Lux's Farewell

688 [0679] Partial teacher's task

688 [0679] Partial teacher's task

Three days are fast.

After getting the food supply, the plain walkers set off quickly and began to maneuver in the direction of Nashi Lamei, carrying out their mopping mission as a partial teacher.

However, the report Mr. Quartermaster intends to submit to King Jarvan IV after he settled the issue of supplies is still a draft at this time—he really doesn't know how to report so that he can explain the facts without making himself appear to be a I'm talking nonsense.

Because in his opinion, this team was very strange everywhere. Not only were they highly motivated and well-prepared, they even bought hundreds of camels and three scalas from somewhere in just three days!

Although these animals are very expensive, considering that Fossbarrow has also been very rich in recent years, it is not a big deal for them to spend a lot of money.

What really caught the quartermaster's attention was that he couldn't figure out where the team had bought these large animals.

You know, at this juncture when a war is about to break out, the price of big animals is not only high, but also the supply is tight. Although I have already started to collect and buy big animals, all of these Uzeris businessmen are better than monkeys. After the accident in the caravan, he took the initiative to reduce the number of large animals sold in the market. As a result, he has only bought ten scalas and less than three thousand camels.

It's been more than a month!

However, the people from the northern border had just arrived in Uzeris, but they could find a reliable channel within three days, and then they were one-third of themselves with a wave of their hands. They didn't even hear any news until they saw them set off , only to find the problem!
Unbelievable, can only be said to be unbelievable.

If he just reported plainly and understatedly that the plain walker had got enough livestock and set off with a military order, then wouldn't it make him look useless if he hadn't solved the livestock problem of the Fearless Pioneer for so long?

But if you are vague on this kind of question, His Majesty the wise will definitely not give up easily. If you are questioned later, I am afraid it will be even more troublesome...

Thinking of this, the quartermaster was about to cry.

Since I arrived in Uzeris, I have been working diligently without dereliction of duty. It is really impossible to get so many large animals specially adapted to the desert!
Why is there such a big gap between people?

When this happens, it can only be said that the foreign is the foreign.

Even though Demacia has been doing Shurima trade for several years with Urzeris as a relay station; Didn't really accept Demacia.

Such a large clientele doesn't even know about the Uzeris black market that sells all kinds of supplements!
If you look at it this way, they are willing to provide Demacia with a place to garrison, mostly in order to avenge Nasramei, right?

Even Mr. Quartermaster didn’t know that Yinuo “only” bought these large animals on the black market, not because he could only buy so many, but because so many were enough, any more would be slower and the price would be unacceptable. And it's a little conspicuous.

Even the quartermaster didn't know that the plain walker not only bought a lot of livestock, but also hired eight capable guides by the way!

Although the Plainswalker brigade has four thousand people at full strength, plus the number of reserve and retired soldiers who can be recalled exceeds [-], only [-] people came to Shurima this time.

Moreover, Xiongdu didn't know that this Plainswalker Brigade was actually a mixed brigade—except for some soldiers from the first and second regiments of the Plainswalker Brigade itself, they came to Shurima together. There are also the second and fifth ranks of mages of the magician mage group.

The first regiment of the Plainwalkers is the backbone regiment, and the second regiment is the mobile regiment, both of which are more suitable for desert operations. This time Lux pulled them out, which can be regarded as actual combat training.

If possible, maybe after this battle, Fossbarrow will have an extra Desert Walker!

As for the sorcerers, the mages of the second rank are spellcasters of the ice and water elements. In the desert, their fighting power is stretched, but they are the logistics supporters in emergencies; the fifth rank is the casters of the earth, rock, sand The caster of the department is also the APC in this battle.

Although this mixed brigade only has more than 200 people, when it comes to adaptability, mobility and combat effectiveness in the desert, it is really top-notch.

Therefore, even when leaving Uzeris, the plain walker can only do two people, one camel, and does not carry large devices. With sufficient supplies, and with Carya himself as a guide, there is no pressure to perform any combat missions. !

According to Jarvan IV's arrangement, the next task of the plain walker is to move to the southern part of Naslam, deploy defenses in the oasis between Nasram and Zurita, and cut off possible support.

To be honest, this order is quite unreasonable.

At least when Yinuo held a military meeting, everyone felt that it was unreasonable.

Deploying defenses in large oases in the desert can indeed guard key supply routes, thereby hindering or even intercepting possible support, which is absolutely correct.

But the question is, Nasramet is a port city!
Demacia's navy is still only at the troop carrier stage. They have no ability to block the Valoran Strait and intercept Nashilami's maritime supplies and support!

Does it really make sense for you to intercept possible reinforcements on land with support at sea?

Of course, considering that Plainwalker is only a partial teacher and no one participated in the battle deployment meeting in Xiongdu, it is also possible that Jarvan IV has some information that others do not know.

Therefore, although he was puzzled as to why he was asked to blockade the southern battlefield, Plainwalker still carried out military meetings and combat deployments on the premise of fulfilling the mission.

In the case of Karya, who is a "special military advisor and guide", consciously giving up his command, Ino, the heads of the first and second regiments, and the chiefs of the second and fifth sequences are the headquarters of this battle member.

Ino served as the commander in chief.

On the first night after leaving Uzeris, as the army settled down in a small oasis, a military council officially started.

The first step of the meeting is the introduction of the objective environment.

"The south of Nashilami is the most prosperous commercial road, and it is also the most prosperous area in the middle of the Dasai Desert." Karya, who did not interfere with the command and defended the training of the plain walker, played the role of guide very simply, "Here is The relay point of the Shurima overland trade route, from Nashilami to Bumang, is desert terrain, but there are few storms and the terrain is flat, so sometimes even if it takes a big circle, the caravan will choose to go This paragraph."

As he spoke, Karya flicked on the hanging map.

"The barren hills running from southwest to northeast shelter the most severe desert storms." He continued, "This mountain range is not too high, but the mountain is steep. As the name suggests, the mountain is barren."

"So, I have a question." During the pause of Carya, the head of the first regiment asked, "Can this mountain be used by small troops?"

"If you don't care about the price, you can." Kalya thought for a moment and gave an answer, "However, if you want to forcibly cross the barren hills and mountains, you must give up all your livestock and baggage."

Hearing what Karya said, everyone nodded.

It can be turned over, but it is meaningless in military terms—abandoning luggage and livestock, even if they cross the barren hills and mountains, they can only be trapped to death in the desert.

Therefore, in order to defend the southern line, the plain walkers can deploy all their troops on the southern line as long as they are sure that there are no enemies west of the barren hills.

"And to the south of Bumang, there is a trade route that runs through the Dasai Desert. It is said that a caravan has a secret passage through the death sand sea, which can reach the coast of the Shurima River." Kalya continued, "However, Almost all caravans passing through the Dasai Desert will choose to resupply at Bumang."

The traffic arteries!

"In addition, Bumang is also connected to Waynebo in the east, and there is a road across the desert." Karya changed the direction and continued to introduce, "This road is windy all year round, and there are very severe desert storms. It is very difficult to take this path, and we need to seize the window period."

"Between Bumang and Nashilami, there are about [-] oases that can supply large business groups with more than [-] people. However, due to seasonal reasons, the number of oases that can provide supplies at the same time should be less than [-]. They exist The timing is generally staggered."



Since this is the first time that the northern border walker has commanded the battle independently, even if Carya does not participate in the command, even if it is necessary to use the battle as a training aid, at least he has provided intelligence beyond common sense as support.

Under Karya's explanation, the commanders of the plain walkers have completely determined that the key to their mission of completing this battle lies in this long and narrow desert area densely covered with oases from Bumang to Nashilami.

Although it seems that the terrain of Shurima is not too undulating, the desert storm and barren hills and mountains make the battlefield environment relatively cramped. It is not too difficult to cut off the support from the south of Nashilame!
After gaining a basic understanding of the terrain, everyone quickly began to think about countermeasures.

First of all, everyone unanimously gave up the plan to directly deploy defenses in the oasis in the southern part of Nashilam.

According to Karya, there are more than [-] large oases here, and they rise and fall one after another, and they do not exist at the same time. It will undoubtedly be very difficult to completely contain these oases and cut off the supply line to the south.

When the oasis is dry, it is just a desert with some dry plants, which is not enough to provide a garrison environment.

If you want to rely on these oases for defense, you need the plain walkers to mobilize troops flexibly according to the prosperity and decline of the oases, and build a large number of reusable construction fortifications, and the troops will be quite scattered.

In this way, not only is it difficult to mobilize, and additional projects need to be built, but the troops will also be dispersed, which is not conducive to blocking.

In comparison, it is obviously a better choice to concentrate defenses near the two cities of Bumang or Zurieta.

Well, the problem is coming.

For concentrated defense near Bumang or Zuruita, should we take down the city and defend it, or build a magnetic defense line near the city?

Do you choose to be farther away from Nasramei's Brutalism, or to choose Zurita who is closer to Nasramei?Or divide the plain walker into two and defend separately?
After thinking briefly, starting from the leader of the fifth sequence, everyone began to explain their thoughts and reasons in turn.

The head of the first regiment believed that a defense line should be established north of Zurieta, and reusable fortifications should be built at the position of the supply limit, and a small-scale troop should be sent to swim between Zurieta and Bumang.

The head of the second regiment thinks that the team can tentatively contact Bu Mang and Zuruita to see how the attitudes of the two places are, and then proceed to the next step of judgment.

From the point of view of supply, the chief of the second sequence believes that the denser oasis area between Zurita and Naslam should be chosen to build a defense line.

The chief of the Fifth Sequence proposed that with the support of the Fifth Sequence, the plain walkers could try to raid the weakly defended Bumang. If they could take down Bumang City, it would mean they would be invincible.

After explaining their plans, reasons and ideas, everyone finally looked at Ino.

Ino, on the other hand, looked at the hanging map quietly and remained silent.

She subconsciously wanted to look at Karya several times, but in the end she didn't turn her head.

The wind outside has gradually stopped.

In the tent of the temporary command post, there was only the sound of coal burning in the brazier beeping and beeping.

Finally, Ino licked the corner of his mouth and took a deep breath.

"Our trip is heading east." She stood up, without looking at Carya, but went straight to the map, "Not close to Nashilami, but directly here, to the densest area of ​​this oasis, directly Resupply in situ and establish a command post."

"Then, the reconnaissance company of the first regiment went straight eastward from here, and then quickly maneuvered south along the barren hills, interspersed and swept eastward in the north of Bumang and south of Zuruita. Speed ​​back, if not, go west on the original road, return to the eastern foot of the barren hills, and resupply at the col I marked."

"After that, the reconnaissance company focused on the supply point for reconnaissance, and sent back information as soon as possible."

"Second and fifth sequences, separate out ten people and set off at the same time as the reconnaissance company. You are responsible for establishing their supply points. They must be built quickly and kept secret, without changing the environment as much as possible."

"The rest of the first regiment, after finishing repairs, continue south, approaching Zurita."

"The second regiment is on standby. If the reconnaissance company does not come back in advance, it will move northward until it reaches the [-]-mile south of Nashila America."

"The first regiment, the second regiment, after confirming that there are no enemies, establish a defense line on the north and south sides of the headquarters."

"We won't go to Bumang." After talking about the rough battle plan, Ino said with firmness, "Don't bother Bumang with great fanfare, we will nail it here after confirming that there is no enemy between Zurita and Naslami." .”

(End of this chapter)

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