Lux's Farewell

692 [0683] Sewer

692 [0683] Sewer

Although the water quality monitoring station is a part of the Shurima Empire's underground waterway, the underground waterway is a pipeline that runs parallel to the magic net and transports clean water.

Sewers are pipes that discharge domestic sewage.

The two are completely different concepts.

So, why are water quality monitoring stations connected to sewers and underground waterways, and why do clean water pipes become part of sewage pipes?
This is an embarrassing question.

The essence of the clean water pipe becoming a sewer is the phenomenon that after the collapse of the Shurima Empire, the city-states of Shurima could not use the legacy of the Shurima Empire.

The Shurima Empire has spent hundreds of years building a large number of cities and supporting facilities throughout the Shurima continent, so that the Shurima people can enjoy the best life even in the desert.

However, behind so many supporting facilities, it is supported by Shurima's highly developed magic power circuit and the sun disc that can continuously provide magic power.

With the sun disc, the Shurima people only need to study how to use magic power. They don't need to save much, they just need to achieve the effect they want.

However, after the eruption of Icathia, most of the power of the Sun Disk was used to build monolithic fortresses, and when the living standards of Shurima began to decline significantly, dissatisfaction would inevitably arise.

Once you are used to a good life, no one wants to live a bad life.

It was okay when Karya was there, and with Karya's reputation, even if everyone felt dissatisfied, at least they could bear with each other and tide over the difficulties together.

But as Kalya couldn't hold on and fell into a deep sleep, this kind of split couldn't be stopped completely.

If the sun disc is still there, then it's okay to say that everyone can bear it for the benefit of the sun disc.

But it all came to an end when Azir's attempt to restore Shurima to glory failed miserably.

They couldn't even enjoy the benefits of the sun disc, and the city-states began to refuse to pay local taxes. Over time, Shurima finally fell into a substantial division.

Once Shurima is split, the related facilities of the solar disc will completely lose their meaning for the city-states.

Without the magic power sent by the sun disc in Shurima City, whether it was the underground waterway, the parallel magic net, or other livelihood facilities that relied on magic power, they were quickly abandoned and dismantled for other purposes.

Without electricity, a mobile phone is actually no different from a brick.

Like Nashirami, when the city is subsequently repaired and expanded, it is quite normal to incorporate the underground waterway built during the Shurima Empire into the sewer.

Yes, this thing has historical significance.

But if it is used as a sewer, it has practical significance!

And the water quality monitoring station found in the tower, when the entire water network has become a sewer, has naturally become a excrement outlet.

The good news is that it is indeed possible to enter Nashilami here.

Bad news, getting into Nasiram from here can be fatal.

However, no matter how disgusting it is to go down the sewer, it is still better than attacking the city wall. With support in the city, Jiawen IV has no reason not to give it a try.

Soon, a special commando team, armed with a special golden wheel stone signal device, entered the sewer of Nashilami from the entrance discovered by Tariq, and started a tasteful raid.


Outside the city of Naslam, the Demacians were sneaking into the sewers.

But they didn't know that on the barren hills to the east of Nasramme, a team was also preparing for a deadly sneak attack.

The target of this team's sneak attack was not the Demacia camp. Their commander set his sights on the Rahorac camp outside the Demacia military camp.

Their goal is this Rahorak team.

In other words, their target is the Rakkor who are the lackeys of the giant god.

However, what people never expected was that this team aimed at the Rakkor people, and those who delivered supplies for them were under the banner of the Solari Sect—only when you observe carefully, you can find out that they The banner of the Sun Sect that was played seems to be a little different from the real Sun Sect.

If Lacus and Ino were here, they would definitely feel very familiar.

Because they had seen such a flag before in Bumang, and this flag represented the Sun God Sect.

That's right, this is an apologist army of the Sun God Sect.

Like the Lahorak warriors of the Rakkol, this army has a name of its own: Kayawea.

If placed in the context of ancient Shurima, this title is probably "Kaya's baby".

The person in command of Kayavia is called Xuuyan, he is a person who can't laugh, no matter what time, he always has a calm and serious appearance, so that even though Kayavia's fighters love him very much, but But he still couldn't help spreading rumors behind his back that Xu Yuyan was actually a magic puppet.

These Kayawea warriors were obviously just joking, but what they didn't know was that their joke actually pointed out the truth—Xuuyan was indeed not a human being now, and he was indeed a magic puppet.

However, what they don't know is that Xu Yuyan is not only a magic puppet, but also a former god warrior and later a dark descendant. Being a puppet is the most helpless choice for him when he can no longer avoid the erosion of the void.

Not even Xu Yuyan.

The entire Sun God Sect, most of the commanders and popes in the past are actually dark descendants. They will choose to sleep in turn, and then wake up in turn, and lead the Sun God Sect to act when they can maintain their sanity. He returned to the Holy Land to wake up his successor, and then fell into a deep sleep again.

But in this generation, there are two sober dark descendants of the Sun God Sect, one is Xu Yuyan and the other is Verus.

Xu Yuyan is the commander in chief, and Verus is the pope.

It was Verus who was injured by back arrows before Tariq—although he was the Pope, he and his sister, Varieva, who founded the Sun God Sect, were obviously not the same kind of people. Compared with uniting believers, he is better at acting alone, carrying out assassinations and sniping, or collecting various information secretly.

It is precisely for this reason that he is in the same class as Xu Yuyan, who is the most impartial and has the most commanding ability.

Verus and Xuuyan woke up five years ago.

And this is why the Sun God Sect has not made much action all the time - when the Pope and the commander-in-chief are going to nirvana one after another, even if there is news of Karya, the predecessors Varieva and Buzan need to prepare to go dormant. , their status no longer supports the continuation of activities.

Then, when they came to the holy land in Kehalise, woke up Xu Yuyan and Verus, and informed them of Karya's basic situation, the two dark descendants had to seal themselves immediately and fell into a deep sleep.

It took nearly a year to get the recognition of the Sun God Sect and become the pope and commander in chief, before Verus and Xu Yuyan were able to start looking for information about Kalya.

But at this time, the situation in Runeterra is already very delicate.

Although the Sun God Sect has great vitality, its organizational strength is naturally insufficient. Verus and Xu Yuyan have to improve their organizational form while looking for Karya, which took them a lot of time.

Then, when the Cult of the Sun God finally locked on Fossbarrow, Ezreal's travel notes finally began to spread.

Considering that Fossbarrow is part of Demacia, Varus acted decisively and launched a deadly ambush against Tarik on Ningwu Road-to be honest, it seemed like Tarik was used to Ningwu Road, So just as he didn't pay more attention, Verus is also used to seeing mortals, so he didn't try his best.

As a result, although Verus's arrow successfully pierced Tarek's ribs, he was not fatally shot, and even saw a chance to counterattack.

Under such circumstances, Verus decided to stop the pursuit after thinking for a moment, and took away all the goods directly, and then sent everything other than the golden wheel stone to Nashi Lamei for sale through the relationship of the Sun God Sect.

According to Verus' original intention, he was just a disgusting Demacian, to attract the attention of the Demacian, and to say hello to his teacher by the way, but what he never expected was that at that time Just when Jarvan IV proclaimed himself emperor, Jarvan IV, who urgently needed to demonstrate his martial virtues, directly ordered the army to be sent out to show Nashiram beauty a little bit of good looks.

The news of the army's actions cannot be concealed from others. After getting the news, Verus immediately discussed with Xu Yuyan, and the two quickly reached an agreement.

The life and death of Nashi Lamei is not important. In their eyes, Nashi Lamei is a group of usurpers, and they will be beaten if they are beaten. They will not care.

However, this does not mean that the Demacians can be forgiven.

If you can, it's better to let the Demacians and the Nashiram Americans lose out!
Therefore, Verus and Xu Yuyan originally planned to sit outside the city of Nashilami and watch the tigers fight, to see who took advantage of them, and to make trouble for them, and to be a third party to balance the losses of both parties.

However, what they never expected was that the Sun Sect, which usually does not make any moves, took the initiative to form an alliance with Demacia this time, and it seemed that they were still very close!

Jarvan IV may not have known the Sunnian virtues.

But Verus and Xu Yuyan are very aware of how difficult this thing is to deal with.

Relying on the temptation of eternal life, they can easily confuse those ignorant mortals. These people have no idea of ​​the difference between immortality and eternal life, and what price they need to pay.

Fortunately, at this time they represent the Sun God Sect.

It is actually very simple to want to bad the Demacians—just let the Demacians realize that the Solari Sect is actually a very dangerous organization.

Well, the problem is coming.

How can the Demacians be made aware of the danger of the Solari Sect?
Naturally, it would be an on-the-spot infighting for Demacia.

Now Demacia has a good relationship with the Sun Sect, that's because of love and concubine.

But if the people of Demacia know that the Solari Sect is actually divided, and there are people within them who reject areas outside of Shurima, and the previous advances of the Solari Sect are just selective expressions?
From this angle, the Sun God Cult can attack the Demacia military camp, and can also attack the Rahorac military camp.

After some observations, Verus and Xu Yuyan agreed that compared with directly attacking the difficult Demacia military camp, the Rahorak warrior camp is relatively loosely guarded.

Although the Rahorak fighters are also very elite, they have always lacked organization. In this case, as long as Kayavia seizes the opportunity, he can definitely give them a big blow.

What's interesting is that Kayavia actually has a lot of experience in dealing with the Rahorak warriors-the Shurima Empire has collapsed for so long, and the Sun Sect's beliefs cannot be expanded on a large scale. The main suppressor is the Sun God Sect. While wearing the cloak of the Sun Sect, they use more friendly and advanced teachings to attract the people. It seems that many places in Shurima believe in the Sun Sect, but if you look carefully You will find that what they believe in is actually heresy.

Now the Sun Sect is colluding with outsiders and attacking Nashilami, causing the believers in the city to be targeted. The Sun God Sect is a well-known trial heresy!

Heretics, you suns of treachery!

You colluded with outsiders and caused troubles for believers. We are trying to set things right!
After making up their minds, the Kayawea fighters quickly assembled in Bumang, went north along the barren hills, and stationed in the east of Nashilami City—because they were relatively close to Nashilami, so they pointed out After stationing, Ino's flanking legion began to move, and the two sides were perfectly staggered.

Moreover, since the teams that provided them with supplies carried serious identity information from the Solari Sect, even if the flanking corps deployed defense lines in the oasis area and checked the caravans, they did not cut off the supplies of the Kayawea corps.

A few days ago, Xu Yuyan and the Kayawea fighters were sitting on the mountain watching the tigers fight.

The irritable Pope Verus once again started to act alone, trying to sneak into the city of Nashilami, and by the way influence the Sun believers who still believe in the Sun Sect instead of the Sun God Sect.

Just yesterday, Verus quietly returned to the camp and brought back good news. He had contacted the believers of the Sun Sect and the Sun Sect in the city, and even had an informal conversation with the Governor of the Harbor, Black, and said Some collaborations were reached.

Next, as long as Xu Yuyan attacks the Rahorak warriors or the Demacian camp outside the city, he will be able to convert most of the Sun Sect believers to the Sun God Sect in the city and make them become Protector of Nasslam.

When those believers who originally believed in the Solari sect stood on the city wall to protect Nashilami, this battle was destined to end in a complete defeat for the Solari sect. Their purpose of participating in this war was to expand themselves through Demacia. influence, but the Church of the Sun God made them lose their basic disk altogether!
The Sun Sect has a good plan to fight.

But unfortunately, this is Shurima!
 Congratulations to BLG!

  Not to mention, MSI has finished adding updates, and the update is over.

(End of this chapter)

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