Lux's Farewell

722 [0711] Crossing the river, crossing the river

722 [0711] Crossing the river, crossing the river

There is still debate on the last step of the three-step plan, but the strategy for the first two steps has been fully confirmed.

Now that the city of Pinara is full of supplies and the army is gathering, it is indeed time to take the first step.

Thus, after obtaining the approval of His Majesty Jarvan IV, the Demacian army began to dispatch, leaving Pinara City officially, and marching towards the 102 Canal in the north.

According to the plan formulated in advance, the main force of the Xiongdu Front Army was fully deployed. It did not stop until it reached the forest area on the south bank of the 102 Canal, and then camped on the spot. The next morning, the army continued to advance north while cutting down the forest to clear the way. And in the evening of the next day, I finally came to the south bank of the canal.

During the entire march, the elite scouts of the Fearless Pioneer conducted high-frequency investigations throughout the entire process, and there was an endless stream of dragon and bird knights in the sky. Every quarter of an hour, three dragon and bird squads flew across the battlefield from south to north, trying to avoid encounters as much as possible. The enemy ambushed.

Therefore, although the Plain Walker also had a small army staying on the south bank, waiting for an opportunity to cause some trouble for the Xiongdu Front Army, but in the end they did not find any chance, so they could only withdraw to the north bank of the canal by boat before the opponent reached the river bank.

In this way, after the Xiongdu Front Army successfully reached the south bank of the canal, they first set up a camp, and then began to cut down the forest, bundled a large amount of wood together, and made several pontoon bridges. After dawn, a large-scale swimming began.

According to the plan, the Xiongdu Front Army has set up more than [-] river crossing positions, all of which are the Fearless Pioneers or Lieyang Warriors and Bright Moon Warriors as the vanguards for crossing the river, and the formation is completely spread out.

Haike, who had clearly realized the opponent's intention to cross the river, tried his best to intercept the crossing of the Xiongdu Front Army.

Relying on their familiarity with the terrain and relying on small strongholds in the forest, the plain walkers harassed and intercepted the army crossing the river—trying to destroy the pontoon bridge when the enemy was crossing the river, and preventing the enemy from deploying their formation after crossing the river.

The plain walkers, who have been tempered by the Nasslam American Battle, have formed a superior blocking force in some parts.

With the assistance of the imperial court, more than [-] of the [-] pontoon bridges in the [-] river crossing positions were destroyed on the spot, and at least a thousand elite soldiers of the Xiongdu Front Army fell into the rushing river. Not all will drown, but the momentum of crossing the river is still somewhat sluggish.

However, there is only so much that plain walkers can do.

After all, the 102 Canal is not the kind of natural river hundreds of yards wide. In addition, before crossing the river, all the actions of the Xiongdu Front Army were covered by the forest. Among the [-] crossing positions, only [-] were intercepted at the first time. The remaining [-] crossing points quickly crossed a large number of elite vanguard troops and established a firm foothold on the north bank in time. .

Even after the dragon and bird knights on the plain walker's side discovered the situation, Haike immediately mobilized the soldiers from the nearest forest stronghold to stop it, but seven crossing points finally stood firmly on both sides of the 102 canal.

The Xiongdu Front Army arrived on the north bank of the canal one after another along the seven crossing points on more and more pontoon bridges.

Subsequently, the Xiongdu front army also took the initiative to withdraw troops at other crossing points where the forced crossing failed, and all the troops of the brigade went to these seven safe crossing points.

Under such circumstances, it was a foregone conclusion that the Xiongdu front army successfully crossed the river. The only thing Haike could do was to quickly gather his troops, gather all the plain walkers under his command, and launch an assault on the sixth ferry.

During this wave of assaults, the plain walker once again demonstrated his superb level of footwork coordination. Under the cover of the court, the plain walker leaped through the forest, assembled and maneuvered at an astonishing speed, and launched a big battle at the sixth ferry. During the large-scale crossing movement, with the momentum of lightning speed, once again concentrated forces launched an attack on the ferry.

How fast did the raid come?

Let's put it this way, at the fifth ferry, which is the closest to the sixth ferry, the Xiongdu front army discovered that the plain walkers had begun to retreat. Immediately, a dragon and bird knight took off and sent a letter to the nearby ferry, asking them to be more vigilant.

However, when the Dragon Bird Knight was about to land at the temporary river crossing camp on the north bank of the sixth ferry, the plainswalker's surprise attack had already arrived—although the Dragon Bird Knight took off in the forest was more troublesome and wasted some time, but it was still possible. It is an exaggeration to say that during this maneuver in the forest, the legs of the plain walker were faster than the wings of the dragon bird knight.

Coincidentally, the one who was in charge of the defense of the temporary river crossing camp on the north bank of the sixth ferry was none other than an old acquaintance of Plain Walker, Bright Moon Warrior.

I don't know if Heike was a specially selected enemy, or if it was a pure coincidence. After a few months, the two teams that had fought to the death in the southern oasis of Nasirah America met on the north bank of the 102 Canal in the northern border of Demacia. meet again.

Although the plain walkers didn't take advantage of the Nashilami battle, but now they get along in different places. After learning the enemy's number, all the soldiers think in their hearts is revenge. They arrived quickly. The three companies in the combat position tacitly started the attack at the same time, causing chaos in the camp at the first time.

The Bright Moon soldiers reacted very quickly. After hearing the movement, they took out the Moonstone weapons almost reflexively, rushed out of the camp, and organized a counterattack in time.

There is no doubt about the combat effectiveness of the Bright Moon Warriors, and the Yueshi weapons are more offensive and defensive. The environment in the forest is chaotic, and the formation is naturally divided. It seems that all conditions are developing in a favorable direction for the Bright Moon Warriors.

However, the trend of this surprise battle did not follow the theoretical direction. In the face of the plain walker's surprise attack, after a wave of counter-surprise attacks that seemed to have a good effect, the Bright Moon Warriors did not make any achievements and fell quickly. into the downwind.

The main reason for this situation is that the Haoyue fighters have combat power, but the grassroots organization and command level are insufficient. Their counter-charge was very effective at first, but after chasing a few hundred steps and widening the front line, Instead, it gave the plain walkers the opportunity to divide and encircle, close and annihilate.

Even if the moonstone weapon is integrated in offense and defense, this is not the desert area they are familiar with!
Moreover, and more importantly, the numerical advantage of the ten siege on the plain walker's side has completely erased the differences in individual combat power!

But even so, the situation of the Bright Moon Warriors can still be supported, and the last straw that really broke the camel's camel was actually the collapse of the Xiongdu Front Army in the camp.

Bright Moon Warriors can withstand raids, launch counter-raids, and even hold the line while under siege.

However, the Demacian soldiers in the camp who had just crossed the river in light clothes and were reorganizing and resting were gradually unable to withstand the tide-like offensive of the Plainswalkers.

Under such circumstances, the plain walker, led by Heike and the personal guard company, directly broke into the camp, and less than a quarter of an hour later, the flag in the camp was replaced with a double-winged boots flag—as the flag was changed, The Xiongdu front army, which was still trying to resist, finally couldn't hold on again, and began to flee to the south bank in embarrassment along the direction of the pontoon bridge that the plain walker gave up.

And Haike didn't pay attention to the number of enemies wiped out, but after driving away the Xiongdu front army, he directly destroyed the pontoon bridge, and in turn completely surrounded the Haoyue soldiers!
It wasn't until the pontoon bridge collapsed that the bright moon warriors who were fighting on their own finally realized that they had been sold.

Under normal circumstances, the bright moon warriors should surrender, or at least their morale would collapse.

However, I don't know what kind of chicken blood these people have been beaten, and they don't even need their grassroots commanders to organize and mobilize more. The Bright Moon fighters started the final battle on the spot.

The bright moon warriors with the will to die seem to come here to change their lives. The moonstone weapon that integrates offense and defense has completely become an offensive weapon. With an offensive posture, it brought casualties that could be called a nightmare to the plain walker.

Worried about the encirclement of the enemy's large forces, after paying a heavy price and annihilating this bright moon warrior, Haike led his team to quickly withdraw from the battlefield without even having time to collect more spoils.

Facts have proved that his retreat was very timely-just a quarter of an hour after the battle ended, several scout troops arrived at the battle area under the guidance of the Dragon Bird Knight, and then the support from other ferry also arrived quickly, but Van Heike If you hesitate for a while, this raid will become encircled and suppressed.

And at this point, the battle to cross the 102 Canal can finally be declared over.

Throughout the entire battle, the Xiongdu Front Army suffered more than 200 casualties, including about [-] people who fell into the water. More than a thousand casualties.

Most of those who fell into the water were fearless pioneers, garrison soldiers, scorching sun fighters, and bright moon fighters. Even if the 102 canal was turbulent, most of the people who fell into the water were just filled with water after searching downstream, so the death toll should probably be around Around [-], the wounded will not be able to recover their combat power for a long time.

It seems that the loss is not big, and the tactical goal of the first step has been achieved, so it should be regarded as very profitable.

However, this is not how the accounts are calculated.

What is really fatal is that among the thousands of casualties suffered by the Xiongdu Front Army during the raid at the sixth ferry, 200 of them died concentrated on the Haoyue soldiers.

You must know that although the Bright Moon Sect has come up with their old books, the total number of Bright Moon fighters is only a mere 800—and among these 200 people, nearly 100 have died under Verus' rampage. About [-] people were seriously injured or died in the battle of Nashila America.

In addition to the 200 people in this wave of raids... Although the establishment of the Bright Moon Warriors is still there, there are only about [-] people left.

If it wasn't for their god's personal appearance, I'm afraid the Bright Moon Sect would have withdrawn from the battle a long time ago—fuck you, the elite are almost dead!

It is not an exaggeration to say that in this battle of crossing the river, the biggest loss of the Xiongdu Front Army was the 200 Bright Moon Warriors. As long as the Bright Moon Warriors of this size are equipped with magic support, even if the Ascendant comes, there will be no subordinates. The cooperation of the Ascendant battle group can't be taken down either.

It is such an elite team that was completely wiped out because of a battle across the river. What is the difference between this and losing an Ascendant because of crossing the river?
Of course, the plain walkers who wiped out the Bright Moon Warriors were actually not feeling well, even if it was an annihilation battle, but under the battle of the trapped beasts of the Bright Moon Warriors, the losses of the Plain Walkers totaled more than 700 people.

Under the absolute disadvantage of troops, the Bright Moon Warriors still played a one-for-three exchange ratio.

Coupled with the casualties on other battlefields, the cumulative casualties of the plain walkers had reached about 500 people in this river-crossing blockade battle, even though they had a defensive advantage.

With nearly one-third of the casualties, even the first regiment, the most elite of the plain walkers, now had to return to the rear and regroup.

Without the slightest hesitation, after withdrawing from the forest area on the north bank of the 102 Canal, all the soldiers of the Plainwalker Regiment boarded the carts that had been prepared earlier, and headed north all the way, arriving outside the city of Lithos in the evening .

And Lux, who had learned about the situation of the Plainswalker through the messenger, directly signed the warrant, allowing the Plainswalker to go directly to Veros, which is safer in the rear, to rest.

However, the morale of the soldiers on the side of the plain walker group is not bad. After receiving the order from Lux, many soldiers did not feel relieved, but instead clamored that they could still fight, and that the Bright Moon soldiers had not been cleaned up, etc., until After being stared at by his instructor's death, he shut his mouth.

Going to repair with the plain walker group, there is also the third sequence of the archon.

Compared with the group of Plainwalkers, the casualties of the Archons were not too large, but in order to wipe out the Bright Moon Warriors, these Archons are now more or less showing signs of magic power overdraft-headache, nausea, tinnitus, and heart palpitations.

Lax was very familiar with magic power overdraft, so she immediately rejected the proposal of the third-order archon to cooperate with the second regiment of plain walkers, and strictly ordered them to go to Veros.

A group of mages who are all out of blue, don't try to be brave here!
In addition to resting, replenishing combat power is also crucial. With Lux issuing orders one after another, the clerk will be busy again in the next period of time.

The personnel of the Plain Walker Regiment will be mainly qualified retired fighters, and the third-order Archons will return to blue, and there will also be reserve Archons interns to learn from their experience, although Karya does not know where to go now. What's wrong, but Lux always keeps in mind his idea of ​​an integrated war, using one corner to fight against one country, Fossbarrow must make good use of everyone's strength.

Finally, after solving the follow-up training of the Plainwalkers group and the third sequence of Archons, Lux's eyes fell back on the map again.

The blue front representing the Xiongdu Front Army has moved forward for a long time, behind the 102 canal, until the city of Rithos, there is no danger for our side to defend.

And since there is no danger to defend... then it is time to take the initiative.

This round, it's my turn to play the cards!
 War scenes are so slow to write...

  As long as I haven't eaten lunch, it's morning!
(End of this chapter)

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