Lux's Farewell

700 Silent and lonely

700 Silent and lonely

When Karya found Varus, he had already regained part of his sanity.

Although the desire to kill hadn't completely subsided, because the void worms around him that could be slaughtered by him had already been slaughtered, Verus was still a little sober after all.

At least when he saw Kalya, he didn't attack right away—he just stood quietly in the darkness with a longbow, silent and silent.

As if it was the first time Karya saw him.

At that time, Verus was a "special recruit". Unlike those Ascendants who rolled out on the professional track, he even entered Shurima University because of his meritorious service in the army and his skillful skills. Called superb archery.

So, when Karya saw him for the first time, he looked like this, standing silently and alone away from the crowd.

This is the complete opposite of her older sister Varieva. Anyone who knows the two of them finds it difficult to accept that the polite and well-rounded Varieva is actually the same mother as Verus, who is always silently looking for the corner. .

The main reason for the difference between the two is that they grew up in completely different environments—Wari Eva, who has shown a good talent as a problem writer since she was a child, is the main training object in her family. kids" kind.

Verus was the one who was helplessly eliminated. In Shurima, which had a complete promotion route, Verus was destined to have no talent on the track of learning magic, so after finishing his basic education, he went to join the army.

No one could have imagined that the brothers and sisters would meet again at Shurima University in the end. One came in abruptly, and the other came in for training with military merit.

Moreover, even among those qualified for advanced studies because of military merit, Verus is a very special person-he is very young, and he can really learn.

For most of the people who entered Shurima University because of their military exploits, they came here either for their resumes or to obtain the qualifications for ascension. Few people will study magic here with a solid heart like Varus .

It is precisely because of Verus's solid eyes that his talent has been discovered. Facts have proved that he is not without talent, but that his talent is too biased, and the power of withering and corruption is a bit too much. The underworld is gone, and generally no one wants to study it. If it weren't for the opportunity to come to Shurima University, maybe Verus really wouldn't have had the chance to obtain the power of wither.

Now, in the dark underground cavity, next to the corpses of countless void worms, Karya saw Varus again.

"Are you okay, kid?" Kalya took off his mask, "You don't look very happy, do you want to tell you a joke?"

Verus stared blankly at Teacher Kalya in front of him.

He didn't know if it was real or an illusion.

Or, after countless years of suffering, he finally ushered in the real end, and Teacher Kalya really became the god of death and came to pick him up.

But no matter what the reason was, Verus chose to nod slightly.

"Don't talk too coldly, I don't like homophonic stalks."

Hearing what Verus said, Kalya laughed first.

"Once upon a time, there was a student who, in order to prove that the sand lizard heard sounds with its feet, did an experiment——"

"Cut off the sand lizard's legs and ring the bell again, and it will stop running. Teacher Kalya, this joke is a bit too old-fashioned even for a three-thousand-year-old person."

"No, after the previous plan was rejected, he chose to attach the sand lizard's legs to the snake's body to see if it would run after hearing the bell."

Verus blinked, but didn't understand the point of this cold joke.

"That's what Varieva did." Kalya sighed, "Religion is not the only thing that can fight against religion."

Varus glanced at Karya, then shook his head slightly.

"Let's go, you should have recovered, right?" Kalya waved to him, "Come out with me!"

"Mr. Kalya, you have lost your immortality." Verus didn't immediately get up and follow Kalya away, but seemed to have discovered something magical, "How did you do it?"

"Give up power." Carya said succinctly, "Take off everything, including power, and then grow old as an ordinary person."

"Can I do it too?"

"It should be possible, but I don't recommend it now." Kalya shrugged. "Those guys on Mount Targon are not very easy to talk to. It may be a bit difficult to trick another fool into helping."

"Then what should I do?"

"If you are still willing to believe me, I will take you to see Aatrox." Kalya put on the mask, "It is better for immortals to stay in the land of immortality."

Varus obviously didn't know what the Undead was. In his impression, Aatrox was the first group of people to leave Shurima. He heard that he went to Kamavia, and then gradually disappeared. ——Many Darkborn are like this, some were completely sealed by the cunning protoss, and some lost their immortality for some reason, no one knows where they went.

And according to Kalya, it seems that he has met Aatrox and thinks that the undead land he is in is more suitable for darkborn?

However, Verus is willing to go and have a look.

He has already messed up the matter on the side of the Sun God Sect. If there is no accident, Xu Yuyan should have awakened the next pope, right?

Verus' guess was right.

Just when Karya found him, Lieyang and Haoyue finally achieved the great reconciliation of the century.

Then, under the siege of Rahorak, Moon Warriors and Demacian Army, Nashilami, who had doubts about the Sun God Sect, finally fell.

Black, the port governor who refused Xuuyan's help, took refuge in Calduja by boat on the day the city was destroyed.

Under such circumstances, Xu Yuyan had no choice but to lead the elite Kayawea of ​​the Sun God Cult to break out from the east of the city, and after paying a not-so-heavy price, entered the Barren Hill Mountains.

Next, he has to wake up Valiva in advance, and now the situation in Shurima seems to be a little bit wrong.

It is not normal for giant gods who have been fighting for followers in the past to show abnormal unity.

As a response, in theory, the Darkborn should also unite together—the conflict between the giant gods and the Darkborn, after the collapse of the Shurima Empire, has become the most fundamental contradiction in the Shurima continent .

Therefore, based on the above judgment, Xu Yuyan believes that Valiva must be awakened. She is a relatively sober and intelligent one among the dark descendants. How to treat Icacia and Ixtar in the future depends on She needs to make up her mind!

As for Varus...

It's not that Xu Yuyan wants to give up his comrades, it's just that things have to be prioritized, Verus is crazy if he is crazy, anyway, he is immortal.

Obviously, Xu Yuyan never expected that Verus had been found and taken away by Karya at this time.

And with Xu Yuyan's retreat, the entire Nashilame was finally completely controlled by Demacia.

In order to highlight the difference between the Demacian Empire and the evil Noxus Empire, Jarvan IV did not order to change the flag after occupying Naslam, but allowed Naslam to remain independent, and even re-established its own internal Electing a governor of the harbor seems to be the same as if the Demacians sent troops to overthrow Black's evil rule.

However, if you look at it from another angle, Demacia may have a greater impact on Naslam America than the Noxus in order to expand their territory and cooperate with the locals—they took over the port of Naslas America, The destroyed Solari Temple was rebuilt, and a massive monument to the Centuries of Reconciliation was erected in the center of the city.

As a price, many of the ancient buildings that have been preserved by Nashilami and used to cosplay the Shurima Empire have been demolished. Before Nashi Lamei chose a reliable backer, he had already decided Nashi Lamei's fate.

Not only that, Jarvan IV specially designated a military zone outside the city of Nasramei, and once again stationed an army.

Nominally speaking, the responsibility of this army is to "catch sand bandits".

But actually, north of Zurita, can there be a sand bandit with a hammer?

There are indeed a lot of sand bandits in Shurima, but most of them are operating in relatively remote places. Are there sand bandits with bad brains who will go to plunder around Nashilamme?
Nashlame is a city built on business. If you dare to interfere with Nashlame’s commercial activities, Nashlame will really send people to clear the money. Don’t think that Nashlame can’t beat Demacia, but it’s still a good idea to clean up the sand robbers. OK!

Therefore, it is enough to station troops to clean up such things as sand pirates.

It is not an exaggeration to say that after the Noxus came to and occupied Nashilam America, they only regarded Nashilam as a base to expand their territory and a money bag. It has changed, but in general it still focuses on cooperating with local people.

But after the arrival of the Demacians, although Nashilame is still an independent city-state, it is not expected that it will soon become the second commercial center of Demacia after Uzeris in Northern Shurima.

With the help of Nashilami's transshipment, Demacia's bulk grains are likely to compete directly with Kumanggra and Karduja's grains.

From Jarvan IV's point of view, this exposing of muscles in a way of scaring chickens and monkeys is perfect.

Facts have proved that in front of the elite Demacian fighters, even Nashilami, who dared to send troops brazenly in the past, is not an opponent.

Moreover, with the emperor's arbitration, the Sun Sect and the Bright Moon Sect also completed the century-old reconciliation. The elders of the Sun Sect and the Bright Moon Sect agreed that Jarvan IV, who once climbed Mount Targon, was the one who "can represent The man of the sun and the moon."

Well, the problem is coming.

When will the sun and the moon appear at the same time?

The answer given by the Sun Sect and the Bright Moon Sect is "when the twilight is dispersed".

Although many people were curious as to why it was not the dawn of dawn, Jarvan IV readily accepted the praises of the Sun Sect and the Bright Moon Sect, and added A "Lord of Twilight".

In return, Jarvan IV also allowed the Bright Moon Sect and the Solari Sun Sect to enter Demacia to preach - this battle created a new batch of military nobles, and Jarvan IV needed to introduce a little religious power to balanced.


It took Jarvan IV nearly a month to deal with government affairs in Nasir Latin America.

After finally settling the new order of Nashilami, he finally returned home by boat with a large army.

When the army landed at the port of Xiongdu, Demacia's Xiongdu seemed to become a sea of ​​celebration once again. His Majesty the great emperor once again guarded the glory of the empire, and once again proved the glory and greatness of Demacia!

However, if Jarvan IV can leave Xiongdu and go to other places in Demacia, to the countryside, to the fields, to the border, to the forest, then he will find that it is the same as the national jubilation after the victory of the last battle of Tobyssia Different, this time when he returned victorious, even though the celebration in Xiongdu became more grand, more Demacians were a little numb.

For them, Demacia did have some victories.

But those victories mean nothing to them.

So far, the huge profits from the Shurima trade have almost been taken away by the nobles and the royal family. Their hands are so tightly held that almost none of them flow into the common people.

In the past ten years, it seems that the national power of Demacia is booming, but for the civilians of Demacia, all they can perceive is inflation and rising prices, the inability to join the army and the loss of promotion channels, and the land rent of the lords. Crazy rise...

At the very beginning, everyone would rejoice and be proud of the victory of the empire.

But now what...

More and more people have discovered that the glory of the empire is the glory of the nobility, and only the glory of the nobility.

In the past, commoners could risk their lives to make themselves or their children new nobles.

But now, as the lords in various places have stopped conscription, and as prices continue to rise, civilians cannot join the army, and they cannot provide children with the conditions to join the army by saving money...

In this case, no matter who will feel dissatisfied.

That is to say, Demacia itself is a major grain producer, and everyone can at least have food, otherwise, if this tossing continues, I am afraid that it will be more than just a simple matter of "dissatisfaction".

However, at this delicate moment, before all the celebrations in Xiongdu were over, a brand new storm swept through Demacia.

Black, the former port governor of Nashilame, who took refuge in Calduja by boat, quickly showed his political skills after staying away from the battlefield. A commodity price war dominated by grain trade.

 Why does my waist not hurt so much when I sit, but it hurts when I lie down and rest for a long time?
  What's the point of this?
(End of this chapter)

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