Lux's Farewell

Chapter 721 [0710]

The Twilight Protoss was in a bad mood.

For him, there is only one key to the Fossbarrow War, and that is Karya. As long as Karya is found and Karya itself is solved, all the remaining problems will not be a problem.

However, at this time, Karya disappeared—and it was the kind of "I knew you were here, but I just couldn't find it" disappearance.

Very annoying.

Through this disappearance, Kalya seems to have actively set the rules of the game. If the Twilight Protoss wants to find him, they can only use the identity of Jarvan IV to quell the rebellion in the north.

"Since you must play, you must have fun." Many investigations were fruitless, and the Twilight Protoss finally gave up the idea of ​​finding Kalya temporarily, "I like to play strategy derivation games... When you lose completely, Don't feel bad!"


Determined to focus on collecting intelligence, the Twilight Protoss regarded this war as a struggle before their reunion with Kalya, and began to collect information about the northern walkers in a condescending manner.

After giving up searching for Karya and using his unique space ability on intelligence collection, the Twilight Protoss is undoubtedly a very troublesome guy-as long as he wants, any documents and information left on paper , he can investigate casually.

According to Fossbarrow's regulations, all operations, including material transportation and personnel movement, are to be archived.

And no matter what the file is, as long as it falls on paper, once the Twilight Protoss wants it, he can always find a peeking angle.

According to the understanding of the Twilight Protoss, according to Kalya's consistent style, this guy who hides his head and shows his tail will definitely organize and file all kinds of things and keep them together - this is the case in Shurima, and it will not be in Fossbarrow. Change!
According to this line of thinking, the Twilight Protoss began to spy on Lux again, and after Lux processed some documents, she began to follow her secretaries segment by segment.

The Twilight Protoss, who is used to spying on human activities in this way, seems to be a top director, who can always open his camera at angles that ordinary people can't find, so as to determine the trajectory of their actions—open in mid-air Voids are child's play. As long as the Twilight Protoss is willing, he can open an observation hole on the wall, under the eaves, on the steps, on the ground, anywhere he wants.

Collect the information he wants from all directions and from multiple perspectives.

During this process, there are no common magic fluctuations at all. As long as anyone does not see this void directly, they will not realize that they are being observed.

In this way, with Lux as the center, the Twilight Protoss followed the activities of her secretariat secretary, and quickly became familiar with the locations of the temporary offices of Rithos.

Then, the Twilight Protoss took a little more time to confirm the rest time of these temporary offices, and then freely peeked at various paper documents in the northern border when no one was on duty.

Like a player who opened the full map, Twilight Protoss stood in the "true God's perspective".

However, since the Twilight Protoss didn't understand the information itself very well, after reading these messy documents, he finally decided to simplify the information and hand it over to the commanders.

All the pictures have been opened, it must be F2A!

Facing the information provided by Jarvan IV and the question of "what to do next", the commanders of the Xiongdu Front Army were somewhat uncomfortable.

Since his debut, Jarvan IV has acted like a workaholic - he was like this when he was a prince, and he is even more energetic after becoming a climber.

In addition, he attaches great importance to military power, so although the commanders of Demacia are paid well and can make military exploits, in terms of command and decision-making, Jarvan IV has always made decisions with one word, and only the executive power and grassroots command power .

Strategic Decision?

Campaign command?

Jarvan IV can handle it all by himself!

Now that Jarvan IV suddenly began to give out information instead of directly making a decision, the commanders even felt a little flattered for a while.

Of course, the surprise turned into a surprise. After getting used to this situation, the commanders in Xiongdu quickly became enthusiastic.

You know, Sa Lange messed up like that before, the vanguard army was annihilated under his command, His Majesty did not criticize him harshly, but gave him a burial as a warrior, and later heard that his relics will be sent to To the Hall of Heroes... Now that His Majesty is still willing to delegate power, what else can everyone hold back?

From this point of view, the Twilight Protoss really activated the morale of the Xiongdu Front Army by accident. With the commanders actively making plans and the arrival of Lieyang and Haoyue Legion, they gathered in Pinara Not only did the morale of the army in the city rise significantly, but they also quickly came up with a battle plan that at least seemed quite safe.

The entire combat plan is roughly divided into three steps.

The first step is to cut down trees on the south bank of Canal 102, build a temporary camp, and prepare to cross the river.

The name of the 102 Canal was provided by His Majesty Jarvan IV. According to His Majesty, this is how the people in the north called this river.

Since it is a canal, it must be built on the basis of a certain seasonal river, or cut and straightened on the basis of the original river, combined with the results of the scouts and dragon bird knights, and the last time Sa Langer's Lessons learned from the failure, many commanders agreed that crossing the 102 Canal is not in a hurry.

And on the north side of the 102 canal, the vanguard of the northern border walker just ushered in a wave of recruits, and the reserve soldiers filled up the casualties in the last encounter—this information was also provided by His Majesty, but he did not give it to The source of information is only emphasized as "absolutely reliable".

But in private, many commanders must agree that this is definitely the news from a certain northern noble who is in Cao Ying and his heart is in Han. After all, Miss Noble Model was once the idol of many young nobles. Many aristocrats who were concubine would choose to join her, and as the news of the public trial of the aristocrats in Miyin City spread, it is very possible that some of them will find themselves on a thief ship.

The commanders of the Xiongdu Front Army obviously didn't know that the commanders of the Northern Walker were promoted bit by bit from scratch.

Even in Demacia, a country where "military merit determines everything", the commanders are rarely served by civilians-civilians can accumulate through three generations to launch a soldier who is powerful and skilled in bow and horse, but this soldier still needs to be trained in the army After a while, you can become a commander.

Fossbarrow's model of setting up a shelf first and then setting up a military academy for military training is completely beyond the imagination of the Xiongdu Front Army.

Based on the above judgments, the commanders of the Xiongdu Front Army did not ask more questions, but honestly focused on the intelligence itself.

102 The rebel soldiers on the other side of the canal were replenished, but with reserve soldiers.

In their view, this piece of information showed the lack of strength of the northern rebels.

The fact that the Xiongdu front army stationed troops in Pinara City is a famous brand, and it is something that both sides know.

Therefore, even if the rebel army on the other side of the 102 Canal is not the main force of the rebel army, it must at least be the elite of the rebel army-this can also be seen from the results of their previous battles with the Xiongdu Vanguard Army.

However, for such an elite force, when replenishing its troops, shouldn't it give priority to recruiting elites from other legions?
Even if you don't recruit elites from other places, then take a step back, at least you have to downsize the remaining teams, and then mobilize the whole team from other legions to supplement the establishment, right?

Now that the two sides are confronting each other, when you replenish your troops, use reserve soldiers to replenish them?
This is not a shortage of troops, what is that?
As for why the northern border rebels are short of troops...

The reason is also very simple-they were deflated in Irwindale!

Didn’t Irwindale just send a message that there is an elite enemy army under the city of Irwindale, which has completely blocked the road of the First Army in the North at this time. According to the information from Irwindale, this elite army It didn't take long for the rebels to start running, and all the cities in the northern border were invincible along the way, and no one could stop them.

As a result, under the city of Iwendale, this elite rebel army was finally overwhelmed by natural dangers and had difficulty advancing an inch.

From this point of view, the rebellion of Forsbarrow originally thought that the army was expensive and quick, and the northern border would be taken first, but it was blocked in Irwindale, but because of fear of the First Army's active support, it had to divide the troops in The city of Irwindale was firmly defended, which led to the shortage of their troops on the frontal battlefield...

You see, isn't this a logical closed loop?

Based on the above judgments, many commanders of the Xiongdu Front Army agreed that in the process of crossing the river, their side can set up camps along the river first, and then erect more pontoon bridges to expand the crossing area. In the case of insufficient troops in the northern border , will surely succeed in one fell swoop!
Just along the bank of the 102 canal, the woods are fairly dense. Although the trees here are not towering old trees, it is no problem to cut them down and tie them together to make a floating bridge for crossing the river. Problem solved.

After the first step of crossing the river is completed, the second step is to advance the front.

Considering that the enemy's navy is still somewhat capable, although the surface of the 102 canal is not open, it is still necessary to build a temporary storage warehouse after crossing the river.

Therefore, when the battle line was pressing forward, many Xiongdu commanders who were not familiar with water warfare showed the greatest respect for the Inland River Fleet, and specially arranged a navy to deal with possible troubles.

The situation in the northern border is very different from other places in Demacia. The land here is sparsely populated, and there are not many dense cities as natural supply points. If you want to stabilize the logistics, you have to build a stronghold step by step. Camp!

Considering the higher and higher altitudes, the commanders believed that it was safer to set up camps every forty miles.

Although this method of setting up camp step by step is likely to become food delivery when facing the enemy's large-scale main force, if the enemy's troops are insufficient, then these camps will become a rope around the necks of the northern rebels, strangling them completely !

As long as your small-scale mobile troops can't break through the camp, then you can only watch the Xiongdu army safely arrive at the city, and then force you to fight head-on with superior forces.

This is not taken for granted by the commanders of Xiongdu, but has a solid basis - after the Sun Legion and the Bright Moon Legion participated in the battle, the elders of the Sun Sect and the Bright Moon Sect also participated in the military meeting as "special military advisors".

At the meeting, the elders of the Bright Moon Sect gave a brief account of their battles with the Plainwalkers on the side battlefield during the Nashilami Battle.

how to say……

It's pretty unremarkable.

The plain walkers held their ground in the oases, while the Bright Moon Legion was advancing steadily bit by bit, and according to the elder, on the side battlefield, although the Bright Moon Legion was in an attacking stance, in terms of casualties, it was There are more plain walkers.

Even though there might be bragging in it, seeing how the Bright Moon Sect and the Lieyang Sect took the initiative to participate in the battle, they were really confident.

The logic is closed again.

Then, after the step of advancing the front line is also completed, the next third step is to seek a decisive battle.

This step was the only point of contention among the commanders.

According to the information given by His Majesty Jarvan IV, in Lithos City, the Fossbarrows assembled a main force of more than 5 people-5 people does not sound like an exaggeration, and it should be placed in the north. It has reached the point of one out of ten.

After all, the total registered population of the entire Forsbarrow area may not be 50.

The quality of such a large-scale army is doomed to be mixed. Therefore, in the opinion of most Xiongdu commanders, Lux garrisoned Lithos City instead of taking the initiative to attack. .

From this point of view, their judgment is that Fossbarrow is hoping to win through defensive battles, and will continue to harass and intercept the counter-insurgency army on the way to the northern border to counter-insurgency, so that they can reach the city of Rithos. The Xiongdu front army was exhausted, and then defended the city, forcing the counter-insurgency army to retreat, resulting in the de facto independence of the northern border.

This idea is completely in line with Demacia's long-standing defensive warfare thinking. After all, before the collapse of the Noxus Empire, Demacia's wars have always been defensive warfare. , and then take a bite when the enemy retreats is very familiar.

This strategy by the rebels makes sense.

Of course, there are also people who have different opinions on this. In their view, the rebels in the northern border are still unwilling to leave the city because the internal situation in the northern border is unstable.

Even if Laxana performed well in the past and kept the honor of the nobility hypocritically, but now that she is acting openly and judging the nobility, the political situation under her rule is absolutely impossible to be stable.

They even speculated that it was because the nobles of Mithral City didn't cooperate that they forced Laxanna into a rage and started the trial.

Therefore, according to their speculation, the rebels were stationed in Rithos City, not because they were not trained enough or wanted to defend the city and seek secession, but because she did not dare to push the front line forward and was afraid of a fire in the backyard!
How could she hope to achieve a separatist regime if she could do such insane things as trial nobles?
Based on the above two speculations, the commanders proposed two combat deployments respectively.

One is to bypass the city of Lithos after arriving at the city of Lithos, continue to set up camps firmly, and go straight to the depths of the northern border, forcing the undertrained rebels in the city of Lithos to go out to fight in the field; It is to completely surround the city of Rithos, isolate the inside and outside, and send small-scale elite troops deep into the northern border to unite the northern nobles and ignite the fire in the backyard of the rebels.

The two sides were at loggerheads on this point, and in the end they really couldn't reach a unified opinion, so they had to look to Jarvan IV, waiting for His Majesty's ruling.

Facing the expectant eyes of many commanders, Jarvan IV showed a satisfied smile on his face.

"There are still many people who are interested in Xiongdu, and there is still a lot of information on the northern border." His Majesty's tone was relaxed, as if he had already made up his mind, "Since everyone thinks that there are three steps to go, we must first start from the first step. !"

A little late, try to finish writing tomorrow morning!

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