Lux's Farewell

Chapter 704 [0694]

Chapter 704 [0694]
Galen, who left Dawn Castle, was distraught.

Ignoring the time to visit the Noxus embassy, ​​he quickly returned to the barracks. After tidying up a bit, he rode on his horse and galloped towards the northern border of Fossbarrow.

The horse under the seat galloped wildly.

On the horse's back, Galen followed the horse's pace while thinking about his next words when facing Lux.

Theoretically speaking, Lax is already the founder of the Laxana family, and Galen seems to be unable to show his elder brother's style anymore.

But from another perspective, why would he criticize Lacus's behavior?
At least in Galen's eyes, Lux who can do such a thing is still his rebellious sister!

Therefore, Galen quickly organized the language, lowered his head and began to repeat and recite it.

He must wake Lacus up!

If he couldn't do it... then he might have to break his vow not to hit his sister!
Lacus, Lacus, what the hell is going on with you?

At the same time, on the other side of Fossbarrow, Lacus was ready to face her brother almost at the same time as she sent the letter—she was sure that the letter After being sent to Xiongdu and to King Jarvan IV, Galen would definitely take the initiative to come and find him.

Therefore, Lux is also doing psychological construction for herself.

In Lux's eyes, her elder brother Galen is a kind of naive good man. Although he is a nobleman, he is actually not good at management and exploitation. He will also eat and live with the soldiers, except for some trivial black history, he is simply a perfect soldier.

The relationship between Lux and Galen has been very close since childhood, even though Galen sometimes gets into trouble and blames Lacus, sometimes dismantles Lacus’s new toys and can’t put them back in, and sometimes makes a good fortune. Spoiler to Lux, but Lux knows all too well that this is mostly due to Galen's immaturity.

Until Lacus became "demonized" and his uncle passed away, Galen quickly chose to join the army, and gradually reached his current position step by step.

For Galen, loyalty to the monarch and patriotism are one. Although he has never been able to memorize any "Encyclopedia of Etiquette" and often acts out of line, in Lux's eyes, he is actually a true model of nobility.

Therefore, Lux did not intend to persuade him to accept her ideals, because Galen was not someone whose words could change him at all.

Lux's psychological construction, the main content of the construction is how to show her brother the result of her magic learning, and how to take it down perfectly.

That's right.

In human terms, the main content of Lux's psychological construction is how to beat up her brother.

Although Galen is the power of Demacia and has a great reputation in Xiongdu, in Lux's eyes, it is not difficult to defeat him by himself.

The difficult thing is to decide how to defeat him.

And... how to swing the sword that cut off his past.


Forsbarrow is as prosperous as ever, with a subtle simplicity in its prosperity.

However, Galen who was walking on the street had absolutely no interest in observing all this.

He just hurried to the City Lord's Mansion, and before he could give his name, the gate of the City Lord's Mansion opened to him.

Galen was also polite, and walked up the steps directly.

A few minutes later, he knocked on the door of Lux's office.

"Come in."

In the office, Lacus spoke calmly.

Pushing open the door and entering, what Galen saw was Lacus who was buried in the copybooks, signing a stack of thick documents one by one.

Unlike Galen who was a ruthless signing machine when dealing with the Mithral City problem, Lux had to read the document carefully before writing each signature, and then signed with a pen after confirming that it was correct. Put your own seal on it, and then pick up the next one.

After seeing this scene, Galen almost instinctively relaxed his hands and feet, fearing that he would disturb Lacus.

Then, Galen quickly reacted.

The matter of my coming to Forsbarrow this time is the most important thing. Compared with this, some government affairs are meaningless.

So, he strode forward, came across from Lux, and looked down at his sister.

"Lax." Galen said sincerely and heartbrokenly, "What's wrong with you?"

"I'm fine." After finally signing a name and printing a seal, Lux raised her head and looked at Galen, "Did His Majesty ask you to come?"

"I wanted to come." Galen shook his head, "Lax, what's wrong with you, why did you write such a letter to His Majesty?"

"It's very clear in the letter." Lacus was very calm, as calm as an angry Kalya, "Northwalkers had a lot of psychological problems after the Battle of Naslam, and they thought they had violated Demacia. justice."

"But you know, Your Majesty is doing this for Demacia!" Galen didn't dwell too much on whether Nashiramme was an aggression, "Shurima trade needs a new base!"

This is what Barrett said in the small meeting before the imperial court - although Galen doesn't understand economics, his memory is not bad, and he can use it now.

"My stupid brother." Lux couldn't help shaking her head, "Who did you hear that from?"

Galen blinked.

"Also, you said that Demacia needs a new stronghold, who can represent Demacia?"

"Then it must be His Majesty!" Galen would still be able to answer this question, "The will of His Majesty the Emperor is the direction of the empire."

"The Noxus said that." Lux couldn't help but twitch the corner of her mouth, "But there are more than ten million people in Demacia. When will Jarvan IV be able to represent everyone?"

This was the first time that Lacus called Jarvan IV by name directly in front of Galen, and there was no respect in her tone, which was completely different from the polite and courteous noble model in the past in Galen's perception, which made Galen His eyes widened, and he looked at Lacus with a bit of suspicion.

"Don't doubt, this is my true thought." Taking a deep breath, Lacus finally stood up from behind the table and looked directly at her elder brother, "From the moment the self-proclaimed Demacia's Demon Infested , I am actually no longer a model of aristocrats who meet the standards of Demacia."

Galen was dumbfounded.

"In other words, it was because of the demon that I saw a wider world, and saw places other than the noble ball." Lacus continued, "It also made me see that in Demacia, the nobles themselves are not stands for any glory."

Galen was stunned.

He was very familiar with Lux's tone of voice, smile and movements, but what she said made Galen's already barren brain completely blank.

What is Lux talking about?
When did she become like this?

Had she been faking it all these years?
Hell, this must be the corruption of her evil magic!

After a moment of confusion, Galen quickly found the "reason" for the incident.

"Lax, your mind has been infected by magic!"

"No, you are the one who is infected." Lux shook her head lightly, "You have been infected by the noble honor of Demacia, you can't see the common people, you can't see the outside world—tell me, my dear brother, in your In your eyes, the interests of Demacia are the interests of all Demacia people, or the interests of the Emperor of Demacia?"


This is obviously a question that Galen has never thought about, nor will he think about.

As a loyal nobleman and as the child of Jarvan IV, Galen never questioned any decision of Jarvan IV. For him, the royal family—or the current royal family—is the representative of the country.

"You must be wondering why I would ask you this question." Lux looked at the confused Galen and continued, "Or, in your opinion, there is no difference at all."

Galen wanted to nod subconsciously, but reacted quickly and frowned.

"It's like the Shurima trade. What you see is that Demacia is benefiting from it, but in fact, the inflow of a large amount of gold coins, the increasingly luxurious life of the nobles, the increase in the proportion of food taxes, and the lack of recruitment of local private troops are the results of these. Civilian life in Demacia is getting worse day by day."


This is obviously something that Galen has never paid attention to. He instinctively believes that the glory of Demacia needs the people to live better, but some people cannot accept the benefits of the royal family, which leads to the misfortune of the common people—His Majesty Jarvan IV is so wise and mighty , How could it make life difficult for the people?

Seeing the hesitation and resistance on Galen's face, Lux finally sighed and swallowed all the subsequent words.

It doesn't make sense anymore.

Although she already knew that reasoning with Galen would not work, but seeing her brother showing this expression, Lux still couldn't help being a little frustrated.

It's just like she investigated some clerks and courts who followed her all the way before.

Like-minded people, after all, are very few.

Thinking about this, Lux finally made up her mind, and gently pulled out her Broken Blade from the wall behind her.

"Come on." She looked directly into Galen's eyes, "Since you don't want to accept it, then fight me."

"I will wake you up." Galen nodded slightly, and took off the great sword behind his back, "I can't just sit back and watch magic destroy you!"

As he spoke, the great sword was held high by his hands, and it suddenly slashed towards Lacus.

At the same time, above the Broken Blade, the brilliance was shining brightly. Lux intercepted it with his horizontal sword, and touched the sword with his other hand, and the golden light of the sword soared, and the edge of the sword brushed against Galen's chest dangerously.

The rune steel armor that can defend against magic was easily cut open. After learning the introduction to advanced elements, Lux has fully mastered the spell penetration technology. The slightest delay.

Galen was startled and angry, roared and charged forward again, swiping his great sword and sweeping across.


For the current Lux, Galen is no longer her opponent.

Even wielding a deadly sword in his hand, Galen didn't pose any threat at all.

Even the sword that cut Galen's breastplate just now, Lux had reservations.

But in Galen's eyes, this is a very threatening sword, and it is also the sister who has fallen into madness, destroying the relationship with her brother and sister.

Where the brilliance is bright, what dissipates is the brother's sincere pride in his sister.

With the next strike, when Galen started to swing the big sword across, Lux lowered his figure, inserted the light blade into the ground, stopped the sweep, and the backlash made Galen's head buzz.

Where the sparks break, what is annihilated is the elder brother's wordless concern for his younger sister.

A little anxious, Galen simply raised the great sword, and finally activated the power of judgment contained in the sword, but at the same time, Lux also raised the light blade at the same time, and the two giant swords appeared on the brother and sister almost at the same time. Above the heads of the two, one was condensed from the magic power in the great sword, and the other was shaped by pure light.

The two Judgment Swords fell from the sky at the same time, but the condensed one of Galen disappeared instantly after touching Lux, like snow falling in the sun; the one shaped by Lax was like a cage, like a rope. Usually, knock him down completely and trap him tightly.

Where the great sword disappeared, what cut off was the elder brother's full expectation for the younger sister.

In just three moves, the power of Demacia was completely defeated.

Rushing to Forsbarrow in a hurry, not only failed to persuade the younger sister to return to the right way, but directly caused the relationship between the siblings to be completely broken, and they could never return to the past.

There is nothing more sad than death.

At this moment, Galen's face was ashen, lying motionless on the ground.

In front of him, Lacus sheathed her sword, and finally squatted down after shaking her head lightly.

"My stupid brother." At this moment, Lux seemed to have let go of all the heavy burdens in her heart, and a familiar smile appeared on her face again, "I am not that little girl anymore, and you are not my opponent at all now. ah!"

Galen just stared blankly at the familiar but unfamiliar sister in front of him.

"Look at it carefully." Lux put away her sword and sat cross-legged without style, "I knew it was useless to reason with you, so you just wait and see—you must give your sister some trust Well!"

Galen grinned.

"Okay, then you stay at Fossbarrow, it's also for your own good." Lux grabbed Galen's breastplate collar with one hand, picked him up, and handed him over to the man who finally got the signal. , the guard who entered the office, "See you tonight, I still have work to do!"

Galen, whose mouth was covered, could not speak, and could only make a whimpering sound, as if he wanted to say something.

"In a few days, I will visit my father and mother in Mihril City." Lux returned to the table, and seemed to understand Galen's meaning without raising her head, "Don't worry, I won't do anything to them, However, some relatives of the Crownguard family may need to clean up."

Galen blinked his eyes, wondering that he and his sister had a good understanding, and at the same time, he suddenly thought of some things that happened in Mi Silver City before, even if he was picked up by someone, he felt somewhat comforted.

 Publish regularly.

(End of this chapter)

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