Lux's Farewell

Chapter 693

Chapter 693 Extra Story·The Past of Fucheng·Xinfugang Working Meal

Looking at the entire Demacia, the Fossbarrow area should be the fastest-paced place.

Looking at the entire Fossbarrow area, Xin Fook Hong Kong people are the most famous for their hard work. When the dawn is still brewing, there are people who work early in the morning to wake up early and start a day of running around for their livelihood.

Among the many morning shift workers in Sun Fook Kong, the porters who get up the earliest and are the most conspicuous must be porters with digital heads.

When the slowly rotating gear pushed the lever and rang the bell tower in the eighth block, the bell sounded like the spring breeze revived everything, waking up the workers in the block from their sleep.

A moment later, the clerk on duty yawned and pressed the button, and the street lights in the block came on along with the bell. Under the gentle light, the porters walked densely together on the way to the pier. Densely packed like moving army ants.

At the exit of the block, the leaders of the moving teams had already been waiting here with signs. They stared at the surging crowd, and keenly found the familiar faces among them, and quickly accepted them back to the team. After counting the number of people, Yu took them to the morning dock today.

However, if you think that these morning shift workers and team leaders are the first to wake up in Sun Fook Kong, then you are very wrong.

By the time these workers arrive in groups with today's carrying tasks at the dock for the morning shift, the rows of breakfast shops on the temporary commercial street outside the dock have already done all the preparatory work.

The stall selling thick soup is steaming, and the heavy oil and salt thick soup in the pot is rolling with thick bubbles, exuding the smell of the sea.

The stalls selling bread are fragrant. Even white bread and brown bread without any fillings have their own special flavor when they are just baked.

In Fossbarrow, oats were once the staple food of the people. Now, with the improvement of living standards, oats have gradually lost their status as a staple food, but they have left valuable skills for making mixed noodles to the Fossbarrow people. It has been proved that a moderate amount of oats mixed with wheat flour can provide bread with a good taste.

Although this kind of taste is not as good as the nuts and candied fruit in the bread of noble gentlemen elsewhere, it is also a precious source of happiness for dock workers.

If these breads aren't enough to satisfy you, then the adjacent cheese stand is a must-see.

Fossbarrow is not a traditional dairy producing area in Demacia, but since Earl Laxana came here, dairy products have appeared more and more frequently on the tables of Fossbarrow people.

At the beginning, it was only part of the nutritional allowance for students.

Later, various practices in the South for dairy products gradually became accepted.

As the Fossbarrow people became more and more wealthy, their consumption of dairy products also increased significantly. Although fresh milk was not easy to drink, various cheeses and other fermented dairy products gradually replaced boiled milk. The final animal fat became a delicacy for the Forsbarrow people.

In the past few years, with the promotion and breeding of Erniuk and Ucar, Fossbarrow's dairy products are rapidly developing towards self-sufficiency. Erniuk dairy products were not very popular at the beginning due to their bad taste. The market welcomes it, but as the price of Ernuk milk keeps falling, the smart Forsbarrow people absorbed the way they boiled animal fat in the past, and created a new way of processing dairy products.

This method of dairy processing, known as boiled milk processing, has successfully activated Forsbarrow's dairy industry by artificially adding fermentation catalysts and flavors.

As a result, dairy breakfast stands have replaced canned and loose fermented cheese as the most important source of protein for longshoremen in the morning.

Like the thick soup, at the breakfast stall outside the morning shift dock, the flavor of Ernuk dairy products is also mainly salty, coupled with the natural slightly sourness of some fermented products, it is enough to whet the appetite of workers who are still confused .

With thick soup, bread and cheese, if these are not enough to wake up the early stomach, it will probably call for dried fish and meat.

Xinfu Port is the port with the highest throughput in Demacia, and in contrast, Fossbarrow Port in the north is the port with the largest annual fishing volume in the entire Demacia.

With the support of the Forsbarrow Port, the price of marine fish in the entire Forsbarrow area has been in a very stable state. Instead of fresh fish, the Sibero people eat dried and salted fish.

Among the breakfast stalls, there are stalls selling dried and salted fish. They are arranged in the downwind corner, because those who are not used to fish often cannot stand the taste at all.

But on the contrary, those old food lovers who like this delicious taste will immediately gather around to refresh themselves.

The stall owner who speaks a Freljord accent holds a sharp knife, and each knife skill is superb.

After cutting off the beeswax-like fat layer on the surface of the dried fish to reveal the dark red fish meat, they often only need to easily pull and wipe, and a piece of dried fish meat as thin as a cicada's wing will be dried, cured, and dried. The prepared dried fish was sliced ​​up.

The dark red dried fish meat is like sawdust planed by the best walnut wood. At first glance, it seems that it has nothing to do with fish, but if you sniff it carefully and stick out your tongue to lick it carefully, then you will You will find that this ordinary sawdust can magically bloom the smell of the sea.

It is also thanks to the superb knife skills of these old walrus teeth fishermen that each piece of dried fish is very cheap-anyway, it is just a taste.

Looking at the entire breakfast stand, the most expensive ones are actually vegetables. Fresh vegetables that are so cheap in southern Demacia that they are worthless are in short supply in Fossbarrow.

Forsbarrow, where the cultivated area is limited, the soil salinity is too high, and the permafrost area is extensive, the supply of green vegetables has always been a big problem.

In the past, the herb collectors of Forsbarrow would bring back some edible wild vegetables in addition to collecting herbs, but to be honest, these wild vegetables either tasted bad, or were slightly poisonous, and they were not the same as the ones that Demacians often eat. The ratio of common vegetables is not 01:30.

To make up for this deficiency, Forsbarrow—or the North, for that matter—has become quite popular with pickles.

Just like this row of breakfast stalls, there are many stalls selling various pickled vegetables. On the stalls, various pickled vegetables are placed in small squares, which is dazzling.

The marching ants quickly dispersed in front of the breakfast stalls, and the porters who gradually woke up under the sea breeze blinked their sleepy eyes, and quickly came to the stalls they liked, took out their large dishes, or served A bowl of thick soup, or a tablespoon of cheese, and then choose your favorite staple food, add some side dishes, and you don’t need tables and chairs, just find an open place and start eating.

When the dawn appeared in the sky and the dock could start working, the porters who were already ready had already changed into their overalls and began their day's work in groups.

Eat and drink, and go to work smoothly!

There are morning shifts and evening shifts.

Workers on the evening shift often go to work at noon, and it is already midnight when they finish work. In the dead of night, they are prone to tossing and turning. Even after a day of heavy physical labor, they may not be able to fall asleep.

Therefore, like the morning shift workers' breakfast, Sun Fook Kong's night shift porters also have their own working meals.

However, unlike the breakfast that is designed to replenish energy and lift the spirits, the theme of the supper at Sun Fook Kong Pier is sleep.

In other words, what to eat for supper at Xinfugang Wharf is not so important, what is important is to have cheap and large portions of wine that will not cause headaches the next day after drinking.

However, in most cases, the taste of wine that meets the above conditions is almost interesting.

A bit tasteless.

And this is the meaning of supper at Sun Fook Port Wharf.

Salty and spicy supper mainly focuses on an affordable and very good drink.

Whether it’s all kinds of marinated shellfish, cooked offal with a strong taste, or extravagant fatty meat and miscellaneous fish skewered in large skewers, they are all the most popular types of late-night snacks.

Groups of porters often gather together at a familiar booth after their work is finished, and the boss hands them a few cups, and then they drink from the barrel themselves.

Drink while ordering, and then we all get together and talk about what we have and what we don’t have.

Depending on the age, the topics at each table are often different.

Younger porters tend to prefer to talk about women—and they often talk about the textile factory in the north of the city. There are the largest number of unmarried women in the Fossbarrow area. "Paradise".

There are quite a few energetic young people who will go to the north of the city before going to work at noon, and take the initiative to strike up a conversation with the textile women workers while they are eating at noon.

Of course, it would be even more exciting if anyone could successfully bring their family members here, but considering the time difference between the porters on the night shift and the textile factory, such cases were rare.

For those porters who are older and have families, the topic tends to be more family-oriented, especially children.

Due to the promotion of compulsory education, Fossbarrow's children also have to face exams. Although exams are a hell for children, they are often the best talking points for their parents.

Especially those parents whose children have good academic performance, they can't wait to take out a report card to drink, even if they can't even read all the words on it, it doesn't prevent them from drinking two taels with the report card, drinking while drinking Also the kind of chatter.

The history of the past ten years has proved that in Fossbarrow, good grades are very useful - the admission of clerks requires examinations, and many professional subjects require professional study before they can work.

In other places, these positions need to be held by nobles or veterans, but in Fossbarrow, most of these positions are open to civilians!
Although the porters don't really understand the meaning of knowledge, and don't really understand the importance of knowledge, they can at least understand what knowledge can bring to their children.

They just want to simply live a better life, be more comprehensive in all aspects, regardless of basic necessities of life.

And among these "Xiuer Warriors", the highest status is undoubtedly the father of those children who have shown magical talent or amazing physical fitness.

Because this means that their children may have the opportunity to join the North Walker or the Archon!
In the eyes of the Fossbarrow people, it was truly bright.

What's more interesting is that since Xin Fook Kong's porters are the largest job-absorbing posts, even within the same moving group, members may come from different places in the northern border.

Although both are called the Northern Territory, there will be a big gap between Mithral and Irwindale in terms of customs and language.

Unlike eating in a hurry at breakfast, people often communicate more frequently at the supper table. Dialects with different accents communicate and merge here, and even a popular culture unique to supper is born.

Compared with the spring and snow staged at the Fossbarrow Theater, the pop culture on the wine table is naturally low-level, and there are even some contents that are not suitable for children, but with exchanges and integration, many of them are moving from popular to classic.

There are already more and more bards coming to the supper stalls in Xinfugang to pick up songs. Compared with those ancient historical books and records like noble genealogy, these drunkards' nonsense after getting drunk And singing and dancing, sometimes it is also a good source of material.

When the porters eat, drink, and support each other to return to the community where they live, these supper stalls will also be closed one by one—after collecting the mess all over the floor, some of them will go back to rest, some What’s more, it turns day and night upside down, laying out breakfast on the booth, waiting for the porters on the morning shift.

For those outsiders and those new to Fossbarrow, Xinfu Port is the "mouth" of the entire Fossbarrow area. After it was built as a trading hub in the north, every cargo ship loading and unloading, Every shipment of goods represents a large inflow of gold coins and countless enviable opportunities.

However, for these porters who really live in Xinfugang and sweat for the construction of Xinfugang, they do not have such a grand perspective.

What they saw was the morning shift and evening shift every day, the monthly salary payment, more and more gold coins in their pockets, the wives who looked better and better, and the boy who was getting stronger every day.

Although if they have the opportunity, they will also go to the spring speech and the winter speech.

But compared to the data that Earl Laxana said, what they really experienced was the changes around them.

Perhaps in the eyes of those noble lords, Fossbarrow represented the rise of forces in the North.

But in the eyes of those who really helped Fossbarrow rise, they may be doing it for Fossbarrow, but for a better version of themselves.

Of course, if you ask them whether they support Count Laxana, they must.

However, this kind of support did not come from a wonderful speech, nor did it come from a unique political viewpoint. They just believed in Count Laxana, believed that she could make the right choice, and believed that she could make Foss Barrow is better and better for the people who live in Forsbarrow.

If someone wants to mess with them, they don't hesitate to shake their fists, that's all.

The so-called peaches and plums are silent, and the next is self-made.

 I haven't been in a good state these two days (maybe I got excited watching the game), so let's write a chapter and make some adjustments.

  Congratulations to JDG and BLG, the double-elimination system proved that you are the first and second tiers of the fault!
  Starting tomorrow, add more!

(End of this chapter)

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