Lux's Farewell

Chapter 729 Suffering and decision [0718]

Chapter 729 Suffering and decision [0718]

The Xiongdu Front Army is still heading north, but its morale is visibly getting lower and lower.

Desperation began to fill the air.

The damage caused by the Northern Air Force is actually very limited. Relying on the twenty or so people in the bombing formation, without using the reserve Hex crystals, even if the Xiongdu Front Army has no air defense at all, there may be only a few dozen people a day will hurt.

But the problem is... Even if they know that this thing has limited lethality, the soldiers will still be nervous when the dragon and bird cry and start to dive.

If you come a few more times, you will get tired personally, and your morale will naturally drop little by little.

Even if the will is as strong as steel, people are not real steel. Even if they are as strong as Lacus and Ino, if they want to enter a sleepless state, they need to train step by step under the guidance of Kalya for several months. It is absolutely impossible to adapt to the harassing air raids in a short period of time!
Unless Jarvan IV was willing to stop and take the time to desensitize the soldiers to air attacks.

But seeing that there was Badaopo in front of him, and it was only about ten days away from Lithos, he stopped at this time, without going to the village or back, and the supply line was still too long...

When someone made this suggestion, he was opposed by everyone almost immediately.

Therefore, Jarvan IV, who is kind and kind, decided to suffer the soldiers. Everyone went to the city of Rithos to teach these despicable northerners a lesson, so that these guys who only know how to play small tricks can taste the wrath of the soldiers of Xiongdu!
Under the order of Jarvan IV, the Xiongdu Front Army accelerated its march.

Interestingly, as the progress of the march accelerated, the morale of the Xiongdu Front Army, which was originally depressed, had a subtle hint of a flashback—the quality of the soldiers of the Xiongdu Front Army was still very good, although the morale of the Xiongdu Front Army was still very good due to frequent harassment. We are not in a good mood, but now we have to speed up the march to deal with those despicable northerners, then everyone is really willing to bear it.

Then at Badaopo, they encountered an unprecedented coordinated attack by land and air.

As mentioned earlier, Badaopo is the only place to pass through to Lithos without taking the water route, but it is an out-and-out land in the military, and it should be passed quickly without any Nowhere to stay.

Although Jarvan IV himself has been a little paddling recently, the Xiongdu Front Army itself is still good, and the commanders at all levels are also experienced people. In the vicinity of Badaopo, Jarvan IV didn't need to order them. A large number of scouts expanded their own forces. Search the area, set up temporary sentry posts at key places on each hill, and guide the army to pass quickly after confirming that there is no ambush.

Everything seemed to be fine. With such impeccable investigations, the northern border walkers also sent a few small-scale elites to get close to the harassment, but each time they were discovered and driven away in advance.

However, just when everything seemed to be going well, the scouts from all ministries confirmed that there was no possibility of sneak attack by the northern border walkers, and the army of the Xiongdu Front Army finally marched to Badaopo, the continuous sneak attacks seemed to fall from the sky, appearing in all directions of the battlefield superior.

The scale of these sneak attacks is very small, which is similar to the behavior of the previous bombing formations.

However, the number and frequency of sneak attacks are astonishingly large.

If you walk down the hillside, rocks will roll on the hillside; if you walk up the hillside, there will be pits on the hillside.

The despicable northerners seem to be going to the end of the despicable. The Xiongdu front army has hardly seen any organized enemies, but it is annoying to be harassed.

At the same time, the scouting that had been going smoothly before gradually became unsmooth—the scouts in small-scale operations would be besieged and thrown into the mountain stream; the scouts in large-scale operations often found nothing. Even if they dispatched, they could only find some temporary strongholds that had been abandoned long ago.

As for the temporary sentry posts established by the Xiongdu Front Army...

The sentry did not find any enemies, and it seemed that no one had passed through all the paths leading to and from Badaopo. These northerners who were harassing the Xiongdu Front Army all fell from the sky.

Where do these people come from?
When all the units of the Xiongdu Front Army were confused, Jarvan IV provided key inside information.

It turned out that the people from the northern border built a small fortress on the north side of Badaopo, where many elite soldiers gathered. I heard that they were called mountain walkers. Badaopo area, let them harass here.

After figuring out what happened, the commanders of the Xiongdu Front Army hardened their fists.

You despicable northern border guys, will you use these dirty methods?

Even the Noxians, at most, just engage in assassination, and the tactics are not as dirty as yours!

However, just when everyone was filled with righteous indignation, Jarvan IV threw out another piece of information.

While the people from the northern border were harassing, they were also planning to play a big game. They planned to slow down the movement speed of the Xiongdu Front Army and take the Grand Canal to take a back route!

Hearing the news, everyone held their breath almost at the same time—however, after a while, many people reacted.

"Entering Badaopo, we have already built a fortress." Ulwo, the deputy head and acting head of the Fearless Pioneer, compared the map, observed carefully for a while, and finally said, "The main force of the Fearless Pioneer is currently stationed at The mountain pass, the terrain there is dangerous, even if the enemy attacks with all their strength, the Fearless Vanguard will definitely make them return home in defeat!"

"Just a reminder."

Jarvan IV had a faint smile on his face - after returning from the capital, he has become more and more fearsome. In the past, His Majesty Jarvan IV was a reliable commander, and he was willing to share weal and woe with the soldiers The commander-in-chief is someone who is convinced by the entire army; and now, Jarvan IV seems to have a more aristocratic aura, he is no longer willing to express his thoughts clearly, but as an arbiter, as if sitting high on the Above the clouds, smilingly waiting for an answer that satisfies him.

Thunder, rain and dew are all the grace of the king. It seems that His Majesty Jarvan IV has become more and more like those legendary emperors.

"The enemy is very cunning, but the layout is not completely unexpected." Although a little scalp tingling, Uvor, who is now in charge of commanding the Fearless Vanguard instead of Galen, still bite the bullet and said, "They have tried their best along the way. I tried my best to slow down the speed of our army's actions in various unsightly ways as much as possible, for the outflanking this time."

"They thought they could use the complex terrain of Badaopo to fight a siege battle, but in fact, when formulating the march plan, commanders at all levels mentioned this point many times."

"As early as the Battle of Tobysia, His Majesty once said that no matter how eager the battle is, you must first be invincible..."



It has to be said that Jarvan IV's plan to strengthen the army has indeed created a fairly good army in terms of numbers and professionalism for Demacia, as well as a quite proactive command system.

In the past ten years, Jarvan IV has not hesitated to reward those who have made military achievements. Although the essence of his doing so is to support a brand new noble faction so as to gather power as an arbiter, but for so many years Come down, the loyalty of Demacia's military is indeed off the charts.

Moreover, although Jarvan IV was a little impatient politically, when he was marching and fighting, he truly achieved "thinking about defeat before thinking about it". It is a crime of war, but it is undeniable that Jarvan IV also displayed a considerable degree of military proficiency.

The Xiongdu front army looked down on the northern border walker at first, and it was really confident.

However, the current "Jarvan IV" obviously lacks much interest in these military games between mortals.

For the Twilight Protoss, this is just an interesting battle flag deduction, and he is also eager to win, but this desire is nothing more than wanting to win when playing games.

Therefore, for Uvor's words, he didn't have the thought to listen patiently, but nodded gently after the other party finished all the coping strategies.

"Since there is no problem, that is the best."

Such an unsalty response made the expressions of all the commanders delicate, but thinking about it carefully, since His Majesty has already received the news, this is obviously nothing more than a simple test. The approach can only be regarded as quite satisfactory, and in fact it is not worthy of His Majesty's great praise.

A military meeting ended quickly, and Jarvan IV once again began to wander in the sky, looking for the traces of Karya.

The commanders also returned to their teams, urging the soldiers to pass quickly, and Urvo quickly returned to the south entrance of Badaopo, leading the fearless vanguard, and waiting here!
Facts have proved that the wall-hanging behavior of Kaitu is really disgusting.

The outflanking of the northern border walker is actually a very clever battle plan.

Through the cooperation of the air force, let the mountain walkers harass uninterruptedly to reduce the speed of the enemy passing through the eight slopes and slow down their speed. Then, taking advantage of this opportunity, taking advantage of our own side's advantage of relying on the Grand Canal for water transport maneuvers, outflank the enemy's rear and block the enemy Between this rugged and ruined land, both ends are blocked, the door is closed and the dog is beaten.

It's a pity that such a plan, which can take advantage of its own maneuverability and take advantage of its geographical advantages, was forced to fail from the very beginning. All movements.

As a result, when the [-]nd Regiment of Plain Walkers and the [-]st Regiment of Mountain Walkers crossed the Grand Canal to the rear of the Xiongdu Front Army, intending to cut off the opponent's rear and encircle them in the Badaopo area, they were met by the fearless pioneers who had already prepared head-on attack.

A small-scale encounter broke out between the two sides in the south of Badaopo, and the losses were equal. The [-]nd Plain Walker Regiment and the [-]st Mountain Walker Regiment failed to occupy the southern entrance of Badaopo, and finally had to retreat slowly.

Under the training of Jarvan IV in the past, the Xiongdu front army marched rigorously like a big tortoise, and did not give any chance to outflank and divide.

You can sicken me, drain me, and lower my morale.

But don't think that I will lose my mind and fall into impatience because of these harassments, and you will seize the opportunity to be ruthless.


The failure of the second regiment of plain walkers and the first regiment of mountain walkers is not a problem. This is just an active attempt by the walkers in the north.

However, the problems reflected here still give Lacus a headache.

The Twilight Protoss has almost opened up the map. In this case, if you want to hide it from the other party, you can only rely on reducing the scale of the operation.

However, with the size of the Xiongdu Front Army, small-scale attacks are meaningless.

As long as they don't care about logistics consumption, the general tactics will be meaningless, and only an upright confrontation can affect the battle situation.

To be honest, if possible, Lux really didn't want to fight a frontal battle with the Xiongdu Front Army. With the quality of the Xiongdu Front Army, the casualties of the Northern Walkers would probably be quite astonishing.

It's a pity, judging from the current situation, the Twilight Protoss seems to be determined to hurt people with his own self, and he doesn't care about the casualties of the Xiongdu Front Army!
If the Xiongdu front army was tortured by the North Walker and the Northern Air Force from top to bottom, then Lux could only describe it as full of anger after understanding what the Twilight Protoss meant.

What the hell are you, you're a peddler? Tian doesn't feel bad!

Even if Lux wants to rebuild a brand new Demacia, if possible, she doesn't want the civil war to be too cruel.

But the Twilight Protoss is different. Lux even suspects that, rather than a victory, the other party hopes to kill more Demacians and bring Demacia back to the Stone Age.

After the military summary meeting was over, Lacus returned to her office in Lithos, sat on a chair, and stared blankly at the map on the wall.

At this moment, she remembered the Battle of Mithral City.

It can be said that she won that battle heartily.

But Carya also asked her later, if she was the lord of Mithral City at that time, how would she clean up the mess after the war.

At that time, Lux, who was substituting in according to Kalya's request, only felt her scalp go numb.

Even though Lux knew that the Twilight Protoss' perverse behavior was destined to push more people to her, she still couldn't help but shook her head: "This kind of enemy is really troublesome."

Twisting her stiff neck, Lux looked at the empty wall hooks.

There once hung his own sword.

And now Karya is gone...

So, if Kalya were here, what would he do?

Blinking her eyes, Lux remembered the story of walking out of the death sand sea, and thought of the failed tunnel project.

"Lax, you have to harden your heart." Her fingers unconsciously tapped the tabletop, "Kindness is not short-sighted, and kindness is not weakness. Since the giant god wants to use this method to hurt Demacia's vitality, then It's up to you to deal with it later."

"There are [-] clerks behind you, [-] northerners, and millions of northerners. Even on the ruins, the new Demacia will be truly great!"

"You are the strong and brave Lax, not the weak and hesitant Laxana!"

No one knew what kind of psychological construction Lacus had undergone in this peaceful night without Karya to consult.

The northerners only knew that the next morning, they received an order to prepare for the decisive battle.

 The update is before midnight because I have to be in the hospital during the day, and I can only come back to code at night, not using the schedule as an excuse to swallow a day's update...

  terribly sorry.

(End of this chapter)

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