Lux's Farewell

694 [0684] Demacia's strength

694 [0684] Demacia's strength

It is undoubtedly a very painful thing to go down the sewers and enter Nashilami.

But what is more painful than this is that when Tariq finally came in through the sewer, when he tried to find those Sun believers, he found that they were not in his home—these people were all arrested by the port administration. The governor moved to the ruins of the destroyed temple for centralized management.

What is more painful than not being able to find the target is that when Tariq finally came to the ruins of the temple after some twists and turns, he wanted to see if he could contact him, but he found that quite a few of these people were They rebelled, and they got the help of some kind of sun god religion, and they stood on the Nashilam American front!

Even more painful than the target's mutiny, when Tariq's supplies were exhausted and he had to return to the camp in pain, he got the news, and just as he sneaked into the city, Jarvan IV took the main force to go out every day While covering himself, the nearby Lahorak warrior camp was raided, and he was caught off guard and suffered heavy losses.

What is more painful than the surprise attack on the friendly forces is that the leader who attacked the allied forces may be the one who seriously injured Tariq in Ningwu Road. Not only did he run away in pain, but he also just missed the opportunity for revenge, and missed his enemy!

That is to say, Tariq has set foot on the top of the mountain and also fell to the bottom of the valley. His mind has long been as firm as a rock. If someone else has endured this series of blows, he will be more or less depressed.

However, Tariq did not gain nothing at all.

After he sneaked into the city of Nashilami, because the goal was to contact the followers of the Solari Sect, he at least confirmed that the Sun God Sect and the Solari Sect did not seem to be the same way—this kind of information is a known condition from the perspective of God , but it is very important to Demacia. If Tarik hadn't given the convincing news, Jarvan IV would have considered reassessing his relationship with the Solari Sect.

(Of course, for Jarvan IV, it might actually be a better choice to re-evaluate the relationship with the Solari Sect.)
At this point, the first round of the confrontation outside the city of Nasslam can almost be declared over.

After this round, Demacia did not have any breakthroughs, but the losses were also very small. Although a team of dragon and bird knights was destroyed and supplies were consumed to a certain extent, with the arrival of follow-up reinforcements and the interception positions on the flanks, Done, Demacia is ready for a frontal attack.

Then, storm it!

Of course, a strong attack is not a swarm of giving away people's heads.

Even if it is a stupid way, there are also stupid ways of thinking.

The average height of the city walls of Nashilame is more than ten meters, and the thickness is also more than three meters. Although the weapons are sloppy and the equipment for defending the city is not very complete, even if they just throw stones against the city walls, the Demacians are at an absolute disadvantage.

Although the oasis outside the city can provide basic water supplies, there is no wood for making war equipment. If you rely on flesh and blood to forcibly hit the city wall, the ghost knows what a painful price you will have to pay.

Therefore, if you want to take down the city wall with a frontal attack, Demacia's biggest advantage should be the dispatching ability of your own army - the city wall of Nasslam is good at everything, but it is too long, even if Black has assembled 5 people as the defenders , but when he was actually defending, he still couldn't cover everything, and could only use the team as a unit to conduct segmented defense.

If Demacia can mobilize the siege army flexibly and cause confusion among the untrained defenders inside the city, then maybe he can find an opportunity to break through the defense of the city wall.

In addition, although the surprise soldiers in the sewers did not take effect, the sewers can still be used. When necessary, arranging an explosion underground will attract the attention of the defenders and provide a short window period without support for the siege .

Jarvan IV saw it clearly during the daily parade.

The city of Nasirami is high and difficult to overcome, but Nasirami's garrison is just that, which fits the stereotype that the city-state's defender Fela is unbearable. As long as you can find a way to climb the city wall, victory will be close at hand!

As for the guy who attacked Tariq...

The elders of the Solari Sect had just found Jarvan IV not long ago, and they will deal with it.


Jarvan IV quickly drew up the next battle plan.

The next day, for the first time, the Demacian army, which had only been out in action before, approached within [-] yards of the city wall of Nasramai.

The fully armored and fully armed Demacian army is full of momentum.

Under the guidance of the flag, the battle line of the Demacian army was like a sea tide, and wave after wave of blue waves rushed towards the city wall.

Compared with the Demacian army, the performance of the Nashilami garrison, which has a geographical advantage, is much inferior. After many "outings", they have become a little accustomed to the Demacia side lined up neatly. It seems that they thought that the Demacians would wait in formation as before, and then retreat when the time was up, so they didn't get nervous mentally.

As a result, when the Demacia side entered the range of the weapons projected by the soldiers on the city wall, they did not have time to cover the first wave of firepower, allowing the Demacia people to easily cross the [-]-yard marking line.

There was no chance for a head-on attack, and the grassroots commanders on the city wall could only issue the order of free fire, hoping to give the Demacians a little color through the condescending arrows.

However, the matter of free shooting is a test of the military's training level.

Although the more than 5 defenders mobilized by the governor of the Nasirama Port, Black, are indeed huge, they have largely made up for the problem that the Nasheramic city wall is too long and difficult to fully defend, but it has also greatly reduced the defenders. level of training.

After the order for free shooting was issued, the militiamen who had only been trained simply became frightened, and because of their nervousness, they began to shoot desperately.

As a result, before the vanguard of Demacia arrived at the city, each of them began to have acid regurgitation in their arms and became weak.

And most of these hastily shot arrows didn't know where they flew to. A few of them were lucky to hit the target, but they just scratched the surface of the rune steel armor and finally fell into the dust.

Jarvan IV, who was watching the battle from behind, frowned immediately.

From the perspective of a professional defender of Demacia, even if one's own army has not yet begun to climb the city wall, just walked the distance of [-] yards from the marking line to the bottom of the city, Jarvan IV has already discovered the defenders of Nashiram At least four huge loopholes.

According to the information provided by the dragon and bird knight, Jarvan IV was worried that the other party was an expert in defense after learning about the placement of military facilities in the city of Nashilami.

If you look at it now...


Iron rookie!
It is no problem to recruit militia to defend the city.

But there is something wrong with mixing militias and elites with the same responsibilities!
It is no problem to set the marking lines designed outside the city.

But there is only one marking line, and the enemy can only shoot freely as long as they cross it, so there is a problem!
Free-firing is fine when you can't pinpoint the enemy's position.

But it is not the free shooting of group fire coverage, but the free shooting of everyone pulling the bow at will, which is a problem!

No problem keeping the walls full of arrows.

But handing all the arrows to rookies who are obviously nervous, and let them finish shooting a wave and strain their muscles, there is something wrong!
Could it be that these Nasirah Americans behaved so poorly on purpose?

The thought of "Is the enemy trying to lure the enemy?" suddenly appeared in Jarvan IV's mind.

However, Jarvan IV quickly shook his head, denying this guess.

After all, Nashilami is the defensive side, and even has a sea transportation channel. As long as it is safe and secure, it will be very difficult for itself, and it is meaningless to do some bells and whistles.

They are real dishes!
Aware of this, Jarvan IV did not hesitate at all, and directly tested the attack to change the level of impact, and launched the second wave of offensive.

The position of the second attack wave was on the east side of the first wave of siege teams. After entering the attack stance, the defenders corresponding to the city wall also showed extremely low combat quality—the same version of the delay fighter, the same version of the Arrows flew wildly.

Then came the third wave, the fourth wave...

Under the clumsy performance of the Nashilami defenders, Demacia's siege front was fully launched. After reaching the city, the Demacia soldiers raised their shields to defend against the attack from the head, and at the same time used engineering shovels to dig city ​​walls.

If the enemy is slow to react, they try to dig out slots and climb the wall; if the enemy reacts quickly enough, they dig two shovels and run.

In addition, the few warriors who carried iron chains took the opportunity to throw out the chains with barbs on the ends and try to climb directly.

The inexperienced Nashilami defenders were almost stunned. In the section of the city wall where the fifth wave of offensive was located, a Demacian shield even managed to climb up the city wall, but in the end it was not stable enough and was captured by Nashilami. The old soldier was blocked back.

In just two hours, Demacia dispatched more than 5000 people to attack the city wall in the southeast of Nashilami more than ten times, and a large area of ​​the city wall was engulfed in flames.

When Mingjin retreated, although Demacia did not control any section of the city wall, there were already many dents on the outer wall of the area attacked by them that could be used for climbing. The difficulty of defense will increase a lot.

For Jarvan IV, this was a very successful offensive.

Next, he will shift positions and start a second wave of strong attacks.


After two hours of strong attacks, Jarvan IV could accept it, but Black in the city couldn't accept it no matter what.

No matter how he thought about it, he couldn't understand why he played so ugly when facing the siege of the Demacians when he was obviously the defender defending the city!

This was obviously not the case when Nashilami attacked Uzeris before!

Unlike Jarvan IV, who had fully established his position in Demacia by relying on his military exploits, Blake was able to become the governor of the port of Nasheramic because of the Great Shurima strategy and anti-war.

That's right, anti-war.

The most important reason why Black was able to take the position in Nasslam was that he was the one who unequivocally opposed Nasslam's invasion of Uzeris. At the beginning, Noxus had just suffered the defeat of the Ionian War, and its power began to shrink. Saga, the former governor of the Nashilam American Port, chose to seize this opportunity and tried to annex Uzeris under the banner of the orthodoxy of the Shurima Empire.

At that time, Nashilami absorbed a lot of Noxus military experience, and also hired many Noxus grassroots commanders. On paper, it seemed that it was the strongest city-state in Northern Shurima.

It was this self-confidence that made Saga choose to take advantage of the power vacuum to send troops to Uzeris, hoping to take it down in one fell swoop.

But obviously, she underestimated the huge logistical pressure of the desert, and also underestimated the huge obstacle of Uzeris—or the ancient city wall of Shurima to the siege.

Even if the initial battle went well, the Nashira US Army quickly cleared the outer oasis of Uzeris and began to besiege the city of Uzeris, but in the subsequent siege process, Nashira America was unable to make a breakthrough for a long time .

The city wall cannot be taken down, nor can Uzeris's sea transportation channel be completely cut off.

Saga didn't know the significance of the Uzeris black market to Shurima. After the war started, she tried to use commercial means to attract ships to Uzeris, and in this way reduced the supply of Uzeris. Hurt.

But to her surprise, Uzeris's business system did not have any problems because of her run, but it seemed that Nashilami, who was rich and powerful, was gradually unable to make ends meet.

The residents of Nashilam, who originally had a heart of "Great Shurima", gradually became dissatisfied when the tax was getting better day by day. The benefits brought, I only know that the taxes I need to pay are getting higher and higher day by day, and the standard of living is declining visible to the naked eye. come back.

Without a basis for a protracted war, protests against the war quickly broke out in Nassim and Latin America, and all walks of life began to use their own channels to voice their voices, hoping to end the war.

Saga also hoped to hold on, because on Uzeris' side, the main force defending the city had changed from a regular army to a militia. At this time, if they hold on, they will win—but the Nashilamians are unwilling.

In the end, large-scale protests erupted in Nasirami. The U.S. troops at the front line had huge logistics problems and had to retreat. Saga was expelled from the city in a panic. Confiscated and confiscated, Black, who led all this, quickly rose to power and became the new port governor of Nasslam.

In Blake's view, if he wanted to defend the city, he had to mobilize the militia in the city, which is what Uzzelis did.

But obviously, putting this experience in Nashilami has become a desperate task.

Just when Black was a little dazed, the Demacian army outside the city made some preparations and soon started the second round of echelon attacks.

Then came the third and fourth rounds.

At the end of the day, Demacia launched a frenzied four-round offensive, and the entire southeast city wall of Nashilami was full of jitters.

As for the results...

Although Demacia failed to take down any section of the city wall until sunset, the people who climbed the city wall also changed from one or two sporadic ones at the beginning to one or two sporadic shield squads.

With such an offensive, Jarvan IV only felt that he had a chance of winning.

 Carya's Small Classroom Demacia's Echelon Attack:
  The Demacians with strong individual combat effectiveness like to adopt the form of echelon attacks by small groups to attack the enemy in turn, keeping the enemy under great pressure until they show their flaws—although Demacia fought mostly defensive battles in the past, but On the front line of Green Tooth Peak, they always like to take the initiative to defend, and counterattack when they find an opportunity.

  The battle experience on the first day of Naslam America also proved that this move seems to be quite easy to use when dealing with the inexperienced and limited combat power of the Nasira America city defense force.

  PS. I don’t know if Chapter 2 can be finished.

(End of this chapter)

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