Lux's Farewell

Chapter 720 [0709]

Chapter 720 [0709]
The Twilight Protoss can create holes connecting different locations at will, but due to the limitation of space stability, once the distance between the two ends of the hole is too far, he cannot directly shuttle through it - just like now, his deity is located in Pina La City, and the void is connected to Rithos City. In this case, the Twilight Protoss cannot be teleported directly through the void.

Of course, this did not prevent him from observing Rithos through the hole.

After a few adjustments, the Twilight Protoss found a good overlooking angle, like a middle-aged uncle returning from a business trip looking at his fish tank that has not been taken care of for a while, looking at this village that has completely entered the state of military control. South City.

"Unsurprisingly old-fashioned." Looking across the barracks, the residential area, the city wall further away, and the busy dock, the Twilight Protoss curled his lips subtly, "Twilight Heartily squeeze a group of mortals together."

Although this is said, in fact, both the Rahorak warriors of the Sun Sect and the Bright Moon Legion of the Bright Moon Sect also adopted the method of "kneading mortals" when they were formed.

The body of the Twilight Titan has not yet entered Runeterra, and the power that the Protoss can carry is bound to be limited—even if Jarvan IV's body is of good quality, he still cannot withstand the full power of the Titan and wants to disintegrate Karya The mortals kneaded together again, the Twilight Protoss still needs to use their brains more.

"In the past, I have always wondered why you can always entangle those weak mortals." Seeing that everything is running in an orderly manner in Rithos City, the Twilight Protoss finally raised the corner of his mouth, "However, thanks You sent Tamm here, now I know."

"Greed is how you use them."

"Now, I have learned too."

"So, I wonder if you have any other options?"

"It's really exciting!"

While the Twilight Protoss was muttering to himself, while continuing to look at the city, thinking silently in his heart, on the top of the city of Rithos, the Colossus of Justice, who had been motionless before, seemed to have discovered Like anything, he raised his head and looked in the direction of the hollow.

The Twilight Protoss also saw the raised head of the Colossus of Justice.

However, he was not in a hurry to close the void immediately, but waved his hand at Galio leisurely, and waited until a hint of substantial doubt appeared on the face of the opponent's forbidden magic stone, and then closed the void with a smile.

Seeing a hole appeared in midair, and there was a person behind the hole greeting him, Galio was very puzzled.

"Who is that?" Lowering his voice, Galio used his own "small voice" to ask Paloba who was applying protective paint to himself like thunder, "Why haven't I seen that person in the sky?"

"People in the sky?" Boroba rubbed his swollen ears helplessly, "There is no one in the sky, did dragon and bird knights fly by just now?"

"No, it's not a small dragon bird." Galio shook his head lightly, and adjusted his posture so that Poloba could paint his chin, "It's just a hole, and there's someone in it who was looking at me just now , looking at Lithos."

"In the sky?" Peloba's expression became serious, "You saw it when you looked up just now?"

"That's right." Galio affirmed this statement, "It's small, but it's very clear. Galio can't read it wrong."

"I've never heard of such a situation." Proba put down the paint momentarily. "Have you seen that person before?"

"I've seen it many times." Galio said with certainty, "In Tobyssia, I even fought villains with him!"


"What did people call him back then?"

"Everyone calls him His Majesty the King." Galio didn't realize the seriousness of the problem, "I remember when I was standing in Xiongdu, everyone still called him His Royal Highness..."

Paloba was dumbfounded.

"Take me back to the ground, Galio." After regaining his senses, Proba finally couldn't care less about applying paint, "I'm afraid I'm going to speak to Her Excellency Laxana."

"I haven't seen her for a long time." Galio used the pronoun correctly this time, "Then, say hello to her for me!"

"Of course." Proba nodded lightly, quickly slid down Galio's shoulder, along his arm, quickly fell back to the ground, and strode away, "I will."


As the first batch of Archons, Paloba, who is in charge of Galio's daily maintenance, has extremely high access authority.

Therefore, after he said that there was something urgent, the secretary informed Lacus first without asking about the specific matters.

After a while, Lux received Paloba in the office.

"What's the matter?" While gesturing for Proba to sit down, Lacus put the documents on the table aside first, "So anxious."

"Galio said that he saw His Majesty Jarvan IV...Your Excellency." Nervously, Peloba almost mispronounced the address, "He said he saw a hole in the sky, through which he saw Jarvan IV."

There is a hole in the sky?

Lux's expression froze instantly.

"What about you?" After a pause, Lux breathed out softly, "Did you see it?"

"I haven't." Proba shook his head lightly, and then his expression became tense again, "Galio's eyesight has always been very good and very sharp, he won't be dazzled..."

"Yeah." Lux nodded slightly, "I believe him."

"Then us?"

"Don't be too nervous, it's just some detection magic." In order to appease Proba, Lux chose an incomparable metaphor, "It's like a Hex telescope erected in the sky by magic, he intends to use this This is a way to see what's going on in Rithos."

"So, does this mean that there is also a group of mages in Xiongdu?" Poloba still couldn't relax, "But Galio is not fully ready to fight..."

"The problem is not that serious. This is probably a trick of those Rakor people." Although Lux had already guessed in her heart, she was still calm on the surface, as if this was just a trivial matter, " Xiongdu will not have the same institution as the Archon, I am very sure of this."

"If it's really a trick of the Rakkor people, then Galio might be willing to do it." Hearing that Lux said it was related to the Rakkor people, Paloba was finally relieved, "When in Shurima, the fifth sequence They also fought against them, and when they drank last time, many people were still very unconvinced."

Hearing what Proba said, Lux couldn't help but smile.

As the defender of Galio, although Peloba is not in the battle order of the Archons, he has always had a good personal relationship with the Archons of the Fifth Order. He said that, it shows that although the Fifth Order is in the battle of Nashilam There were some casualties, but morale was good.

It is a good thing to be dissatisfied, but it is a bad thing to shrink back.

"Believe me, those Rakkor people can't realize their plans." Although Lux still had a smile on her face, her tone was very firm, "It took more than ten years for Fossbarrow to have the wealth and wealth he has today. Prosperity, no one can destroy it, not even the people of Rakkor."

"Since you are prepared." Proba let out a long breath, "When I heard Galio say that, I was shocked, after all, according to what he said, it is simply a teleportation hole... It would be terrible if Jarvan IV could open the teleportation hole in Rithos at will."

"How is this possible?" Lux waved his hand, "If he could really open the hole so casually, wouldn't it be easier to wipe the entire Forsbarrow off the map?"


Although she calmed Peloba very confidently, when he was relieved to leave, Lux frowned.

Evidently, she remembered what Kalya had told herself about the troublesome qualities of the Twilight Titans.

The power of space... Isn't this too outrageous?
Although judging from the opponent's performance, this hole can only be seen and cannot be passed through, but opening a space hole that can be maintained for a long time at such a distance is itself a shocking thing.

Lux herself has limited knowledge of space magic, and has no talent in this area.

But because she spends time with Kalya day and night, and has personally sat through Ryze's zigzagging path several times, she has good eyesight in space magic.

No matter from which point of view, this kind of magic that spans hundreds of miles, opens and maintains a space hole that can be clearly observed is still hard for her to imagine.

Although I don't know whether the opponent folded the space of Runeterra or created a passage through the space, this is completely miraculous - the former means that the opponent can freely tear the barriers of the plane, and not There will be spatial disturbances; the latter means that the opponent can create a spatial interlayer with no fixed anchor point, and the stability is amazing.

Either way, it's enough to give you a headache.

The only good news is that this level of space void doesn't seem to be enough to carry people. At least Lux doesn't have to worry about the enemy suddenly descending from the sky and appearing in her rear.

Of course, the rear can't do it, but if the distance is closer, presumably, if Jarvan IV wants it, it will definitely be able to transport a team of surprise soldiers-in the next battle, Lux must be more vigilant , Minimize the weak points of your own formation as much as possible, otherwise, once the flaw is caught, the end of the Xiongdu Vanguard Army on the side of the 102 Canal will be the end of Lux.

Especially now that there are Sun Warriors and Moon Warriors in the hands of the enemy.

Hmm, it looks like it might be quite difficult to win a frontal battle!


Lacus is having a headache.

And the Twilight Protoss, who had finished peeping, was also very dissatisfied with his peeping.

How should I put it, it’s as if a mutated goldfish in the fish tank hid among the lush algae after being away from home for a few days, and I couldn’t find it no matter how hard I looked—after greeting Galio, he looked at it from multiple angles. After watching Lithos for a long time, he didn't see any trace of Carya.

Not only did Lithos not have it, but Fossbarrow, Sun Fook City, and Sun Fook Kong did not.

The Twilight Protoss adjusted the viewing angle thousands of times, but couldn't find Kalya.

This undoubtedly made the Twilight Protoss quite unhappy.

Truth be told, the Twilight Protoss was delighted to hear that Kalya seemed to have revived.

But after such a long time, he never talked to Karya face to face from beginning to end—only Zhan Zhan and Lie Yang, the two Tie Hanhan, met Karya, and then they were severely tricked.

Now that she finally has a passable protoss, Twilight really wants to meet Kalya, and see what kind of expression Kalya will show when she sees her now.

Therefore, when opening the space hole this time, the first goal of the Twilight Protoss was not even to study the organizational structure, staffing, and supplies of the Northwalker, but to find Lux's saber first.

According to Lie Yang, the current Karya lodged himself in a saber, or a broken sword, and was as self-willed and depraved as those dark descendants.

However, what Twilight Protoss didn't expect was that the saber seemed to have evaporated from the world, no matter how hard he searched, he couldn't find it.

The Twilight Protoss even opened a passage on the ceiling of Lux's office. Without Lux's knowledge, they watched her for a long time, but still did not find any trace of Kalya.

Not being able to find Carya makes the Twilight Protoss quite unhappy-this kind of thing is out of control and does not act according to the established track, which is what the Twilight Protoss hates the most, just like in the past, he likes to see it when the twilight falls. The panic of mortals at that time, and the amazement of mortals when the stars appeared, instead of the mortals now interpreting the astrology from their own perspective with all kinds of whimsical ideas.

Although they have been laughing at Haoyue and Lieyang for always thinking of treating those mortals as their own toys, planning that they must act according to their own will, but in fact, the Twilight Colossus is not much different from them.

In other words, the only difference is that his "will" is not as clear as Lie Yang and Haoyue.

So, Karya, you're not in Rithos, where have you been?
Karya hadn't actually gone anywhere.

He's in Rithos.

Lux's saber was replaced with a scabbard, and it was worn on the waist of an ordinary-looking middle-level officer of the Northwalker.

Judging from the medal on the chest of this middle-level officer, he is a company-level commander of the Plain Walker.

At this time, the Commander, the captain of the organizer, was receiving rations and equipment from the military supply department. It seemed that there was no difference between the many northern walkers who were busy in the city of Rithos.

However, what no one knows is that these people who look like the captains of a certain company in the Plains Walker Brigade are not all genuine Northland Walkers—many of them were Archons or clerks a few hours ago ...

It wasn't until Karya found them through unofficial channels that they had the same identity that should stand together.

Member of the Anti-Twilight Team.

The goldfish in that fish tank did not disappear, but changed back to its previous appearance.

 Carya's small classroom, paradoxical:

  The Twilight Protoss, who thinks he has mastered human nature, obviously underestimated the complexity of human nature. After all, the conclusions drawn by an observer are often different from those drawn by a participant. In comparison, although Soraka I don't meet too many people, but I actually understand human nature better.

(End of this chapter)

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