Lux's Farewell

686 [0677] Don't be angry and raise troops

686 [0677] Don't be angry and raise troops

For Jarvan IV, the attack on the Shurima trade caravan can only be described as "disgraceful".

I had just bathed in glory in Xiongdu and was crowned emperor, but my money bag was intercepted in Shurima. Only a few of the most reliable elite guarding the caravan escaped with Tariq in embarrassment. Slap yourself in the face!

That is no longer an ordinary Sand Pirate, he must punch hard!
However, to everyone's surprise, Tariq, who had escaped back, took the initiative to speak up, trying to prevent Jarvan IV's revenge.

"Those Sand Pirates are very wrong." On the sickbed, facing Jarvan IV who came to condolences, Tariq was really earnest, "I have been replaying the ambush, the enemy not only knows the way, but also The ambush point is also very particular, and the cooperation is very tacit, we can't take it lightly, it's better to take a long-term plan..."

The more Tariq recalled, the more he felt that there was something wrong with this ambush. It was different from any battle he had experienced. This kind of enemy was probably something Demacia had never encountered before!

Therefore, if you want revenge, Demacia must investigate in many ways and make preparations!
It's a pity that although Tarek thought clearly, he didn't realize that the timing of this ambush was so delicate that Jarvan IV had to show his attitude immediately.

Just after becoming emperor, there was a problem with his most important purse. If Jarvan IV didn't show some attitude at this time, then he would be in serious trouble!
Why did Jarvan IV dare to choose the form of feudalism to establish the Demacian Empire?

It was because he was sure that he could go a step further and bring a wider area into the order of Demacia. The small compromise with the nobles was for larger-scale cooperation in the future.

But now that all the preliminary preparations have been made, and someone suddenly slaps him in the face, if he doesn't pull back at this time, won't he become a clown if he proclaims himself emperor?

Tariq said it nicely, and there is nothing wrong with the monarch should not raise troops to fight because of anger.

But the current situation of Jarvan IV is that if he wants to prevent himself from becoming a joke by proclaiming himself emperor after spending a lot of money, then the only choice is to raise troops!

Moreover, the newly born Demacia Empire really needs a stage to demonstrate their martial arts.

Northern Shurima was once a Noxian sphere of influence.

Now that Noxus is finished, and Demacia reaches out, there is no problem, right?

Although Demacia is different from Noxus in that there is no almost pathological desire for territory, after so many years of trading in Shurima, most of the Demacia nobles have at least decided that Demacia should work hard to Northern Shurima has been brought under its sphere of influence.

Does not require direct rule, but does require influence, like a country in the Duchy of Valoran.

The wealth brought by the Shurima trade is real in everyone's eyes!
We are not evil Noxians, and we do not covet the poor, barren lands of northern Shurima.

But as the nascent Demacian Empire, we have reason to spread the values ​​of Demacia to replace the old traditional values ​​of Shurima - in order to do this, we can even generously sell you food!

Objectively speaking, in terms of diplomacy, Demacia is indeed much better than Noxus.

Although they didn't really uphold justice as they claimed, at least they didn't have a conquering heart.

The plunder encountered by the caravan forced Jarvan IV to speed up the pace of Shurima strategy, so that he had to gently put down the northern border after taking it high.

Regarding this situation, Lux's mood is undoubtedly quite complicated.

As the wind in Xiongdu changed again, she could already clearly realize that those nobles couldn't wait to get a piece of the pie from Shurima.

However, if others don't know what's going on in Shurima, how can Lux not know?
From the outside, Shurima is just an extremely old house, which is gradually decaying and aging in the passage of time and the erosion of wind and sand. It seems that it will collapse if you kick it.

But in fact, no one knows what secrets Shurima hides. This old house is actually just the tip of the iceberg after a magnificent pyramid was buried in gravel.

Lux, who had personally traveled around North Shurima, knew very well that the Noxus' "conquest" of some city-states in North Shurima was essentially a mutual use. If Jarvan IV really If the city-state of Shurima is regarded as the soft-boned Valoran duchy and city-state, then he is really very likely to suffer a big loss.

Even if this would weaken Jarvan IV's power and clear the way for her subsequent southward travel, this was something Lux still didn't want to see.

However, when Lux fell silent looking at the latest information from the intelligence team, Kalya took the initiative to take a look and then shook her head slightly.

"You think too much, Jarvan IV is probably much more prepared than you think."

"Ah?" Lux, who came back to her senses, turned her head and looked at Kalya with some doubts, "Why do you say that?"

"The Illuminati has also entered the list of conscripts." Kalya casually scratched the information, "And it's a missionary group, not a veteran who was sent to the Illuminati before. What do you think this means?"

Lux froze for a moment, then finally widened her eyes.

"It means he has chosen the Rakkor as his allies!"


Jarvan IV did indeed choose the Rakkor as his allies.

In other words, this is a two-way rush that he himself did not realize.

From Jarvan IV's point of view, what he saw was that the Rakkor people in Jinlun Town showed friendliness to Demacia. The two sides established a friendship and a tacit understanding in the subsequent transactions and exchanges, even in the After the caravan was ambushed, Tariq was able to retreat from Kalamanda without the help of the priests of Rakkor.

In Jarvan IV's view, this is because Demacia provided enough food for the Rakkor people in Jinlun Town, and won the friendship of the Rakkor people with sincerity.

Unfortunately, if Jarvan IV really understood the history of the Rakkor people, he would not be so naive—these fanatics of the giant gods never thought that sufficient food and a good life were something to celebrate, In their view, hardships and hardships are the tests given by the giant gods.

Maybe food can buy some Rakkor people, but it will never make a large number of Rakkor people regard Demacia as a friendly country.

Jarvan IV, who had never really dealt with the Rakkor people, obviously did not realize that the essence of the Rakkor people is that everything is for the giant gods.

In fact, these Rakkor people took the initiative to help Demacia and provide Demacia with information about Northern Shurima, and it was indeed from the Sun Sect's instruction-the Sun Protoss said that the Demacia were friends , the Demacians are friends, it has nothing to do with what the Demacians did!
The friendship you thought came from cooperation.

The actual relationship is dictated by the titans.

Of course, although Jarvan IV has not realized that one of the most insidious giant gods has already targeted him, at least for now, the help of the Rakkor people is real.

As the price for the help, the only request of the Rakkor priest is that he hopes to communicate with the Illuminati of Demacia - the birth of Demacia itself has a great relationship with angels, even the current Demacia The victory of the West Asian Empire in the battle of Tobysia was largely due to the help of the Feiyi sisters, so we are our own people, and we hope to communicate more with our own people.

For this request, Jarvan IV naturally had nothing to do with it.

Don't forget, Jarvan IV is not only the king, but also the cardinal of the Demacia Illuminati!
For the Illuminati, Jarvan IV's control is very strong. If the religious communication of the Illuminati can be used to block the connection between these Rakkor people and the nobles of Demacia, that would be perfect!
Therefore, Jarvan IV welcomed the request of the priests of Rakkor to "communicate more", and added those more reliable missionaries of the Illuminati to the mobilization list.

In his view, this kind of exchange has all benefits and no harm.

But this information fell into the eyes of Karya, who was very clear about the virtues of the giant god, and he immediately realized the seriousness of the problem.

Let the Illuminati go to communicate with the fanatics of the giant god?

At most one year later, if the Illuminati can still be fully controlled by Jarvan IV as it is now, he dares to change his surname to Setaka on the spot!

Demacians who have never experienced religious expansion have no concept of religious victory.

Behind them, there is really a giant standing there!

From the perspective of the king and the emperor, Jarvan IV has always used the Illuminati as a means to check and balance the nobility. fundamentally contradictory.

But he obviously didn't understand that the Sun Sect is the Sun Sect, and the Illuminati is the Illuminati.

Although the establishment of the Illuminati has a lot to do with the Flying Wing Sisters, in the end it was nothing more than an organization that cheered up the ancestors of Demacia and helped each other. You can say that it is a religious group, or It can be said to be a soothing organization.

But the Sun Sect, they have their own elite apostolate Rahorak, a giant god who lives on Mount Targon, and a complete ideological and cultural system. Although it is not a political power, it is more organized and powerful than ordinary political powers in many ways. Action force.

Do you really treat it as an ordinary secular religion?

It can only be said that it is too naive!

Compared with the Sun Sect, Black Rose has played tricks!

With the help of the Sun Sect, the murderer who attacked the caravan was quickly identified.

There are various indications that the people who ambushed the caravan have a lot to do with Nashi Lamei and Nashi Lamei's port governor, Blake Sward.

This new governor, who overthrew the former port governor Saga and ended the Nashila-American War, seems to be an out-and-out Shurimaist. The city-states of one member of Shurima offered to be friendly and tried to promote the "Shurima Circular Trade".

The so-called "Shurima Circular Trade" is an economic idea based on the Great Shurima Doctrine. Its core is "Shurima's products are rich enough, but each has its own strengths. City-states should strengthen economic and trade exchanges and be their own culturally and economically.”

Compared with those city-states that claim to be orthodox in Shurima, the Shurima circular trade is obviously not too aggressive, and many things can also be implemented-Vazuan's prince Lingyu has proved that the Shurima civilization is very important This land has an influence on the people on this land, so this kind of economic and trade cooperation has a material and ideological basis.

Since Shurima circular trade is going to be carried out, Nashilami naturally rejects international trade.

According to the theory of circular trade in Shurima, Shurima should buy food from Karduja, Kumangra, and Uzeris instead of importing food from Demacia; Buy Nasheramai silk from Nasramame instead of expensive Ionian silk; Shurima should honor gold instead of other gems that Shurima does not produce.

The strength of the Shurima Empire has proved that the Shurima Continent can be self-sufficient in all aspects, and we should not let our wealth flow to outsiders!
This set of theories has its merits and is not objective, but it is undeniable that this is a manifestation of the progress of Shurima thought after Kalya's prince Lingyu appeared, compared to rigidly calling himself Shurima Orthodoxy, this theory at least has room for practice.

This is certainly not what the people of Rakkor, or the giant gods, hope to see.

Perhaps the forces that ambushed the caravan were indeed related to Nashlamme, and even helped by proponents of Shurima's circular trade theory.

Given their knowledge of Ning Wudao and their ability to pull off an ambush that nearly killed Tariq, it probably came down to someone else.

But does that matter?
The Titan hopes to cooperate with Demacia, exert influence, and divide Shurima by the way.

Demacia needs revenge, wants to expand its sphere of influence, and establish a prestige for the new empire.

Whether or not the Nasiramis planned it all... who cares?
After 11 years, Jarvan IV once again delivered a speech at the Grand Plaza and issued a general mobilization order.

With Xiongdu as the center, the Demacia army began to gather on a large scale.

Under such circumstances, as part of the empire, Lux quickly accepted the task of building warships from Xiongdu.

Then, just when Lux thought it was over, Jarvan IV issued an order again, requesting to recruit part of Fosbarrow's private army and let them fight for the country.

In the edict, Jarvan IV said very eloquently that this force is considered a special mobile force, commanded by the Forsbarrows themselves, and Lacus can send a commander, but considering that during the Battle of Tobyssia, he The means of gathering military power, I am afraid that this is also his preparation to take the initiative to weaken Fossbarrow because he is worried about Fossbarrow?
However, after receiving this edict, Lacus was a little dumbfounded.

Good guy, do you really think of me as those useless nobles?

Even if you don't know the details of Fossbarrow, at least respect the noble model, right?

 Karya's Little Class Tarek's Injury:

  Taric, who was wearing the rune steel armor, was not injured at first during the retreat, until an arrow shot from the shadows pierced his left rib, which made him almost completely lose his fighting power.

(End of this chapter)

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