Lux's Farewell

695 [0685] Nashilami's reinforcements

695 [0685] Nashilami's reinforcements

Facts have proved that with the size of a city-state in Nashilami, after a group of elites are wiped out, just ten years is not enough to restore martial arts.

In the face of the echelon attacks of the Demacians, although the morale of the temporarily recruited citizens was good at first, they were not very good except for their morale—and when they realized that their combat power was not good enough, even their morale was not good. It's starting to fail.

No matter where they are, militiamen who lack training can only fight against the wind, and start to panic when they encounter headwinds.

After the Demacians stormed the city wall for three consecutive days in this way, the morale of the Naslami defenders was already very low. Even if the Demacians did not substantially occupy any section of the city wall, panic was still inevitable. spread.

In the city, Verus and Xu Yuyan were already waiting for Black to take the initiative to find them—they could see it very clearly. Judging from the comparison of the levels of the Demacia and Nashi Latin American armies, if they did not ask for support, Nashi No matter how high the walls and defense facilities of Latin America are, they will fall sooner or later.

However, what Verus and Xu Yuyan didn't expect was that although Black, the governor of the port of Nashilami, heard that he had fired several times at the military meeting, he still had no intention of finding himself and asking the Sun God Cult for help. .

It seems that he has other reliance?
Black's confidence surprised Verus and Xu Yuyan. They thought about it, but no matter how they thought about it, they couldn't figure out what Black was waiting for.

If you wait like this, the city walls will be gone. Do you really want to fight the Demacians in the streets?

Blake does have something to lean on.

He is still waiting for his reinforcements to arrive—in fact, as early as the war was still clouded, Black was already making preparations, but unlike the Demacians who were directly preparing for the war, most of his preparations focused on diplomacy. aspect.

In other words, in Black's view, the victory or defeat of Nasslami, which is defending the city, is not at all on the city wall, but whether there are more allies outside, and everyone will fight against Demacia together.

Although Uzeris didn't act from the perspective of Shurima because of a small dispute with Nashilami, but with so many city-states around, can they still sit back and watch the Demacians do their best?

With this in mind, Black did not focus on the army's sharpening their guns at the time, but actively contacted the governors of cities around Nashilam, as well as the governors of the ports along the Valoran Strait, and obtained a large number of diplomatic commitments and trade agreements .

The trade agreement guarantees the supply of materials for Nassim and Latin America, while diplomatic commitments will make Demacia fall into the siege of Shurima and need to face the dilemma of multi-front combat.

This is what His Excellency the Prince Regent said at the beginning, call it Bingfajiao!
Black's attack was half the battle.

The trade agreement is indeed effective, and Nassim Latin America has been well supplied with supplies so far.

But those diplomatic commitments are almost all reduced to waste paper at this time.

Bumang and Zurita in the south, Telishni in the west, and Stonewall Town on the opposite bank all said before that "they will intervene in the war when necessary", but when the war really broke out and Black summoned their envoys, these before The guys whose chests were being slapped started talking about him one by one, talking about some vague things.

The rhetoric sums it up to the fact that they will send in all but actual support.

However, just when Black's blood pressure began to rise sharply, and he even wanted to scold the other party, a messenger who had been silent before suddenly stood up now.

"Honorable Lord Black." The dark-skinned emissary with silver-white paint on his body said in a proud tone, "Mulhegra's army has assembled, and we will send an army of more than 3 people to With the support of Doman giant beasts, cross the sea of ​​death sand and cut off the retreat of the Demacians."

Black was overjoyed by the words of the Emissary of Mulhegra.

He really never expected that at this critical moment, it was the emissary of Murhegra who had been taciturn before, who responded!

An army of 3 people!

Raid across the death sand sea!
The logistics supplies of the Demacians are completely dependent on supplies from the direction of Uzeris. If the raid is successful, then they are doomed to collapse without a fight under the city of Nashilami!
At this moment, Black seemed to have grasped the last straw, and his whole body became visibly excited—if the envoy of Mulhegra hadn't finally expressed his position, he would really consider turning to the Sun God Cult for help. It would be unimaginable what price Shi Lamei would have to pay!


Mulhegra, an inland city of Shurima, is located in the northern part of the Death Sand Sea, southwest of Zurita, and is the southernmost city in Northern Shurima.

If you look at it from a map, Mulhegra looks like a teardrop deep into the desert of Dasai. There are some seasonal oases in the north, connecting it to the road to the outside world, while the south is more than [-] miles away. There is no oasis area—that is, the sea of ​​dead sand.

As far as the geographical environment is concerned, Mulhegra is undoubtedly quite harsh.

So why did Shurima build a city here?

The reason is also very simple. Mulhegra is located on the northern edge of the Yuesai Sand Dunes, and the Yuesai Sand Dunes are extremely rich in mineral resources.

In other words, Murhegra was a mining city.

Although Yuesai Sand Dune is called a sand dune, its essence is a mountain range running from north to south.

In the Dead Sand Sea area, desert storms continue all year round.

The violent desert hurricane brings a huge amount of yellow sand. It blows the Yuesai Mountains from east to west in two seasons a year, and accumulates a large amount of yellow sand on the east and west sides of the Yuesai Mountains, forming continuous large sand dunes. The sand dunes are in the shape of the last quarter moon, and when the westerly wind blows, the sand dunes are in the state of the first quarter moon, hence the name Yuesai Sand Dunes.

The desert hurricane caused the basalt mountain on the windward side of Yuesai Dune to suffer severe sand erosion. During the sand erosion, the sand and dust were easily carried away by the wind, and various heavy metal minerals in the mountain were deposited after being peeled off, which eventually led to , the shallow soil of the Yuesai Sand Dunes is a natural raw ore, and only needs to be separated to obtain a large amount of precious metals.

In addition to the most common placer gold, the early Shuriman people had learned to extract moon silver and moon copper and pick up moonstones in the shallow soil of the Moonseal Dunes long before Kalya came to Shurima.

Of course, just by hearing these names, you can know that these minerals, like the moon-sealed sand dunes, are regarded as a gift from the bright moon.

Even the name Mulhegra means "white sand dunes under the moonlight" in Shurima.

However, although the mining industry of Murhegra was born very early, there was no large-scale industrial upgrading during the Shurima Empire.

There are two main reasons for this situation.

The first is that although Murhegra has a lot of mineral reserves, it is indeed easy to mine by digging, but it is very inconvenient if you want to mine on a large scale and industrially.

The second is that the folk customs of Mulhegra are relatively subtle. The local people worship the moon very exaggeratedly. The hinterland, but for Shurima, which is full of deserts, Mulhegra is actually no different from an isolated island.

Considering that the Bright Moon Sect can still be used to give Eye Salve to the Sun Sect in some aspects, Kalya let it play its own game at that time.

And speaking of this, it seems that Murhegra's reason for taking the initiative to support Nashilami is also very clear.

Demacia has the allies of the Solari Sect!

An enemy's enemy is a friend. Although the Lunar Sect was completely crushed by the Sun Sect in the competition soon after the Shurima Empire was over, and has almost been expelled from Mount Targon, the followers of Mulhegra are still In praise of the great moon!
And the bright moonlight has never abandoned his faithful believers. After countless years of hardship, Mulhegra finally ushered in the protoss.

Under the guidance of the protoss, the moon believers of Mulhegra seized the opportunity of Guihai Maru Temple to come to the real plane, and let their carefully selected twins rely on the guidance of their blood to break the relationship between the real world and the spiritual world. plane barrier.

Under the guidance of Laluen, the spiritual energy filling the Guihai Maru Temple condensed into a moonstone weapon in the present world, and equipped it to the joyful moon believers.

This moonstone weapon is so powerful, it seems that it can be transformed and used at will as long as the master wants to move!
However, as a price, those who use moonstone weapons need to bring themselves closer to the spirit world, so they need to drink the highly poisonous night blossom juice to turn themselves into dumb servants of the moon; they also need to listen to the voice of the moon all the time, Then keep a pure mind with few desires and a clear heart.

Of course, this has never been a problem for the fanatical Bright Moon believers, and even one of the remaining twins, Aphelios, has also become dumb with them, so what is unacceptable What about?
In this way, the Murhegra people formed a bright moon army, although the number was not 3 as their messengers said (in fact, the total population of Murhegra is less than 3 now, and the formation of [-] Human armies are nonsense), but there are ten thousand.

Among them, there are more than [-] bright moon warriors who can use moonstone weapons!
Although the number of 800 people does not sound like a lot, considering their fighting will and combat effectiveness when using moonstones, if these 800 people appear on the battlefield, their destructive power may not be comparable to the same number of fearless pioneer fighters!
And now, under the mobilization of the Bright Moon Sect, this team is fully armed and set off in the direction of Nashi Lamei.

Mulhegra's emissary was indeed bragging when he said that there would be reinforcements of 3 men.

However, considering these bright moon fighters, in terms of combat effectiveness, this support army indeed surpassed the 3-strong Noxus battle group.

It seems understandable for Black to use this team as his lifeline.

No matter how you look at it, this team seems to be able to play well, and it perfectly meets Black's expectations for reinforcements—if they are really Nashilami's reinforcements.

 One more chapter.

(End of this chapter)

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