Lux's Farewell

Chapter 728 [0717] What does air supremacy mean

Chapter 728 [0717] What does air supremacy mean

When the sun was rising high, the air battle that started at Badaopo and pursued to [-] miles north of the Xiongdu Front Army's temporary confrontation with the enemy finally officially came to an end.

The Wings lost the battle for good as the Dragonbird Gaguiel was flying was locked down, isolated by Shyvana, and then captured by three men from the [-]st Flying Squadron.

From the commander Gaguier to the captains and vice-captains of most of the squads, almost all the commanders of the entire army were either killed or captured. The battle flag, so the Northern Air Force caught the Dragon Bird Knight who was carrying the battle flag, and took out the backbone of the Flying Wing Legion cleanly.

So far, although the formation of the Flying Wing Legion is still there, the impact on the battle situation has been more than nothing. They can no longer organize any effective air attack, defense, interception or support, only the ability to complete some communication tasks is left. .

And this also means that the Northern Air Force will completely control the air supremacy of the battlefield, and even the skies of the entire Demacia will be allowed to come and go!
When the defeated Flying Wing Legion Dragon Bird Knight fled back to the temporary camp in embarrassment and brought back the news that the Flying Wing Legion was almost wiped out, the soldiers in Xiongdu in the camp were all stunned.

Stop talking about them.

Even the Twilight star Ling Jiawen IV was quite confused after receiving the news—although after providing the Flying Wings with the necessary information and authority, he once again focused on Look for Karya, but in his opinion, he has opened a perspective for you, so you should be able to beat it, right?
How did you lose?

And it was still so embarrassing that the whole army was wiped out? !

Jarvan IV, who couldn't figure out the reason, chose to ask the Sun Warriors who he thought were more reliable about the battle. After all, these people were devout followers of the giant gods, and they believed in the giant gods, not those who believed in the giant gods because of Jarvan IV's status. The Demacians who just chose to be loyal, in the eyes of the Twilight Protoss, the Sun Warrior is undoubtedly more reliable.

And once Jarvan IV chose to trust the Soldiers of the Sun... would they still be able to say something good about the Winged Legion?
It is no exaggeration to say that in the eyes of the Lieyang fighters, the failure of the air battle on Badaopo this time is a pure lie.

It was clearly agreed that we would build an air defense position, and the Flying Wing Legion lured the enemy over. Although it was successful in luring the enemy, he was the one who was lured out. Just as the air defense fire was exposed, a group of northerners flew out from above. The air defense position is bombarded indiscriminately. How does your Flying Wing Corps do battlefield reconnaissance?

On our side on the ground, there is not a single person from the northern border. How can there be people hiding in the sky?

If it's because the enemy is cunning and laying an ambush, so be it.

The key is the subsequent air battle, the performance of your Flying Wing Corps, to be honest, a bunch of XX is insulting XX!

During the entire air battle, the first blood of the Dragon Bird Knight of the Northern Air Force was caused by the heavy bed crossbow on the ground.

In the ensuing air battle, the most lethal to the Northern Air Force was the Lieyang Warrior who later took off on a dragon bird.

And the majestic Flying Wing Legion has a great reputation. When it really started an air battle, it just scattered and fled in all directions.
That's more than 150 dragon and bird knights!

The total damage caused to the enemy is nothing compared to the six Lieyang warriors who tried to jump on the back of the enemy dragon, you really don't want to lose face!
Without any need for embellishment, the devout Lieyang warriors expressed their dissatisfaction to the gods with anger towards their pig teammates.

These Lieyang fighters obviously don't understand how big a gap exists between the Northern Air Force and the Flying Wing Legion, which seem to be "both dominated by dragon and bird knights"; but what they can understand is that , the Flying Wing Legion lost very embarrassingly.

After all, the Sun Warriors who tried to join the gang at the end did not cause any substantial damage to Shivana, but before they were finished, they also took away ten dragon bird knights from the Northern Air Force, and even took away ten dragon and bird knights from the Air Force of the Wings. The retreat was fought for quite some time.

In this case, it is reasonable to say "The Flying Wing Legion lost, but the Lieyang Warriors did not lose".

So, for the one-sided words of the Sun warriors, does Jiawen IV believe it or not?

Of course I did.

For him, the Lieyang warriors are absolutely loyal. Since all the absolutely loyal people have said so, why does he not believe it?

As a result, the dragon and bird knights who managed to escape with their lives were quickly punished, their ranks were downgraded, and many of them were excluded from the follow-up battle plan.

This decision is very out of line with Jarvan IV's inherent style.

Others in the Xiongdu Front Army didn't know that Jarvan IV had been replaced, so after the announcement of the punishment decision, the soldiers who were a little confused because of this failure soon began to mutter in their hearts, they were very strange , These dragon and bird knights of the Flying Wing Legion, what kind of mistake did they make to be punished like this by Jarvan IV, who always regarded the army as the basic board.

Since most of the remaining members of the Flying Wing Legion were sent back to the rear for review and rest, many had no choice but to inquire with the Lieyang soldiers. After coming and going, the saying that the air force was trash was rampant.

"Don't look at the high salary of the soldiers of the Flying Wing Legion, and all kinds of messy subsidies. When it comes to fighting, they are not as good as infantry!"

This kind of rhetoric is quite outrageous. Many officers know very well that dragon and bird knights need a lot of professional training, and those Lieyang warriors are probably not ordinary infantry. They seem to be absolutely elite like the fearless pioneers. However, for Maintaining morale, keeping soldiers motivated after two bad defeats in a row, seems to have been half-accepted and finally caught on.

As a result, although the Northern Air Force has completely occupied the air supremacy, the Xiongdu Front Army has almost lost its ability to counterattack, but their main force is still fighting steadily and with high morale, continuing to move northward, intending to advance all the way to Lithos.


The Xiongdu Front Army obviously didn't realize what it meant to lose air supremacy.

In other words, in Runeterra, before this, no one has ever experienced the taste of losing air supremacy in the true sense-in the past, only the Shurima Empire had a strong enough air force to occupy air supremacy, but at that time Shurima The empire's ground forces have an army of ascenders known as the Thousand Gods Legion, which has a greater advantage, so even if they form the Dragon Legion, most of the time, the dragons just spread soy sauce and spread news.

But this Northern War is destined to be different from all previous wars.

As for the northern border, although the northern border walkers are very strong, they do not have an overwhelming advantage in the face of the coalition forces composed of elites from various Demacian tribes, Lieyang fighters, and bright moon fighters.

In terms of high-end combat power, the four Kalya students, Lux, Ino, Shivana, and Sona, faced the Twilight Protoss. With the blessing of space ability, he can do one-to-many as he likes, and the siege doesn't mean much to him, but if he doesn't besiege him, he can harass him wantonly. It can be said that it is very difficult to catch his flaws .

As for the water army, the inland river fleet in the northern border undoubtedly has a crushing advantage, but the problem is that the Xiongdu front army is not a fool. After they have suffered a loss on the water, they would rather increase their own transshipment costs exponentially than give you a lot of trouble. Opportunities for harassment on the water - at worst, build more pontoon bridges and divide troops to guard the port. Can your northern border river fleet still come to sail on dry land?

From the above aspects, it is not difficult to see that the northern army has an advantage, but if this advantage is to be transformed into victory, it needs a breakthrough that can be brought into play.

And the air force—or air supremacy—is the breakthrough.

Before the Badaopo Air Battle, the Northern Air Force undoubtedly had an advantage when facing the Flying Wing Corps. Although everyone was an air force, the Northern Air Force was completely ahead in terms of army building.

However, the interesting thing is that the Flying Wing Legion is completely unaware of this.

Even before the Battle of Badaopo, even Gaguile believed that his air power had an "irreparable superiority in numbers" - as he put it in his report to Jarvan IV.

Such an astonishing misjudgment naturally gave the Northern Air Force room to tear the wound, like water surface power. Xiongdu knew that it was not good enough, so it condensed its eggs. The Northern River Fleet had nothing to do, but the Flying Wings thought I am strong...

That's great.

Therefore, in Badaopo, the Northern Air Force, through the cooperation of multiple arms, fought a beautiful aerial annihilation battle in a way that it could technically achieve some tactics that the enemy could not beat or imagined technically. The main force in the air of the Du Front Army directly beat the Flying Wing Army out of the battle.

At this point, the northern border completely possessed the air supremacy of the battlefield.

According to Carya's idea of ​​building an army, although the air force cannot complete the occupation, although the size of the northern air force is not enough to support strategic bombing, and the ground damage it can provide is very limited, after fully mastering the air supremacy, the next battle , the northern border is already in an absolute dominant position.

Even if the Twilight Protoss reacted at this time and realized that Kalya was deliberately trying to be mysterious and attract his attention to avoid a large amount of information leaking, it would be too late.

With the control of the air, all the arrangements of the Xiongdu Front Army will be clearly seen in front of the Northern Air Force. Even if the Twilight Protoss understands it now and has learned a profession while peeping, the follow-up battlefield is at least two-way transparent.

Everyone is full picture hanging!
In addition to the advantages of reconnaissance, having air supremacy also means that the bombing formations of the Northern Air Force can act flexibly and in the way they like.

Although the ammunition reserve of the Northern Air Force is not very sufficient, and the accuracy of the face of strong anti-aircraft firepower drops sharply during dive bombing, but after mastering the air supremacy, flexible formation, echelon bombing, and harassment attacks are enough to make up for all the problems.

Even not just bombing formations, other dragon and bird knights can also perform similar jobs to make trouble for the enemy and strive to harass the enemy 24 hours a day.

Think about it, if the Flying Wing Legion is still there, would the Northern Air Force dare to break it up into pieces, or send out the bombing formation alone?

Of course not, because that is giving away the head, as long as the Dragon Bird Knight of the Flying Wing Legion finds out, it is almost impossible to escape!
But now, without the Flying Wing Corps, the bombing formation is completely liberated. No matter what time or place, as long as the height is out of the range of the enemy's anti-aircraft fire, or the action is so fast that the enemy has no reaction, it is how to throw things. , you can throw things however you want, whatever you want, and no one can cause any hindrance.

As a result, the Xiongdu Front Army, which was still making great strides before and thought that the failure of the previous air battle was due to the unreliable Flying Wing Legion, soon suffered a blow.

At breakfast time, a small bombing formation, under the protection of the Dragon Bird Knight Flying Squadron, came over the camp of the Xiongdu Front Army and carried out a round of dive bombing.

The Hex crystal fell into the cauldron, and it blew up the Xiongdu front army who was burying the pot for cooking. Before they activated the anti-aircraft bow and crossbow, the bombing formation and the escort flying squadron walked away without any Walk a cloud.

In the end, the soldiers of the Xiongdu Front Army could only scream bad luck, and they divided their hands to maintain the air defense crossbow and stared at the sky at all times.

However, this is only the beginning.

At noon, when they were preparing to eat again, the bombing formation came again.

Another round of dive bombing.

It's just that this time the Xiongdu Front Army responded quickly, and the bombing formation was not high enough to drop bombs, and the accuracy was insufficient.

Although the Xiongdu front army had a full stomach after lunch, it seemed that as long as they were prepared, the lethality of the flying bombing was really a bit urgent.

However, that night, the bombing formation came again.

This time, they did not bomb at the meal time, but when the soldiers were preparing to rest after the meal. At this time, the soldiers were not concentrated, and the hex crystals scattered a little bit of lethality, which is not bad.

Three times a day, many people in the Xiongdu Front Army couldn't help but start cursing their mothers.

However, soon, an exciting news spread throughout the camp of the Xiongdu Front Army.

His Majesty said it himself, the Northerners don't have many such explosives, and they are fighting a trapped beast!

This news was indeed provided by Jarvan IV, and the content of the news is indeed true. The number of Hex crystals in the hands of the bombing formation is indeed not too much - this thing is too expensive, and the export share of Vazuan is limited. Even with Lux's face, it is impossible for Fossbarrow to reserve a large amount.

However, without the Hex crystal, the bombing formation can lose everything else!

Your Wing Legion is gone, it’s okay for me to fly slower now, although it’s a bombing formation, but the throwing objects are not only Hex crystals!
Soon, the soldiers of the Xiongdu Front Army discovered that in addition to rain, the sky could also rain down fire, stones, all kinds of filth, and even noise.

After the lights in the camp were turned off in the middle of the night, even the northern air force with positioning could not do the bombing, but it didn't matter, they could fly over and make harsh noises, making people sleep badly.

The unscrupulous Northern Air Force has organized thirteen teams to take off in turn every day, constantly harassing the Xiongdu Front Army.

Under the continuous harassment, the Xiongdu front army has gone all the way, and its mental state can only be said to be deteriorating. Although the casualties caused by the bombing are only a few hundred people, tens of thousands of people have not been stable for a long time after losing the air supremacy I fell asleep once!
What does it mean to lose air supremacy?
So far, the Xiongdu Front Army can give part of the answer.

You will lose your secure rest, supplies and sleep, you will face endless harassment, and you will be restless day and night.

 The pathology results will be out tomorrow, so it doesn't look serious.

(End of this chapter)

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