Lux's Farewell

716 [0705] The giant god is warming up

716 [0705] The giant god is warming up
Lacus' fire did force Jarvan IV to take the initiative.

But in terms of results, it seems that the fire was a little too strong, so that Jarvan IV merged with the Titan sect.

Judging from the situation of the Sun Sect and the Bright Moon Sect, they seem to have prepared for everything. After merging into the Twilight Sect, they quickly assembled the Rahorak Warriors and the Bright Moon Warriors and hurried to Pinara City, it seems that one can't wait, hoping to join the battle immediately.

This is not normal.

But what is even more unusual is that Jarvan IV seems to be happy with this.

It is undeniable that the Rahorak Warriors and Bright Moon Warriors can largely make up for the lack of spellcasters on Jarvan IV's side. Marcia's involvement in the counter-insurgency is all pretty wrong.

As a kingdom of Valoran civilization that once stood side by side with Noxus, the Demacians are very proud. They are proud of their own history and the glory of their ancestors. This country was born in the late rune wars. Over the years, it has gradually formed its own brand new civilization.

However, letting a group of Shurima people participate in their own counter-insurgency war, no matter how you look at it, this kind of thing has nothing to do with glory, and it can even be said to be quite shameful-although the vanguard did fail because of underestimating the enemy, your majesty Didn't I make it very clear before, the enemy is the foundation of the Border Corps after all, they are strong, but we are stronger!

But now?

Why did His Majesty form a Twilight Church in a blink of an eye, and allow these Rakkor people from the south to join the battle?

This is our internal counter-insurgency war in Demacia, what is the matter with these outsiders?

However, Jarvan IV also had his own considerations.

If you don't take the initiative to attack, the pressure on the noble council is not easy to bear, and there will be problems if you delay the northern border; but if you take the initiative to attack, it is easy to be caught in the absence of geographical advantages. Offer to help, so why not accept these cannon fodder?
It's better to use these cannon fodder to fill in the line and be the first to go deep into the northern border than to let the elite of your own direct line lead the battle, right?
During the Battle of Nashiram America, Jarvan IV had vaguely seen the extraordinary features of the Solari Sun Sect and the Bright Moon Sect, but based on the consideration of expanding the power of Shurima, he still decided to accept the limited influence of the two sects in Demacia. preach.

Now that Jarvan IV stands in his perspective, the best way is naturally to bring the Sun Sect and the Bright Moon Sect under his control, and by the way, use their elite guardians, so that they and the Northern Territory will lose both. .

In other words, only when the elite apologists of the Twilight Church were almost exhausted and turned into the size of the silent people of the Illuminati, Jarvan IV was really willing to accept these Rakor people, and even said to make the Twilight Church a German State religion of Marcia.

Thinking along this line of thought, it is not difficult to find that Jarvan IV is actually aiming to kill two birds with one stone. It can not only suppress the rebellion at low cost, but also consume the power of the Twilight Church to rule by itself. It can be said to be a win-win situation.

As for doing so will cause dissatisfaction among the soldiers...

Compared with the benefits of a win-win situation, the emotions of the soldiers are not so important.


The wise Jarvan IV was planning his win-win strategy. What about the Sun Sect and the Bright Moon Sect?

Are they following Jarvan IV's script?

The answer is naturally no.

Jarvan IV thought that they were willing to send troops to quell the rebellion because they had seen the prosperity and richness of Demacia, and hoped to preach here freely and carry forward their beliefs—it was with this idea that Jarvan IV thought he could Guide and even control the Solari and Lunar Cults.

But actually...

There is nothing wrong with this perception.

Is Demacia prosperous and rich?
Judging from the current average level of Runeterra, the Fossbarrow region and Xiongdu region count, but other than that, the development level of Demacia is about the same as that of South Shurima, with large rural areas everywhere.

Considering the history of the two sects and the stage of the Shurima Empire they have experienced, it is obvious that the current Demacia will not make them admire.

So, are the Sun Sect and the Bright Moon Sect doing it for free preaching?

This statement is obviously not right, because from the very beginning, their goal was not to simply preach—during the Shurima Empire, the repeated suppression of the belief in giant gods has already shown that there is a close relationship between secular power and religion. Those who have natural contradictions have formed an army of guardians, how can they still have such a naive idea?
With the royal family watching and the nobles biting, how many believers can be won and how much faith can be developed just by preaching!

Jarvan IV thought that the Solari Sun Sect and the Bright Moon Sect were out to preach, but in fact, what they were targeting was the Demacia empire!

You want my interest, I want your principal!
Carry forward?

It was clearly Li Daitao who was stiff!
Jarvan IV accepted the title of Lord of Twilight and the status of Pope of Twilight Church little by little. It seemed that he was bringing the religious power into the scope of his rule, but the reality was that it was too early to bring the religious power into the rule. , but Jarvan IV himself is advancing along the trajectory outlined for him by the Twilight Titan.

During Jarvan IV's journey to the summit, due to the Twilight Titan's lack of avatars and the help of Soraka, Jarvan IV, who became the climber, did not become the Titan's new protoss host on the spot.

But it was also during this journey to the summit that a seed was quietly planted in Jarvan IV's heart. From then on, every time he got closer to the twilight, the seed would germinate.

All the generous gifts of the giant gods are actually secretly marked with a price - during the Shurima Empire, what they gave was nothing more than strength and longevity, and these two points were due to the existence of the sun disc, the Shurima Empire The technology looks better, so the Titan Cult is always at a disadvantage.

But this time, after many failures, the giant gods seem to have finally accepted Twilight's suggestion. They are finally willing to bend down, condescend to observe the society of these mediocre mortals, and then use mortals' ridiculous ideals and Politics as bait, try to start fishing.

As a result, the eyes of the Demacians were drawn to Shurima little by little, where they easily opened up the gold trade route that was even unimaginable in the past, and then earned immeasurable wealth, which made everyone look at Shurima. To Shurima, the Giant God Sect naturally entered their field of vision.

In Shurima, the Demacians gained wealth and glory, and gradually expanded their influence, and even attracted the defection of the local real power faction, which led to the great reconciliation of the century. It was a matter of course, so that when Jarvan IV was thinking about it, he didn't find anything wrong.

This slightly unfamiliar fishing technique is somewhat obvious, but some guy who was hiding in the dark and trying to split Demacia gave an assist to the giant god. Under the influence of poor information, Jarvan IV bit it Hook, never let go.


There is no doubt that LeBlanc and Vladimir are the ones who gave the Giants assists.

Although the battle on the front line in the northern border is relatively tense now, these two "ministers of King Jarvan IV" did not work as conscientiously as His Majesty the Emperor expected.

Even on the contrary, after Jarvan IV went out in person, LeBlanc and Vladimir once again took out their means of destroying Noxus and poached the corner of Demacia.

As the most important secretary of Jarvan IV, LeBlanc, whose pseudonym is Lan Fu, is one of the closest people around Jarvan IV. A large number of information files that Jarvan IV deals with on a daily basis often have to go through her in advance. hand.

During this process, LeBlanc has cultivated her own power with ease.

Drawing on the failure experience of the Noxus period, LeBlanc and Vladimir did not give it a title such as a black rose, but completely rooted it in the noble council, and gathered it together through Jarvan IV. Power, the opportunity to arouse the dissatisfaction of the nobles, and to cover their private connection.

On the surface, LeBlanc is trying to ease the conflict and deal with the issue of tenderness that Jarvan IV is not good at; but in fact, LeBlanc is often throwing the blame on Jarvan IV and being a good person herself.

And the most wonderful thing is that because Zwei is a proper "noble rebellion", Jarvan IV never doubted that the loyal Zwei and Lanfu couple would collude with the nobles.

When Jarvan IV followed Twilight's trajectory and began to summon the Rahorak Warriors and Bright Moon Warriors, LeBlanc and Vladimir, who were in the capital city, finally found the opportunity to enter the Shadow Realm and realize their dreams .

As early as when Lux came to Xiongdu to add fire, LeBlanc and Vladimir had already realized the way the other party came to Xiongdu—they also mastered many entrances to the Shadow Realm.

However, it is impossible for them to say this kind of thing directly, and it will be impossible to explain it.

So, under the auspices of Zwei, the incarnation of Vladimir, the demon hunters launched a search in Xiongdu for "possible magical tricks". After nearly a month, they finally found the traces of those enemies.

Why did it take a month?
Because Vladimir's men went to the Shadow Realm for a month, it was concluded that Lacus had withdrawn from the Shadow Realm.

The last time LeBlanc and Vladimir were interrupted in their immortal ceremony in the Shadow Realm, they were finally cleaned up by Lux. Now they must confirm that Lux is not there before they can start the next step.

Now it is finally confirmed that Lacus is not in the Shadow Realm, she was just passing by before, and with the increase of troops in the Northern Territory, the pressure has obviously increased. After LeBlanc and Vladimir discussed it, now should be the best time to prepare for the ceremony and enter the Shadow Realm. Good time!
So, with the cooperation of Lanfu and Zwei, some of their loyalists were transferred to the Demon Seeker sequence, or became the executive guards of the Garrison Legion, and took advantage of the opportunity to track down the enemy and entered the Shadow Realm.

Here, they perform an intricate ritual that fuses the subject with the shadow to achieve true immortality.

Just like the Black Rose sold Swain in the Battle of Prestidian and the Battle of Tobyssia.

Now, LeBlanc and Vladimir, who are ready, will also sell Jarvan IV.

It's interesting to say that Jarvan IV didn't realize the goodness of the northern border until his vanguard army was wiped out, but LeBlanc had already given up on letting Jarvan IV clean up Lacus because of the relatively direct information. thought up.

That's right, from LeBlanc's point of view, the winner of this war seems to be destined to be Lux - so she and Vladimir need to take advantage of the time when Jarvan IV can still hold on and Lux ​​has no time to manage the Shadowlands , Hurry up and complete your own immortal ceremony.

A man can bend and stretch, first achieve immortality, and then slowly trouble Lacus later!
With this in mind, after making preparations, Mr. Zwei entered the Shadow Realm and began to follow the traces of those northern spies.

After Mr. Zwei left, the voice of dissatisfaction within the noble council became louder and louder under the control of people with good intentions, so that Ms. Lanfu "couldn't control the situation" and gradually became a transparent person.

Just like that, when Barrett came back from transshipping supplies and was going to discuss follow-up plans with Lanfu, this really hard-working old scalper discovered that Miss Lanfu, who had always been shrewd and reliable, had disappeared, and the aristocratic council of Xiongdu The quarrel became a pot of porridge, and there were some shortages and some backlogs in the logistics material mobilization...

What's the matter?

Faced with this situation, Barrett was quite confused. While relying on his authority to preside over the work as much as possible, he quickly reported the situation in Xiongdu to Jarvan IV.

Jarvan IV was also stunned when he got the news.

Lan Fu disappeared?
Then ask Zwei!

What, Zwei went to track down the rebel who made trouble in Xiongdu before, and now he doesn't know where?
Then hand it over to Lan Fu's subordinates for the time being!
Uh, Lan Fu's subordinates also disappeared in batches?
Jarvan IV, who knew the importance of supplies, quickly realized the seriousness of the problem. He rode on the Dragon Bird without hesitation and rushed to Xiongdu.

At this juncture, Xiongdu can't go wrong!

It's a pity that even though Jarvan IV returned immediately after getting the news, when he returned to Xiongdu, the situation was still irreversible.

Lan Fu and the aristocratic council conspired to deceive in many places and created a large amount of deficit. No one knew where the money and materials went (in fact, they were used to trade the materials needed for the endless ceremony), and the accounts left It's a mess, but there are very few people who can sort it out.

In the past, Jarvan IV worked hard to gather military power and suppress the nobles, and then promoted and supported a new batch of governance supporters from the new military group, most of which were corrupted by Lan Fu and Zwei.

Because of mistrusting people who shouldn't be trusted, after Lanfu and Zwei disappeared mysteriously, many government affairs in Xiongdu were suspended. Some reliable manpower is arranged in the logistics transfer work.

He didn't even have time to explore why Lan Fu and Zwei disappeared.

Until in the bottom of his heart, a vague voice reminded him to go to the world of shadows to find those two despicable traitors.

"Lord of Twilight, go meet your destiny!"

 Carya's Small Classroom Professional Poaching:
  Black Rose, headed by LeBlanc and Vladimir, has always been a professional poaching organization. Under the temptation of prolonging life, spellcasting ability and secular power, they can always calmly turn the interests of the country into their own interests, just like leeches , draw the blood of the nation, and turn it into nourishment for the realization of their immortal goals.

  During the time of Noxus, they were the leaders behind the countless times that you and I appeared on the stage in the political arena, as well as the countless conquests that seemed great but made the empire poorer and poorer.

  But now, LeBlanc and Vladimir have chosen to repeat their old tricks in Demacia—compared to the time in Noxus, their actions have been restrained, but they also rely on deception to recreate the situation for themselves. Saved a set of materials for the Immortal Ritual.

(End of this chapter)

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