Lux's Farewell

Chapter 717 [0706] I am the Twilight Protoss!

Chapter 717 [0706] I am... the Twilight Protoss!
Reason told Jarvan IV that he should not put too much energy on finding the missing Lanf. Even though her behavior directly caused the structural damage of Xiongdu's political situation, under the premise of the Northern War, theoretically, He said that what Jarvan IV needs to do at this time is to calm people's hearts, make the most of the resources in his hands, and ensure the supply of materials in the northern border.

There are priorities.

However, having just been betrayed by someone he trusted, how could Jiawen IV maintain his sanity so easily?
You know, in the past ten years, Lan Fu has been acting as the secretary of Jarvan IV. From the Kingdom of Demacia to the Demacia Empire, she always handles small matters very well with a smile.

Whether it's troublesome things that Jarvan IV can't handle personally, or details that Jarvan IV doesn't have the energy to deal with, Lan Fu can always deal with it with a very perfect attitude. The complicated things are summarized in front of her, and the key ones are handed over For Jarvan IV, and the less critical ones are for Lanf to deal with by herself-in the eyes of Jarvan IV, this was the main content of Lanf's work in the past.

But now, with Lanfu and Zwei disappearing without warning, their past actions finally lost their cover, and a huge abscess was laid out in front of Jarvan IV so simply and directly, making him His Majesty the Emperor, who thought he was wise and mighty, was embarrassed to find that he actually did not have the control over Demacia as he imagined...

Under such circumstances, it is already very good that Jarvan IV did not become angry from embarrassment.


How do you keep him sane? !
Then, at this moment, in Jarvan IV's heart, a vague voice told him that if he wanted to catch these two traitors and punish this betrayal, he had to go to the world of shadows.

Jarvan IV, who heard this voice, was obviously a little confused.

Who is talking to yourself?
no one!

Jarvan IV, who was well protected on the way to the summit, obviously did not experience the test of the giant god's will brainwashing. Seeing no one around, he finally regarded this voice as a fantasy when he was in a bad mood.

Then, this kind of fantasy couldn't stop. Even in the investigation of the Reticent Man, fantasy and reality were combined. The investigators really found some traces left by Lan Fu, leading people to escape into the shadows.

Could it be that she really went to the world of shadows?
Sighing lightly, Jarvan IV forced himself not to think about these things, but personally devoted himself to government affairs, trying to straighten out a smooth transportation channel and establish a A stable wartime political system.

In any case, counterinsurgency is the top priority at the moment!


The arrival of the Rahorak Legion and the Bright Moon Legion was much faster than expected. With the addition of these two elites who could be regarded as bringing their own dry food, the situation on the front line improved visibly with the naked eye.

Under such circumstances, Jarvan IV's anger towards the traitor rose again.

After the Rahorac warriors and the Bright Moon warriors defeated the Forsbairone River Fleet harassing along the Melan River, Jarvan IV, who was a little relieved, finally had time again in the twilight after many days Take a walk in the gardens of the Castle of Dawn.

As he walked, he wanted more and more to go to the land of shadows and catch those shameful traitors back.

Calculating the time, it will take at least half a month for the Rahorak Legion and the Bright Moon Legion to reach Pinara City. During this period, I can take the elite team to the land of shadows and catch them first Return to the traitors and boost morale with a trial!

Although Lux's behavior of judging the nobles in the northern border was rebellious, judging from the results, the effect was not bad.

Once this kind of idea was born, it began to grow wildly in Jarvan IV's mind like weeds. He began to mobilize the elite garrison squads left behind in Xiongdu, together with a Sun Warrior team and a Bright Moon Warrior team. , Formed a special hunting team to go to the shadowy land to find traces of those traitors.

Facing Jarvan IV's resolution, Barrett naturally chose to oppose it. He believed that the key now was the war in the north, and the pursuit of traitors was not critical, and it could be done gradually.

However, it was obvious that what Barrett said was reasonable, but Jarvan IV couldn't listen to a single word.

Lanf's betrayal has dealt him such a heavy blow that he no longer trusts his former cronies—Barrett's work content is similar to that of Lanf, one of the two parties is biased towards politics, and the other It was more economical. Even though Jarvan IV clearly knew that Barrett was fine, he gradually couldn't listen to Barrett's words.

In the entire Demacia, perhaps only Tariq can convince the current Jarvan IV.

However... Taric is not in Demacia.

Tariq, who went to Karduja to figure out the food embargo in Shurima, has not returned yet, Jarvan IV's decision is destined to be irreversible!
In this way, Jarvan IV led a mixed team, very coincidentally found an entrance into the Shadow Realm, and found some traces that were not obvious but enough to guide the way.

A hunt begins indistinctly.


LeBlanc and Vladimir obviously didn't know that Jarvan IV had entered the Shadow Realm, and they were fully engaged in preparing their own immortal ceremony!

After fully absorbing the lessons of the past, LeBlanc and Vladimir did not approach the exit of the Shadow Realm on Fossbarrow's side.

Theoretically speaking, now that the war in the north is raging, Lux should not have the time to hang out in the shadow world, but... if you are not afraid of [-], you are afraid of what happens. After the failure of the last immortal ceremony, LeBlanc and Vladimir learned from the painful experience , this time they are determined to rule out all possible unfavorable factors!

Although the fortress could not be used in this way, the preparations for the immortal ceremony became a lot more complicated, but it doesn't matter, they have made complete preparations this time, and they can do it themselves, and they can have enough food and clothing!

Anyway, after so many years of fishing in Xiongdu, enough cannon fodder has been recruited, there are people and things, even if the preparations for the immortal ceremony are a bit troublesome, there will be no accidents.

With this in mind, LeBlanc and Vladimir's attitude towards the Immortal Ceremony can be described as "diligent". They organized their staff very seriously, and built a building that can communicate with the shadows bit by bit. The altar of the source of power.

It is precisely because they have to start from scratch and build the altar seriously, even if LeBlanc and Vladimir do it themselves, it will take a long time.

So, after Lux discovered the last time he wanted to pick up ready-made ones, this time LeBlanc and Vladimir took too long to build from scratch, so they were found by Jarvan IV bit by bit.

Although both LeBlanc and Vladimir changed their appearances, after discovering the altar and seeing the people busy building the altar, Jarvan IV picked up the dragon gun immediately.

Death to the traitor!

And as Jarvan IV took steps, a spectacle appeared in the Shadow Realm.

A blurry scorching sun and an equally blurry bright moon appeared in the midair of the Shadow Realm, illuminating Jarvan IV's path forward, and also reflecting the panicked traitors in front of him.

Without the slightest mercy, Jarvan IV charged forward with a dragon gun in his hand, instantly piercing through several nobles who followed in the footsteps of LeBlanc and Vladimir and hoped to have an eternity too!

As the rough defensive spells on these nobles were destroyed, after being pierced by the dragon gun, they were eroded by the endless shadow energy in the shadow world before they even died, and became distorted shadow distortion monsters.

At their pierced wounds, the power of shadow invaded, and then gushed out again in the form of twisted tissues, connected with strange limbs, tangled and growing.

After being transformed into shadow creatures, they instinctively hated the radiance of the sun and moon above Jarvan IV's head, and at the same time hated Jarvan IV.

The distortion after shadowing made them lose their fear, and after breaking free from the penetration of the Dragon Spear, they rushed towards Jarvan IV again.

However, in the face of these weak and deformed monsters, Jarvan IV didn't even need to pause for a moment. He strode towards the center of the altar while swiping the dragon spear in his hand, easily killing these once human beings. , The monster's body, which is now completely shadowed, broke up and became a sticky shadow.

Such unscrupulous attacks and the light source in mid-air that disgusted the shadow creatures naturally attracted the siege of the surrounding shadow creatures.

But with the cover of the elite garrison, the warriors of the scorching sun and the warriors of the bright moon, Jarvan IV was unstoppable and reached the edge of the shadow altar in a short while.

At the same time, in the center of the Shadow Altar, LeBlanc and Vladimir raised their heads at the same time when they heard the movement. After seeing this scene, they were dumbfounded at the same time.

Why did Jarvan IV appear here?
Isn't there a war in the northern border? If you don't go to the northern border to lead the army to fight, why do you go to the shadow realm to trouble us?
LeBlanc and Wladimir have used many people and played against many people in the past hundreds of years of poaching.

Those with greed in their hearts, like Darkwill, they tend to control by wooing; and those with ideals, like Swain, they can also use them according to the position of the other party, and deceive them.

According to their judgment, Jarvan IV is such a person who can be used and bullied—as the emperor of the Demacian Empire, he has his own political views and ideals, and he will choose to put the overall situation first. In the civil war with Fossbarrow, Jarvan IV will definitely focus on the civil war. By the time he draws his hand, he will have achieved immortality long ago!
Moreover, even if Jarvan IV wanted to hunt him down, Xiongdu lacked spellcasters. Even if they knew they were in the Shadow Realm, they couldn't afford to enter the Shadow Realm to hunt him down!
It was based on the above judgments that they decided that Jarvan IV would not chase in anyway, so they calmly built the altar from scratch.

But now, Jarvan IV had reached his doorstep.

LeBlanc, who has worked with Jarvan IV for more than ten years, did not understand why the other party made this choice until she saw the sun and the moon in mid-air.

What the hell, I haven't figured it out after all my calculations. At this moment of success, the Sun Sect and the Bright Moon Sect, who just missed their faces in Shurima, will intervene!
They contributed terrible spellcasters, sheltering and guiding Jarvan IV to come here!
Without any communication, LeBlanc and Vladimir joined hands to launch a counterattack immediately. Scarlet blood tides and shadow chains shining with magical auras invaded from all directions, and the target was directed at Jarvan who was rushing forward. Fourth, we must take him down in one fell swoop!
At the same time, on the unfinished Shadow Altar, a dark mist of shadows also spread with the actions of LeBlanc and Vladimir. Although the altar is not yet completed, some functions can also be activated!
With the appearance of the fog of shadows, the situation on the battlefield has undergone considerable changes.

Jarvan IV, who was originally illuminated by the radiance of the sun and the moon, was soon shrouded in a fog of shadows. This kind of fog, which was darker than the shadow, could no longer be penetrated by the vague radiance of the sun and the moon in midair.

Without a light source, Jarvan IV, who was shrouded in shadow and mist, was completely obscured—and then, facing the tide of blood and the chains of shadow, he quickly fell into a passive state.

Even though he was a climber with extraordinary physical fitness, even if the armor on his body was the top rune steel armor, Jarvan IV quickly fell into a hard fight, and he was clearly stretched to the left and right.

Unfortunately, before LeBlanc and Vladimir took him down, Sun Warrior and Moon Warrior, who were also maintaining a charging posture behind him, entered the fog at the same time.

With the cover of his subordinates, Jarvan IV's situation quickly improved, as if he was connected with each other. Even though Jarvan IV was fighting side by side with the Sun Warrior and the Bright Moon Warrior in a real sense, they still had With a very high tacit understanding, mutual help and cooperation, LeBlanc and Vladimir even gradually lost the initiative.

Moreover, on their heads, the phantoms of the scorching sun and the bright moon are also seeing a tendency to turn fictitious into reality, as if the real sun and moon will illuminate the shadow world and sweep away all dirty shadows in the next moment up!
In this case, LeBlanc and Vladimir finally realized that something was wrong.

Even though they have invested a lot of effort here, under such a bad situation, these two guys who are good at saving their lives have to consider the best policy.

If it really folds here, it will completely miss immortality!
The next moment, LeBlanc and Vladimir also took out their own life-saving cards - the former's figure began to retreat rapidly between flashes, while the latter turned into a pool of blood, as if it was about to merge into the shadows. middle.

However, just when they thought they were about to successfully withdraw from the battlefield, in the midair, the shining sun and the moon started a two-way rush along a similar trajectory, as if the sun was rising and the moon was setting, and the twilight appeared for the first time into the shadow world.

At this time, Jarvan IV finally broke out of the fog of the altar and stood in the twilight.

A smile that had never been seen before appeared on his face.

"I really miss it." Jarvan IV whispered in a voice that only he could hear, "Runeterra... I'm finally back."

 It's a little late.

(End of this chapter)

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