Lux's Farewell

Chapter 691 [0682] Shurima old way

Chapter 691 [0682] Shurima old way

In Runeterra, Demacia is more or less a country that is good at war and has a lot of war experience.

This can be seen from Demacia's "formal promotion path".

It's just that under normal circumstances, they fight defensive warfare, so in terms of military technology, the Demacian army is very experienced in how to defend, especially in the city.

Therefore, after seeing the beautiful city of Nashiram with his own eyes, Jarvan IV already knew very well how difficult it would be to storm this city.

If he had no choice, Jarvan IV would never choose to storm the city wall.

So, here comes the question, since it is not easy to attack by force, what can we do to win Nashilami?

While struggling, Tariq gave his thoughts.

"Underground Shurima, there are many unknown secret passages buried, and perhaps there are also around Nashilami, which can be an opportunity for us to attack."

After hearing Tarek's suggestion, Jarvan IV thought it made sense.

Then give it a try!

In the past few days, the Demacian army has come in and out of the camp every day to stand guard. In addition to cooperating with the Dragon Bird Knight, it is also covering up the excavation of Tarek and the engineers behind.

To be honest, this kind of digging like a headless chicken is more or less a gamble on luck, and it is hard to say whether it will be successful.

Tariq's perception of Shurima's old ways is also very vague, and it's all based on intuition-after all, he doesn't understand Shurima's architecture, so he can't judge logically, he can only rely on feelings and guesses.

So, after seven consecutive days of digging, the Demacians did not gain any substantial gains except for exhausting the engineers and biting a few soldiers by the dug out scorpions and snakes.

On the eighth day, Tariq, who chose to break ground on the edge of the oasis in the south of Nashilam, found a building whose main body was buried under the yellow sand.

Unbeknownst to Tariq, this building was a checkpoint for the aqueducts outside Nashiram during the Shurima Empire.

But this did not prevent him from reporting this surprise to Jarvan IV immediately.

After receiving the news, Jarvan IV immediately became excited, and the sorrow of the dragon and bird knight team being wiped out was swept away—if you can organize an elite team, enter this secret passage, and enter the city of Nashilami to have a central bloom ...

However, the excitement is the excitement. Before that, Demacia still has a lot of preparations to do-even if this passage can lead to the city of Nashilami, he still needs to prepare a complete battle plan first.

Inside and outside the city, which side is dominant and which side is secondary.

Is there any support in the city?

Do you want to fight to the end outside the city?

Before the raid, is it necessary to conduct a feint.

Next, Jarvan IV still has a lot of things to worry about!

Thinking of this, he ordered Tariq to take part of the elite into the secret passage, and explore along the secret passage without disturbing anyone. At the same time, he began to ask the Rahorak allied forces, is there anyone in the city who can give support.

After all, when the troops were dispatched, the priests of Rakkor vowed that they had a siege trick.

However, considering that this war is the "Battle of the Founding" of the Demacia Empire, and it is also the first time for Demacia to expand its influence to Shurima, no, Jarvan IV obviously will not let the Solari Sect become the protagonist, so Resolutely rejected the "good intentions" of the Sun Sect.

The siege still has to be done by ourselves.

But now that there is an opportunity to sneak into the city, maybe everyone can talk about it!

Therefore, Jarvan IV took the initiative to find the elder of the Solari Sect who led Rahorak, and asked him if he could break into the city, can you get support.

To be honest, this request is a bit outrageous. Although we are allies and allies, this can only represent attitudes, and it does not go to the point of sharing information. What Jarvan IV said was just a tentative question.

But to his great surprise, the priest of Rakkor told him without hesitation that if you can enter the city, we really have reinforcements.

"Nashlami is persecuting our devout Sun believers." The dark-skinned, white-browed Elder Lie Yang put on a sympathetic posture, "The believers in the city are longing for salvation, if His Majesty's army can Enter it, and they will be your most loyal companions."

As he said that, he signaled his subordinates to hand over a stack of rosters to Jarvan IV, and what was recorded on this roster was the church organization of the Sun Sect in Naslam.

Jarvan IV, who took the roster, was very excited at first.

But excited and excited, he felt something was wrong.

Why does the Sun Sect have this thing in their hands?

Look at the records above, it is almost accurate to the home address and occupation information of every believer!
It is no exaggeration to say that the royal family and lords of Demacia did not have such detailed registration of the civilians under their rule!

(Actually, Jarvan IV didn’t know that Fossbarrow’s registration of civilians was even clearer than this, and Fossbarrow’s registration was carried out from multiple angles. The trade associations where civilians work and the neighborhood committees where they live have to reconcile accounts , the reliability is quite high.)
Jarvan IV, whose heart moved slightly, asked a few words casually, as if casually.

The explanation given by the other party is that this is related to the subsidy of the church.


Will the Rakkor specifically subsidize people who believe in the Solari Sect?
This kind of thing was obviously completely beyond Jarvan IV's imagination. For such a situation that he had never seen before, he could only shake his head and give up thinking for the time being.

Unfortunately, the elder of the Sun Sect did not tell him that in addition to subsidies, the Sun Sect also collects tithes from believers, and one-tenth of the fixed income of believers must be handed over to the church for the construction of the church ——There are so many resplendent Sun Sect temples in the city of Nasirami, which depend on the offerings of these believers.

The subsidies provided by the Sun Sect are focused on recruiting people into the religion. Since it is also counted as giving birth to new children and then educating their own children, many believers of the Sun Sect will also choose to give birth with all their strength, and then rely on Living with the subsidies of the Sun Sect.

However, this information easily aroused Jarvan IV's unnecessary vigilance, so the elders of the Sun Sect only selected a small part of it to explain, and since Jarvan IV had already obtained the information he wanted, It's not good to continue asking, so I can only leave in a hurry.


When Jarvan IV returned to his headquarters and began to study a feasible battle plan, Tarik led a fearless vanguard team and quietly entered the water quality monitoring station.

After opening the gate of the water quality monitoring station and emptying it out for a period of time, the fully armed Tarek and the fearless vanguard finally entered it lightly. In order to avoid accidents, they did not choose to use open flames for lighting. With a miner's lamp.

These miner's lamps are second-hand goods, products eliminated by Vazuan—Vazuan has almost given up the mining industry now, and the main urban area has fully realized public lighting at night. The eliminated miner's lamps were first kept in the hands of explorers. Then it was picked up by the Demacians and became a military supply.

Tarek, holding a miner's lamp, walked in the front, carefully guarding against possible attacks.

In Ning Wu Dao before, Tariq was seriously injured. His left rib was pierced by a strange, insubstantial, corrupted arrow, leaving a terrible hole.

The arrow even killed several Demacia soldiers before it was nailed to the wall of Ning Wu Dao and turned into a pool of shadows.

However, thanks to the penetrating wound, after Tariq gritted his teeth and scraped off all the carrion around the wound, the wound that would be fatal on an ordinary person recovered quickly.

Up to now, although the wound has completely healed, Tariq is actually very clear that he is not really good.

But even though the wound hadn't healed completely, he still chose to come to the battlefield and perform the most dangerous mission—not to show off his bravery, but because of a strong sense of guilt in his heart.

From Tariq's point of view, in Ning Wudao, if he was not focused enough during the ambush and was hit by this arrow, the team could actually organize a counterattack later.

It was precisely because I was hit by an arrow during the counter charge that the soldiers were completely defeated in the end!
Although he is no longer the guardian of the protoss, Taric still has a natural sense of mission and responsibility for protecting them. When he was lying on the hospital bed, the image of the soldiers desperately covering themselves and leaving Ning Wudao seemed to be lingering. The nightmare of not going away lingers from time to time, vividly in my mind.

In this case, after the superficial wounds healed, he really couldn't lie down for a minute, so he decisively found Jarvan IV and asked to play.

Jarvan IV was worried at first, and he sent the best doctor to examine Tarik, but unfortunately, Tarek's physical fitness was a bit too much, so that the doctor didn't realize that he was holding on. In the end, an answer was given that "Tariq has completely recovered", allowing Tarek to join the war with justification.

This time, faced with the dangerous exploration and pioneer missions, the experienced Tarik naturally did his part and walked in the first place.

His footsteps are very steady, stepping on the dust that has accumulated for many years, leaving only a clear but not too deep footprint, which means that he has maintained absolute control over his body and is ready to deal with any possible occurrences emergencies.

The monitoring station is very quiet and empty.

This place has been abandoned for hundreds of years, maybe even thousands of years. Although there are still some sundries in the corners under the light of the miner's lamp, these sundries will decay instantly with just a light blow. Slag.

The erosion of time is the most cruel and ruthless. It is like the passage of time, invisible and intangible, but it does exist and is irreversible.

Judging from the situation of these sundries, it seems that no one has really walked through this ancient monitoring station.

Tariq quickly, Tariq led the team through the outer room of the monitoring station, and a door appeared in front of him.

It seemed to be a wooden door, but it was covered with dust, and the original color could no longer be seen under the illumination of the miner's lamp.

Seeing this door, Tariq waved his hand, signaling the soldiers to retreat carefully, then stepped forward, took a light breath, and grabbed the doorknob.

The next moment, without even waiting for Tariq to make any movement, without pulling or twisting, the doorknob fell off by itself.

Then, the entire door fell off immediately, turning into pieces of wood all over the floor, and fell at Tarik's feet.

Tariq subconsciously raised the miner's lamp in his hand and shone it behind the door.

A very empty hall appeared in front of him.

The experimental instruments used to monitor the water quality here have long been taken away by a generation of people, and even the easily accessible places on the walls have obvious traces of someone scraping with metal tools.

Tariq did not know the origin of these traces.

In fact, these traces were left by the Nasirami who evacuated the laboratory—in addition to the instruments in the laboratory, the pigments drawn by these magic circuits are also very precious, so they scraped them off specially. Come down and take it away.

Carefully looking at the structure of this hall, Tariq finally confirmed that it was a sweeping, empty hall.

There are no enemies.

Slightly relieved, Tariq waved his hand to the back, indicating that the soldiers can come in.

The people holding the miner's lamp carefully began to search every corner of the hall, but after looking around, they didn't find any door or anything else.

There seemed to be no way ahead.

Just when many soldiers showed disappointment on their faces, Tariq closed his eyes.

He seemed to sense something.

After a moment, Tariq looked at the thick dust beneath his feet.

"Here, scan it."

The soldiers quickly took out their tools and began to clean up the place Tariq pointed at.

After scanning, they finally found that there seemed to be a downward secret door here.

The material of the secret door is exactly the same as that of the entire hall, and the dust on the ground is too thick, so no one found it before cleaning it up!

Seeing the secret door, Tariq bent down and touched the handle of the secret door. After confirming that there was a handle, he put one hand on the handle and lifted it hard!
The hidden door moved slightly.

It seems that there is a force attracting this secret door and preventing it from being opened!

This is a self-locking device at the water intake of the water quality monitoring station. Normally, if you want to open it, you need to change the magic circuit before it can be opened automatically.

And because the magic power circuit as a whole has been destroyed, and there is no parallel magic net in the waterway, Tarek finally opened the door even though he forced to use brute force.

As the door was opened, an indescribable stench quickly permeated the hall.

Even if he was as strong as Tariq, who could scrape his bones to heal poison without frowning, after smelling this stench, he could hardly restrain his desire to retch.

As for the Demacian soldiers behind him, they were all tearful and almost foaming at the mouth.

Under such circumstances, Tariq could only reluctantly put down the secret door and lead the team out for a while to let the smell go.

However, it was precisely this tasteful glimpse that Tariq had already realized the end of this secret door—if nothing unexpected happened, this thing should have something to do with the sewer of Nashilami.

Tariq guessed right.

This disgusting passage is indeed connected to the sewers of Naslami.

 Let us congratulate BLG, three to zero!

  After MSI, I'll see if I can add more. I've been watching the game for the past few days, but I can't.

(End of this chapter)

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