According to Fossbarrow's law, there are seven types of weapons that are subject to varying degrees of control—among them, weapons enchanted with high-purity rune steel are prohibited from being carried and used in public unless they have a special license.

(End of this chapter)

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