Lux's Farewell

Chapter 715 [0704] Add a fire?

Chapter 715 [0704] Add fire?

When Lacus and the first and seventh sequences of Archons arrived outside the city of Xiongdu, it had been a while since the plain walkers wiped out the vanguard of Xiongdu.

Until Lux and the Archons arrived under the city of Xiongdu, the garrison of Xiongdu did not receive any news - not because they were not careful enough in martial law, but because Lux and the Archons simply came through the Shadow Realm .

That's right, Lax, who had planned for a long time, took the Archon to the Shadow Realm again after many years, and with the support of Shivana from Xiongdu, she arrived at the predetermined location smoothly.

Spellcasters themselves have mobility far exceeding that of ordinary people. Although they do not run fast, on a sufficiently long space scale, the advantages of light logistics and shortcuts possessed by spellcasters are enough to allow them to show far superiority at critical moments. Mobility of all arms.

Take, for example, the maneuver from Forsbarrow to Xiongdu.

If you are not a spellcaster yourself, if you want to cross the shadow world, you have to face the pervasive negative energy erosion all the time. After a journey, the extraordinary will be exhausted.

And if you don't have the level of a transcendent, then crossing the shadow world requires someone to continuously apply buffs to dispel and neutralize negative energy, and the magic power consumption is unimaginable.

If you don't go to the Shadow Realm, even if there are only 200 people, the supplies needed along the way are enough to cause headaches. Supplies of this scale can no longer be solved by carrying them with you, and once there are special transport vehicles, the cities and checkpoints along the way Soldiers are not fools.

Going by water looks good, but the problem is that even if the river fleet completely occupies the water control, they don't have the ability to land. In the port, strengthen the coastal defense at the same time - don't look at the small guns of the Inland River Fleet to clean up the small sampans of the Demacian navy, but facing the heavy trebuchets in the port, no matter how advanced the small-caliber guns are, they are far from enough .

As for flying...

The size of the Fossbarrow Air Force is still very small at present, and the Dragon Bird has perfectly inherited the characteristics of the elemental dragon's difficult reproduction and long birth cycle. Ten years is not enough for Fossbarrow to form a large-scale air force.

Therefore, only by taking advantage of the caster's advantage and crossing the Shadow Realm, can Lux rush directly from Forsbarrow to Xiongdu in a short time!
The only pity is that not all Archons are capable of resisting the erosion of the Shadow Realm. In the end, Lux can only bring the first and seventh sequences to the city of Xiongdu.

The fighting power of more than 200 spellcasters is quite amazing, but without other support, it is still beyond their capabilities to take down Xiongdu.

But... Lux didn't think about taking Xiongdu from the very beginning. In her plan, this would be a trip to change homes, but not entirely.

From Lux's point of view, she didn't know where Tariq was at the moment.

Although the remaining silent people in Xiongdu are useless to her, it is undeniable that they also hold a "source of magic power that looks like a fragment of a world rune".

In addition, the Bright Moon Sect and the Lieyang Sect have also set up strongholds in Xiongdu. Lacus is not very sure about what is there. In addition, there are still many garrison troops left behind in Xiongdu. There are more than 200 people on Lux's side. The scale of Xiongdu is destined to be untenable.

Occupation is out of the question.

However, there is a good chance of making trouble.

Previously, the harassment of the Inland River Fleet in the Melan River Basin forced Jarvan IV to give up water transportation, but now, Lux intends to harass Xiongdu a little, and a little shock from Forsbarrow.

Lacus has already read Heike's report.

Many of these judgments are deeply in line with Lux's heart-including the part that it is best to avoid head-on confrontation between the North Walker and the Xiongdu Front Army.

However, when he received the report, Jarvan IV had become more cautious. Seeing that he began to adopt the attitude he had during the Battle of Tobyssia, he rested in place in Pinara City and hoarded supplies, putting on a Lux also felt a little bit of a headache with the posture of playing dumb.

If it wasn't a last resort, she really didn't want to attack Pinara City. In her opinion, the best form of combat was for Jarvan IV to take the initiative.

But... how to make Jarvan IV take the initiative to attack?

After thinking about it, Lacus thought that it might be difficult to use the strategy of luring the enemy, and the best way would be to exert political pressure to force Jarvan IV to take the initiative.

Thinking along this line of thought, Lax soon came up with an idea: If Xiongdu was attacked, would Jarvan IV still be able to spend time here?
It has to be said that when Lux is thinking about problems now, she is more and more similar to Kalya.

In this way, when the two sides fell into a confrontation on the north and south sides of the 102 canal and seemed unwilling to take the initiative to attack, Lacus took the first and seventh series of guardians through the Shadow Realm and quietly arrived outside the city of Xiongdu.

As the most important political and commercial city in south-central Demacia, although the scale of the war is expanding, Xiongdu has not yet entered a state of control.

This city, which Lacus is very familiar with, still has its gates wide open to welcome people who come and go. Compared with usual, there are more soldiers at the gates checking pedestrians coming and going, and their attitudes are just a little stricter.

Well, that's what you want.

After confirming the safety, Lacus and the Archon quickly started this special military operation in a team of ten people. In the afternoon, 23 noble manors inside and outside Xiongdu City caught fire, and all the bonds of the manor owner were burned.

Afterwards, a conclusive list of those killed in battle spread throughout the streets and alleys. There were rumors that Jarvan IV suffered a disastrous defeat in the northern border and could only sit in Pinara City at this time.

Then, after the Silent Man and the Demon Seekers dispatched together to search the city, the soldiers and civilians of Xiongdu, who were waiting eagerly, did not see even a single thief who was caught. In the end, there were only a few gossiping gossipers. Han was executed for collaborating with the enemy.

As a last resort, Xiongdu was forced to declare martial law. At the same time, the garrison army who stayed behind in Xiongdu also dispatched idle personnel to expand the scope of the search.

The result is still nothing.

Because at this time, Lux and the Archon had entered the Shadow Realm again, and turned back to Fossbarrow.


The scale of the chaos in Xiongdu was not large, and it seemed that 23 noble families had lost their fortunes.

However, for the already stagnant political situation in Xiongdu, this chaos seems to have dropped a depth bomb, detonating the anxiety of the nobles.

For the nobles who didn't know the situation on the front line, the free movement of the enemy brought them a great sense of crisis. After some quarrels, the noble council finally decided to send a special envoy to talk to Jarvan IV.

We have surrendered all our troops, so Your Majesty, you should keep us safe, right?

Now that the enemies have all come to Xiongdu to act wildly, this is not a problem!
And this is what Lacus hoped to see—Jarvan IV, who has gathered the military power, the biggest weakness is the safety of other nobles. If the safety of other nobles is threatened, then he will bear great political pressure!

Before Jarvan IV consolidated his military power, the safety of nobles from all over the country depended on their own abilities, especially those border nobles, if they were unlucky, they could only admit it to themselves.

But now, Jarvan IV has annexed the nobles' private army, and later banned the nobles' private army. This certainly allowed him to completely control the promotion channels of the Demacians and gather military power, but at the same time, he also had one more share additional responsibilities.

If you have the ability, you, Jarvan IV, don't care about the life and death of the nobles, and continue to shrink here and be a turtle!
So, can Jarvan IV care about the life and death of nobles?

the answer is negative.

Even if Jarvan IV knew that many nobles were bastards who could only make trouble, but in order to rule the huge Demacian Empire, he was destined to rely on these bastards in many aspects.

Without nobles, how would Jarvan IV rely on to realize his rule?

On a bigger scale, isn't it because of your status as a "noble leader" that the Light Shield family can become the royal family of Demacia?
To maintain the status of the nobility is to maintain the status of the royal family!

The contradiction between the nobles and the royal family, that is the internal contradiction of the ruler!

When the special envoy of the Council of Nobles arrived in Pinara, and then tactfully expressed the dissatisfaction of the Council of Nobles to Jarvan IV, His Majesty the Emperor kept his face on the surface, but in fact he began to curse in his heart.

Isn't it obvious that the Forsbarrow people are disgusting you?
If they were really as good as the messenger said, why didn't Xiongdu do any substantial damage?
This kind of unscrupulous harassment is the same as the assassination that Noxians loved most, it is a scheming!
However, due to the previous series of power-centralizing actions of Jarvan IV, Lux's scheming seemed completely unsolvable at this time.

What can Jarvan IV do?
Write an open letter and tell the nobles that Lacus is against the honor of the nobles. She is completely on the side of the common people. Don't you be deceived by them?

It sounds like a good idea, but after Jarvan IV wrote an open letter last time and won the support of the whole country to defeat the Noxus, the nobles lost their private army.

Embarrassing, very embarrassing.

What's even more embarrassing is that compared to Jarvan IV, Lacus seems to have a higher political reputation. If she hadn't made a rebellious act and tried the nobles, I'm afraid many nobles might even have two ends...

All of a sudden, Jarvan IV was a little numb.

If you continue to confront the northern border walker, your logistics pressure will increase. However, due to the restrictions of the Demacia system, the logistics of the counter-insurgency army is very dependent on the cooperation of the nobles. If Lux transfers another one or two, it is very likely that there will be an embarrassing situation that is unsustainable.

When the noble council came up with a resolution of "abandoning the northern border and leading the army to protect it", Jarvan IV was not surprised at all.

And if you give up confrontation with the northern border walker and take the initiative to attack, although you can show your sincerity and gain the support of the noble council, it will be quite disadvantageous in military affairs. The enemy, Jarvan IV didn't think he could win easily.

For a moment, Jarvan IV seemed to be in a dilemma.

Even vaguely, he was a little envious of Lacus - she had made such a big battle in the north, and there were no obvious internal conflicts. Why did the noble council not understand His Majesty's words on his own side? What about hard work?

Then, just when Jarvan IV was having some headaches, the advisor elders of the Sun Sect and the Bright Moon Sect came hand in hand.

These two were specially invited by Jarvan IV to understand the "special advisors" of Plainswalker.

After learning some information about the Plainwalkers, Jarvan IV launched targeted training in Pinara, and then the two special advisors had no tasks.

Originally Jarvan IV thought they had already left, but what he never expected was that these two not only did not, but also came together and asked to see him.

The puzzled Jarvan IV received the two elders, and then, according to their mouths, Jarvan IV, who was struggling with the euphemistic request of the special envoy of the noble council, accidentally got a job that looked like that. plan.

Planning is not complicated.

The Sun Sect and the Bright Moon Sect are willing to bring their own food to participate in the counter-rebellion, but as a price, they need the right to preach freely in Demacia, and the royal family and nobles cannot interfere with the mission.

"It's like the Illuminati."

When Jarvan IV heard the words, he was undoubtedly terribly moved.

The Illuminati took a lot of effort to support the Illuminati. It was an organization that competed for power with the nobles at the grassroots level. With Jarvan IV personally serving as the cardinal, he opened up another track and won it from the hands of the noble council. A lot of power.

If the Sun Sect and the Bright Moon Sect can also be the same as the Illuminati...

Suppressing the excitement in his heart, Jarvan IV calmly asked his own question.

"In this regard, the Illuminati is quite experienced. In this case, why don't the Sun Sect and the Bright Moon Sect follow the Romans and join the Illuminati, becoming a part of the Illuminati and enjoying the power of the Illuminati?"

According to Jarvan IV, the Sun Sect and the Bright Moon Sect can join the Illuminati and become part of the Illuminati. In this way, whatever power the Illuminati has, you have any power, whether you are free to preach or not to interfere with the mission. Yes, whether it is free to build churches in various places, follow the instructions of the Illuminati!
However, the Sun Sect and the Bright Moon Sect cannot only rely on the royal family's Illuminati after all. Facing the proposal of Jarvan IV, they firmly stated that we are different from the Illuminati and must not be included in such an organization.

In the end, after some tugging and tugging, the two sides took a step back and reached a consensus - after all, the Sun Sect and the Bright Moon Sect are organizations that bring their own dry food. It is indeed not right to join the Illuminati. Since joining is not possible, let’s integrate .

Taking the turn of the sun and the moon as the twilight, and the brightness of the light as the light, after the great reconciliation of the century, the Sun Sect, the Bright Moon Sect, and the Illuminati Sect merged into one to form the Twilight Church!
 Kalya's Little Classroom: Nasty Twilight:
  The Twilight Titan has no followers of his own, because unlike other giant gods, in Twilight's eyes, it is not only believers that he can use.

(End of this chapter)

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