Lux's Farewell

Chapter 703 [0693]

Chapter 703 [0693]
If someone else was in Lux's position, perhaps she would be willing to accept Jarvan IV's conditions.

What is it all about being an aristocrat?
Nothing more than power status, honor interests.

From the point of view of the Demacian nobles, after accepting Jarvan IV's conditions, Lux can then establish a new cultural center in the northern border, in Fossbarrow.

Under the circumstances that Xiongdu's Art Support Association has long been filled with down-and-out noble children, the atmosphere is gradually becoming conservative, and the aura has completely disappeared, she can completely create a new prosperity.

This prosperity standing in the north will be passed down from generation to generation by its creators in the form of artistic images.

Then, after thousands of years, her name will become the glory of a family and a place, and will be admired and praised by people, and the rule of the Laksanna family in the northern border of the empire will be for generations.

At that time, Laxana will become the glory of the ancestors in the mouth of bards, and her life experience will be engraved on stone tablets and recorded in books, truly winning her fame before and after her life.

Under Jarvan IV's sincerity, any normal nobleman would be willing to accept the surrender of military power, because the conditions he offered were actually the pinnacle of Demacian officials.

Considering that so far, the surname of the king of Demacia can only be Lightshield, which is theoretically the acme of Laxana Crownguard.

But unfortunately, this is not what Lux wanted.

From the age of nine, when Lux awakened to magic, her fate was bound by a wicked stick.

Under Carya's thoughtful teaching, Lacus took on the responsibilities that she shouldn't have at that age, and kept acting like a double-faced person at all times.

It is precisely because of Kalya's thoughtful teaching that Lacus has seen a wider world. For her, time and space seem to be unable to become a curtain that blocks her vision.

While the other noble girls were still immersed in the etiquette book, reciting the scalp-numbing etiquette painfully under the supervision of the nanny, Lux was already studying the world laws of Runeterra.

When other aristocratic girls tried to manage their businesses for the first time, tried to deal with complex interpersonal relationships and even were played around by others, Lacus experienced the difference between common people and nobles firsthand.

While other noble girls were still immersed in love, feeling pain and dilemma for the interests of the family and their own personal feelings, Lacus had already witnessed the birth of a regime in Vazuan.

When other aristocratic girls finally ushered in their own marriages and walked with people they loved or didn't love to form new bonds of interest, Lacus had already seen the ripples of time in Jiguang Pianfeather.

In Jarvan IV's view, Lacus is a model of nobility, an example that all Demacian nobles should follow. She abides by etiquette, is loyal to her family, and loves the country. Natural contradictions between the royal family.

But in fact, these are just the appearance of Lacus. She knew at the age of ten that kindness should be the goal, not the means or self-impression. Rule the sweat of the common people.

Kalya has never had herself in the story, so Lux can also jump out of the first perspective and look at the rise and fall of the Shurima Empire from the perspective of a bystander.

In the eyes of Jarvan IV, perhaps after taking over the power of the nobles, purge the behavior of the nobles, and expand the power of the nobles, Demacia will truly prosper, and then it will be like the ending of a fairy tale, "the prince and the princess live happily together." live together".

But in the eyes of Lacus, the future has infinite possibilities. What she can and should do is to keep her feet on the ground and take every step of her life in a down-to-earth manner. The result of Demacia should not be endless glory, but It is always on the road of pursuing glory.

From this point of view, Lux is very greedy. Her greed is that her ideals are destined to extend infinitely. Shine like stars.

Putting down the letter in her hand, Lacus suddenly smiled.

Although they are both climbers, she and Jarvan IV have never looked at problems from the same angle.

Perhaps Jarvan IV was doing well as a king, as an emperor.

But in Lux's eyes, everything he has done, in the final analysis, is nothing more than a decadent rule that is destined to be eliminated.

That's it.

Standing up, Lux came to the window.

Opening the window, her eyes fell on the city of Forsbarrow.

This ancient city is now welcoming the No. 15 spring after Lux's arrival with a brand new attitude.

After the spring speech, Fossbarrow is still a bit cold, but the people of Fossbarrow who have ended the cat winter have already taken action. This is a new order that is different from other parts of Demacia.

Lux just quietly looked at Fossbarrow, the vendors walking in the streets, the pedestrians busy, the smoke rising from the kitchen, and the bustling school.

The yelling of vendors, the conversation of passers-by, the beeping of firewood, the laughter and shouts of students, all were crushed in the early spring wind and poured into Lux's ears piecemeal.

It was like the whispering of an old man in the north, confiding softly.

After an unknown amount of time, she finally looked away, smiled and sat back in her seat, spreading out the letter.

"Respected His Majesty Jarvan IV." Lacus dipped the blue ink and left a line of elegant cursive words on the paper, "It's a pleasure to see you, and it's a great honor to receive someone from Greetings from His Majesty the Emperor, but it is a pity that I am in the northern border, and the military affairs are heavy, and I cannot go to the capital to celebrate the glory of the empire, Laksana is very sorry..."


Half a month later, Jarvan IV, who was in the capital of Demacia, finally received a reply from Lacus.

When he opened the letterhead and read Lacus' reply letter from beginning to end, the anger in His Majesty's heart soared suddenly.

Lux's language is as beautiful as her cursive script, with the reserved and elegant demacian nobility.

But the content in it made Jarvan IV unable to bear the desire to scold others.

In the letter, Lacus first congratulated Jarvan IV on his illustrious martial arts and expressed her regret for not being able to attend the celebration ceremony, but then she changed the subject and took the initiative to explain that the reason why she couldn't get away was " The military affairs are busy, the war consumes a lot, and the soldiers need to be appeased."

If it's just an explanation, that's not a problem. Even a polite explanation without actual content can be regarded as a part of etiquette.

However, Lux also made a very sharp contrast between the post-war comfort in the northern border and the Xiongdu side as if "without any malice".

According to Lux, the travelers in the northern border "come from humble beginnings, don't know their ambitions, and don't know what glory is. "There is nothing left in the treasury, and it is difficult to hold a celebration to encourage the three armies", so we can only "walk with it and judge with righteousness".

It's a pity that I was "clumsy in speech and tongue, and couldn't figure out the key points". After a lot of effort, the northern border traveler "has a lot of resentment in his heart".

Therefore, I can only stay in the northern border and try to resolve it, so as not to "break down the honor of His Majesty and the majesty of the empire."

After a long period of yin and yang, it seemed that Lux was just politely congratulating Jarvan IV on his victory in Naslam, but in fact, she used the mouth of the soldiers of the Northwalker to respond to Jarvan IV's blatant aggression. severe criticism was made.

Jarvan IV knew better than anyone else whether Demacia's attack on Nashilame was an invasion.

He could come up with a hundred excuses from Demacia's point of view, but it was pointless.

If it was just some yin and yang weirdness, then Jarvan IV would not be furious.

What really made him unacceptable was the content of Lux's follow-up.

By telling the psychological state of the Northwalker after the return of Nash Lame, Lux quickly made her own response to the political deal proposed by Jarvan IV.

What Jarvan IV said before was "I am rich, so I don't need the local lords to bear the burden of the local area", and Lux's response was "Although the northern border is poor, it is still affordable to support some warriors with a sense of justice and a sense of mission." of".

Although the people in the northern border are "vulgar and don't know the glory of the empire", if they let themselves sit in the northern border, at least they can fight for the sense of justice and mission in their hearts, thus reducing the consumption of money and food, and they don't have to "show off their martial arts when they win" like Xiongdu "After all, even if the empire has money now, it can't be wasted like this!

Moreover, Lacus also heard that there is some problem with the food price in Shurima. I heard that the lords from all over the country were hoarding food since the autumn harvest last year, and they were gearing up for a big fight. I bought it, and then used it to appease these soldiers with an excessive sense of justice, lest they think about it...

Looking at the entire letter, from the perspective of the choice of words and sentences, the full text is completely worthy of the response of the aristocratic model.

However, when it came to the content of the reply letter, it was full of irony towards Jarvan IV. Lacus seemed to be talking about her own difficulties and the rudeness of the people in the north, but she used all the etiquette books. For the description of aristocratic elegance, the strangeness of yin and yang is naturally self-evident.

More importantly, after satirizing Jarvan IV, she clearly expressed her attitude. She was willing to accept the military rations hoarded by the nobles last year, but she did not intend to give up Fossbarrow's private army because of this. , Forming a private army is Demacia's tradition, and it is her right and obligation as Lord Fossbarrow.

Unless she wantonly commanded the private army to invade, or no longer selected the private army fairly, no one should stop herself—and these two points were exactly what Jarvan IV had just done.

There is not a single sentence in the entire letter accusing Jarvan IV.

But in Jarvan IV's eyes, every word seemed to be blaming himself.

However, he has no room for refutation.

Considering that the plain walker may be the army with the most casualties in the battle of Nashilam, he can't even make equal accusations!
This feeling of being scolded by others, feeling very upset, but having no reason to refute, almost made Jarvan IV fall into impotent rage.

His Majesty the Emperor, who was in a good mood before, almost resisted not tearing up the letter. He stood up suddenly, and was about to tell the guards to call Lan Fu quickly.

However, opening his mouth, he managed to suppress his anger in the end.

It's useless to call Lan Fu, and I have to show her this embarrassing letter.

After a moment of silence, he finally chose to call Galen.

Jarvan IV intends to make one last effort.

If Lux wrote this reply letter for the "nobility's sense of honor", Jarvan IV could accept his criticism, and was even willing to make the matter public as a show of his generosity.

However, as a price, Lux must dismiss her northern walkers. In the empire, there is no need for the lord to keep his private army!
If she is still stubborn...

Then I have to resort to thunderous means!


When Galen was called by Jarvan IV, he was a little dazed.

He just heard yesterday that after the Battle of Nasslam, the Noxus even sent a mission to Xiongdu on their own initiative, planning to stay permanently in Xiongdu—so, Galen is planning to visit the mission when he has time. .

In the end, before he could think of an excuse, Jarvan IV urgently summoned him.

Going to war again?
However, what left him dumbfounded was that after seeing Jarvan IV, Jarvan IV threw him a letter.

"Your good sister wrote it to me." Jarvan IV snorted heavily, "Read it!"

Galen took the letter, and the more he read it, the more dumbfounded he became.

Although in terms of politics, Galen is a little naive and a bit of a dead man, but he is not stupid.

The sarcasm in the letter almost jumped out of the paper like a needle prick!

Putting down the letter paper, Galen's tall figure was a little stooped.

What can be said?
Said that my sister is a child in her 30s, still not sensible?
Galen couldn't say such insulting words to people's IQ.

At this moment, his mind was almost blank, he didn't know how to react at all, he just shrank instinctively, as if Jarvan IV couldn't see him like this.

Of course Jarvan IV could see it, and he saw it clearly.

However, Jarvan IV suddenly felt a little funny looking at Galen who looked like a rickety big horse monkey - he did have a bit of anger before, but after looking at Galen, he finally shook his head lightly.

"Let's go to Forsbarrow." He put his right hand on Galen's shoulder and looked directly at Galen. "Have a good chat with Lux."

"Don't worry!" Galen finally straightened his body, "I will drag her over to admit my mistake!"

 Send it, fortunately I saved some manuscripts.

(End of this chapter)

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