Lux's Farewell

730 [0719] Changes in temperament

730 [0719] Changes in temperament

For the Xiongdu front army, the journey of Badaopo, even compared with the march in the Shurima Desert, can be said to be more difficult.

Marching in the desert, what makes people miserable is the weather, the dryness, the rationed supply of drinking water, the huge temperature difference between day and night, and the poisonous insects lurking in the sand that may give you a cold bite.

As long as these things are dealt with well, most of them can be solved.

However, the march along Badaopo is different. In this stretch of hills, what makes people miserable is the gradually rising altitude, the dirty things that fall from the sky from time to time, the small-scale harassment day and night, and the An ambush that may be encountered at any time on the road.

Compared with marching in the desert, the mental state of the Xiongdu front army had to be tense all the time. The mental pressure and the sudden rise in altitude caused many soldiers to experience swelling. Many people had to withdraw from the battle sequence and return to the The Dauntless Pioneer recuperates in the fortress at the southern end of Badaopo.

However, although it was difficult, the Xiongdu Front Army still walked the road safely, and it took nearly ten days to walk through this stretch of mountain road smoothly-then, they discovered that the northern border walker did not do so. They defended the city as expected, but chose to take the initiative to block the north exit of Badaopo, as if they were going to trap the Xiongdu front army in the mountain.

After receiving the news of the scouts, although the commanders of the Xiongdu Front Army were overjoyed, they did not rush out of the mountain. Instead, they assembled and rested in Badaopo, and steadily assumed the posture of a frontal battle.

Although the terrain at the north exit of Badaopo is not very open, and the Xiongdu front army cannot fully utilize its numerical advantage, it doesn't matter, as long as you northerners dare to come out and fight, that's enough!


Of course Lux dared to come out and fight.

In fact, although the northern border walker has been shrinking the front line and blocking the attack layer by layer, the reason for Lacus doing this is not because she thinks that she cannot fight a frontal battle, but because she hopes to use this method to further weaken the combat effectiveness of the Xiongdu front army. By the way, it can be regarded as a test of the opponent's organization.

Before the confrontation of large armies and the start of a decisive battle, the battles of scouts and the confrontation of small groups are the basis for the commander to judge the enemy later.

Moreover, after fully controlling the air, Lux also has the initiative. In this case, why not let the enemy in, lengthen the enemy's supply line, and fight a battle at your own door?

If this battle is fought in the north of Pinara, even if the Xiongdu Front Army is defeated, it cannot be completely wiped out. Most of them can still flee back to Pinara City and stick to it. They can only go to attack the city with a bad exchange ratio, and they will explode at a loss.

But if the enemy is allowed to go north and let them take the initiative to extend the supply line along the way, this will not only provide an opportunity to harass the enemy on the road, but also means that once the enemy can be defeated on the frontal battlefield, they can take the water route through the Grand Canal and quickly The northern vanguard intercepted at the 102 canal has the ability to wipe out the enemy!
The complete annihilation of the current Xiongdu Front Army is the small goal Lacus has set for this battle - at this time, if you don't grasp the impatience that the Xiongdu Front Army needs to suppress the rebellion with great fanfare, in order to gain a strategic advantage, is it necessary to show yourself? Confidence, give up this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity?
I can't!

It is not an exaggeration to say that when Lux had accumulated for many years, and when an incident suddenly swept across the northern border like a storm, controlling a large area without causing obvious resistance, she already had a strategic advantage—she could Continue to fight steadily, but Jarvan IV on the side of Xiongdu is absolutely anxious to put down the rebellion, waiting for work with leisure, it is at this time!

Of course, waiting for work at ease can't be completely lazy. It is necessary to prolong the enemy's supply line, but letting the enemy's troops approach the city is deadly - Lithos is also considered an important town in the northern border. If the enemy really approaches the city, not only industrial and commercial production will suffer When it comes to damage, some pests that have not been completely picked out may also take the opportunity to cause damage and cause unnecessary trouble.

In addition, considering the great lack of protoss, Lux can't guarantee that the Xiongdu Front Army will not wantonly plunder the village, so her battle deployment is very clear. Badaopo just can't do it!

Therefore, while harassing the Xiongdu front army, the northern border walkers are also quickly mobilizing, rushing to the north of Badaopo, setting up camp, and confronting the Xiongdu front army.

Unlike the Xiongdu front army, which has a long supply line and needs to cross the 102 canal and cross the hills, most of the supplies on the northern border walker's side have been sent to Lithos, and they can be sent to the camp through the Grand Canal. , whether it is their physical condition or food supplies, they have an absolute advantage.

In fact, when the matter developed to this point, although the senior commanders of the Xiongdu Front Army did not say anything, they somewhat realized in their hearts-the three-step strategy they proposed before still underestimated the enemy. The advance of the front line directly led to difficulties in logistics for one's own side, and supplies became increasingly difficult.

I thought that wherever the army went, it was like the autumn wind sweeping the fallen leaves, and it could quickly defeat the enemy head-on.

But only when they really faced the enemy, did everyone realize that these northern border guys were really good at fighting. They underestimated their strength before, thinking that they could win if they ran over them, which led to aggressive tactics. It's a bit of a dilemma.

If Jarvan IV was the deity, I am afraid that when the matter develops to this point, he will calmly choose to retreat, and try to seize the opportunity to fight back when he retreats - Jarvan IV's thinking has always been very clear, He can always grasp the key points of the battlefield. In his eyes, fighting on the north side of Badaopo is a battle where you don't make much money if you win, and you lose money when you lose. It shouldn't happen.

But, for the Twilight Protoss...

"Boring, I want to see blood flow into rivers."

Many commanders of the Xiongdu Front Army thought that His Majesty would order a retreat, at least to the 102 Canal to block the Northerners, but what they never expected was that Jarvan IV's order was to attack.

"Break through their lines!"

Well, to be honest, it was a bit unexpected, but not incomprehensible.

If the fearless vanguard is mobilized, as the sharp edge at the front of the formation, to break through the enemy's weak link with a single point, then maybe he can leave the mountain and enter the northern sub-plateau, and even cut off those enemies who have not had time to retreat. Fight a battle of annihilation!

Therefore, when Jarvan IV took the initiative to ask "do you have any battle plan", several young officers who were eager to make military achievements chose to express their feelings directly and proposed a surprise attack tactic to break the formation.

For the tactics of these young people, Jarvan IV happily expressed his appreciation, promoted several people, and signed a transfer order at the same time, calling the Fearless Pioneers to join them, and the Sun Warriors would switch defenses with them to prepare for the retreat.

In this way, the army settled down at the north exit of Badaopo. According to the tactical plan, the Xiongdu front army began to build camps, occupy the commanding heights, and even built dragon and bird nests, as if preparing to stay here permanently. In fact, the main scouts were dispatched frequently to inquire about the deployment of the northern frontier army, hoping to choose a weak point and make a breakthrough.

Uvor, who was transferred back from the south, led the fearless vanguard to the frontal battlefield, and was immediately appointed as the commander of the front, responsible for the raid mission at the north entrance of Badaopo.

Uvor, who received the task, was stunned for a while, then gritted his teeth and stomped his feet, and found Jarvan IV without hesitation.

"Your Majesty, it is really unwise to choose to attack Beikou now!"

"Oh?" Jarvan IV seemed to have just woken up, and squinted at the anxious Uvor, "What's wrong?"

"Our supply line is too long. The rebels have the advantage of being on the water. Relying on the Grand Canal, they can freely harass our supply line." Uvor began with the supply issue that Jarvan IV was most concerned about, and persuaded anxiously "Although there are people loyal to the empire and His Majesty in the city of Rithos, I am afraid that they will not be able to send back key news every time. Once the logistics are affected and the army is not familiar with the place here, it is very likely that bad things will happen. thing!"

Uvor can be promoted all the way by Galen, and his personality can be imagined-many other commanders consider that this is an order from Jarvan IV, and they just need to think about how to execute it, but Uvar can't tolerate it Shazidi took the initiative to persuade the emperor, hoping that he would shrink the front line.

After all, this was Jarvan IV's consistent way of using troops.

"Is there any more?" After listening to Uvor's words, Jarvan IV was noncommittal, but asked again calmly, "Apart from supplies, in your opinion, do we have any threats?"

Uvor was visibly taken aback.

His Majesty's performance is too calm, has he already considered this part of the problem?

Uvor was puzzled, but there was no delay in his mouth, and he quickly reported to Jarvan IV according to his own draft.

"In addition to the supply problem, we also lack the conditions for a frontal breakthrough. The camp of the traitors is too thick, and there are evil mages to assist them. If we force a breakthrough, the casualties may be greater than when we forcefully cross 102!"

Jarvan IV has always loved soldiers like sons. In Uvor's opinion, although His Majesty should not hesitate when he should be decisive, but if possible, he will always try to avoid unnecessary sacrifices. Perhaps in this way, His Majesty can be softened. Attitude.

However, Jarvan IV still didn't hear about Uvor's second statement, and just continued to ask.

"Any more?"

Uvor was a little dumbfounded.

Is this not enough?
Continue to attack, the risk is high, the winning rate is low, and the price will be heavy if you fail. What's wrong with you, Your Majesty, why do you still seem to be persisting?

"Since you haven't, let's prepare." Jarvan IV didn't seem to see Uvor's stiffness, but just waved his hand gently, "I have mobilized the most elite fearless pioneer warriors, you are fighting well in the south, now Sudden attack, these rebels who are not stable will certainly not be able to stand."

"As for those evil mages, the elders of the Sun Sect will deal with them."

This answer is not satisfactory.

However, due to the prestige of Jarvan IV himself, although Uvor was full of doubts, he still accepted the order and started to assign combat tasks as soon as possible, so that the fighters of the Fearless Vanguard took the time to rest and prepare to carry out the surprise attack as planned.


Jarvan IV—or the Twilight Protoss—accepted what appeared to be a death-defying battle plan, not because he really didn't want to win.

In fact, the attitude of the Twilight Protoss at this time can only be described as "confident". After exploring the situation in Rithos City in many ways, he believes that the Xiongdu Front Army will win.

Why did the Twilight Protoss make such a judgment?

Because he really thought that as long as the battle broke out and the Fearless Pioneer seized the opportunity to make a surprise attack, the Northwalker would be defeated.

What supported him to make such a judgment was his constant reading of the Lithos Archives and the Fossbarrow Northern Walker Archives during this period of time.

According to the file data, most of the Northern Pioneers in the city of Rithos and who took the initiative to leave the city at this time were reserve and retired re-service personnel.

The previous air battle at Badaopo has proved that simply relying on the blind man to touch the elephant to open the map is not enough to make up for the unprofessional military aspects of the Twilight Protoss-so, the Twilight Protoss decided to systematically understand the Northwalker.

So, he looked through the file of the northern traveler again.

And from these files, he can see very clearly that most of the current army of northern border walkers have only been trained for three years, and those with five years of training time are all quite professional "technical arms" , among all the battle sequences, only the Archon has studied and trained for more than five years.

The Twilight Protoss doesn't really know much about mortal wars, but at least he knows that three to five years is not enough to train an elite warrior.

For the Xiongdu Front Army, those who have received three years of military training can only be regarded as reserve soldiers. They can use one-purpose weapons and have basic military skills. Year.

As for the elite fighters like Fearless Pioneers, almost all of them in the battalion are absolute elite fighters around 30 years old.

Just like Kalya knew that the Twilight Protoss had the power of space, the Twilight Protoss also knew that Kalya understood him, so when he was investigating the news of Lithos, he didn't really believe in those isolated evidences, because those things It is very likely that it is a trap specifically aimed at yourself.

But the soldier's file is always wrong, right?
Moreover, in order to ensure the accuracy of the news, the Twilight Protoss also made a comparison with the previous record. For example, the second group of Plainwalkers and the first group of Hillwalkers who ran to the back and flanked before, can be tied with the Fearless Pioneer. Five times, the service time is also the longest.

Based on the above judgments, the Twilight Protoss came to the conclusion that now that a frontal battle is taking place, there are not many teams with combat capabilities for the Northern Walkers, and their own side has a great advantage.

Since our side has such a big advantage...

Naturally, we have to play a little more unrestrainedly.

After all, the Twilight Protoss is not here to do charity. He wants to control Demacia. He hopes to see every family wearing mourning and hatred forever.

This is the experience of Haoyue and Lieyang!
 almost missed...

(End of this chapter)

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