Lux's Farewell

699 [0689] Looking for Verus

699 [0689] Looking for Verus

Sensing that something was wrong, Elder Haoyue immediately notified Protoss, that is, Diana.

However, unlike Elder Haoyue who was terrified, Diana was not surprised but delighted when she learned the news that the Darkborn had appeared.

In her opinion, it is completely good news that there are dark descendants taking action on the side of the Sun God Cult!

The Sun Sect relies on the Sun God Sect, and it is difficult for most people to completely separate it. This gives the Sun God Sect quite ample space for activities. It is not an exaggeration to say that the Sun God Sect can develop to the point where it is today, even in some The central city of Shurima became orthodox, and the first pot of gold of the Sun Sect played a very important role.

However, deep down, the Sun God Sect is a traitor after all.

In the eyes of Elder Bright Moon, the dark descendants are a group of terrible lunatics. Now that the Sun God Sect has something to do with the dark descendants, isn't that a great thing?

If it is possible to bind the Sun God Cult to the Darkborn, wouldn't that prove that the Sun God Cult itself has problems?

Darkborn are not good people!
Not to mention that after the end of the Shurima Empire, those dark descendants did create a large-scale massacre; even if they are simply some powerful and uncontrollable existences, they are enough to cause panic and rejection among the people!

As for the giant gods, although occupying the protoss and not entering Runeterra with their own bodies is in the final analysis the giant gods cowardly, but it is undeniable that this method has indeed narrowed the relationship between them and the believers.

From the perspective of believers, you believe in giant gods. If you are devout enough and stand the test, you will have the opportunity to become a protoss to witness immortality!
But what about the Darkborn?

They are a bunch of lunatics!
Not to mention that most Shurima people don't know why the darkin are crazy. Even if they know that the madness of these darkin is related to the void and the collapse of the empire, no one will accept these lunatics.

In addition, the Darkin war did bring a lot of trouble to Runeterra. Once people know the relationship between the Darkin and the Sun God Cult, the Sun God Cult will be over!

As for whether someone will be afraid because of this...

Diana didn't care.

This is no longer the age of the Shurima Empire.

The dark descendants are no longer ascenders or god warriors!

Although these Darkborn are still very good at fighting, and even the protoss will suffer if they are not careful in a frontal confrontation, but can they be beaten for a fart?

As long as the anger of the Darkborn is aroused, the Darkborn will run away for you every minute. An opponent of this level does not need to worry about the giant god at all.

From the beginning to the end, only opponents like Kalya are worth worrying about. If the Void hadn't given Shurima a big blow at a critical moment, perhaps the faith of the giant gods would be expelled by Kalya one day... maybe !
In this way, under the astonished eyes of Elder Bright Moon, Diana finalized the plan of "publicizing and informing the Sun Sect", in order to let all the forces on the battlefield of Nashi Latin America know that the Sun God Sect is a sect of dark descendants the news.

This is the flaw that you exposed, no wonder I chased after it!


The siege of Nashilami is still in full swing.

The performance of the Nashilam American defenders was as poor as ever, and even a small section of the city wall fell and the two sides competed fiercely.

On Black's side, seeing that the support from the Bright Moon Sect was delayed, he finally turned to the Sun God Sect for help, and only then did he protect the city wall a few times.

Then, at this time, the news that "the Sun God Cult is actually a sect that believes in dark descendants" spread.

The person who delivered the news was the Rahorak warriors outside the city——After receiving the news, the Elder Lieyang finally started to act. Behind the city wall, they were not in a hurry to expand their dominance. Instead, they chose to start propaganda on the spot, telling the Nasramian defenders that the heretics of the Sun God Cult actually believed in the Darkin, and that they were the most dangerous enemies.

The propaganda on the battlefield is the same as the mouthpiece before the battle begins most of the time. It is meaningless before the balance of victory has tilted. In addition, Black in the city of Nashilam is actively refuting it. It seems that Raho The Rak fighters were just firing their cannons.

However, as the battle continued, as Nashilami's defense became more and more difficult, many people still began to mutter in their hearts.

Even Black took the initiative to find Xu Yuyan, hoping to talk to him about the dark descendants.

Although on the surface Black meant that "the other party's propaganda momentum is too strong, we need a targeted approach", but in fact, this kind of communication itself already represented his hesitant attitude.

Xu Yuyan was in pain and couldn't tell.

He has completely lost contact with Verus, and not only Verus, but even the Kayavia elites that Verus took away, no one has brought him a message back now.

About Verus and the Kayawea who went to raid the Bright Moon Sect, the only news that Xu Yuyan knew was from Bu Mang—provided by Ino, about the "two oases" was destroyed, and the Bright Moon Sect stopped marching".

What's worse, based on the information, Xu Yuyan came to the conclusion that there might be something wrong with Verus, and the Bright Moon Sect is not aimless.

This is a terrible thing.

Diana knew what the darkin meant to the people of Shurima, and so did Xuuyan.

If this news is allowed to continue to ferment, the foundation of the Sun God Cult will be weakened—Shurima will miss the Ascended and the Celestial Warriors, but they will not miss the Darkin, even if the Darkin is an infected Ascendant .

It might sound like a white-eyed wolf story, but in reality, Xuuyan knew that after Kalya's death and the collapse of the empire, few darkspawn were completely innocent.

In comparison, these dark descendants of the Sun God Sect have indeed not done anything, but the reputation of the dark descendants has long been completely ruined.

Let alone Blake.

Even many church members of the Sun God Sect have recently been trying to solicit evidence from themselves that "the Sun God Sect has nothing to do with the dark blood".

In this case, as long as the pope, Verus, shows up and proves that he is not a dark descendant, it will be enough to smash all the rumors.

But it's a pity that Verus couldn't show up, and no one knows where Verus is now.

It seems that the Solari Sect seems to have seized the key to counterattack.

Even the Bright Moon Sect has issued a joint statement with the Sun Sect, roughly saying that "for the sake of the peace of Shurima, they are willing to abandon all past prejudices and fight against the Darkborn Yunyun together", highlighting a place where they put themselves in moral high ground.

Next, as long as Jarvan IV nodded in agreement with the statement and was willing to include himself in it, then Ino even needed to open the way.

Will Jarvan IV reject this gift from heaven?

The answer is naturally no.

All of a sudden, bad news reached the headquarters where Ino was located one after another.

The war situation in Nashila America seems to be completely out of control.

It was originally a battle of prestige after Demacia became an empire, but now it not only secretly affects the Protoss and the Darkborn, but it is also being discussed on the table, and it is said with great fanfare, and it may even lead to the formation of Lieyang and Jiao. "Reconciliation of the Century".

In this more than a month, many things happened in front of Yinuo so overwhelmingly that she became a little confused.

So much so that when the envoy of Jarvan IV arrived and asked Ino to make way for the passage and allow the Bright Moon Legion to go to the city of Nashilami for an alliance, Ino didn't even react at the first time—thanks to Karya's Secretly reminded, she only accepted the order.

"So, what shall we do next?" After accepting the order, Ino looked at Karya, "Get out of the way?"

"Get out of the way." Kalya nodded, "It seems that Nashilami can no longer hold on."

"This is not a good thing." Ino couldn't help but sighed, "Demacia is becoming the next Noxus!"

"You think too much." Kalya was very indifferent, "Demacia will not become the next Noxus. If Demacia continues like this, it will only make people feel dissatisfied and even betray their relatives."

"Then let's just look at it like this?" Eno was quite frustrated when he talked about this topic, "I always feel that Demacia shouldn't be like this..."

"What do you think it should be like?" Kalya asked with great interest, "Which way is the correct way to fight a Civil War between Fossbarrow and Xiongdu?"

"Almost." Ino opened his mouth, and then said a little weakly, "Although reason tells me that there will be few obstacles for Fossbarrow to go south in the future, I still feel that something is wrong."

"How can there be so many vigorous head-to-head confrontations." Kalya patted her on the shoulder, "No matter what the outcome of the battle is, at least the training purpose of the plain walkers has been achieved. What an elite guy, although there were some casualties, they were not fatal—at least the actual combat training of the plain walker was successfully completed."


Kalya was right about this.

The training effect of the plain walkers was really good. During the entanglement in the oasis belt, they saw enemies of different levels, and they fought against the wind and fought against the wind.

"Next, you can stay here with peace of mind." Carya continued, "I'm going to see Verus."

Ino widened his eyes.

"Don't worry, I know what's going on." Kalya, who obviously understood what Ino was worried about, shook his head gently, "This is not Icacia, I should be able to find him soon."


Alone, Kalya quietly left the command post, rode a camel, and rushed to the oasis where Verus disappeared.

When Kalya came here, the entire oasis had completely disappeared in the wind and sand—without the shelter of trees, without the water retention of roots, Shurima's seasonal oasis is so fragile, and only needs a "little" "Small battles" can be completely eliminated in the invisible.

After confirming his position, Karya jumped off the camel and began to carefully observe the oasis covered by yellow sand.

The smell of blood has not dissipated.

Stretching out his right arm forward, a small sand dune that had just formed in front of him began to flow as if it had come to life, and he moved his position very "consciously", revealing the ruins covered under the sand dune.

This is the outpost built by the plain walkers before. After the plain walkers voluntarily withdrew from this oasis, it became the command post of the Bright Moon Legion.

Under the destruction of Verus, this outpost has completely collapsed. Among the broken stones and wood, there are many corpses that have been dried naturally - look at their armor and equipment, there are some from the Lunar Legion, There are also sun gods.

Maybe an ordinary person would feel a little nauseous and nauseated after seeing this scene, but Kalya didn't even frown, just simply observing the details here.

Soon, Kalya found some fine white gravels in the yellow sand, which looked a bit like gravel. After careful observation, he quickly confirmed that these gravels were not the yellow gravels that can be seen everywhere in Shurima. Sand, but crushed moonstones.

Considering that the material of the moonstone is very hard, and it can easily crush so many moonstones and crush the moonstones so finely, it should be made by Verus.

So, with this outpost as the center, Carya began to search carefully.

There are dead bodies everywhere.

Judging from the wounds on the corpse, most of them were done by Verus, because only Verus in the dark form can create so many crushing wounds.

This undoubtedly made Carya's heart sink even more.

Although Verus's loss of control had been expected, Carya still felt very uncomfortable when he thought of the taciturn child turning into this extremely crazy appearance.

In this way, Kalya went through the corpses all the way, looking for any traces that might indicate the whereabouts of Verus.

Then, he found traces of Qinghui Yening—even though almost half a month had passed, Kalya could still feel the strong breath of moonlight after lifting the floating sand here.

Perhaps, this is the key factor that caused Verus to go crazy?
Karya searched here carefully, and using his own way of manipulating the yellow sand, he started a carpet search from all angles, and finally found the hernia-like passage buried by the yellow sand.

Is this where Verus is headed?
Without any hesitation, Kalya took a quick step and rode the fine yellow sand into this bottomless tunnel.

Then, when Kalya finally entered the deepest part of the tunnel and came into the underground cavity, the first thing that appeared in his vision was the corpse of a void worm that was crushed into fine pieces—no, not One, Carya realized when he looked carefully, it was the corpses of many void worms, after being crushed by Verus, it looked like one.

Yes, Varus is here.

 back pain...

(End of this chapter)

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