Lux's Farewell

719 Twilight and morning light [0708]

719 Twilight and morning light [0708]

LeBlanc and Wladimir have no reason to reject the deal.

Eternal immortality is their relentless pursuit, and they are willing to pay any price for this goal-the trivial matter of becoming a lackey of a giant god is simply insignificant.

As a result, official news came from Xiongdu soon, saying that the group of villains from the northern border quietly hijacked Miss Lanfu and lured Tswei to go, almost trapping the loyal leader of the Demon Seeker Army to death in a dark place Thanks to His Majesty's insight into the enemy's tricks, he went to the rescue in time. With the sacrifice of the elite soldiers of the garrison and the assistance of the soldiers of the Lieyang and the moon, Lan Fu and Zwei were finally rescued successfully.

It's just that those who were held hostage by Lan Fu suffered heavy casualties when the gangsters in the northern border rushed over the wall...

There was no doubt that this was throwing dirty water at Fossbarrow.

Before you Fossbarrow people came to the city of Xiongdu to engage in public opinion wars, it was very exciting, so I took advantage of the situation to push all the problems to you. Before, no matter how much LeBlanc and Vladimir corrupted for their own immortal ceremony How many guys who were closely connected with them died in the Shadow Realm, and now they are all dumping the blame on the northern border, and the accounts are all evened out at once!

To be honest, this operation is quite different from Jarvan IV's previous style.

Jarvan IV has always been a person who likes to "take advantage of opportunities to find fault". After firmly grasping the military power, he has always liked to seize the nobles' feet and strike at the opponent from the commanding heights of morality and justice. It's quite a bit of an excuse.

But this time, Jarvan IV showed a rare magnanimity. Although the nobles knew that there was a problem, Jarvan IV did not continue to pursue it, and just dumped the blame on Fossbarrow , and then stopped there, in the eyes of the nobles, it seemed to mean that His Majesty the King, who was not so young, had finally matured a bit like Jarvan III.

Politics is the art of compromise.

Looking at the more than ten years since Jarvan IV ascended the throne, except that when he proclaimed himself emperor, he chose to enshrine the country instead of the governor to let the nobles taste some sweetness. Most of the time, he was not very willing to compromise. It has always been about win-win, and it is the kind that wins twice.

A little mean and unkind.

Seeing that Jarvan IV had matured a little bit now, the noble council even had a subtle feeling of "the sky is sunny and the rain has stopped".

Then, before the aristocrats could enjoy themselves for a few days, Jarvan IV's subsequent series of decisions erased the smiles on their faces.

Jarvan IV's follow-up decisions are not many and not complicated, mainly focusing on the following points:

The rebellion in the northern border is now the biggest problem we face. The former model of nobles has now completely abandoned the honor of nobles for their own ambitions, and even tried things like trialing nobles in public. Therefore, this battle must It is necessary to fight, and it will be a big fight.

However, the people in the northern border do have some abilities. After all, the noble model has two brushes. They occupy the geographical advantage and do not take the initiative to attack. They just come to provoke. Therefore, the cost of quelling such rebellion is undoubtedly very high.

Although there are Shurima people in the south who admire the Demacian culture and are willing to bring their own dry food to participate in the war, but the army wasted a lot on the northern expedition, and the supplies are still a little insufficient, and the nobles still need a little more support...

In the final analysis, one word: money.

Fortunately, Jarvan IV had already settled the matter with Lanfu before this, and he did not intend to ask for money this time, and even implicitly expressed that he was willing to accept the tax inspectors who had been sent to various places before. When they came back, although the nobles were reluctant, they finally reached an agreement with Jarvan IV after some haggling.

They will collect an additional batch of military pay in their respective territories to go north to counter the rebellion.

But... that's all for this batch, there will be no follow-ups!

Is there really no follow-up?
The nobles didn't know that after the noble council passed this resolution, Jarvan IV was in a place where there was no one, and he could be said to be extremely happy with his smile.

From the eyes of the nobles, this resolution seems to be the emperor's stinginess, and he is unwilling to spend too much of the royal property on counter-insurgency, taking advantage of this opportunity to let the nobles lose money and avoid disaster.

But in fact, Jarvan IV, who is now the Twilight Protoss, doesn't value money at all.

He is not interested in money.

What he's interested in is getting the lords to collect more money—the Twilight Giant is very aware of the dark side of human nature. As long as he takes back the tax inspectors himself, the lords everywhere will definitely not be satisfied with collecting a little bit of military pay.

Everyone's food business is suffering in Shurima, so they must seek compensation, and the people who are sought compensation are the civilians under their rule.

This is what Jarvan IV wanted to see.

Only those who are bitter like the Rakkor people will sincerely devote themselves to the belief of the giant god. Compared with the rich and powerful Demacia, a weak and desperate Demacia needs a savior even more!

Now, as long as you gently open a hole, the nobles can't help but stretch out their greedy hands... This is human nature.

Thanks to Tam, this demon's refuge has given the Twilight Protoss a deeper understanding of the greed of human nature. If it weren't for Tam's enlightenment, he might not have been able to completely control Jarvan IV so easily, let alone find Twilight. The sect's rapid expansion into Demacia.

In the past, Haoyue and Lieyang fought for so many years, but they couldn't make any progress. It was purely a wrong direction, and they wanted to transform mortals into what they wanted!

The real way should be to guide those ignorant mortals to realize that gods are the only direction they can take refuge in!


The words are divided into two parts.

Jarvan IV has completely become a puppet of Twilight and is trying to transform the Demacians into Rakkor.

As for Fossbarrow, at the very beginning, Lacus was still preparing for the active attack of the Xiongdu front army - her previous operation to Xiongdu was so successful, Jarvan IV should not be able to sit still no matter what. That's right.

However, as the follow-up news came, Lacus was completely dumbfounded.

What is this and what is it, why was a blame placed on my head for no reason?

Lacus couldn't understand Jarvan IV's thinking at this time at all. In her opinion, although Jarvan IV represented the backward aristocratic rule, Jarvan IV himself was a good person. Self-request for honor can also be sympathetic to civilians to a certain extent.

Now the Northern War has just started. Although Xiongdu lost the vanguard army, it is still far away from injury. Why did they suddenly have to collect extra military pay?
The last time the tax reform was carried out, Jarvan IV cooperated with the grassroots tax inspectors and missionaries sinking, so it should be very clear what openings this tax increase will open for the nobles, right?

Did you push him so hard?
However, surprise is nothing but surprise. From Lacus’s point of view, this is obviously a good thing. The harder the royal family and nobles oppress the common people, the more support they will get in the future. Jarvan IV is completely in a daze, and the common people Push it to yourself!

However, unlike Lux who was in a happy mood, Kalya, who has become more and more like a salted fish recently, became completely nervous after receiving the news.

"If something goes wrong, there must be a demon." After confirming the reliability of the information, he said to Lacus very firmly, "Jarvan IV has a problem, and it's a big problem."

"You already have a guess?" Lacus didn't need to see Kalya's expression to be surprised, she had already realized something, "Is it the scorching sun and the bright moon?"

"No, it's not them." Kalya shook her head, "It's Twilight."

"It sounds like a combination of the sun and the moon." Lux blinked. "So it's more neutral?"

"Twilight is very special, it is a giant god who is closer to humans."

Just like Twilight didn't want to mention Kalya, Kalya didn't want to mention Twilight either—it wasn't an avoidance, but because this giant god was too special.

It has the natural and natural pride of a giant god, and at the same time knows a lot about mortals. This posture itself makes Kalya uncomfortable.

Unlike other giant gods who have their own clear principles, the Twilight giant god is to mortals, just like a bear child is to a nest of ants. He will use his own perspective to study these little guys, and he will give the ants their pleasure. A wave of water floods Jinshan from the cave.

What's more troublesome is that Kalya doesn't know whether this giant god is a giant god of fun or a giant god with other goals, but what is certain is that at least in the era of the Shurima Empire, he is the most troublesome.

This trouble manifests itself in two ways.

On the one hand, the Twilight Titan will use mortals and human nature. In a sense, the organizational structures of the Sun Sect and the Bright Moon Sect are inseparable from Twilight.

On the other hand, the Protoss of the Twilight Titan has quite special abilities.

Most of the other protoss use the energy of the astral world, and belong to the kind of "regular demigod", even if there is a head-on conflict, they can still deal with it.

But the Twilight Protoss has a special talent that makes people extremely headache-space.

Kalya's main talent is in the field of space. It is precisely because he has some understanding of this field and advanced space shaping that he understands how difficult the Twilight Protoss is.

Always be invincible.

Always hold the initiative.

For Kalya, the best news since this shaping is that the Twilight Titan has never been seen before—his character is also unpredictable. Although he seems to care about Runeterra, he will not always stare at it. , It is precisely because of this gap period that Kalya can pit the Tiehanhan war giant hard.

Although there was a great reconciliation of the century before, and Jarvan IV claimed to be the Lord of Twilight, but that is not enough to show that Twilight has returned, and according to Carya's observations before, Jarvan IV's state is closer to Lacus's "not being ruled." The climber influenced by the giant god", so his judgment is that "the giant god is using Twilight's influence to fool Jarvan IV".

But now, with Jarvan IV behaving erratically, Kalya had to consider the possibility of Twilight's return.

If the Twilight Protoss really came back, then I'm afraid I need to be more careful!

After listening to Kalya's explanation of the characteristics of the Twilight Titan, Lux also realized the seriousness of the problem.

Kalya, who always had a confident look, looked like an enemy this time, without a smile on his mask. I'm afraid this giant god is indeed quite unusual.

"So, what should we do?"

"Consider both." Kalya thought for a moment, then said calmly, "On the side of the intelligence team, activate the latent nodes and send back as much news as possible from Xiongdu; on the side of Fossbarrow, the Archon The first sequence will draw some people out, and I will give them special training."


Hearing what Kalya said, even if Lux had already realized the threat of the Twilight Titan, she couldn't help but widen her eyes,

A mage specially trained by Karya himself?
This kind of pertinence can be said to be very exaggerated!
"I will do it myself to erase the origins and information of these people." Kalya continued, "Erasure completely without leaving any text files - set up an anti-twilight group with the highest organizational authority, Ino and Suo Don't say anything about Na."

There was already a bit of disbelief on Lux's face.

Even Sona and Ino have to hide it?
"You can talk about Twilight, but don't mention a single word of the countermeasures, and don't leave any traces." Kalya warned seriously, "I'm afraid it will be difficult for my method to take effect a second time, so I must try my best to be foolproof!"

"Okay." Lacus nodded, "I'll sign the file transfer order right away—"

"Don't go through any official channels." Seeing that Lux didn't seem to understand what she meant, Kalya shook her head lightly, "I'm going to complete all this quietly as an outsider."

Lux blinked, then finally understood Karya's meaning.

"That's how the Archon is. Now you leave first and call Ino over." Kalya rubbed his chin, his tone unquestionable, "Right now, go!"

In this way, Lacus, Ino, Sona, Shivana, and Fiona were all interviewed by Karya alone, and then each got a secret mission that was unknown to each other.

After giving these instructions, Kalya's figure also disappeared into the wind. When Lux returned to her office, she only saw a note saying "Fight step by step".

And the saber she hung on the wall disappeared at some point.

"It's mysterious." Lux shook her head, and completely destroyed the note, "It's also said that people who practice occultism are all scumbags who hide their heads and show their tails..."

After a brief complaint, although Lux was still a little puzzled, she still devoted herself to her work—since Kalya can take care of that troublesome Twilight Protoss, what she has to do is to fight on the frontal battlefield Defeat the Xiongdu Front Army!
Since Jarvan IV is unwilling to give up the geographical advantage and is eager to fight northward, then I will take the initiative to go southward and push the front line forward, putting more pressure on you and forcing you to go northward!

Looking at the detailed map of the northern territory in front of her, Lux calculated the next battle plan in her heart.

What she didn't know was that when she was looking at the map, in the corner of Lithos City, where the main force of the northern traveler was located, a hole appeared quietly. Inside the hole, a pair of eyes were looking at it curiously. over the city.

"It's a pity." The owner of the eyes smacked his lips while looking at the city, "If you don't do a good dawn, you have to be willing to degenerate...Why bother?"

 Carya's Small Classroom·Dawn:

  During the period of the Shurima Empire, the giant god also showed kindness to Kalya, and was even willing to support him as the Lord of Dawn, as the Pope and the Ascended Queen to engage in a dual system, but Kalya refused.

  Even after the Icathian War, he would rather call himself Darkin than Dawn.

(End of this chapter)

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