Lux's Farewell

Chapter 702 [0693]

Chapter 702 [0693]

After the baptism of the past ten years, coupled with the victory in the Battle of Nashilam, in the eyes of the Demacian nobles, food has changed from "food for eating" to "investment commodities with a promising future" .

In the past, most of the Shurima trade was taken away by the royal family. There was only one Ningwu Road, and Jinlun Town’s spending power was limited. Everyone watched the royal family eat meat eagerly, and they all hoped that other places in Shurima would also receive Germans. Marcia food.

Unfortunately, this transformation is currently interrupted.

After all, Nashilam America has also become a new sphere of influence, and the scale of Shurima trade is about to expand. Naturally, nobles from all over the country take advantage of the autumn harvest to prepare more food and plan to sell a large wave.

As a result, it is better now, the price of grain has been sniped, and all the grain has been thrown into the hands.

That's why the nobles are so anxious.

The food was in his hand, and Jarvan IV just said "investigate", so who the hell knows when the investigation will come out?

Kumanggra and Karduja are city-states thousands of miles away, much farther than Nashilami. This year’s investigation has yielded no results, and the grain in their hands has become stale. It hurts to think about it!
Jarvan IV was not in a hurry, after all, the surplus grain from the territory directly under the royal family could be sold to Jinlun Town and the Rakkol people.

But the nobles who just raised these grains are in a hurry!

Is it really only possible to export to the Principality of Valoran to the east?

Demacia's food is indeed popular in the local area, but the price can't be sold at all!

Among the entire noble council, only the nobles whose fiefdoms were close to the eastern border hoped that Jarvan IV would open the door because they would earn more money selling grain to the east.

But in the eyes of other nobles, if that's all, it's really not reconciled.

If you earn less, isn’t that a loss?

Jarvan IV actually didn't care about the profit and loss of the nobles for a year.

This is all the food you raised yourself, and it has nothing to do with the royal family, and you won't distribute it to me if you earn it. Why do I care about you?

However, as the emperor and the arbiter of all conflicts in the empire, on the one hand, Jarvan IV stood idly by and didn't care about anything. On the other hand, he also needed to consider whether the food would flow into places he didn't want it to flow into.

The last thing the royal family, who controlled Ningwudao, wanted was that the food be sold to the Lakkor people.

The nobles made money and lost money, but Jarvan IV didn't care.

But they cannot make money for themselves and influence the royal family to make money.

Due to the great reconciliation of the century, it was a foregone conclusion that the Solari Sun Sect and the Bright Moon Sect would enter Demacia to preach. Under such circumstances, Jarvan IV did not want the nobles to take the opportunity to have any contact with the Rakkor people.

Not only should there be no commercial cooperation, it is best to maintain political confrontation!

Therefore, even if the matter had nothing to do with his own income, for the sake of stability, Jarvan IV had to take some action to appease the restless nobles.

Calling people over for a meeting is not only hoping to see if something can be done first, but also to make a gesture first, at least to stop the endless quarrel at the noble council.

However, the question asked by Lan Fu gave Jarvan IV a lot of inspiration.

In the final analysis, there is too much food in everyone's hands. It is hard to say how the Shurima trade will be in the future. At this time, someone needs to be responsible!
The royal family has the ability to cover the situation, but Jarvan IV has no confidence in the situation in Shurima, so he has no way to cover it.

So, besides the royal family, is there anyone else who has the ability to tell the truth?
Hey, really.

The people in the northern border are very rich, and they also have their own trade routes. Is there any way for them to eat these grains and protect the nobles?

Thinking of this, Jarvan IV was shocked to find that not only did he not understand Shurima, but he also didn't understand the northern border of the country a little bit.


After the idea of ​​"letting the people in the north eat these grains at a high price" was born, Jarvan IV's first reaction was not to think about how to let the people in the north eat these grains, but thought of "would it be good to let the people in the north eat these grains?" You're going to get yourself into trouble."

The Battle of Nashilam America is over. Although Tarik is still busy in Shurima, Jarvan IV will also need to find a way to win over the power of the Northern Territory. Because of the border, the Northern Territory has always had a very high Autonomy, this is not what Jarvan IV wants to see. Now that he is finally free, he must suppress the power of the northern lord.

However, to suppress the power of the lord in the north, Jarvan IV is still more inclined to eliminate the private army and win over the grassroots power in two steps. As for the lord's private business, he has no intention of getting involved yet.

This is the "private land" given to the nobles by Jarvan IV. He is very happy to see the nobles make money, but the price of making money is to give up military power.

In a sense, this can also be regarded as... Drinking wine to release military power?

Hmm, a very good idea.

If Lux is willing to give up her northern border walker, then Jarvan IV feels that he can also add a bargaining chip to her northern border trade!

Why do you keep your soldiers? Raising soldiers consumes a lot of money. I heard that you are not doing very well on the flanks.

From the perspective of a nobleman, Jarvan IV felt that his suggestion was quite honest.

Even if the identities were swapped, Jarvan IV was willing to accept the result - Demacia had already become an empire, and he himself had become an emperor. There was no need to maintain a local private army at this time!

Even though there were some unhappiness in the past, in the eyes of Jarvan IV, Lacus was still a reliable model of nobility, but she was so noble that she was in conflict with the royal family in terms of her status as a lord.

So, after Lux got this batch of food, will it delay the royal family from making money?
Presumably not.

Although some parts of the northern border trade also involve Shurima, it is mostly in the procurement of goods.

As long as the Rakor people and Fossbarrow are not allowed to contact for the time being, Lux will naturally have no way to sell food to the foot of Mount Targon, and it will not delay the royal family from making money!

After thinking for a while, Jarvan IV finally figured out the key points, and formulated the next step of Demacia's strategic plan.

On the Shurima side, Ningbudao's trade will be restarted, and Tarik will go to Karduja and Kumanggra to try to find out the opponent's details, so as to determine the next development direction of Shurima trade.

In Demacia, the Sun Sect and the Bright Moon Sect will begin to preach in the territory after the great reconciliation of the century, and Jarvan IV himself, as the Lord of Twilight, as a religious leader, balances the relationship between nobles and religions Relationship.

The collection of power in the Northern Territory also needs to be gradually expanded. The means of exchanging wealth for military power is to recover the private troops that were kept in the Northern Territory for historical reasons, and then gradually bring the Northern Territory and other internal fiefdoms under the direct rule of the emperor.

Grain exports are appropriately opened on the eastern border, and relations with the city-states of the Principality of Valoran are maintained, maintaining the posture of a big country.

Although Shurima has encountered a small setback, Jarvan IV is not in a hurry now - as a climber, he is still very energetic, and everything in Demacia is coming soon!

Fossbarrow, when Lacus received Jarvan IV's personal letter, she had just finished summarizing her trip to Shurima and planning for the next step in military reform.

This time the Plain Walker's actions were generally successful.

The Plainwalker, who had no actual combat experience before, went through a variety of actual combat tests after paying a relatively small price, and felt the atmosphere of the battlefield in person.

In the battle with the Bright Moon Army, many of their performances were remarkable. Even in the face of the Bright Moon Warriors who crushed them with strength, they also showed their bravery and fearlessness.

However, many problems were exposed in this operation.

First of all, the cooperation between the northern border walker and the guardian is not tacit enough, and it is very blunt.

Although both sides seem to be consciously complementing and cooperating, and the logistics cooperation is very smooth, but in the specific battle, everyone still seems to be acting separately.

There is a cooperation, but it is the cooperation of the plain walker brigade and the fifth sequence of magicians.

On the next level, the Plainwalker and the Archon can only play on their own, and they can't cooperate at all.

The coordination of mages, infantry, and cavalry should have been Fossbarrow's advantage, but due to the lack of targeted training, the grassroots cooperation between the two sides was a mess during this operation, which in turn affected the combat effectiveness.

In addition, when facing the bright moon warriors, the problem of the plain walker's attack was also exposed. Judging from the performance of this operation, the plain walker can easily crush the miscellaneous soldiers, but when facing the elite, he can only Relying on maneuverability to conduct circuitous battles, the ability to attack fortifications is quite limited.

This is also the direction they need to train, but considering that there are extraordinary people in the northern border, and there are still a lot of mages, this is not too urgent.

In the end, after the Battle of Nasslam, many plain walkers had psychological problems to some extent.

Everyone has a steelyard in their hearts.

Although soldiers have to obey orders, humans are not machines after all. Each of these plain walkers has his own understanding of the nature of this war.

In the eyes of many people, this is an out-and-out unjust war.

Demacia has been involved in many wars in the past, but at that time, their identity has always been that of the invaded.

The Noxians have always coveted the fertile land of Demacia, while Demacia prefers their own one-acre three-point land, and has no interest in territorial expansion.

In this case, joining the army and fighting are naturally just.

As for the Demacian soldiers who went to the battlefield to kill the enemy, in addition to earning meritorious service and gaining an advanced level, they did also have a sense of moral honor.

Over the centuries, justice has gradually been bound together with honor.

However, this time the battle of Nashila America... can it really be regarded as a just war?
Although the "cause" of the war was the caravan being plundered, Nashilami sold the stolen goods and refused to investigate, and even persecuted local believers...

There are many reasons,
But the plain walkers who have really experienced the war are very clear that they have indeed gone to a foreign country to attack others.

Even if it's just a block on the side battlefield, it's not glorious.

Moreover, compared to other armies in Demacia, Fossbarrow's northern walkers have a special ideological education link. They know where their glory comes from. In terms of consciousness, it is still far beyond the general feudal army.

Now this army is participating in an unjust war. After the war, many soldiers feel very uncomfortable psychologically. If this discomfort is not relieved, it will cause major problems.

Fortunately, Carya is quite experienced in this kind of problem, and the initiator of the Nasslam American War is Jarvan IV, and the decision-making power is not in the hands of Lacus, so as long as the problem is discovered at the first time, it will not be difficult to deal with it. It is difficult.

There is only one core, which is cutting.

First, I agree with the soldiers' sense of honor and justice, and then clarify that the cause of the war is the emperor of Xiongdu, explaining that the northern border obeyed orders, and finally explaining that we took the initiative to undertake the task of partial division to avoid being involved in unjust wars as much as possible.

After a set of combined punches, the responsibility rests entirely with Xiongdu.

It's not a blame, it's a fact.

To put it bluntly, this kind of ideological construction is somewhat of an internal propaganda, but Fossbarrow really needs this now-since he is determined to be a traitor, he must separate himself from Xiongdu and use his advanced nature and justice Sexuality, criticize Xiongdu, and then escalate to weapon criticism at an appropriate time.

Finally, when Lux finally settled everything, she could relax and prepare to establish a team-scale mage-warrior cooperation mechanism, she received a letter from Jarvan IV.

This is an autographed letter from Jarvan IV, written by Jarvan IV himself. Considering the current busyness of His Majesty the Emperor, this letter is undoubtedly very sincere.

In the letter, after Greeting Lacus, King Jarvan IV reviewed the experience of the two growing up together in his elder brother's tone, and sincerely praised Lacus' achievements in the northern border, saying that she used the northern border trade to make The choice of the barren Forsbarrow to become rich and powerful is worthy of being a model of nobility.

Then, Jarvan IV said that now that the empire has finally freed up, it can also give some support to the northern border. I heard that a very important part of the northern border trade is grain export. The royal family hoarded a batch because of the war. I don't know if the northern border is interested in the surplus military rations.

In the past, the private army in the northern border had to be supported by your lords in the northern border. Their income was small, and they had to raise additional soldiers. Their lives were tight. Now your emperor brother has money in his hands. I heard that you have a Zhibei Traveler, let it be raised by the royal family, the royal family can still bear this burden.

This amount of money may be affordable for Fossbarrow, but the northern border is so big, and there are still many poor lords. In this case, a model of nobles must be a model!

Eloquent, thousands of words per letter.

But the core content of it is actually one.

"I will give you food to support you to make money, and you hand over your military power to me!"

 not very comfortable...

(End of this chapter)

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