Lux's Farewell

Chapter 687 [0678] Assemble!

Chapter 687 [0678] Assemble!

From Lux's point of view, Jarvan IV's direct and hasty desire to annex his northern walkers was a little too hasty.

Even if he didn't know that he had a heart of anti-thief, the noble model should be different from those idiots.

To want to annex the private soldiers under his command in such a hurry is really a little contemptuous of the noble model.

Could it be that he had been away from Xiongdu for too long, and Jarvan IV had forgotten how he got the title of Noble Model?
However, according to Jarvan IV's own understanding, the choice he made was completely reasonable and well-founded - the reason is also very simple, in his field of vision, there is no such person as Ino in Fossbarrow.

As far as Xiongdu is concerned, one of the three giants in the north is always hidden underwater, so in Jarvan IV's view, once he asks Fossbarrow's private army to participate in the war, unless Lux personally goes out, he will be in charge. The private army can only be Sona.

Last time in Tobyssia, wasn't Sona the representative of Fossbarrow!
At that time, she didn't have any real power, and she was still very concerned about the situation on the battlefield. Although the whole of Forsbarrow was quite different from the past, the number of people available to Lux under her command was limited after all.

Jarvan IV specifically inquired about the situation of the Battle of Mithral City. Although Lux personally rescued Mithral City because she was eager to save her brother, many of her follow-up actions showed that she did not have a commander-in-chief who dominated the overall situation.

Therefore, unless Lux does it herself, the only one who can lead troops south can only be Sona.

With others in command, Jarvan IV did not have much confidence in completely annexing Fossbarrow's private army.

But Sona is in command, and Jarvan IV still knows it well—although Sona is also a very talented noble lady, her talent is obviously not in leading troops to fight.

Even on the contrary, some of her characteristics will cause a gap between her and the soldiers.

It's perfectly normal for those who engage in art and those who are soldiers to not deal with each other!
And, let's not forget, Sona's father is Barrett!
With this relationship, he is very confident that he can hold back Sona, and then annex Fossbarrow's private army along the way.

After all...he is the Emperor of Demacia!

However, what Jarvan IV never expected was that his plan went bankrupt from the very first step.

Lacus did not intend to disobey the order of Jarvan IV, and it was impossible to leave Forsbarrow easily for the time being.

But this does not mean that Sona is in charge of commanding Fossbarrow's private army.

Sona can boost morale and is very popular among Northwalkers, Archon and Clerks, but Lux obviously won't let her go to Shurima at this time!

Since they are going to Shurima, it must be Ino who brought Kalya with him!

Therefore, when Jarvan IV heard that the Northwalker was commanded by a man named Ino to dispatch troops, he was completely confused.

Who is Ino?

How come I've never heard of this character?
Then, when Jarvan IV was puzzled, on Fossbarrow's side, Lacus wrote back and introduced Ino to him-in Lax's letter, Ino was a member of the Silent Men, a "rich ranger" Type of combat experience" people.

According to Lux's description, Ino is the person who knows Shurima best in Fossbarrow. Since His Majesty said that Fossbarrow's northern walkers will act as a mobile unit acting alone, then we must send a pair of Only those who understand the local situation can adapt to the situation!

In addition, Lacus also heard that His Majesty's allies in Shurima have a good relationship with the Illuminati. Ms. Ino is from the Illuminati, and she must get along well with the locals, which is more conducive to launching side operations...

All in all, this is a sincere reply letter. In the letter, Lux not only stated that she will fully cooperate with His Majesty's strategy, but also sent troops and commanders who are best at operating in Shurima. Task!
Jarvan IV who received the letter had a very delicate expression.

Partial teacher?

Partial teacher a hammer ah!

Why did I write a letter to mobilize Fossbarrow's private army to Shurima, in order to create some bloody private army on the invisible battlefield?
I am here to annex your private army!
It's all right now, a sincere reply letter from Lacus directly stopped Jarvan IV.

Unless Jarvan IV is completely shameless, this Demacia private army can really only be used as a partial division and used on the side battlefield.

So, will Jarvan IV be completely shameless?

The answer is no - he is the emperor of Demacia, although in the eyes of Lacus, his every move can only be described as innocent and outrageous, but in the eyes of Jarvan IV himself, even In the eyes of most Demacians, he is a wise and mighty emperor.

Jarvan IV did want to suppress the Northern Territory, but that didn't mean he had to adopt such a shameless method.

Even if he had the intention of annexing the private army in the northern border, the annexation would start with gaining the approval of the soldiers by relying on his personal charm and the soldier's sense of honor, gaining the support of the soldiers through the victory of the battle, and finally relying on superior rewards Come take full command of the army.

Look at the Battle of Tobysia, I, Jarvan IV, spoke upright!
Since Lux still maintains the decency of a noble model, there is no need for Jarvan IV to make things unseemly!

So, after reading the letter, Jarvan IV quickly laughed out loud.

"As expected of Laxanna." He gently put down the letter, "Barrett, it seems that you don't need to worry about Miss Sona pulling out your beard afterward—for Forsbarrow's private army Northwalker Specially prepare a batch of food and supplies, I am afraid that these northerners may not be able to adapt to the desert environment, so the supplies must be sufficient."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

"Northern Walker...that name is really interesting." Jarvan IV smiled and shook his head lightly, "Our Miss Noble Model is as personable as ever, but I will let these people see it, the Noble Model and the Emperor of the Empire, after all, There is still a difference!"


Jarvan IV thought that the Northwalker was from the north, so he would not adapt to the desert environment, and the materials prepared by Fossbarrow would also be neglected.

But in fact, after deciding to send the Second Brigade of Northern Walkers code-named [Plain Walkers] to participate in the battle, Fossbarrow began to mobilize a large number of targeted materials, which involved all aspects of operations in the desert. , there is no omission at all.

Fully wrapped high-top boots for desert marching, white robes with lining for desert climates, insect repellents for desert creatures, simple water purification devices for salt water, rune steel armor pieces that can be inserted into the lining to protect key positions And a belt of armor...

In addition to these conceivables, Fossbarrow also specializes in the production of anti-sweat pigments for blackening the upper and lower eyelids, special oils to prevent skin dehydration, flat shovels that are more suitable for digging sand, and can be directly buried in sand. A special sleeping bag to rest in...

Don't say it's an omission, even many people who have been to the desert can't imagine that it is so complete.

Although with the current production capacity of Fossbarrow, it is still impossible to equip the Plainswalker with a full set of Shurima Empire-style equipment, but the replacement or shrunk version is more than enough.

Check for gaps?

Even the Fearless Vanguard, the most direct descendant of Jarvan IV, doesn't have such professional equipment in the desert!
What's even more frightening is that it took less than a month for the entire process of these equipment, from Kalya's design ideas and production methods, to large-scale production, and then to the installation of each plain walker.

You know, these equipments are produced completely from scratch, from samples. Even with Karya, Fossbarrow can skip the design and trial and error links, and install them on every soldier in a month. It can only be described as insane!

In a month's time, for the private army elsewhere, even the rations needed for such a long-distance operation may not be ready!

The fully mobilized Forsbarrow military production is like a monster, which can devour all military orders with impunity. Even if the shipyard carries a lot of orders from Xiongdu, there is no pressure at all.

At this time, Jarvan IV was completely unaware of the seriousness of the problem. One month after hearing about it, Fossbarrow's team code-named Plainswalker sailed south, and he joked with Tarik It is said that Laxana is too anxious to deploy troops so quickly.

The Fearless Pioneer had just made preparations for the front troops to set off for Uzeris, and the plain walker went directly to the south by boat, and asked me where the side battlefield was?

It's hard to say whether a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers, or he regards himself as a man-eating tiger!

Jarvan IV didn't believe that this team of plain walkers had completed all the work from assembly to supplies in just one month. In his opinion, the team moved in such a hurry, it must be to maintain a partial attitude and avoid his own direct command— —The army on Xiongdu's side is not fully assembled, and he can't easily set off for Shurima. Now that the Plainswalker goes to Shurima first, he can always avoid himself.

Moreover, when the plain walker set off, Jarvan IV also received a second letter from Lacus, which specifically mentioned the problem of the team's supplies, and directly asked Xiongdu for help.

Therefore, in Jarvan IV's eyes, the plain walker's haste and haste is completely like a villain's heart, and he hastily set off before he is ready!

This made Jarvan IV very dissatisfied with Lux - it would be irresponsible to gather troops and set off without being ready!
However, after thinking about it, he finally asked Barrett again to mobilize part of the supplies of the Fearless Pioneer for this team, and asked the quartermaster who had already arrived in Uzeris to meet the reasonable supply needs of this partial division as much as possible.

"Don't say I blamed them!"


As early as when Demacia's caravan robbed and Demacia demanded that Nashilami hand over the murderer, Uzeris declared his neutrality early on.

But what's interesting is that although Uzeris said he was neutral, his body was very honest-not only did he not refuse the docking of the Demacia troop carrier, but he even designated an oasis outside the city for Demacia to use. The army is stationed here.

It's hard to say whether Uzeris did this because of the "imperial power of the empire" in Demacia, or whether Uzeris gave the green light to his trading partners because he made a lot of money in the Shurima trade.

Of course, in the eyes of many Uzeris people, this is simply due to the personal grievances between Uzeris and Nashilami.

After all... Just when Lacus and Ino climbed the peak, Saga, the then governor of the Nashilam American Port, invaded Uzeris forcefully.

Although this invasion ended in failure, but if he could see Nashiram beauties unlucky, presumably Uzeris would not be afraid to help the situation!

Moreover, there are also gossip that Uzeris's apparent neutrality seems to have a lot to do with the Solari Sect—in any case, Demacia's retaliatory military action against Nashilami is at least as powerful as Uzeris's. A solid landing and rally point!
Jarvan IV's special supplies and plain walkers arrived at Uzeris Port almost in tandem.

Then, the quartermaster who was in charge of supplying supplies couldn't believe his eyes for a moment after seeing the plain walker who disembarked.

Although these people do have the appearance of Demacia, and the weapons they use also have Demacia logos, and they speak Demacia, yes.

But the equipment on these people is really worse than Shurima people!

You said it was the army of Shurima, and he believed it a hundred times!

Provide them with special supplies?
They need a special supply of hammers!
When the quartermaster was in a daze, Ino had already taken the initiative to walk towards him.

"The Second Brigade of Northern Territory Walkers, code-named Plainswalkers, I am Commander Ino." He took out the emblem representing his identity in a very standardized manner, and then Ino handed over a letter with wax paint and a stack of checklists. He gave it to the quartermaster, "This is a letter from Her Majesty Laxana, and the supplies needed by the team."

The quartermaster accepted the letter dully, and after reading the polite words on it, he finally set his sights on the supply list.

Salina, sand potatoes, air-dried meat and other common foods in deserts.

Seeing this list, the quartermaster was already a little numb - the materials on it were all the most common in Uzeris, relatively cheap, and suitable for eating in the desert.

Although the number is still hard to judge, he has fully confirmed at this time that these Fossbarrow people are not northerners who know nothing about the desert at all!
"Is there any problem with the list?" Seeing that the quartermaster seemed to be stunned, Yinuo couldn't help frowning, "Do we need to purchase these ourselves?"

"No, no need." The quartermaster who came back to his senses shook his head decisively, "The first batch of reserves has been prepared and can be withdrawn immediately... But, don't you need anything else?"

"We still need at least three Scalas and more than a thousand camels." Ino raised his brows with a half-smile, "Can you provide this?"

"Ah?" The quartermaster was a little dumbfounded, "This is beyond the scope of my authority..."

"Don't worry, it won't make it difficult for you." Ino shook his head lightly, "We will solve the livestock problem by ourselves. You can get the rations within three days, right?"

"No, no problem."

The quartermaster nodded affirmatively, and at the same time, he had already started to prepare a report to Jarvan IV in his heart—this Plain Walker team is indeed very extraordinary!
 Karya's Small Classroom · The Architecture of the Northwalker:

  The Northern Territory Walker has four brigades under its jurisdiction, namely the first brigade of plateau walkers, the second brigade of plain walkers, the third brigade of hill walkers and the fourth brigade of snow walkers.

(End of this chapter)

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