Lux's Farewell

Chapter 709 [0699]

Chapter 709 [0699]

Since most of the private armies of nobles have been abolished, most of Demacia's regular troops are now stationed in the fiefs directly under the royal family-there are almost no enemies on the border of Demacia. Except for key areas, only small-scale ranger troops need to be maintained as Early warning is good, this arrangement is not only easy to manage, but also makes it more convenient for the royal family to provide supplies.

Moreover, because the noble private army annexed by Jarvan IV had not been consumed in large quantities, except for a few logistics personnel, Demacia did not need additional conscription. Build up very quickly.

Even though it took a little time to raise food and grass for the nobles, after Jarvan IV announced the mobilization order immediately, the elite Demacia under his command did not disappoint him at all. Assemble, it is estimated that after seven days, they will depart from their respective stations and arrive at Xiongdu.

Jarvan IV, who was so angry with the nobles, simply moved into the barracks on the evening after the mobilization order was issued. The behavior of these bastards obviously stimulated the emperor—the nobles were indeed a group of insects, or were these grassroots officers and newcomers Military nobles are more reliable!

In a sense, Jarvan IV is indeed an emperor with a strong military spirit. Compared with moderate political methods, he prefers to use military means to solve problems in order to achieve what he believes can completely solve the problem.

After entering the barracks, Jarvan IV was in a very happy mood looking at the fearless vanguard who had completed the assembly first.

These reliable warriors wear rune steel armor, which is light and tough. The weapons they use are all carefully forged finished products, engraved with glory on them. They are all tall and powerful. There are a long weapon, a short weapon and a throwing weapon, and most of them are excellent in riding skills. They are completely full-time warriors and the country's elite.

At Tobysia, the men covered themselves in a counter-charge against the Noxians, eventually defeating Swain.

In Nashilami, these people were the first to rush up the city wall and knocked open the tortoise shell of that ancient city.

And now, after reorganizing their supplies, they will set off for the northern border to face the rebellious Lux who doesn't know what's going on.

Looking at the soldiers saluting their chests, Jarvan IV smiled and nodded, while silently thinking about how to solve the northern border issue after the battle - whether to pardon Lacus magnanimously and restrict the power of the nobles in the northern border, or simply Exile her and take the opportunity to further weaken the old nobles?

This is what Jarvan IV thinks he should think about.

As for how to win this counter-insurgency battle...

Don't make trouble, Jarvan IV can't even think of a reason why he would lose—although Lux is very strong, and she is also a climber, but in a large-scale battle with a scale of more than [-] people, even a climber can have an impact It is also doomed to be limited!

Jarvan IV also knew the information about the Battle of Mitril City, but in his opinion, the key to that victory was that Lux had seized the opportunity of the Freljord barbarians halfway through, and those barbarians won the battle with the wind. Okay, when the wind is headed, they will simply disperse. If the barbarians choose to fight against the siege at the last moment, then Lux will be the one who is in danger!
As for Galio who played a key role in the battle...

it does not matter!

Jarvan IV has specially summoned Mr. Durand as a military advisor, and has also recruited the Silent Man from Xiongdu to join the battle. Adding himself as the emperor, Galio will definitely stand on Demacia's side!
What I need to think about is to speed up the pace of the war, avoid the delay of the battle, and rebuild the northern border after the war. As for the victory of the war itself, there is almost nothing worth thinking about.

Look at these soldiers who quickly assembled after receiving the order!

In the northern border, even if Lux has planned for a long time, the militia under her command may not be assembled yet, right?

Obviously, Jarvan IV guessed wrong.

Lux announced the general mobilization with him almost at the same time, and when it comes to the speed of assembly, the northern walkers are far ahead of the elite heroes, even the fearless pioneers.

What's even more frightening is that Jarvan IV's side is the assembly of the standby army, while Lux's side is simply the assembly of the active duty, the assembly of the reserve army after equipment, and the assembly of retired soldiers after they are recalled and equipped!
This is something that Jarvan IV could not have imagined - although the establishment of the northern border walkers is full, the plain walkers, plateau walkers, hill walkers and snowfield walkers add up to 2 people, but plus the reserve and retired recalls Soldiers, after Lux announced the general mobilization in Fossbarrow, within three days, Fossbarrow assembled a full 5 people.

This doesn't even include the Second Army of the North, which is being reorganized, and the Third Army of the North, which has been thoroughly infiltrated by Lux's side for a long time, and is now beginning to be reorganized.

Even if the reorganization is destined to eliminate a large number of soldiers who do not meet the requirements, after the reorganization of the Second Army of the North and the Third Army of the North, the number of troops in Fossbarrow and Mihril City will directly expand to more than [-] according to conservative judgments. scale.

This kind of mobilization efficiency was something Jarvan IV could never have dreamed of.

In addition to mobilization efficiency, what is even more terrible is the roaring northern war machine.

Since last year, that is, the 14th year of Fossbarrow's calendar, Fossbarrow's integration strategy was announced by Lux, and the button representing military production was officially pressed.

Now, two years had passed, what had Fossbarrow been doing during those two years?

At this point, we have to elaborate on the aspects.

In terms of naval forces, Fossbarrow has just launched five main battleships of the size of the Abyss, as well as supporting more than [-] small warships, supply ships and inland warships. Qualified sailors, even the Xingang people (the former Walrus Tusk tribe) were recruited in large numbers, and these warships barely reached the minimum number requirements.

Two years is too short for the navy.

Fortunately, Xiongdu is not as good as Fossbarrow. Apart from a sampan squad stationed in Dornhold, Demacia actually does not have an organized navy at all, even if Fossbarrow's side Sailors are all rookies, but there are no rookies here in Xiongdu.

(By the way, in fact, the royal family can make a lot of money in the Shurima trade, really thanks to Lux, if she hadn't reached an agreement with Sarah on the Ionian trade when she was in Vazuan , so that most people in Bilgewater focus on the smuggling of the Ionian trade, and the desire to plunder is greatly reduced. I am afraid that at least one-third of the royal family’s income will be robbed by pirates.)
Due to the shortage of sailors, Fossbarrow had restrained himself in the production of ships.

So, in terms of the army that does not need to be so restrained, what kind of military production has Fossbarrow carried out?

The answer is a full set of weapons and equipment with a scale of more than 10 people.

In terms of weapons, unlike Demacia's handmade style, Fossbarrow's weapons and equipment are manufactured in a standardized manner, and almost all spare parts are replaceable.

In terms of armor, although the quality of the rune steel is not as good as the high-end goods worn by the Fearless Pioneer due to the insufficient number of forbidden magic stones, it still has a considerable degree of protection.

In addition, unlike the Xiongdu Front Army, which needs to bring its own dry food, the 10-strong army has a full set of weapons and equipment.

What is a full set?

The full set is that, as long as the soldiers enter the state of equipment assembly, all the items needed by the soldiers will be provided by the Fossbarrow government, even the underwear and socks are no exception.

After the warehouse was opened, a large number of weapons and equipment, clothing and utensils that had been equipped for a long time were quickly sent to the assembly point and stored according to the size. They were collected according to the assembly order, and then went directly to the nearby camp to change.

This is not finished.

In addition to these weapons and equipment, Fossbarrow also prepared a large number of mounts and pack animals.

There are not many horses in the Northern Territory, but since the implementation of the Northern Territory Integration Strategy two years ago, Fossbarrow's large-scale livestock breeding has also undergone small-scale reforms.

The proportion of pack animals has increased, and many pack animals have been sent to public carts for shifts.

The purpose of doing this is also very simple. Fossbarrow needs as many Erniuks as possible to undertake the maneuvering tasks on the battlefield to make up for the shortage of cavalry on his own side.

In Demacia, the elite cavalry, like the fearless vanguard, often take on the task of penetrating and impacting in battle. They have a faster marching speed than ordinary soldiers, and they can attack while the enemy is not prepared, and they can attack when the enemy is not prepared. Flanking from unexpected places.

The ranger troops are the best scouts, they can rely on the advantages of mobility, the first to find the enemy, and provide the commander with key battlefield information (dragon and bird knights are good, but they still have to rely on scouts in complex terrain) , and fight for the initiative of fighting for one's own side.

Fossbarrow lacked war horses, so it was undoubtedly quite difficult to cultivate cavalry on a large scale—the environment and products of the northern border were here, so it was really not suitable for raising horses, and naturally there was a shortage of cavalry.

Faced with this situation, after discussing with Karya, Lacus and Karya gave a solution to split the mission of the cavalry and hand it over to different targets.

As for the scout troops, Fossbarrow spent a lot of money to train them, and recruited professional soldiers from the Second and Third Legions of the Northern Territory for their own use. Although there were very few dragon and bird knights in the Northern Territory, Shivana and Iva were there, and they had intelligence. A team of professionals can complete battlefield reconnaissance missions with a little cooperation.

In terms of mobile forces, Fossbarrow's strategy is to use Erniuk to maneuver on a large scale.

Although it sounds a little funny, others rely on cavalry to maneuver, and you rely on vehicles to maneuver, but in fact, when transporting soldiers in an organized system, mobility by vehicle is more efficient than cavalry.

To transport twenty soldiers and their equipment and supplies to achieve the effect of traveling a hundred miles a day, the cavalry needs one man and two horses, a total of forty horses.

And what if it relies on Erniuk carts?
An Erniuk and a big car are enough to reach the same level of capacity.

What does it matter if one Ernyuk is more edible than ten horses?

In fact, this method of transporting troops with carts is the Shurima Empire's favorite maneuvering method in Shurima, and it is also why the Shurima Empire has been tirelessly domesticating large livestock, and even created such a beast as a giant beast. A giant pack beast that can carry a small fortress—compared to scattered camel cavalry, the advantage of a large pack beast in transportation efficiency is too great.

Even this has influenced the later Noxus to some extent. The Noxians like to use the dragon lizard, which may not be without inspiration in this regard.

In the final analysis, the advantages of cavalry mainly lie in three aspects, flexible scouting, extraordinary mobility, and impact when necessary.

And Fossbarrow successfully solved the first two problems through his own methods. As for the last problem of impact...

In this regard, it is indeed not easy to find a meal replacement, because Fossbarrow has a completely superior position.

Legion of Archons.

In the impression of most Demacians, the mage group is like the Noxus mage group. They gathered together to prepare a super-powerful spell, and then they were eaten by their own giant statue of justice; then they became angry, Scattered spellcasting, hitting the rune steel armor is painless...

The above impression somewhat belittles Noxus, but it is also true in a sense.

Noxians will indeed form a group of mages, and then use strategic spells to win crushing victories on the battlefield.

However, in Fossbarrow, due to the more professional and detailed guidance of magic theory, the archon is divided into ten sequences. The mages of these ten sequences have their own characteristics and responsibilities. Among them, there are indeed sequences that are good at strategic spells ( Such as the first sequence), but there are also combat sequences dedicated to shock spells, such as the fifth sequence.

In other words, in Fossbarrow, mages are not only APCs like glass cannons, but also special Fatans, Magic Spikes, and Magic Auxiliaries!
For short-distance maneuvering and impact, Fossbarrow does not have such an elite cavalry, but it doesn't matter, they have professional mages!

And, don't forget, ever since Lacus came to Fossbarrow, there have been royalists who have been working diligently to dust. Today, the entire Fossbarrow area already has its own water network system. The net may be frozen in winter, but now that summer has just entered, it is the time when Fossbarrow's water transport capacity is at its strongest!
As mentioned earlier, Fossbarrow even specially prepared the Inland River Fleet. When the Northern Travelers assembled, the Inland River Fleet had already mobilized reliable sailors for the first time, and began to prepare to fully control the canal!

With the cooperation of the ice and water mages in the second sequence, whether the inland river fleet transports soldiers or simply conducts water and land attacks, it will inevitably make the Xiongdu front army going northward helpless—Jarvan IV indeed has an elite army in his hands. But there is no reliable navy.

If Lacus knew that Jarvan IV was now planning to restore the post-war order, she might not be able to figure out for three days and three nights where the confidence of His Majesty the Emperor came from.

Is the advantage still in my hands?

 This chapter says it's back!
(End of this chapter)

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