Lux's Farewell

714 Summary of the battle [0703]

714 Summary of the battle [0703]
In the case that the number is not enough to change the situation of the battle, even Sa Lange and his personal guard cavalry will ignore life and death, but it is meaningless to the whole battle.

For Sarah Lange, the final charge is undoubtedly tragic, and even has the meaning of self-salvation.

As a commander, he underestimated the enemy's strength and organization, and made a wrong judgment on the battle situation. He hoped to break through the enemy's formation through the echelon charge of the shield cavalry, which eventually caused his flank to be pierced by a wave of coordinated steps. From this point of view, Sa Lange is fully responsible for the failure of this battle.

Therefore, at the last moment, Sa Lange, who understood everything, chose to lead the guard cavalry to launch the final countercharge, and hoped that this wave of countercharge of his own could provide a little space for the main infantry of the remaining vanguard army to retreat, and Through the clerk, report the progress of the entire battle to Jarvan IV.

It was all he could do in the end.

The heroic Colonel Sa Lange finally fell on the way to charge.

But it is a pity that he and his guard cavalry did not even buy time for the main force of the infantry to retreat. Dragged by Ernyuk, he rushed out of the forest.

Although the warriors of the plain walkers are only infantry, and the spell buffs given to them by the third-order archon will not last long, but when the enemy organization collapses and is in a rout, chasing them by car is also an effective solution.

When the three teams of cavalry and guard cavalry were annihilated, the baggage soldiers and pack horses were dispersed, and the overall organization was completely ruined, no matter how excellent the personal qualities of the soldiers of the Xiongdu Vanguard Army, they could only support them with sword arrays and shields. Formation as a unit for counterattack and mobilization.

Facing the plain walkers who rode on the Elniuk cart and acted as a unit of a hundred people to intercept the flanks, they still had no room for resistance.

Finally, the retreat turned into a rout.

From this point of view, perhaps Sa Lange's last desperate charge was also a heroic mistake. He mistakenly thought that he could delay the enemy and give the infantry room to retreat, and mistakenly thought that the Xiongdu vanguard would not be able to retreat when they were retreating. The rout, mistakenly thought that the retreat distance of fifty miles would give enough space to the vanguard.

But the fact is that after his heroic charge, the plain walker chased the flock like a tiger, using his own high mobility to bite the retreating vanguard infantry time and time again, and finally completely defeated them.

The battle eventually became a war of annihilation.

In the end, the plain walker even chased until he saw the city of Pinara from a distance, and then boarded the car and returned in a leisurely manner.

After this battle, the plain walkers wiped out all [-] cavalry of the Xiongdu Vanguard Army. When cleaning the battlefield, they finally found nearly [-] pack horses and captured more than [-] people, most of whom were heavy soldiers and engineers.

As for the infantry killed during the pursuit, the number is conservatively estimated to be more than five hundred.

In addition, because the vanguard army was defeated very quickly and was broken through from the flanks, almost all their luggage was discarded on the battlefield, and a large number of armor, flags, harnesses, weapons, arrows, and tents were cleaned up afterwards. When they came out, the usable and repairable ones were taken away, and they were completely unusable, except that the rune steel armor was crushed and transported away as steel, and the rest were burned.

After interrogation afterwards, Haike determined that the Xiongdu Pioneer Army dispatched 3000 regular soldiers and nearly 2000 heavy soldiers and engineers in this campaign. Compared with its own results, the formation of this vanguard army can be declared cancelled.

As a price, during the three consecutive waves of heavy cavalry charges by the Xiongdu Vanguard Army, the plain walkers suffered more than 400 casualties, more than half of them died, and the wounded were mainly seriously injured; and in the subsequent outflanking and pursuit, The casualties of the plain walkers were much smaller, and even including the unlucky ones thrown out by the high-speed carts, the number of casualties was less than two hundred.

In other words, in this battle, the plain walker wiped out the 600 Xiongdu Vanguard Army with less than [-] casualties.

Looking at the rough battle report in his hand, Haike, who withdrew to the north bank of the 102 Canal, finally let out a sigh of relief—the combat effectiveness of the Xiongdu Pioneer Army did not exceed his expectations, and the result of this battle was completely acceptable to his side!
Even at the post-war summary meeting, many commanders of Haike and Plainwalker agreed that the enemy army is a very effective team.

If it weren't for their commander's rigid combat thinking, and the obvious phenomenon of underestimating the enemy, I don't know where the confidence comes from, thinking that their cavalry can overwhelm the formation of their own central army, I am afraid that the intensity of this battle will be even higher, and their own casualties will also be higher. will be bigger.

In that case, Heike is still confident of victory, but at the same time Plainwalker will pay a more painful price.

Summarizing after the battle is a good tradition for the Northlanders. For this team with relatively sufficient material conditions but lack of actual combat experience, training and summarizing are undoubtedly the key to their self-improvement.

Moreover, because there is a huge difference between Fossbarrow and Shurima, even if Karya provided the idea of ​​building an army for the establishment of the Northwalker, in terms of training and cooperation, the Plainwalker still has a lot of content to explore by himself .

For example, because the number of archons is insufficient but their individual strength is strong, when the plain walkers coordinate their footwork, they often adopt large-scale and environment-specific spells based on the battlefield conditions instead of applying buffs one by one. The dandelion combat method is manifestation of this idea.

If it is the Shurima Empire, then they can rely on an astonishing number of mages and magic items to provide acceleration spells to soldiers who need to attack.

But in Fossbarrow, a better way is for the soldiers to learn to ride the wind by themselves, and carry sails specially designed to resist the wind, and charge quickly like dandelions within the range of the wind field created by the Archons.

The idea of ​​this tactic was created by the second regiment of the snowfield walkers when they cleared the ice trolls, but that time it was on the snowfields of the Freljord. The second group of walkers skating charge provides assistance.

Later, the experience of this battle was learned by the whole army, and the first regiment of plain walkers developed a dandelion tactic that was more suitable for open plain combat, using strong winds to add weight-reducing spells to improve the mobility of the team within a certain range.

This battle was the first time that the dandelion tactics were used in actual combat, and with the cooperation of Sa Lange, the effect was outstanding.

However, at the post-war summary meeting, the subsequent data also showed that the dandelion tactic often suffers greater casualties when facing an enemy equipped with a large number of throwing weapons-during the implementation of the dandelion tactic, many plain walkers were thrown Injured by weapons, although the weapons thrown against the wind were not very powerful, they were enough to easily destroy the sails behind them. Without the support of the sails, the plain walkers who lost weight would be inconvenient to move and their combat effectiveness would be compromised.

In addition to the summary of the dandelion tactics, another focus of the post-war summary meeting was the estimation of the combat effectiveness of the Xiongdu Front Army.

It was the first time the two sides played against each other, and there were many tactical details, which were only realized after the actual fight.

First of all, in terms of individual combat effectiveness, all the soldiers of this vanguard army can be regarded as proficient in bow and horse, familiar with military orders, proficient in battle formation, and good at cooperating.

Even though the first regiment of plain walkers is the most elite regiment in the entire sequence of walkers in the north, in terms of personal combat effectiveness, the soldiers of the first regiment of plain walkers can hardly compare with the regular soldiers of this vanguard army.

The plain walkers are recruits. Even if they have professional training and their thinking is relatively unified, in terms of individual combat strength, they are still not as good as the Xiongdu Front Army, which has been hard-working and diligent since childhood.

Even in Fossbarrow's series of Northland Walkers, the most powerful individual is still the first generation of Northland Walkers brought out by Lux from Xiongdu.

Therefore, if this is not a three thousand versus three thousand (Plain Walker's regiment has 2000 people as a reserve team and support team, and did not participate in the battle), but a three thousand one-on-one battle, then the Plain Walker will probably lose. miserable.

However, war is not one-on-one.

On the side of the plain walker, whether it is the organization of the team, the tactical thinking, or the use of magic, its level is far superior to that of the Xiongdu Front Army. In addition, the advantages of geography and water transportation, as well as the mobility advantages brought by cart transportation , in Haike's view, follow-up plain walkers and even northern walkers should adopt the idea of ​​maximizing strengths and avoiding weaknesses as much as possible, and don't fight head-to-head, let alone fall into melee.

All of the above are conclusions without considering high-end combat power.

After the summary meeting, these ideas and conclusions will be sent to Lacus as a meeting document for reference.


Unlike the northern border walkers who rested in peace and patiently summed up their combat experience, the Xiongdu Front Army fell into a state of low pressure in Pinara City.

The clerk who successfully escaped back to Pinara City reported everything to Jarvan IV in detail, including Sa Lange's choice, the response of the northern walker, and the ingenious dandelion warfare.

Jarvan IV, who learned about the whole process of the battle from the clerk, had mixed feelings.

Even if it wasn't from God's perspective, he clearly discovered many of Sarah Lange's mistakes.

Whether it was using sword cavalry and shield cavalry to attack the well-organized infantry phalanx, or taking care of the horses to let the baggage soldiers enter the edge of the battlefield to gather the horses, and giving up command at the last moment to personally cut off the rear, in the eyes of Jarvan IV, these were all important. A taboo for military strategists.

Even though Jarvan IV was more anxious in politics, he was quite patient when he used troops. In the battle of Tobyssia, he confronted Swain patiently for quite a long time in order to seek a chance of victory. .

However, judging from Sa Lange's final choice, there is only one reason for all these mistakes in the final analysis, that is, not paying enough attention to the northern border walker and underestimating its combat effectiveness.

In the end, Sarah Lange's self-inflicted suicide was probably meant to warn Jarvan IV, because his contempt for the plain walker was an extension of Jarvan IV's contempt for Fossbarrow.

To be trusted by Jarvan IV and appointed as the vanguard, Sa Lange's ability and loyalty are guaranteed.

Therefore, after a long period of silence, Jarvan IV gave Sa Lange the final conclusion that he was "a truly heroic warrior".

In the city of Pinara, Jarvan IV presided over a grand funeral for Sarah Lange and affirmed his hard work. At the funeral, Jarvan IV directly expressed his attitude towards Fossbarrow for the first time.

The enemy is strong, but we are stronger.

As long as you have the determination and belief to win, these traitors will eventually be defeated, and Demacia will win!

Jarvan IV was not very good at speeches, but due to his extraordinary reputation in the army, this speech greatly boosted the morale of the Xiongdu Front Army, and to a certain extent diluted the impact of the annihilation of the Vanguard Army. panic.

However, the problem facing the front army of Xiongdu is still serious. It seems that Fossbarrow's northern walkers and demons have colluded with each other, and they have created a brand new tactic, and there is no justice colossus on their side...

It is foreseeable that the next battle situation may be more difficult.

Under such circumstances, Jarvan IV continued to hoard food and supplies in Pinara City, and at the same time invited the elders of the Bright Moon Sect to come to the scene.

During the Battle of Nasslam, some unpleasantness occurred between the Flankers and the Lunar Legion.

Because this unhappiness was finally ended by the Darkborn, and Jarvan IV later presided over the Great Reconciliation of the Century, so after the Nasherama Battle ended, no matter the Plainwalker, the Bright Moon Legion, or even Jarvan IV, they all consciously and tacitly agreed Very, very low-key not to mention the matter.

There is no battlefield investigation, no professional report, and it seems that there is no war on the flanks - Jarvan IV only knows about the conflict, and also realizes from the change in the number of the follow-up side division army when they withdraw, they may have suffered a loss, but what about the specific battle experience, What the result will be is unknown.

However, judging from the current experience of the vanguard army, this army called plain walkers seems to be far more powerful than I thought.

Then it is necessary to re-estimate the level of the enemy.

In addition to going back to learn about the battles on the Nashila American flank, Jarvan IV also sent an established Dragon Bird Knight squad to go north frequently.

It seemed that Jarvan IV had no intention of getting back on the field at all. Instead, he was woken up by the confrontation between the leading troops of the two sides, and seriously examined Fossbarrow and the Northern Territory.

After an encounter, both the Northwalkers on Fossbarrow's side and the Xiongdu Front Army temporarily stationed in Pinara seemed to be using their own methods to summarize the gains and losses of the encounter. They all stopped large-scale military operations with extreme patience, as if they were accumulating strength, waiting for the opportunity they needed.

Jarvan IV's waiting was understandable. He was waiting for the arrival of the elders of the Bright Moon Sect, for the large-scale gathering of dragon and bird knights, and for the gathering of supplies sufficient to support a large-scale and long-term war.

But what is Lux waiting for?

Why did the northern border walkers, who completed the assembly early, stop at Zara City, a hundred miles north of the 102 canal, and didn't continue to go south?
The fighting between the scouts was very fierce, and the dragon and bird knights of the northern border and Xiongdu often collided in order to compete for air supremacy and air intelligence superiority.

It looks like a major battle is brewing along the 102 Canal.

However, what no one knew was that when the rain was about to come, Lacus herself had quietly arrived outside the city of Xiongdu with the first and seventh sequences of Archon.

Jarvan IV seemed to be cautious. In order to avoid wasting too much time with him, Lux planned to bring a little northern shock to Xiongdu.

 Karya's Little Classroom: Magical Uses of Mage:
  Judging from the experience of the Shurima Empire, mages have a unique advantage in creating panic and chaos.

(End of this chapter)

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