Lux's Farewell

Chapter 723 [0712] Northern air battle

Chapter 723 [0712] Northern air battle
In order to quell the rebellion steadily, the Xiongdu Front Army, after crossing the 102 Canal, began to advance and set up camp step by step according to the established plan, trying to set up a sufficiently stable supply line for itself, and secure as many soldiers as possible. sent to the front line.

After the Battle of Crossing the 102 Canal, both sides seemed to be more cautious. Both the Xiongdu side and the northern border walkers had to take a breath and take a break.

The battle situation seemed to be briefly drawn with a comma.

However, even in this gap between regrouping and advancing the front line, each side still has an army still in a state of battle-the Flying Wing Legion on Xiongdu's side, and the Northern Air Force on Fossbarrow's side.

That's right, this is a rare...air battle in the history of Runeterra.


Sithlia, who longed to be a flying wing since she was a child, never thought that one day I will stand on the opposite side of the Flying Wing Legion.

However, even if the departure is imminent, Sisilia still has no emotion in her heart.

Since she didn't have the heart to express emotion, and she didn't have the need, she needed to hurry up and check her equipment.

This is a very important link before the Dragon Bird Rider takes off.

All dragon and bird knights of the Northern Air Force need to check all their equipment very carefully before the mission begins-including but not limited to specially designed armor, dragon guns of lightweight materials, rope and thrown weapons, windproof Anti-fog goggles, hex locators, and more.

Compared with the dragon and bird knights of the Flying Wing Legion in Xiongdu, the northern air force has a lot more equipment under the premise of limiting the weight.

In terms of the idea of ​​building an army, the Northland Air Force stands out for being inclusive of all rivers. For any useful things, no matter where they are produced, they must first try to see if they can be light-weighted and used on dragon and bird knights.

Even after the integration strategy was put forward, some people proposed the plan of "developing aerial artillery". Although the tens of thousands of words of the plan did not even pass the preliminary review stage, it can also explain the way of thinking of the Northern Air Force.

Since the target is the famous Flying Wing Legion in Xiongdu, then try everything!

In comparison, the equipment update of the Flying Wing Legion is relatively slow. Although with the development of the Shurima trade, Jarvan IV, who has always attached importance to armaments, also spent a lot of money to buy the Hex Telescope, which greatly improved the Flying Wing Legion. The Legion's reconnaissance capabilities, but they certainly can't imagine how far their counterparts in the northern border have involved the air battle.

The inspection of the equipment needs to be careful, and there must be no omissions. As the captain of the first flying company of the Dragon Bird Knights, Sithlia needs to be careful in addition to being quick—after checking her equipment, She still needs to confirm the situation of her teammates.

So, after quickly completing the inspection of her equipment, she looked at the team members under her command again, and her eyes quickly swept over them.

After confirming that everyone was ready, Sithlia finally waved her hand, signaling for everyone to start.

Nodding silently, the other dragon and bird knights lined up tacitly in a column, followed behind Sithlia, and walked towards the north tower of Lithos.

It has been temporarily transformed into a platform for dragons and birds to take off and land. The gate of the tower has been enlarged, multiple rooms have been opened, and a large skylight has been opened on the top of the tower. The whole has been made into a nest of dragons and birds.

A [-]-foot-square area at the head of the city was also cleared to allow dragon birds to take off and land.

After stepping on the steps to the north city wall, Sisilia showed her credentials and task letter to the guards of the tower. Although the guards of the tower were already very familiar with Sislia, they still checked her credentials and mission statement carefully. The task book, and then he took the initiative to speak with a smile.

"Go, go, I haven't taken off for a ride for several days, and Xiaoyun is almost suffocated."

Sithlia narrowed her eyes slightly, nodded to the other party with a smile, and gave a thumbs up, but did not speak.

It's not because she's pretending to be cool, but because the windproof mask provided by the Northland Air Force is not very easy to wear, and her voice will become muffled after wearing it - but its windproof effect is excellent, which can greatly reduce the time of flying at high altitudes. The discomfort of the Dragon Bird Rider.

In this case, in order to achieve communication, the Northern Air Force even needs to learn professional tactical sign language. The gloves they wear are also very bright orange-red, and the long-range weapons they use are mainly single-handed throwing weapons. Strive to ensure that the team is in real-time contact when performing tasks.

(Of course, Sislia also heard from her best friend Fauquelin that the Archons are researching a new material for communication. Maybe when the Air Force can eliminate this tactical sign language system and replace it with It may be possible to communicate in words.)
The gate of the north tower was opened, and a group of dragon and bird knights entered.

There is no need to see people, as long as they hear footsteps and smell familiar smells, the dragon birds in the dragon bird's nest are all excited.

The dragon and bird knights also quickened their pace one after another, each running towards their treasures.

Sislia was no exception, taking two steps in three steps, she quickly came to the No. [-] dragon and bird nest, and saw her own dragon and bird Yunling.

And when she arrived here, there was another girl in Yun Ling's lair.

Sithlia knew her, her name was Panmi, and she was one of the caretakers of the dragon bird's lair.

When Sislia came to the No. [-] dragon and bird nest, Pan Mi was combing Yun Ling's hair, and skillfully changed the hay in the nest when Yun Ling changed his posture comfortably.

Seeing Sisilia, the movement of her hands did not stop, but sped up a little: "Ah, Sisilia, is there a mission about to start? Are you equipped with... a quick mission?"


Sithlia didn't speak, just nodded.

"Alright, I'll leave Yunling to you." The other party moved away with a smile, and touched Yunling's head by the way, "Okay, okay, I know you're impatient, go ahead!"

Yunling ran up to Sislia, and rubbed her head affectionately on her body.

"Okay, okay, let's go, look at this feather powder, it's choking to death, as expected, dragons and birds need to move more... In short, come back safely!"

Sislia nodded again, and quickly put on the dragon and bird equipment on Yun Ling.

Yunling, who usually doesn't like restraints, was obviously exhausted this time, and showed a very high level of cooperation, allowing Sisilia to complete the donning quickly.

Then, after being rubbed by Yun Ling again, Sislia finally took her away from No. [-] dragon and bird lair.

Behind her, the other Dragon Bird Knights and Dragon Birds of the flying company took their positions one after another.

Sisilia raised her head, and her eyes fell on her team members and their dragons and birds—not only Yunling, but all dragons and birds seemed to be suffocated due to the martial law of air traffic control recently, and now they can finally go out to let the wind go , all of them are quite excited.

After noticing Sisilia's gaze, everyone put one hand on their chests, expressing that they were ready to take off. Therefore, Sisilia took Yunling and was the first to leave the tower, Yu Feifei At the platform, take off officially.

If the dragon birds are flying normally, they can take off and land vertically, and the skylight of the dragon birds' nests is for them to take off and land like this.

However, in the case of carrying a dragon bird knight and a full set of equipment, vertical take-off and landing is a relatively large burden for the dragon bird. In this case, the best way for the dragon bird to take off should be to start gliding from a high place ——This is also the reason why the temporary dragon bird nest is set up on the north tower of Lithos, which is high enough for the dragon bird knight to take off smoothly.

Sislia was the first to take off, and after taking off, she controlled Yunling and began to circle in place.

Under her supervision, all the team members took off one by one, and finally everyone formed a herringbone and began to fly south.

It looks like this is a step-by-step flight mission.

But Sisilia knew that this mission was different from all previous missions, because the main goal of this mission was not to detect, but to intercept.

In the past few days, with the advance of the front line, the detection range of the Xiongdu Front Army has also begun to expand rapidly. Not only can the dragon and bird knights approach the city of Lithos, but even Veros, which is further north of the city of Lithos, sometimes Will go around too.

On the Rithos side, although there is a company of dragon and bird knights in the city, under the request of Lacus, they have always kept a low profile. They even asked that all dragons and birds should not be lifted into the air, and even the skylights of the dragon nests were sealed. up.

It was not until today that Sisilia received a combat order.

The law of the Flying Wing Corps' investigation has been figured out, and it's time to get rid of their eyes in one fell swoop!
Riding Yunling and flying in the front, Sislia controlled the direction of Yunling by comparing the locator, while raising her hands from time to time, making various gestures under the strong wind, commanding the subordinates to speed up or slow down, and Ensure that the formation of the entire flying company is not loose or tight, and the speed is neither fast nor slow.

Soon, the flying company arrived at the first target point——their luck was good. Although the weather is still clear today, the cloud cover is not bad. As Sithlia made an upward gesture, the entire herringbone flying company He raised his head quickly, pulled into the density of the formation, and then entered the clouds.

A quarter of an hour later, Sithlia's First Flying Company arrived at the predetermined location.

After confirming the accuracy of the position with the deputy captain through gestures, Sithlia finally made a gesture to leave the clouds.

After seeing this scene, everyone made the same gesture to confirm that all team members could receive the message. After three gestures, the entire squadron followed Sisilia's rhythm and began to lower the altitude.

The luck of the First Flying Squadron was really good.

Because just as they lowered their altitude and left the clouds, a hundred yards to the southeast of them, there was a ten-member Flying Wing Legion squad that had just taken off and was performing a reconnaissance mission.

Seeing this, Sisilia reacted immediately, and saw that she made a tactical gesture with her left hand, and with her right hand, she pulled off her zip line from the armed belt around her waist.

At the same time, the dragon and bird knights on the opposite side also found Sithlia - after comparing the difference in numbers between the two sides, three dragon and bird knights chose to come over to harass, while the others quickly turned around and turned back.

The three dragon and bird knights who took the initiative to break the rear are obviously highly skilled. The leader even fixed his feet on the saddle and picked up at least twenty Foot-long dragon spear, intending to strike first.

However, although the twenty-foot dragon gun is already amazing, compared with it, the attack distance of the flying company is even more outrageous.

When he raised the dragon spear, Sithlia had already grabbed the handle of the zip line, swung it round, and threw it out vertically.

This dragon bird knight's special weapon, which seemed to be a nunchuck with a greatly lengthened hinge in the middle, flew out in mid-air, and attacked the dragon bird knight of the Winged Legion.

Seeing this scene, the dragon bird knight holding the dragon spear was stunned. He tried hard to break free of the zip line, but it was too late—the zip line entangled the joint of the dragon bird's left wing under him, Let the dragon bird's body sink suddenly, and start to lose balance rapidly.

Wearing a helmet, Sisilia couldn't hear what the other party said, but judging from the shape of her mouth, she should be reprimanding herself for being mean, or simply greeting her immediate family members, right?
In this regard, Sisilia could only shake her head slightly, and then gestured to the members at the end of the team to take advantage of the opponent's unbalanced actions to kill them all, while pulling out the second zipline.

Facts have proved that this kind of zipline, inspired by the chain bullets specially used to break masts in naval battles, is very effective for dragons and birds-once the zipline with magic circuits engraved on the handles at both ends is thrown, as long as it entangles the dragon Bird's wings, the handle will be closed, and the magic vibration will be activated.

Then the dragon and bird would quickly lose their balance and begin to make an forced landing with their arms tilted.

In this posture, neither Dragon Bird nor Dragon Bird Knight has the ability to resist.

And just when Sisilia's zipline hit the target, at a position behind her, the two vice-captains also threw the zipline for the second time, and one of the three broken dragon bird knights One was hit, and although the third one escaped a wave of ziplines, as Sisilia and the two vice-captains locked him as the target, after the second wave of ziplines struck, his subordinates The dragon bird was finally entangled by the flying rope.

At the end of the flying squadron, two more dragon bird knights took out their melee weapons and broke away from the team to make up for the knife.

In this way, under the condition of long-term preparation, the team of the Flying Wing Legion lost three dragon bird knights just for one meeting.

This is not finished.

Sislia touched Yunling's head, then manipulated her to speed up, and made gestures to ask all the team members to speed up - the enemy's quality is mediocre, and the goal of this battle is to wipe out this Flying Wing Legion squad!

A chase begins.

Since there is a locator to determine the position, Sisilia doesn't need to worry too much about being ambushed, so the squadron can fully expand the formation and pursue it at the fastest speed.

In the case of biting the enemy, the formation of the Flying Wing Corps Squadron began to shrink extremely until the airflow was stable, Sithlia gave a gesture, and the Dragon Bird, who was behind the two vice-captains, was dressed differently from the others The knight finally started to cast spells.

As the magic took effect, a gust of wind began to blow around the squadron. Under the blessing of this gust of wind, the speed of the squadron suddenly increased, and under the astonished eyes of the Dragon Bird Knights of the Flying Wing Legion, they quickly caught up. And tacitly changed to left and right, and began to outflank.

At this point, the battle finally has no suspense.

 Carya's Little Classroom: Air Magic Cannon:
  The main reason preventing the Northern Air Force from equipping Dragon Bird Knights with magic cannons is not only the load problem, but also the possible loss of control of Dragon Birds and the unaffordable tactical cost.

  Theoretically speaking, if it is necessary to equip the Dragon Bird Knight with a magic cannon, it is also possible to buckle it hard in other ways, but... there is no need for this.

  One branch has to do one branch's work, and the dragon bird knight equipped with a magic cannon flies slowly, supplies are difficult, training is difficult, and the dragon bird has to build a nest alone, it is really unnecessary.

(End of this chapter)

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