Lux's Farewell

Chapter 727 [0716]

Chapter 727 [0716]
The law of war says: "Ten will surround it, five will attack it, and double it will divide it."

Although "the advantage is in me" sounds like an extremely bad FLAG, in fact, Gaguiel's judgment and decision-making on the battle situation are actually not a problem.

Even if the Northern Air Force has more professional equipment and the team has spellcasters to cooperate with, they still cannot get half a cent from the Flying Wing Legion under the disadvantage of [-]:[-]. , and under the huge disadvantage of numbers, the two squadrons of the Northern Air Force did not have the manpower to make up the knife.

The result of the fight like this is that the Dragon Bird Knight of the Flying Wing Legion was hit by the zipline, and then made an emergency landing, landed and untied the zipline, took off again, and went into battle for the second time, and so on endlessly.

In this way, it is impossible for the Northern Air Force to break out of the encirclement without shedding a layer of skin.

Gaguiel saw very clearly that as long as I can make a one-for-one exchange with you, or even two-for-one exchange, then the Flying Wing Legion will be bloody money—so he immediately waved the red flag in anticipation of completing the aerial encirclement.

As long as this team battle starts, I have already won it strategically!

It's a pity that the only thing that Gaguier didn't count was that the Northern Air Force still had a terrible hole card.

When the encirclement was about to be completed, a huge elemental dragon with a body length of more than fifty feet appeared in the thick clouds.

Shivana, the commander-in-chief of the Northern Air Force, has officially joined the battle!

Under the horrified gazes of the dragon and bird knights of the Flying Wing Legion, Shivana spread her wings, drawing a deadly graceful arc in the air with a speed and agility that didn't suit her size at all.

The crimson dragon scales shone dazzlingly in the sunlight. The unique power of the giant dragon made the dragon bird subconsciously let out a shrill scream, and began to scatter to avoid it. In this chaos, Shivana felt deeply Take a breath.

Gaguiel, who saw this scene, screamed that it was not good.

He had seen a very similar scene on the Nasir Latin America battlefield.

The breath of elemental dragons is already difficult to deal with. When they spray flames, they will also spray a kind of grease. As long as it is touched by dragon fire, it will definitely turn into a fireball!
Moreover, the size of the three elemental dragons of the Nashiramians is not at the same level as the current one. The elemental dragons are a circle larger than the dragon bird, but this dragon... is only the length of the body, what the hell It's time to catch up with the three dragon birds!

I've never heard of dragons in the north!
He complained endlessly in his heart, but Gaguier didn't hesitate in the movement of his hand. He found the rarely used purple flag, and he fully unfolded it immediately.

The attack plan is cancelled, and an emergency strategy is adopted immediately, and we will talk about entanglement with that dragon!
Jiaguier's idea is very good, but the problem is that the Dragon Bird of the Flying Wing Legion, who has not undergone the desensitization training of the giant dragon, dare not step forward at all now!

You know, whether it is the dragon bird of Demacia or the Yalong dog of Noxus, these creatures with the "dragon" suffix in their names are more or less related to giant dragons, which directly leads to the fact that giant dragons are born with Their superiors and leaders, after seeing the dragon, will tremble with fear.

There was no confusion in the northern air force after Shyvana appeared, that's because these dragons and birds are members of Shyvana's command. Usually, Shyvana will contact them in human form first, and then turn into a dragon to let them adapt. Desensitize these dragons and birds little by little.

And the air battle of the Nasirama battle has proved that without desensitization, even the elemental dragon is enough to make the dragon and bird fall into a state of mental tension and out of control!
Therefore, although Gaguier activated the emergency plan, the dragons and birds of the Flying Wing Legion still followed their instincts and hesitated to move forward.

The brave dragon and bird are circling Shivana in circles, and it will be considered a success if they escape the dragon fire.

The timid dragon and bird turned around and began to flee, regardless of the order of the knight behind them.

As a result, although Shyvana had only ignited four or five flying fireballs, the attack formation of the flying wing army had disappeared, and the command was completely ineffective.

Under such a situation, Jiaguier only felt that his head was as big as a bucket. In desperation, he could only wave the colored flags instead, let the Flying Wing Legion go their own way in units, and at the same time mobilize the personal guard team to land temporarily to ask for reinforcements .

After the giant dragon joined the battle, the failure of the air battle is inevitable. His only chance now is to see if he can find a few Lieyang warriors, send them to the sky, and give this dragon a ruthless—— After all, before setting off, Jarvan IV specifically told himself that these Lieyang warriors had the strength of a peak climber.

In the sky, Shivana ignited the heroic winged soldiers and dragon birds one after another with her breath.

The first and second squadrons of the Northern Air Force took the opportunity to separate. The first squadron surrounded Shivana for support, and the second squadron escorted the bombing formation and returned quickly.

On the ground, the guard team of the Flying Wing Legion hurriedly landed on the hill and began to look for the Sun Warriors. After seeing these angry and devout Sun Warriors, they simply threw off their armor and lost themselves. weapons, carrying them into the air quickly, transforming from knights to drivers.

After the appearance of the giant dragon, the situation on the battlefield can no longer be handled just by relying on the dragon bird knight!


In Runeterra, aerial combat is a very special type of combat.

It doesn't seem to be difficult to fly - many birds without magic power can fly freely; and there are quite a few spells that can make objects fly for a short time.

However, if you want to fight or even cast spells in the air, and combine flying and spell casting, the difficulty begins to increase exponentially.

Because of the rules of runes, what needs to be considered at this time is not only air resistance and magical turbulence in the air, but also the increased intensity of the astral brilliance, and the unpredictable concentration gradients of heterogeneous elements at different heights.

In other words, the caster can use floating spells to send himself to the sky, and in this case, the spells he releases are likely to disturb the floating spells that allow him to maintain his flight, or disturb the concentration of surrounding elements, Or it may cause a turbulent flow of magic power, or even expose oneself to the brilliance of the astral world - any of the above triggers will result in the failure of the floating spell, and then the caster will throw himself to death.

Therefore, flying is not difficult, but forming an air force is not an easy task.

Even in the heyday of the Shurima Empire, the air force had to rely on signing contracts and was formed by elemental dragons.

Of the non-biological aircraft researched and manufactured by the Empire itself, only the Monolith Fortress has been put into practical use—well, if a fortress that can float in the air is also considered an aircraft.

It is precisely because of the complexity of the sky environment that the idea of ​​air combat in Runeterra has always been "fly well and avoid interference from spellcasting".

In this case, the elemental dragons that fly and cast spells are well-deserved overlords in the air. Their elemental bodies can freely adapt to various complex environments in the sky, and their breath ability also makes them more powerful. They are quite familiar with high-altitude spellcasting, and they are well-deserved killers in the air.

In comparison, the Dragon Bird Knight is more like a light scouting unit, its attack power and defense power are both worse than 01:30 points, and the only advantage lies in its quantity.

Therefore, after Jiaguier, who wanted to fish, found out that he was a fish, he decisively gave up the stupid idea of ​​using the dragon bird knight to fight against the elemental dragon, and tried to lead the dragon to the ground without path dependence. After observing the battle situation , He resolutely chose to make the dragon bird a complete vehicle, abandon the poor offense and defense of the dragon bird knight, and leave professional things to professional people.

The dragon and bird knight is the driver, specially serving as the flying pendant for the Lieyang warrior!
It has to be said that Gaguiel's thinking is still very clear - after the eight dragon and bird knights carrying Sun Warriors flew up, Shyvana, who had been unscrupulously calling names and exhaling before, finally had to restrain herself.

High in the sky, the sun was fierce.

The Lieyang Warrior, who was blessed by Lieyang, bravely launched a gang battle, trying to jump from the back of the dragon bird to Shivana's back, desperate for his life, but also to give Shivana a hard time. of.

This kind of tactic is undoubtedly very tricky. No matter how flexible Shivana is, her body shape is still here. The Sun Warriors are all superhumans. Let a group of superhumans carry out suicide attacks. Shiva It is impossible for Na to avoid them all by herself.

Shyvana wasn't on her own, though.

Don't forget, the [-]st Squadron is still there, and after completing the work of luring the enemy, their only mission is to assist Shivana.

The idea of ​​dancing gang battles is very good, but why should I let you dance?
You can jump, I won't stop you?
come down you!

One after another, the Sun Warriors who tried to jump to fight were stopped by the Dragon Bird Knight, entangled together and fell to the ground, and Jiaguier's heart finally sank to the bottom of the valley.

With the cover of the flying squadron, Shivana's breath was restrained, but the lethality was still astonishing, and the besieged and entangled dragon and bird knights were still being ignited one by one like cotton balls soaked in alcohol.

Although the Sun Warrior, who had high hopes, worked very hard, he was unable to pose any real threat to Shyvana.

The throwing weapons used by dragonbird riders are like ridiculous tickles against the dragon's scales.

The battle has progressed to this point, and the Flying Wing Legion has no chance of winning.

In this case, Gaguier's right hand trembled slightly, and finally took out the white flag.

Not to surrender, but to retreat - scattered retreat, as much as you can run!

As for the break...

Let the remaining Lieyang warriors continue to join the gang. In this case, the dragon and bird knights are not even qualified after the breakup!
Unlike Sa Lange, the previous commander of the vanguard army who longed for freedom and redemption, Gaguier believed that there were no omissions in his judgment and command. After the breakup, he stayed useful and returned to the camp to organize defense.

After all, with the end of the air defense position on the ground, Gaguier is already the person who is best at air defense on the side of the Xiongdu Front Army.

I can't die here yet!

After seeing the flag, the rest of the Flying Wings squad turned their heads and retreated as if they were amnesty. Only the unlucky ones who were the drivers of the Sun Warriors were still making the final preparations for the possible gang battle and the actual severance. efforts and attempts.

Since Shyvana couldn't get away for the time being, most of the [-]st Squadron still needed to cover Shyvana, so it seemed that the Wings could escape at least some people.

When Gaguier broke away from the battle and counted the number of people, he found that there were less than 150 of the more than 60 dragon and bird knights he had brought out, and they were still following him.

Even if there are still people scattered to break through and go to other directions, they can follow up and come back. After the whole battle, at least half of them will be lost-this loss has already accounted for a quarter of all Demacia's air power!

This is less than a quarter of an hour!

Less than a quarter of an hour!

Gaguiel is still trying to make up and sum up, but at this moment, he only feels that his head is a lump of mud, with a lot of thoughts but can't think of anything, so he can only go back to the camp all the way first.

At this moment, the only good news is that before I set off, in order to prevent the enemy from changing homes unreasonably, I arranged a special air defense position at the main camp. As long as I returned to the camp and entered the dragon and bird lair, Then you will be safe...

He let out a long breath, Gaguier tried to calm himself down, and then, just as he was stroking the flag and planning to say something to the personal guard team, when he looked around, he suddenly felt something was wrong.

The sky was overcast, and a thick black cloud was rolling over his head.

Raising his head to look at the clouds, Gaguiel, who had reacted, suddenly felt a stagnation in his chest, and hurriedly took out the striped flag, trying to guide the team to lower the altitude.

According to the inertial thinking in the past, it is safe to fly with your back against the clouds, because you can't tell the direction within the clouds, and there will be no enemies flying in the clouds.

However, the previous battles have proved that the northerners seem to have mastered a certain way to travel through the clouds without losing their way and not distracting the team. When flying against the clouds, they are likely to be attacked by surprise!

However, when Gaguile reacted, it was too late.

Shyvana's dragon body tore through the clouds again, and the [-]st Squadron protecting her finally launched a herringbone attack.

The dragon fire fell from the sky again, and this time, there was also a zip line with the dragon fire.

Gaguile started waving the white flag again.

However, unlike the last time, under the continuous raids, this time the Dragon Bird Knights of the Flying Wing Legion finally couldn't even maintain the basic team organization.

The frightened dragon and bird completely ignored the order of the knight and began to flee in all directions.

This time, it was a real tiger that went into the flock—not only Shivana was the tiger, but also the dragon and bird knights of the [-]st Flying Squadron became tigers under the collapse of the Flying Wing Legion.

 Eczema, it's not a big problem, it's just very itchy.

(End of this chapter)

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