Lux's Farewell

Chapter 713 [0702] Real footwork coordination

Chapter 713 [0702] Real footwork coordination

Although not as famous as the Fearless Pioneer and the Flying Wing Legion, the Garrison Legion is also the first-line legion of Demacia, and most of its members are mainly from Xiongdu and the surrounding branches of the Demacia nobles.

These soldiers have received professional military noble education since they were young. They are proficient in horse bows and horses, and they are familiar with various military skills. , so that they can make great achievements.

In this wave of shock just now, the vanguard soldiers of the garrison fully demonstrated their proficiency in military skills. The sword array and shield array performed their duties, and their coordination was exquisite. They were completely a model of professional soldiers.

However, in the face of the sword cavalry riding and shooting and the shield cavalry arrayed like a wall, the plain walkers who were in formation could not move like a mountain.

Even though the projecting weapons were overwhelming, the frontline plain walkers still had thunder in their chests and their faces were like a flat lake. Even when the drums sounded, they almost subconsciously raised their shields, stepped on the drums and began to press forward, as if they could not see Those one by one, like the shield formation of the moving wall, greeted the vanguard of the wall charge.

The next moment, the plain walker and the vanguard finally collided.

Amidst the neighing of war horses and the clash of armors, the shield cavalry rushed into the arc-shaped formation of the plain walkers.

Sa Lange, who saw the collision through the Hex telescope, just felt excited, but before his smile climbed to the corner of his mouth, the development of the battle situation began to move in a direction he did not want to see.

The plain walker's arc line was indeed fragmented at this moment.

But at the same time, the moving walls formed by the shield cavalry after accelerating, also completely disintegrated after the collision.

The soldiers of the Plain Walker seem to be very experienced in facing the impactful enemy. Although their formation is no longer neat, and the soldiers on the front line seem to suffer heavy casualties, overall, after experiencing the attack of the shield cavalry After the wall charge, they still maintained the integrity of their actions.

On the front line where the collision occurred, they did not stick to the formation, but gave subtle redundancy, like a calm quagmire, but also like silent quicksand, with thunder in their chests and a flat lake.

As a result, the shield cavalry of the wall-style squad that roared one after another tore through the formation and rushed into the plain walkers. They caused a lot of damage to the plain walkers on the front line, but at the same time, they completely lost Valuable impact speed.

The shock cavalry who lost their speed and formation was just a dish for the heavy infantry who hadn't fled. They could eat whatever they wanted.

Just like that, Sarah Lange watched with tearful eyes the scene that was destined to become his nightmare—most of the shield cavalry were killed directly on their horses, and a few dismounted on their own initiative, relying on their horses to gather and rush out again, but was quickly encircled and wiped out.

Even during this process, the entire formation of the Plainswalkers was still maintaining a slow pace of progress. By the time Sa Lange put down the Hex telescope dripping with sweat, they had already intercepted in the direction of the vanguard's main formation. Come.

Stretching out a hand to wipe his forehead, Sa Lange forced himself to calm down.

The command post he chose had a good view, and with the help of the Hex telescope, Sarah Lange knew the exchange ratio between the two sides after this charge.

At least an equal number of the plain walkers who ate the shield cavalry withdrew from the battle.

Sa Lange was very aware of the background and training intensity of the soldiers under his command. After taking two deep breaths, he quickly came to a definite judgment—he might have met the elite of Forsbarrow!
Not an elite force, it is impossible to do this step when facing a charge!
Moreover, after the charge, the enemy's front line has become much thinner to the naked eye. Although the two wings are also supporting the central army, the support is very limited. This situation should be because of Fossbarrow's side. There are not many elites who can withstand the frontal impact of cavalry without collapsing.

Shall we try to charge from the flank?
No, better not.

On the one hand, it is because the shield cavalry under his command are not good at flanking raids, and on the other hand, it is because the terrain here is not suitable for flanking charges.

Although the slope of the ground is not steep, our side is indeed in an upward attack posture. The enemy cunningly chose a trapezoidal battlefield that is not too wide. If our side wants to outflank, the broken terrain on both sides will prevent the cavalry from entering the charge posture.

In this case, the best way is to continue to charge forward, break through the front, and penetrate the middle!
"Order, order!" After realizing this, he finally shouted hoarsely, "Notify the cavalry, first and second cavalry, charge in stages!"

"Third Cavalry, prepare to charge!"

Following his order, flags were lit up one after another, and fast horses descended the hill where the headquarters was located. Then, a low horn sounded, and the first and second soldiers who had stood silently nearby to protect the formation The cavalry also seemed to have woken up, and began to enter a charge-ready posture.

Sarah Lange looked at the two teams with full expectation, watching the sword fighters start to attack and throw again, and watching the shield fighters form a wall squad.

Now that we have encountered the elite main force of the enemy, we must seize this opportunity to launch an echelon charge. The formation of the Fossbarrows has become much thinner visible to the naked eye, and it is difficult to mobilize redundant fighters on the two wings to the middle. As long as the cavalry If the army launches an echelon charge against the Chinese army and breaks through the enemy's formation, then the fruits of victory are destined to fall into their own hands!

"For the glory of Demacia!"

The hooves of the horses rumbled, and the cavalry of the [-]st Cavalry rushed into the line of the plain walkers.

Time seemed to be stuck in a loop at this moment. In the narrow field of view of the Hex telescope, Sarah Lange saw a scene that seemed familiar.

The mud feet sink deep and fall into the quicksand.

In a daze, Sarah Lange seemed to sense something was wrong, but before he fully regained consciousness and figured out the crux of the problem, the Second Cavalry Squadron began to charge according to the established order.

This time, without using the Hex telescope, Sa Lange could already vaguely see the battleground between the two sides.

When he finally saw directly and on a large scale the shield cavalry lined up in a wall formation as before, shallowly charging into the plain walker's line, and then being quickly divided and wiped out, Sa Lange suddenly felt his hands and feet tremble. Some numb, some cold.

Biting terror spread as the enemy struck for the first time on the Plainswalker's flank, which he hadn't paid much attention to before.

Although the trapezoidal battlefield hindered the Xiongdu vanguard's flank charge space, it gave the plain walkers full room to develop their flanks.

Although the Second Cavalry Corps once again weakened the enemy's central army, in Sa Lange's field of vision, he clearly saw the protrusions of the two wings of the plain walker's semi-arc front. When the central army faced the enemy's impact, Not only did it fail to support the center, but instead took the initiative to rush forward, and at the same time fully deployed, intercepting the two wings of the Xiongdu Vanguard Army.

When the plain walker's wings were fully spread, Sa Lange was horrified and speechless—he could clearly see that these people were not riding horses, but they possessed an astonishing speed that was not inferior to heavy cavalry!

Unable to understand why a group of infantry could run so fast, Sa Lange picked up the hexascope again in disbelief.

Then, he saw a scene that he will never forget.

I saw that after the formation of the two wings of the plain walker was unfolded, all the soldiers took out two battle flags from their waists. However, unlike the general triangular or strip-shaped battle flags, the two flags were connected together, and there seemed to be embroidery on them. The complex pattern, when these plain walker warriors carried it on their backs and fixed it on the armor, it looked like they had many...sails on their backs.

That's right, sails!
Among these plain walkers, there were quite a few unarmed people who were standing still, clasping their hands together, or gesticulating, all of them with serious expressions and muttering words.

And with their actions, the "sails" on the backs of the plain walkers also swelled up.

It's the wind!

Howling north wind!
Under the effect of the third sequence of magician spells, the weight of the plain walkers in a large area has been significantly reduced. They seem to be dandelion seeds coming from the wind. Relying on the howling north wind and the magic power circuit on their backs, gravity It seemed to them that it no longer existed.

Sarah Lange watched these "Dandelion Warriors" bouncing towards his side's flank in a way beyond his imagination.

Just as the wings are composed of countless long strips of feathers.

The spread wings of the plain walkers are also composed of countless columns. After arriving at the predetermined position, they unplugged the sails behind them, and after simply reorganizing the formation, column by column, like wedges, ruthlessly Wedged into the flank of Xiongdu Vanguard Army.

Even though Sarah Lange deployed protection troops on the flanks, in front of these "dandelion fighters", the thin wing protection formations would shatter at the touch of a touch.

After the flank protection troops collapsed, the Xiongdu Vanguard Army's well-hidden supply troops, together with a large number of horses, and the third cavalry, which was ready for a frontal charge and had no time to turn to meet the enemy on both sides, completely exposed to their attacks.

Sarah Lange closed her eyes in pain.

Don't read any further.

Or rather, he has seen it all.

Although he himself had 500 infantry in addition to the vanguard cavalry, the first, second and third cavalry, but when the battle situation developed to this point, the number had lost its meaning.

In order to cooperate with the cavalry's charge, the supply troops under Sa Lange's command entered the battlefield - they needed to restrain the horses that the cavalry charged during the charge, and take them away in time so as not to hinder the follow-up cavalry's charge.

Originally, this was nothing, although the supply troops themselves had no combat power and would be chaotic once they were attacked, but don't forget, this is the attack round of the Xiongdu Vanguard Army!
According to Sa Lange's judgment, the enemy is all infantry, and even if the infantry runs at full speed, it is impossible to pose any threat to the supply troops. When they are in place, the infantry phalanx on their side will press up. It's time to relax and wait for work!
However, what Jean Sa Lange never expected was that the Forsbarrows actually adopted a method he had never imagined, cooperating with those demon-infested people, coming down the wind like dandelions, before the baggage train. When he didn't completely drive away his own horses, he killed the flanks!

What's more, these dandelion fighters' combat effectiveness was astonishing. Within a few minutes, they defeated the flank protection troops left by Sa Lange as insurance, and directly attacked the supply team.

The supply team is not a front-line combat force. The supply troops under Sa Lange's command are all militias he temporarily recruited in Pinara City-these militiamen probably don't even have enough daily training. Where have you seen such a formation?

When the outflanked wings of the plain walkers collided with the baggage troops, the baggage troops completely collapsed after just one encounter, and the pack horses that had just been gathered by them and were transferred before the cavalry charged also collapsed together with the baggage troops and died on the plain. Driven by Xing Zhe, they rolled back towards the infantry phalanx of Xiongdu Vanguard.

Due to the confusion of the baggage train and the pack horses, the third cavalry unit, which was facing the enemy line and was ready to charge, was unable to counter for a while, and could only be coerced and collapsed together.

What's more terrible is that the plain walkers outflanked by the two wings did not even choose to join up and charge behind the collapsed pack horses and baggage units, but continued to maintain a pincer posture of one left and one right, and launched a pincer attack on the infantry of the formation.

Under such an offensive, the front and rear of the Xiongdu Vanguard Army's front line could not look at each other, and they did not know where the enemy was, and fell into complete chaos.

In this case, Sa Lange had no choice.

"Pro-Guards!" He finally dropped the Hex telescope, "Everyone, get on your horse!"

"The orderly!" His voice was broken, "Retreat towards Pinara and gather troops along the way!"

"Registrar!" His voice became hoarse, "You go first and report everything that happened to His Majesty the Emperor!"

At this moment, the commander of the Xiongdu Vanguard Army made a decision - he knew very well that due to his own negligence and the enemy's exceeding expectations, the failure of this battle was inevitable.

Under the current circumstances, if you want to reduce losses and prevent this battle from becoming a war of annihilation, the only way is to mobilize a team that still has the organizational ability to launch a blocking charge against the two-wing commandos of the Plain Walker, and fight for your own side to escape from the battle. time.

And under Sa Lange's command, the only team that still has the ability to organize at this time is his personal guard cavalry.

Following Sa Lange's order, his bodyguard cavalry quickly assembled and followed behind him tacitly, forming a huge array of arrows.

Sarah Lange took out the battle flag painted with the Lange family emblem with great care, and tied it to his lance.

This sharp arrow rushed down from the hill of the temporary command post, like a praying mantis with its wings spread, trying to intercept the oncoming chariot.

The low horn sounded again.

Then, it stopped abruptly.

 I wrote so slowly, a little late, alas.

(End of this chapter)

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