Lux's Farewell

Chapter 731 [0720] Different Ways

Chapter 731 [0720] Different Ways

When the sky is clear and the sky is clear, if you stand on the flat land on the south bank of the Sanshui River and look from north to south, what you see at the end of your field of vision will be a long and narrow plateau running north-south, and countless interspersed with the soil. Valleys and ravines between plateaus.

The place where these plateaus and ravines intersect is Badaopo.

Conversely, if you come from south to north, you will find that as you climb all the way, the plains under your feet gradually turn into canyons, and the tops of the hills you pass become flatter and flatter, and finally turn into a Pieces of soil plateaus finally merged together to form a new terrain.

After these plateaus are merged together, it is the northern plateau.

The above is the basic topography of the uplifted northern plateau between Badaopo and Sanshui River—the north is a plain, undefended, but condescending; If you live in the north entrance, you can't get in even if you are condescending.

While the Fearless Pioneer was resting, Uvor personally led the cavalry guards to the north entrance of Badaopo. After taking a dragon bird and observing the terrain for a short time, the acting commander of the Fearless Pioneer only felt that his scalp was tingling. numb.

It is no exaggeration to say that if a pass is built at the north entrance of Badaopo, then it can be called a one-man pass, and no one can open it. As long as the rebels in the north block this pass, the Xiongdu Front Army can only Under the fortification of the city, no advance can be made.

Thankfully, there isn't a grand pass here.

Maybe the rebels in the northern border couldn't get their hands out, maybe they were self-conscious about the convenience of water transportation and ignored the significance of the land pass. In short, the thing that Uvor was most concerned about didn't happen. Although the raid to the north faced the problem of feint attack , but at least there is no need to siege.

Uvor also wanted to investigate the endless barracks of the Northland Walker, but unfortunately, the Dragon Bird Knight who was guarding him unfurled a white flag and led him back to land quickly.

"Your Excellency, we can't continue going north, it's too dangerous."

Although he was quite upset, Uvor still nodded his head to express his understanding - since the end of the Flying Wing Corps, the Xiongdu Front Army has completely lost its established air power. Yes, but if you want to conduct a close-range investigation, you may soon be surrounded by the enemy's main air forces.

However, even with a quick glance just now, Uvor still came to some conclusions that made people unhappy.

The camp of the northerners is very solid. They built a large number of trenches and sentry towers at the exit of the Beikou Tuyuan Canyon in Badaopo. These buildings are not enough to completely block the raid of the fearless pioneers, but they can serve as an early warning. .

Obviously, the rebels in the north have a corresponding defense system.

No matter what kind of defensive architecture, its root lies in people.

From the current point of view, these rebels in the north seemed to have made up their minds to wait for work and wait for their own attack.

This is not good news.


Urwo, who went to the front line in person, thought he had realized the difficulties he might face.

But he didn't know that this was just an insignificant part of the difficulties he was about to face.

After returning to the camp, Urvo, who was the commander of the raid, quickly began to rely on the authority provided by Jarvan IV to coordinate the raiders.

It is true that the Fearless Pioneer is the main force of the raid, but in order to better tear apart the line of defense, the Xiongdu Front Army should also send feigned attacks and cover troops in more directions, so as to put pressure on the northern rebels and weaken the frontal raid The thickness of enemies on the battlefield.

According to Urwo's idea, the feint attacking troops should be the kind with "big thunder and little rain". You don't have to fight to the death, but you must pull out all you can fight. The unresolved sword of Damocles is the The most frightening thing is that friendly armed parades are fine, but the most elite must be allowed to go there.

However, when Urwo officially started to coordinate, he was surprised to find that the number of combat orders of the Xiongdu Front Army stationed at the north entrance of Badaopo was far lower than he expected.

A considerable portion of the army—albeit mostly second-line regiments—was found to have been transferred back to the south entrance when Urvo attempted to coordinate the raid.

The main force, such as the Garrison Corps and the Fearless Pioneer, are still on standby at Beikou, but many second-line legions, such as the Ranger Legion, the Plain Mobile Legion, and the Swamp Fighter Legion, are not here.

In the past, he was only the replacement commander of the Fearless Pioneer, so he didn't know much about these situations. Now he has become the commander of the Beikou Raid. Forced to do a turn-back run.

The Fearless Pioneer was transferred from the fortress at the south entrance to the north entrance, preparing to make a surprise attack as the main force.

And these second-line corps were transferred from the north entrance to the south entrance to protect the grain road.

Protecting the grain road is understandable. Marching and fighting, everyone understands the importance of logistics, but what Urwo never expected was that the Xiongdu Front Army would send so many people to protect the grain road ——Good guy, the total number of these legions is [-]!

You know, even if it is a second-line army, the soldiers of Demacia are full-time regular soldiers!
2 people accounted for one-fifth of the total strength of the Xiongdu Front Army!
On Fossbarrow's side, the total force currently concentrated in Rithos is less than 3, and judging from the scale of the frontal battlefield defense line, most of them have already come out in full force, guarding the Beikou Plateau , In this case, why can 2 people, one-fifth of the troops, be allocated to protect the grain roads and guard the people?

Although he is not the commander-in-chief of this battle, after hearing the news, Urvo still felt his scalp tingle—we are building a temporary stronghold along the way, advancing here step by step, and we still have to spend one-fifth of it How many people go to protect the food road?

What a mess the logistics are!

Here Urwo misunderstood the Xiongdu Front Army.

In fact, the efficiency of the logistics work of the Xiongdu Front Army is actually very good, and the temporary strongholds that are step by step are also very useful. I have to separate these people to protect the food roads. Out of the initiative caused.

In a sense, Lux's command style is very similar to that of Jarvan IV. They both insist on being proactive strategically and step by step tactically. Always wandering behind the Xiongdu Front Army, relying on the mobility endowed by the Inland River Fleet, it always puts pressure on the Xiongdu Front Army's food road.

Although the absolute number of troops is not too sufficient, the mountain walkers that Lux can divide can only be restrained, but because the supply line of the Xiongdu Front Army is too long, in order to deal with this threat, the Xiongdu Front Army has to Send five times as many troops to protect the grain roads—no way, the group of mountain walkers who can walk through the Grand Canal and the 102 Canal are too mobile, even if the Twilight Protoss opens the full map, they will still be led by the nose .

If it weren't for the previous step-by-step battalion, 2 people would not be enough to maintain the supplies of the Xiongdu Front Army. It is no exaggeration to say that with the strategic requirements of the Twilight Protoss, the Xiongdu Front Army can still maintain the current situation. Commanders at all levels The performance has been very good!

In this way, after learning about the current situation of the army, Urvo found Jarvan IV again, hoping to "examine the strategic deployment more carefully", and then got the "surprise attack as soon as possible, tear the enemy army apart" Front" order.

In desperation, Ulwo could only do his best to coordinate with the brothers' troops, and finally came up with a very reliable plan at the military meeting.

Thankfully, Jarvan IV approved the plan and dispatched a group of Lunar Warriors to serve as the vanguard.

"They once fought against the northern border walkers, and beat those rebels to pieces."

With the approval of the plan and additional support, Urvo finally suppressed his worries and began to arrange the attack plan.


In the early morning of the third day after the Fearless Pioneer was transferred back to Beikou, before dawn, the Beikou raid commanded by Urvo officially kicked off.

The elite Demacia legion, including the Fearless Pioneer and Garrison Legion, the Green Tooth Warrior, and the Ranger Mountain Regiment, had a cold meal early and left the camp in small columns, along the canyon under the plateau. Longitudinal road, heading north to the north entrance of Badaopo.

According to Wu Erwo's plan, the elite of the fearless vanguard and the follow-up garrison corps will take the relatively open river bend road with eight slopes, and the other corps will divide their troops and go to the other four exits of the plains. At dawn, the rising sun will be used as a signal. Simultaneously launched a surprise attack.

The marching process went smoothly. The leading soldier of the Five-Road Assault Army led the way with a rope, and the others also pulled the rope to follow, advancing in the dark, and soon arrived at the attacking position within the scheduled time.

They were lucky. Among the five-way raiding army, only the westernmost Ranger Mountain Legion was discovered by the elite mountain walkers who were harassed. After estimating the size of the enemy, this mountain walker team gave up the harassment and went over the mountain. Let's go, before the sun rises, alert the northern walker defenders on the nearby defense line.

However, when Lux arranged the blockade, she specially reserved a mobile force and explicitly prohibited area defense, so although the third mountain walker regiment responsible for the defense on the western front was a little nervous, the westernmost passage was also the first The battle started and attracted the attention of other garrison armies, but the overall defense line did not suffer from fluctuations or mistakes.

When the sun rose, the five-way raiders officially went into battle.

Among them, there is no doubt that the fourth lane led by Urwo is the most ruthless - there are fearless pioneers and bright moon warriors as the vanguard, even if they rush out of the gully under the plateau, Feinting against the trend, when the garrison reacted, they quickly broke through the first line of defense and rushed directly into the trench area.

In this direction, the first regiment of plateau walkers was in charge of guarding the position. The commander of the regiment was named Mi Xin, a rare Ionian among the northern border walkers.

Mi Xin’s background is similar to Sona’s. They were both war orphans who were sent to Demacia during the Ionian War. He is 35 years old this year and is one of the first batch of northern walkers. When recruiting soldiers, he took the initiative to defect.

At that time, he defected to Lux for the sake of Sona on the one hand, and on the other hand because he was already 14 years old when he left Ionia, and everyone was sensible. He hoped to train his skills in Demacia. Military skills, you will be able to go back to save the invaded motherland in the future.

The northern border was the most unsafe place in Demacia at that time, and Mi Xin believed that he could experience actual combat and gain more training in Fossbarrow.

Mi Xin, who was born in Balu, has a natural adaptability to the plateau, and he has a clear goal. After joining the North Walker, he has performed quite hard in both study and training, so in the sequence of the North Walker Among them, he quickly emerged and became the first batch of officers.

It's just that because of his heart for his homeland, he was quite unimpressed with the ideological education led by Lacus himself-until he squeezed into the mission to Ionia with great difficulty, his dream was completely broken.

It is difficult to describe the complicated emotions that Mi Xin, who was already familiar with life in Fossbarrow at that time, felt after returning to his homeland.

Even though for so many years, Mi Xin has always regarded himself as an Ionian and is completely unwilling to accept Lacus's ideological education, but there are many things that people can't forget after they know it.

In Fossbarrow, what Mi Xin saw was the effort to change the impoverished land. The planting of saffron made the people of Fossbarrow rejoiced, and it also made Mi Xin see a new world—in Ionia, this It is also possible, and even the Ionians have a harmonious relationship with nature, so they should be able to do better!

But actually?
After returning to Ionia, Mi Xin discovered that the homeland he was so attached to couldn't even achieve a stable political situation.

Mi Xin doesn't want to speculate about people from his homeland with malicious intent, but he has traveled a lot and seen a lot, but he still can't convince himself.

He couldn't find a reason other than maintaining tradition to maintain power. Even though Ionia was in the middle of a war, it still insisted on many traditional and old customs that had already fallen behind, and refused to develop and progress.

Ionia should not be like this.

Mi Xin visited Irelia, who commanded the Battle of Presidium, and had a conversation with her. During this period, Irelia warmly invited him back, but Mi Xin could only feel the innocence from the other party's words. .

Irelia seems to have no idea where Ionia's future lies. She has been working hard to unite Ionia, but this unity has no substantive binding force.

There is no reward for the united, because there is nothing to reward.

There is no punishment for those who are not united, because there is no ability to give punishment.

In the end, Mi Xin returned to Fossbarrow. This time, he took the initiative to approach Sona and became her direct subordinate. After the Noxus Empire was over, another idea began to grow in his heart.

Perhaps, Sona is more suitable to lead Ionia than Irelia!

Although when he took the initiative to approach Sona, Sona often told him that he would do it for Fossbarrow, but for Mi Xin, this battle was also a battle to earn the right to speak for Sona!

The three giants in the northern border are closely related, but unconsciously, the three of them have actually vaguely represented the three forces in the northern border.

However, unlike the noble council in Xiongdu, there are different factions even in the northern border, but everyone knows that the future of the northern border is still broad enough, and it is far from the time to share the victory. The northern border must be united Just do it!
In other words, the interior of the Northern Territory and Xiongdu is just like how the two sides behave on the battlefield during the battle.

On the side of the Xiongdu front army, the five-way army walked through five canyon passages.

On the side of the Northern Legion, although each has its own defense zone, the defense lines are connected as one, and each performs its own duties. In the weak points between different factions, there is a reserve team led by Lacus to maintain the formation.

Now, these two completely different organizations finally collided at the north entrance of Badaopo.

Facts have proved that the combination of the Fearless Pioneer and the Bright Moon Warrior is really astonishing in its lethality - after two charges, Mi Xin had to ask the reserve team for support, and at the same time lead the guards into the battle.

In this way, on the main battlefield, the plateau walker regiment relied on the counter-charge led by the regiment leader himself, and the timely support of the sixth sequence of the archon, which was able to stabilize the position.

 Carya's Little Classroom Barua:
  The Ionian province of Barua is a small island located in the south of Navoli. It is covered with mountains and has a very high altitude. The local people who have adapted to the high-altitude mountains have a different plateau ancestry from other places. Amazing stamina, agility, and excellent cardiorespiratory fitness.

  In addition, the Promise Sword Sect is located in Barue Province, and Master Yi's plateau blood comes from here.

(End of this chapter)

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