Lux's Farewell

708 [0698] The power of unity

708 [0698] The power of unity

In Lux's plan, the nobles of Demacia must be swept into the trash.

But this needs to be cleaned up from the perspective of social form and system, rather than completely eliminating all nobles physically-the nobles who are willing to accept the new order can be completely transformed.

The scale is actually not easy to handle, but no matter how difficult it is to deal with, Lux must correct her posture.

Therefore, when the industry associations gradually entered the large and small cities in the northern border, the intelligence team was also consciously collecting information on nobles from all over the place, and sorting and filing them.

Among the nobles, there are outright bastards. These guys do all kinds of evil for their own desires. They can't even stay in the local trade associations. They are hopeless people.

But there are also some people who abide by the honor of the nobility, and even take Lacus as an example, and try their best to develop the local social production.

Different nobles naturally have different attitudes, so combined with the intelligence team's intelligence and Lacus' contacts, the list of targets for the Northern United Front was finally drawn up.

The nobles on the list accounted for less than one-third of the nobles in the entire northern region. When Lux started to act in Mithral City, representatives of the industry associations where they were located finally chose to come to persuade them to join Lux. under the command of.

It's a pretty dangerous job.

Even though the persuasion targets were carefully selected and regarded as solidarity targets in the preliminary work, representatives from seven industry associations were still imprisoned.

Among these solidarity targets, only about one-third of the nobles who expressed their willingness to stand by Lux finally chose to side with Lux in the end. Here, the banner is clearly willing to "rebuild Demacia".

One-tenth of the size of the Northern Territory may not seem large, but in fact, considering that the flags of Fossbarrow and Mihril City have already been raised, Irwindale's attitude is also a bit ambiguous, and there are few private troops in other places. From the perspective of Xiongdu, the current northern territory can be said to be "the whole territory is against".

When the united front in the north began to be established, when Jarvan IV in Xiongdu received the news, his first reaction was to not believe it.

He really couldn't imagine that just because of a deal that hadn't been concluded, Lacus, a model nobleman, would "imprison her parents and elder brother and choose to rebel."

Jarvan IV and Lacus grew up together in a real sense. When Galen dismantled the music box, Jarvan IV helped to fight together. The relationship between them has always been very good. Why did things suddenly develop? To this point?
For Jarvan IV, this was completely unimaginable.

Unfortunately, no matter how much he didn't want to believe it, all this was still in front of him.

Although Lux hasn't published an open letter or anything else yet, her actions of publicly trialing the nobles and taking over Mithral City are not covered up.

Moreover, those nobles who were unwilling to side with Lacus also sent messengers to Xiongdu.

While expressing their loyalty to Jarvan IV, they also expressed their need for shelter—although they rejected Lacus, everyone still knew the strength of Lacus and Fossbarrow in their hearts. Standing on Lux's side, Xiongdu must hurry up to support.

Under such circumstances, no matter how unwilling Jarvan IV was to believe it, he must act immediately to mobilize troops to the north to quell this inexplicable rebellion in his opinion.


Since the Tariq went to Shurima, Galen was temporarily placed under house arrest by Lux, and now Jarvan IV's confidants are only Lanf and Barrett.

Whether it is Lanf or Barrett, they are very resolute about this "rebellion" by Lacus.

Lan Fu naturally needless to say, she has been waiting for this day for a long time.

Hit, you must hit hard, only after you deal with Lux and those troublesome mages under her command, can you enter the Shadow Realm, complete the ceremony, and truly achieve immortality.

As for Barrett, from his point of view, his daughter Sona must be under house arrest as well, so he must clearly support His Majesty the King, defeat Lacus, and then rescue Sona!

Moreover, not only them, but even the nobles in the noble council, who always liked to tear each other down and quarreled for fun, came up with a very unanimous opinion, and firmly supported Jarvan IV to continue the fight.

Although Lux used to be a model of nobles in their mouths and a tool they used to restrict Jarvan IV, but after what Lux did in Mithril City spread to Xiongdu, all the nobles agreed with Lux very much. Silk, and Forsbarrow drew a line.

All of a sudden, the entire Demacia seemed to be facing the invasion of Noxus, showing the momentum of the same hatred!

Of course, it's just momentum.

In fact, due to Jarvan IV's tireless efforts to seize power over the past ten years, although the nobles of Demacia are still in a detached position, they can still squeeze the common people in the territory reasonably and legally, but in terms of political power, the power in their hands is just that. thing.

In the past, when facing the invasion of Noxus, when Demacia faced the battle, the private army of the nobles and the elite directly under the royal family had always been combined for operations, and the supplies were also pooled together by everyone.

But now, in the face of Lux who blatantly wants to build a new Demacia, the nobles from all over the world talk loudly, but in fact they give almost zero support to Jarvan IV.

That's right, even if they knew very well that Lux was probably deliberately targeting the nobles, most of the nobles still chose to "give all help except actual actions" for the royal family's subsequent counter-rebellion.

All of our private troops have been taken away by you, and you have banned us from recruiting private troops. In this case, even if you ask us to help, we can't give you much!

This attitude cannot be said to be bad, but it is somewhat negative.

Even if Jarvan IV delivered a righteous speech in the noble council, explaining the dangers of Lux profoundly, the actual help he received was only a little spiritual encouragement, which was better than nothing.

The aristocrats who were still lucky about the Shurima trade were not even willing to take out the food they had accumulated in their hands.

Why are they so greedy and stingy?

The reason is also very simple. From their point of view, Lacus will not succeed, and now they are fully supporting Jarvan IV, which is to beat the dog with meat buns.

In the eyes of the nobles, Lacus is just in a coma. She has only two cities under her command, which are still remote places. To fight against Jarvan IV and his Demacia elite?
Isn't this a joke!
Although everyone is very dissatisfied with some of Jarvan IV's actions, at least in terms of military affairs, the nobles still have full confidence in His Majesty the Emperor - this is the one who destroyed the Noxus Empire and influenced Demacia for the first time. The man whose power extended to Shurima, was the first emperor of the Demacian Empire!
I heard that Laxana also has military talents, but how does beating up the barbarians in the north compare to the collapse of the Noxus Empire?
The nobles of Demacia obviously don't know the complicated reasons behind the collapse of the Noxus Empire, nor do they know what kind of strength Fossbarrow possesses.

A few thoughtful people specifically inquired about the performance of the Fossbarrows in the Battle of Nashilam, but finally concluded that "they were the team with the most casualties."

This is even funnier.

Among all the armies, which plain walker sequence of Forsbarrow has the most casualties and the most pensions, it must be the best!

Just this vegetable chicken, is it worthy to fight against Emperor Jiawen IV?

It is only a matter of time before this rebellion is quelled!

With this in mind, even though the nobles unequivocally opposed Lacus and criticized the former model of nobles to nothing, when Jarvan IV talked about practical actions, they all started to play dumb.

The army is under your command, so it should be up to you to handle it!
Jarvan IV did not count on these nobles who were not as good as the previous generation. What he needs now is actually military rations and supplies.

After the battle of Nashila America, the royal family immediately sold the excess grain on hand to the Rakkor people. The main reason for the rush was that other nobles had a lot of grain in their hands, so sell it quickly. Losing the royal family's food can also prevent nobles from selling food to the Rakkol to a certain extent!

Now there is still nearly a month before this year's wheat is mature and harvested, which is the time when the crops are in short supply.

Theoretically speaking, Jarvan IV can wait for a month to wait for the wheat in Demacia to mature, and then go north after harvesting and paying taxes. After a lot of tossing, by the time the counter-rebel army arrived at Fossbarrow, it might already be autumn.

Not to mention the extent to which the situation in the northern border will deteriorate at that time, even if the situation in the northern border is still the same at that time, the window period left for Demacia to suppress the rebels will become very short.

With sufficient supplies, the Demacian army can march, fight, and attack the city in the desert, because the problem of the desert is drought. As long as the soldiers have water to drink, they will act every day in the morning and afternoon when the weather is suitable and the temperature is suitable. , at most the non-combat attrition rate is higher.

But in the northern region, once it's really won't work for anyone who comes.

At this time, Mithril City and Fossbarrow, which were controlled by Lux, were both important towns in the northern border, and they were truly places where one man guards the gate and ten thousand men cannot leave.

Although when the two cities were built, the imaginary enemy was the barbarians in the north, but that did not mean that their south was defenseless.

If it is dragged until the beginning of winter or snow falls in the northern border, I am afraid that we will not be able to suppress the rebellion within this year.

Throughout the history of Demacia, there has never been a rebellion of this scale!

This is something Jarvan IV cannot accept no matter what. If a noble rebellion like a madman has to waste a year or even more than a year to calm down, it will be a slap in the face of him. !

Ascending the throne and proclaiming himself emperor was the glory of Jarvan IV, but also his burden.

Therefore, no matter what, it was impossible for Jarvan IV to procrastinate until the wheat was harvested before sending troops.

When the royal family was short of food, he naturally thought of the grain hoarded by the nobles from all over the country to be used for Shurima trade. In the noble council, Jarvan IV tactfully expressed his hope that the nobles would support him for a while.

But the nobles are not fools. Since they believed that Jarvan IV would be able to quell the rebellion, why should they use their money to support the royal family?
You, Jarvan IV, have a criminal record with us. We listened to your words last time, let go of our grievances with you, and went to support Tobysia together. What happened?

The Noxians were defeated by you, but our private army was also annexed by you, and then you took the power of a big victory, and simply prohibited us from recruiting private troops from the system, and took the opportunity to take Retired soldiers turned into missionaries of the Illuminati, running to our territory to cause trouble for us...

It's just a rebellion destined to be quelled, why should we help with food?
Your royal family’s food was sold at a high price, and now you still want to buy food from us at a low price. Why do you let all the good things happen to you?
What, you said that there is not enough food, if you continue to delay, you will not be able to suppress the rebellion this year?

If not this year, next year!

Do you remember being ashamed at this time?

It's your Majesty Jarvan IV's face that was lost, not ours, why are we in a hurry?

Although some people rebelled, after shouting slogans loudly and expressing their attitudes, the aristocratic gentlemen of the noble council quickly calmed down one by one as if nothing had happened.

Jarvan IV's previous series of power collection activities finally exposed the problem at this time.

During the time of external expansion, the nobles are willing to put aside their grievances temporarily for a bigger market and more gold coins, and stand with the royal family.

But now this is counterinsurgency!
It's no good for everyone to win against the rebellion. Unless you, Jarvan IV, come up with something practical, why should we pay for food?
In the past ten years, in order to gather power, Jarvan IV was quite generous to the soldiers, and was very happy to support them as small lords or let them serve as missionaries of the Illuminati; Outside of a wave, he is more stingy most of the time.

Although this was mainly due to the lack of Demacia's fiefs, and it was difficult to reward the nobles while ensuring that the royal family was directly under the fiefdom, it was undeniable that Jarvan IV himself had a lot of reasons.

Compared with Jarvan III, who was more gentle, Jarvan IV was indeed a bit inferior in uniting the nobles.

Under such circumstances, Jarvan IV finally had no choice but to accept the bitter fruit of his conquest of the power of the nobles, took out the savings of the royal family, and bought a large amount of grain stockpiled by the nobles at a high price.

After the noble council finalized the deal, Jarvan IV, who returned to Dawn Castle, became more and more angry. In the end, he simply overturned the dinner, changed his armor, and lived directly in the barracks.

Put down the rebellion first!
 I don't know when this chapter is good...

(End of this chapter)

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