Lux's Farewell

Chapter 690 [0681]

Chapter 690 [0681]
Before the official exchange of fire, the two sides in the Nasslam American battle first conducted a lot of talk.

The Demacia side stated sternly that some looters used despicable ambush tactics and robbed the wealth belonging to the empire, and these things appeared in the market in Nashilami, and they were sold by the government, so it is obvious , Nasheramis are despicable ambushers.

Therefore, the deployment of Demacia's troops this time is aimed at the bandits. If Nashilami wants to get rid of the despicable bandits, then hand over the people involved and welcome the Demacia investigation team to settle in. Our Demacia The empire will definitely give you justice.

Nashi Lamei retorted, saying that who the hell knows what the treasure in your mouth is, do you ask it to promise you?

Moreover, what kind of bird is Demacia? A group of country bumpkins with no history, no inheritance, and no strength are worthy of inheriting the empire?

There is only one empire in Runeterra, and that is the great Shurima Empire. Even if the throne hangs upside down, it will not be the Demacian's turn to be crowned with monkeys!

It can be seen that both parties are eager to seize the moral high ground, but when it comes to the specific output of the talk, it can only be you say yours and I say mine, and in the end it simply turned into a shouting contest that is louder than the voice.

Of course, shouting and shouting, while talking about it, both sides are also fully prepared for the war.

In the Demacian's position, a thick smoke billowed up.

There was no wind today, and the sky in Nasramme was cloudless. Seeing the Demacians lighting a fire and making smoke, and making sure that the thick smoke would not obscure the view of the city wall, the soldiers on Nasramme began to laugh loudly.

However, in Demacia's position, the Demacia soldiers remained unmoved.

The smoke is not for siege or obscuring vision.

They are meant to lead the way.

Guiding the direction for the Dragon Bird Rider who is about to arrive.

That's right, although they didn't act together with the large army, Dragon Bird Knight also came to the battlefield.

These dragon bird knights are all carefully selected and sent over from the sea—although the coasts near Nashilame are relatively steep and full of reefs, making it impossible for the army to land, but for the dragon bird knights, this is not a problem up.

When Jarvan IV led the vanguard marching, the Dragon Bird and the Dragon Bird Knight, who were not seasick, also took the transport ship along the Valoran Strait to the waters northwest of Nasramme.

The transport ship anchored in a bay about [-] nautical miles away from Nashilame. When the appointed time came, the Dragon Birds finally reluctantly left the awning and came to the deck under the comfort of the knights. , ready to take off.

It's not that the dragons and birds are having a temper, it's that they don't adapt to the environment here.

For the dragonbirds living in the northern part of Demacia, the climate conditions in the area near Nashilami are too hot and unbearable. Even if they are at sea, they need to land in the shade to rest after flying for two or three hours. Add water.

And if they carry people on their backs, their take-off time needs to be doubled. In order to reduce the burden on the dragon birds as much as possible, the dragon bird knights have chosen to wear light clothes instead of armor.

With the DEBUFF of [weather discomfort] hanging on his head, the omnipotent Dragon Bird Knight in Demacia has now completely degenerated into a short-distance flying reconnaissance unit.

After getting ready, the dragon and bird knights made up of five people finally ejected and started on the deck, flapping their wings and flying in the direction of the thick smoke billowing.

With the vanguard lined up in front, the dragon and bird knights can fly around the city and take the opportunity to find out the defense situation in the city!
A quarter of an hour later, amidst the doubts of the Nashilami defenders, the dragon bird knights arrived over Nashilami, and dispersed tacitly, and began to fly around the city.
As the dragon bird's flight gradually stabilized, the knight on the dragon bird's back took out the civilian version of the Hex telescope, and condescendingly began to look for the main military facilities in Nashilami City.

Unexpectedly, there is still this crop of Nashilami defenders who are anxious and angry. They hastily organized archers to try to bend their bows to shoot dragons and birds, but it is a pity that the weather is so good today and the vision is good. Dragon bird knights can increase the flying altitude at will - at an altitude of 3000 meters, even if the Nashilami defenders mobilize the most elite shooters, there is nothing they can do about these dragon bird knights.

At this height, perhaps only some of Vazuan's disposable long-range weapons can threaten the dragon bird knight.

But these weapons are not for sale in Vazuan, not in Nashilami!

In desperation, Nashilami had no choice but to hastily start to raise thick smoke, trying to interfere with the dragon and bird's investigation.

It's a pity that after they got rid of the smoke, Dragon Bird Knight had already completed the investigation mission and started to return.

What's even more infuriating is that among the dragon bird knight team, the one with the best flying skills even swooped down actively, and then stopped suddenly at a place hundreds of meters above the ground, and then unfurled a Demacia flag, and then cast He abruptly turned around and returned the same way.

After some hard work, the defenders of Nashilami were all going to be congested with anger.

Dragon Bird Knight investigation, great success!

After returning to the deck, Longqin quickly retracted into the awning and began to rest and drink water. The attendants of Dragonqin Knight also came over with combs and gloves to relax these heroes.

After landing, the dragon and bird knights hurriedly gathered in front of a map of Nashilami before appeasing their companions, and began to discuss with each other one by one.

Combining the information that everyone saw and recorded, they spent two hours marking the location of the military buildings that could be determined in the city of Nashiram, including barracks, warehouses, and what looked like a command post. suspicious building.

Then, the captain of the team rolled up the drawing, put it away in the drawing tube, sealed it with wax paint, and handed it over to the Dragon Bird Knight in the flying team who had not participated in the flight before.

The dragon and bird knight who took the blueprint came to the deck, took his dragon and bird partner, ejected and set off, took the map, and went straight to the Demacia camp.

Soon, Jarvan IV got the city's top-down defense map he wanted.

Although this picture is not accurate, and the scale is messed up, and most of the labels can only rely on the landmark buildings in the city of Nashiram to estimate the location, but it is still of great significance to Jarvan IV.

With this picture, he will be able to find the weakness of the defense system of the Nashilami city wall!

After all... Even if Nashilami has enough soldiers to garrison each section of the city wall, the camps where the soldiers rest are at different distances from different city walls, and the time to mobilize soldiers and activate defensive equipment will not be exactly the same.

With the help of this deployment map, Jarvan IV has the confidence to make a more correct choice!

After receiving this picture, Jarvan IV ordered the troops to withdraw and return to the camp. The main purpose of the battle today was to make a big show of talking, to show off the military power, and to cover the Dragon Bird Knight's investigation by the way.


Jarvan IV is very patient on the battlefield!

Jarvan IV knew the meaning of the defense map.

In the city of Nasiram, Black is also very aware of this.

The location of the military facilities in the city is kept secret, and it is more convenient to mobilize. This is an advantage in defending the city.

But now this advantage is about to be wiped out—from the decisive retreat of the Demacians today, it can be seen that they are very patient, so they kept investigating such things for three to five days in a row. I'm afraid I can do it at all.

At the same time, the barracks of the Demacians outside the city are also being reinforced. Although there is no wood for construction in the oasis near Naslami, these Demacians are quite patient. They are even digging underground The stones are used to build the camp, and it seems that they have completely ignored the problem of coming from a long distance and the difficulty of maintaining supplies.


Where does this confidence come from?

Blake was in doubt.

Although there is a sea between Shurima and Demacia, the news is not smooth, but at least he has learned about the Tobyssian Battle in advance - this battle destroyed the Noxus Empire, so Black's Still did some research.

As far as he knew, Jarvan IV's performance in the Battle of Tobyssia was perfect. Although he was young, he was very patient and had been accumulating his own advantages; similarly, at critical moments, Jarvan IV didn't hesitate, and when it was time to charge himself, he put on his armor and went straight to kill Swain.

It is precisely because of knowing the situation of the Battle of Tobyssia that Black chose to defend the city cautiously and not engage in these bells and whistles with you.

But now, Jarvan IV put on an appearance of being more fearless than Blake. He clearly came across the desert, and his logistics and supplies were heavily dependent on the transportation of thousands of miles, but he still formed a stronghold, as if he had made up his mind to besiege the city.

Is it prudent?
Still fearless?

Blake frowned.

After ordering the adjutant to hang up the map, Blake's eyes fell on the map that was many times more detailed than Jiawen IV's hand.

There is no problem with the defense in the city. Even if the layout is seen through, the transfer is very smooth. Relying on the defense of the city wall, Black doesn't think the opponent can take advantage of it.

In terms of ports, the routes to the east are very smooth, the connection with Karduja and Kumanggra has not been severed, and the supplies of Nashilami are very abundant; moreover, the ports that have been completely brought under military control are not in danger of being attacked. The Marcias transport people and deliver goods by ship, but if they want to land and fight, they are courting death.

In this case, what are the Demacians thinking?

Blake thought about it for a long time, but he didn't have the slightest idea. In the end, he could only shake his head slightly, and he stayed the same.

However, before that, maybe I have to clean up those annoying flies first.

Blake hated guys who were sneaking up on him.


The next day, Nashi Ramey seemed to be in a strange cycle.

Demacia and Nashilami started a scolding war again, you still scolded you, I scolded me, and then the Demacian dragon bird knight flew over Nashilami again, and then Demacia People withdrew the army and returned to camp.

The war seemed to be developing in a strange direction. For five days in a row, the Demacians were just investigating, and had no intention of doing it themselves, not even a tentative attack!
On the sixth day, the second batch of troops from Demacia arrived at the oasis outside the city of Naslam. Jarvan IV handed over the command of the vanguard army to Galen, and then led the main force to transfer the camp and stationed in Nasira. The south of the city of Shilami.

During this period, Black also thought about whether to go out of the city to rush, but after much deliberation, he decided to forget it—be patient, and when his support comes, he will definitely make those Demacians look good!
From the seventh day onwards, the war seemed to resume its original cycle.

However, unlike before, the Dragon Bird Rider, who was familiar with the road, was finally hit after reaching the sky above Nashilami.

Three small-sized elemental dragons that are very adapted to the desert climate took off from the city wall and began to chase and kill the Dragon Bird Knight.

Now it was the turn of the Demacians to be caught off guard—in the past, the Demacians had always held absolute air supremacy, and they never expected that there would be even more terrifying existences on the Nashilami side.

If the dragon and bird knights were wearing armor and carrying spears, they might be able to compete with these elemental dragons by relying on their cooperation.

But the problem is, in order to reduce the burden on the dragon birds and prevent them from being overloaded, the dragon bird knights did not wear armor or carry a lance!
The result of this is that in front of the berserk elemental dragon, the dragon bird knight can only control the dragon bird and try to escape.

Then, the dragon and bird knights who had no experience in air combat—to be precise, the dragon and bird—made a big mistake. When their own absolute speed was at an advantage, they did not return to the Demacia position at the first time, but He rushed to the sea in a panic, followed the instinct of the beasts, and chose to return to the transport ship that they regarded as their lair!

Under such circumstances, it is naturally impossible for the elemental dragons to give up their prey, and they chase after them. Even if the dragon bird knights landed back on the boat, they would still not let go!
Dragon fire fell from the sky, quickly igniting the sails and decks.

On the transport ship carrying the Dragon Bird Knight, the fire blazed up. The sailors frantically used their weapons to try to resist the attack of the elemental dragon, and at the same time hurriedly extinguished the fire.

It wasn't until the dragon bird knight put on his armor, picked up his lance, and took off into the air again, that he barely repelled the elemental dragon by relying on the advantage of numbers.

But as a price, one of the ten dragons and birds on the transport ship died on the spot, and the knight fell to his death; three were seriously injured. Considering the harsh climate here, it is still unknown whether they can survive in the future.

Moreover, because the sails of the transport ship were completely burned, the spare sails were also ignited, and the hull also suffered small-scale fragmentation. After that, the excess supplies had to be discarded immediately, and they turned around and returned to Uzeris as soon as possible.

The Dragon Bird Knight's investigation was interrupted. Taking advantage of this opportunity, the military facilities in Nashilami City began a small-scale transfer.

Demacia's first offensives were all resolved.

However, after hearing a series of bad news, Jarvan IV, who was in the south of Nashilami City, still looked calm and breezy.

Because compared to the bad news, there is good news on his side.

Tariq had found that secret passage beneath Nasramee.

 Carya's Small Classroom: The Taming of Elemental Dragons:
  There is no dragon trainer in Nasram, but this does not mean that there is no dragon trainer in Shurima - there is a volcano Imura in the south of Belguen, and the cities of Imu and Ira around the volcano, There are many professional dragon trainers.

  Although almost no one can domesticate giant elemental dragons anymore, there are still dozens of elemental dragons in the cities of Imu and Ila.

  Nashi Lamei spent a lot of money to get these three elemental dragons.

(End of this chapter)

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