Lux's Farewell

685 Long term plan [0676]

685 Long term plan [0676]

Seeing that Lacus was full of determination, as if she was sure that she must have a secret plan to tell her, Kalya simply shrugged her shoulders after failing to pretend to be stupid, and put it on the spot.

"Ah, there are indeed some plans, but they are not mature enough, so... Guess?"


Lux, who thought she had finally caught Kalya's braid once, was stunned. She never expected that Kalya would choose to play badly in the face of irrefutable facts!
If I know your plan, do I need to ask?

However, seeing that Kalya had put on such a nonchalant attitude, with Lax's understanding, even if he insisted on breaking the casserole and asking the bottom line, he would probably say one, two, three, four, five.

If you want to know what Kalya is planning, I am afraid that the only way is to speculate on your own, and then ask Kalya for confirmation-if you really guess Kalya's intention, then with the pride of the teacher, I am afraid that you will not lie.

After getting along for so many years, Lacus discovered that Karya is actually a person who is very good at deception, but not good at lying.

Being good at deception and not being good at lying seems to be different things, but Lacus knows very well that Kalya's favorite thing to do is to provide real information, and then lure the other party to draw wrong conclusions on their own!
The proud Kalya has always been reluctant to say things that do not match the facts, but the smart Kalya can always let the other party walk at their own pace, the effect is much better than lying and deceiving people!
Squinting her eyes, Lacus seemed to have turned into a golden fox. She didn't continue to pester the silent Karya, but turned to look at Ino.

"Tell me about your experience in Shurima." Lux finally found a breakthrough, "Be careful, don't miss the details!"

The experience of the trip to Shurima, after Kalya came back, Ino briefly told Lacus.

But that was just a rough account, just a brief talk about where I went, what I did, and so on.

And now, at the request of Lux, Ino began to describe the experience of the trip to Shurima very carefully in front of Kalya——Ino was talking, while Lux was listening and observing carefully Looking at Karya, trying to see something from the opponent.

But it's a pity that Karya seems to be demented, no matter what Ino says or Lacus asks, she doesn't even lift her eyelids.

But even so, Lux quickly locked on what she thought was the key.

"The guy you said was like a ray that exploded after absorbing the eternal flame, what is that?"

"It should be some kind of void creature, and it seems to have been quite adapted to the void creature of Runeterra." Ino gave his answer, "I asked Teacher Kalya, and he said that he had never seen this thing before, and he could easily Clean it up, mainly rely on the eternal flame."

"It's really interesting." The corners of Lux's mouth turned up slightly, "If you talk about the special attack against the void, it seems that the eternal flame is much stronger than the monolith, right?"

"I haven't compared this before." Ino shook his head helplessly, "But to be honest, it's hard for me to imagine that there is anything better than that incandescent flame that restrains void creatures. You haven't seen Kai'Sa, she is already with the void Biological symbiosis, but the teacher can still separate her from the void..."

It seems that Kalya has been trying to study the monolith by himself because of the imminent movement of the void, and this trip to Shurima clearly confirmed this point, and the encounter with void creatures proved the depth of the void's penetration into Runeterra.

However, since Kalya has already given Prince Lingyu and established a good relationship with Icacia, why not just use the eternal flame in one step?
Is it because the principle of Eternal Flame is unclear and it is not safe to use, or is it because Eternal Flame's restraint effect on void is not as good as it seems?
Lux recalled what Kalya had told her about the battle of Icacia.

The Icacias had made mistakes in this regard at the beginning. They thought they could control the void with the Eternal Flame, but it turned out that after the cracks in the void tore the earth apart, the weak little flame was meaningless.

Karya has always been a person who is good at summing up experience and lessons. He chose the more reliable monolith as a weapon against the void, which seems to be a more feasible possibility.

But... that shouldn't be the whole reason.

Soon, Lacus focused on Karya's subsequent journey, and then compared the map, and began to outline Karya's course of action.

It's a perfect circle.

There was still a bit of information missing, and Lux ​​still felt that she had overlooked something.

It wasn't until Ino talked about the part that Carya gave herself a theory lesson that she suddenly realized.

"Teacher Kalya." Lux, who had already understood the teacher's intention, came to Kalya who was still pretending to be dementia confidently, "May I ask, what did Ixtar inherit from Shurima?"

"It's a lot." Carya, who heard this question, showed a gratified and helpless smile on his face, "But you guessed it right, the main legacy of Monolith is indeed in Ixtar."

"So, Ixtar is your next target?"

This time, Karya did not answer directly, but shook his head helplessly.

"So, you need to study the monolith carefully. I don't know how far the Ixtar people have studied the monolith after all these years-don't embarrass me!"


Lacus finally found the key to the problem that Kalya didn't express clearly.

In fact, in Karya's eyes, the void is indeed a threat, but the threat of the void is not enough to require Lux to spare time to study the introduction to advanced elements in the midst of busy government affairs - in Karya's plan, Fighting against the Void should not rely on individual heroism, but a comprehensive system with a clear division of labor.

The construction of the monolith is not based on one or two people, but the complete magic system of the Shurima Empire, and the full power use of the sun disc under the idea of ​​​​great revenge.

And Karya asked Lux ​​and Ino to spend time studying the monolith now, largely because Ixtar has some problems now.

After Carya was reborn, she never went to Ixtar.

But the little yellow hair has been there.

Although in the little yellow hair's travel notes, he chose to keep the seven princesses of Ixtar a secret and didn't involve much inside information about Ixtal, but Karya, who read the little yellow hair's travel notes completely, only had a relationship with Ezreal. After a brief chat, we have discovered many interesting things.

In Ixtar, there are many things that Ezreal can only see on the surface, but after his description, Kalya can see through the essence—it’s like Ezreal doesn’t know that it’s keeping Ixtar running What is the elemental furnace, but after asking some questions about the properties of materials and the appearance of the building in detail, Karya has a good idea of ​​it.

If there is no Carya, then Ixtar may embark on a path of researching the original axiom, taking elemental magic as orthodox magic, and bringing it to life.

However, with the influence of Karya and the splendor of the Shurima Empire, the current Ixtar can't let go of the Shurima plot.

Therefore, although the Ixtar that Izreal saw was studying elements, in the Tower of Elements in Ixoken, Ixtar also built a source of energy similar to the sun disc.

So, here comes the question, what did the Ixtar people do as a source of energy?

Karya thought it was a world rune at first.

However, after meeting Kassadin, getting more information about the Tower of Elements from the other party's clearer description, and learning about the mutation of the Blade of the Underworld within the range of the Tower of Elements , Karya was shocked to find that the Tower of Elements in Ixoken was likely to draw the power of a monolith.

To be honest, after reaching this conclusion, Karya couldn't believe his own judgment.

Although theoretically speaking, as a man-made creation of pure elements, monoliths can indeed be used as an energy source, but using monoliths as an easy-to-control pure element as a source of energy is just like burning diamonds. waste.

It's a pity that no matter how unwilling Karya is to accept it emotionally, at least according to Kassadin and Ezreal, the people of Ixtar are relying on Ixokon's Tower of Elements to develop their own elemental magic system.

Of course, if the matter only ends here, then Kalya's guesses are just guesses, too many to count.

The most critical piece of evidence comes from Iva.

Kalya and Iva signed a dragon contract.

If you want Iva to advance to the ancient dragon, then a very important part is the baptism of pure elements.

And the baptism of pure elements was always held in Ixtar during the Shurima Empire.

After returning to Fossbarrow, Kalya specially entrusted Ivar to go to Ixtar for a visit.

Since Ivar wasn't usually at Fossbarrow when Shyvana was at home, no one noticed Ivar's disappearance.

As a result, after Iva flew around the Tower of Elements in Ixaocan and returned to Fossbarrow, Kalya gave it a detailed inspection.

The results of the examination showed that she was indeed exposed to the elemental radiation that is unique to monoliths.

And this kind of radiation can only appear when the monolith disintegrates and its pure elemental structure is destroyed.

In fact, when the Shurima Empire was able to manufacture monoliths, a large part of its manufacturing theory experience came from the Shurima Empire’s baptism of pure elements for the elemental dragons—although the elemental dragons have the title of elements , but it is not an element itself, but it wants to catalyze it into an ancient dragon, and it needs to apply a powerful elemental infection. The elemental infection on a normal flesh and blood body, the elemental dragon cannot bear it.

In order to find an elemental infection that is acceptable to the elemental dragon and that is powerful enough but not violent, the Shurima finally chose to manufacture high-purity pure elements first, and then use the infectious radiation of the pure elements to , to baptize the elemental dragon.

Infectious radiation is present around the Tower of Elements in Ixaocan, either the Ixtarians are elementally baptizing an elemental dragon with the monolith, or they are breaking down the monolith to obtain its energy.

Combining this with the previous experience of Kassadin and Ezreal in Ixtar, Kalya reluctantly came to a conclusion that he least wanted to see.

Ixtar, who inherited most of the monolithic elements of the Shurima Empire, regarded this power as a new "sun disc".

As a result, Karya had to prepare for "protective rescue".


Protective rescue is very important.

But researching monoliths is only Lacus's "spare time" after all.

During office hours, Lacus still has to worry about Fossbarrow's integration strategy—even with the previous experience, but with the population explosion of the three cities of Fossbarrow, Xinfucheng and Xinfugang The difficulty of management has also been increasing exponentially.

Thanks to her baptism of celestial energy, reliable helpers around her, and Fossbarrow's multi-level clerk structure, the smooth operation of the integration strategy was maintained.

During this period, the capital of Demacia held a very grand proclaiming emperor ceremony, and Jarvan IV crowned himself like no other.

At this point, the Kingdom of Demacia has become a thing of the past, and now is the era of the Demacia Empire.

After the kingdom was promoted to an empire, the first thing to do was to award meritorious deeds - Jarvan IV changed his previous aggressive posture towards the nobles, and did not adopt the governor system, but maintained the power of religious interpretation and military organization. The aristocratic fiefdoms of Demacia were acquired and upgraded.

At the same time, the nobles of Demacia have also been promoted to their titles. Although Jarvan IV did not instigate the title of king, Pete Crownguard, who had just retired not long ago, and Barrett, who held the money bag for the kingdom, Bouvier, both were promoted to dukes.

It seems that everyone has benefited from this wave of promotions, but if you take a closer look at the list of promotions, you will find that within the entire northern border, only The Lord of Forsbarrow was motionless.

And, what's more interesting, apart from Peter Crownguard, lord of Mithral City, and Gunther Rimmer, lord of Urwendale, many northern lords have not been promoted.

In other words, within the entire northern border, only Peter Crownguard and Ganssel Rimmer were promoted, as well as some insignificant barons whose fiefs were better than none.

The meaning of targeting is obvious.

In response, the nobles in the north who had a subtle psychological burden of "recruiting civilians from the south" quickly let go of their hands and feet - since Fossbarrow can attract the civilians under his rule, he should be able to do so too. Attract the civilians in the south!
As for the southern aristocrats who have higher titles and arrogantly overwhelm themselves?
We in the north have always played by ourselves, if you don't go to the ball in Xiongdu, how can you go to the north to disgust me?

It was also when the conflict between the north and the south of Demacia gradually became prominent, and the smell of gunpowder became more and more serious, an astonishing news reached Xiongdu.

Demacia's Shurima caravan was ambushed in Ningwu Road. The goods were lost, and there were no guards. Only Tarik and a few fearless pioneers barely broke through. With the support of the rangers, they almost died alive.

 The tempo picks up, the tempo picks up!

(End of this chapter)

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