Lux's Farewell

Chapter 732 [0721] Fierce battle!

Chapter 732 [0721] Fierce battle!

Mi Xin leaned against the inner wall of the trench, stretched out his head to look at the sentry tower hundreds of yards away, and at the same time tore off a corner of his cloak to bandage the wound on his hand.

Although Lacus has been making repeated orders all the time, prohibiting commanders above the regiment level from easily appearing on the frontline battlefield, the situation just now was too critical. If it hadn't been for Mi Xin who arrived immediately with his personal guards and blocked the opening , I am afraid that the entire trench area will be pierced by a wave!
Husband war, courage also.

Mi Xin came to the front line in person, coupled with the personal guards pressing forward according to his command, they barely withstood this wave of charge, forcing the Fearless Pioneer to temporarily retreat.

And as a price, even with the protection of the personal guards, Mi Xin's left hand was pierced with a transparent hole—it was a Bright Moon Warrior, and he just glanced at Mi Xin, and the long knife in his hand turned into a short knife. The spear turned a corner in the air and directly attacked Mi Xin.

In a hurry, Mi Xin could only block with his sword, and at the same time raised his left hand to intercept. In the end, his left hand was directly pierced by the short spear, and his left rib was also scratched.

These bright moon warriors... are really strong!
Previously, as the commander of the Highland Walker Regiment, Mi Xin had once slandered the Plain Walker Regiment that participated in the Nasla-American Campaign—it was really hard to get such a bad exchange ratio, even if he didn't adapt to the desert climate. It's a bit embarrassing.

Although in private, everyone in the plain walker group insisted that the bad record had nothing to do with the environment, that the enemy was simply exaggerated, but in Mi Xin's opinion, no matter how exaggerated the enemy was, could they all be superhumans?
However, as the war started, Mi Xin finally learned that the Bright Moon Warriors were really extraordinary...

Of course, if you know it, you know that the oppressive power of a transcendent on the battlefield can only be understood after facing it.

In the quarter of an hour just now, on the ground of a group of plateau walkers, the extraordinary used his extraordinary power to teach Mi Xin a hard lesson. These bright moons who can use a strange weapon (moonstone weapon) Soldiers, the weapons in their hands can be changed in an ever-changing way, as long as they are not careful, they will be attacked.

There were not many of them, but these Bright Moon warriors seemed to be extremely sharp blades. They easily pierced into the position of the plateau walkers, tore open the sentry post in the warning area, and rushed into the trenches.

Although they can't fly, most of the ground defenses in the trench area are ineffective against the Bright Moon Warriors. The moonstone weapons in their hands are not only invincible in attack, but also impeccable in defense. More importantly, facing the trenches, it can even be used as a pedal. Let the bright moon warriors walk on the ground.

As a result, Mi Xin worked very hard to prepare a pocket, thinking of eating the salient part of the attacking army, but this pocket was almost pierced by a wave, forcing Mi Xin to look for the enemy's weak left side On the flank, joined the battle with the SS, threatening the team not to go any further.

Fearing that the flanks would be cut off and the most elite part would be dumped, under the order of Urvo, the bright moon warriors and the fearless pioneers who raided could barely stop the angle.

Even so, nearly half of the entire trench area fell under their control. During the withdrawal and rest period, Urvo once tried to pull east or west along the trench. Fortunately, Mi Xin responded in time and commanded properly. This did not expose the gap.

The line of defense was temporarily held.

But as the commander of the Plateau Walker Regiment, Mi Xin knew very well that if he only relied on his soldiers, he could defend in one wave, but if three or five waves hit in succession, even if he lost his life, the defense line would not be able to hold.

Therefore, he immediately asked for support from the rear, hoping that Lacus would dispatch a reserve team to help him defend.

Soon, the wound was bandaged, and flags were drawn on the sentry tower—Mi Xin understood the meaning of these flags without referring to the flag manual.

The support from behind is here, heaven.

It is a good thing to have support, but air support is somewhat unquenchable.

Unfortunately, there was no time to complain. After the semaphore of the arrival of reinforcements, the red flag was unfurled on the sentry tower——the enemy has finished reorganizing and is pressing up again!
"Bah!" Mi Xin spat bloodshot saliva fiercely, "These Xiongdu guys are really capable... Pass my order, the second company and the third company, go to defend the trenches and prepare for close combat!"


Feeling that the enemy is somewhat capable, not only Mi Xin.

In fact, on the side of the Xiongdu Front Army, Urvo was also subconsciously sucking his teeth because of the difficulty of the enemy.

Already Urvo was overestimating the enemy as much as possible.

But after the fire, he realized that it is no exaggeration to say that the reaction speed of the opponent's troops in the face of a surprise attack is simply on the same level as that of the Fearless Pioneer!
You must know that as a defensive force, when facing an enemy attack, most of them have a plan, but the response time to execute the plan and the speed of executing the plan are not the same.

An elite army can respond as soon as the enemy is discovered, and there is no need to report to the highest level commander to give orders. In this case, the army is like a human body, and many things can be relied on. It's done by muscle memory, without thinking about it.

During the march, Urvo was sure that he had not been discovered, and judging from the enemy's actions, they were not prepared to wait for work in advance, but when the scouts on the watchtower found him and rang the big bell , The defenders in the camp gathered together at a speed visible to the naked eye, and quickly and silently lined up out of the camp to organize an attack.

You must know that in order to obtain better raid results as much as possible, Urvo specially marched in the early morning—or in the second half of the night, and launched an attack when the dawn was not yet dawn. In sleep.

However, the enemy on the opposite side can wake up in sleep after the sound of the bell and the continuous sound of the whistle, and assemble as a team, and immediately enter the combat state. This kind of quick reaction ability can only be achieved by the elite of the fearless pioneer. ah!

However, the good news is that although these people's reaction speed is very fast and the probability of the army is also very good, in terms of combat effectiveness, they are obviously far behind.

Although the enemy's main force is also wearing a full set of rune steel armor, and the weapons they use are also very good, but compared with the fearless vanguard, the ability to fight frontally is still quite far behind-after all, the fearless vanguard is absolutely selected from among the best in Demacia. Elites, all of them are heroes with tall stature, extraordinary physical strength, and full of endurance, and most of them have undergone long military training, can use a variety of weapons, and are skilled in skills.

Therefore, even if there is no difference in the weapons and equipment of the two sides, and the enemy still occupies the geographical advantage of the defender, in the frontal raid battle, after all, Urvo's side has the advantage.

Especially those Bright Moon fighters, they almost completely broke through the enemy's blockade. If the commander of the other side hadn't personally entered the battle and almost cut off the connection between the Bright Moon fighters and the main force, Urvo might have reached the front of the camp by this time.

After a wave of raids, Urwo had secretly come to a conclusion in his heart. If nothing else, he chose the part with the strongest combat effectiveness of the enemy as the assault point!

Although luck is a bit unlucky, I am afraid that if you want to win this position, you will have to pay a heavier price, but if you can defeat this trump card, it may be of great benefit to the overall battle situation!

Moreover, if the enemy puts the elite here, the other feint attack points may be able to turn the false into reality, and it may be possible to turn the enemy into the main.Urvo is still very confident in the various battle sequences involved in this raid, and feint attacks may also become the main force!
"Rest for another quarter of an hour!" Grabbing the water bottle and gulping down a few sips, Urvo shouted to the herald, "Don't stop the ten harassing shield formations, others, after half a quarter of an hour, Outflank left and right, beat them in a hurry!"

"The harassing shield array keeps going, and after half a quarter of an hour, it will outflank it!"

"The harassing shield array keeps going, and after half a quarter of an hour, it will outflank it!"



The orderly held Urvo's battle flag and shouted the military order on the edge of the trench. Urvo put down the kettle in his hand, licked the corners of his mouth, squinted his eyes and looked at the sky, then turned his head and looked at farther away.

It's a pity that this place is too far away from the attack locations of the other roads, and Urwo can't see anything from afar.

Hope the other way goes well!

Unfortunately, Urvo, who was full of hope, was doomed to be disappointed.

He thought that the plateau walkers group was the elite of the northern border, but in fact, there were at least three elite groups like the plateau walker group in the northern border.

Therefore, it is impossible for the other feints to turn into the main offensive.

But the good news is that almost every commander in the road believes that their side should be the elite main force of the northern rebels, so they invariably chose to increase the strength of the feint attack, so that this "enemy elite" cannot be separated. Spare no effort to support the direction of the Fearless Pioneer's raid.

From this point of view, the Xiongdu Front Army is indeed well-trained to a certain extent. Although the command is a bit uncoordinated due to the poor performance of a certain protoss, at least the commanders of each legion have a big picture, and there is no such thing as "friendly troops" Difficult, immovable as a mountain" selling teammates.

Even if it was a misjudgment, when the commanders of the legions determined that they were facing the main force, they still very actively chose to increase the intensity of the feint.

It is no exaggeration to say that after more than ten years of hard work by Jarvan IV, Demacia's army does have a strong combat effectiveness and organization, and its discipline is also very strict.

These soldiers who were recruited from the private army to the regular army all regarded themselves as future nobles, and they were quite brave in battle. They were truly fearless warriors!

Although politically eager for quick success, at least in terms of military management, Jarvan IV has achieved the ultimate.

In this regard, Lux may really have to thank the Twilight Protoss.


Half a quarter of an hour later, the Fearless Pioneer team was completed. According to Urwo's command, they were divided into two teams, left and right, and began to outflank the camp of the plateau walker group.

At the same time, the bright moon fighters, together with some soldiers, advanced rapidly in the middle to attract the attention of the enemy.

Although due to the existence of the trenches, the fighters of the Fearless Vanguard cannot gallop on horseback, but even though they are wearing a full set of heavy armor, they are still quite agile. Spreading its wings, it rushed towards the plateau walker's camp.

The battle started again.

The warriors of the plateau walker have already made preparations at the third trench.

Different from the first two trenches, this third trench was twenty feet wide. It took a lot of effort to dig this trench at the beginning—if the first two trenches were to prevent the enemy from advancing quickly and provide a defensive space , the third trench is the real defensive trench.

A trench of this width cannot be crossed easily.

The excavated soil was built into a not-so-high parapet inside the trench, but although the parapet was not high, it was difficult to climb over easily considering the depth of the trench. The plateau walker fighters of the third company have long been waiting under the order of Mi Xin, and the outflanking of the fearless pioneers is not going smoothly.

Due to the extensive application of mathematics in engineering, the Northlander also went through precise calculations when digging the trenches. By setting up sentry towers at key points, the third trench narrowed the enemy's attack space as much as possible, and Expand your attack area.

Although both the enemy and the enemy are equipped with a large number of rune steel armors and all have excess defense, long-range shooting and throwing weapons are very ineffective, but in close combat, the expansion of the attack area can also greatly increase the combat advantage of one's own side .

Moreover, since this place has entered the plateau zone, the soil is transitioning to the plateau permafrost, and many places will see seepage and accumulated water after excavation. Coupled with the cooperation of the court, entering the trench is like stepping into the mud Among them, if you want to climb the parapet again, the difficulty is not ordinary!
Although the fearless pioneer fighters outflanking the left and right were brave, they were still eager and difficult to attack the plateau walkers relying on the third trench and parapet defense.

However, Urvo, who had carefully observed the battle situation, was not in a hurry.

Calculating the time, as long as there is no paddling in the other roads, even if the enemy has support, it will be at least after nine o'clock.

I still have three hours to attack.

Now the battlefield is not in danger of being divided, and the enemy commanders do not dare to act rashly. For these three hours, the Fearless Pioneer can fight endlessly with drums and drums!
The fighters of the Fearless Pioneer are all stamina monsters. They had a quick meal before the start of the raid, so they could hold on!
I just don’t know that these rebels from the north who hurriedly formed a team to fight after being raided, you can’t hold on!
Although it seems a bit embarrassing to say that the Demacia elite and the Bright Moon Warrior were dragged and rolled in the mud, but as long as they win, everything will be worth it!

Thinking of this, a smile finally appeared on the corner of Urwo's mouth.

I have caught the weak point of this elite enemy team—although you are well trained, the quality of your soldiers is not as good as that of the Fearless Pioneer, and your combat skills are even worse. As long as you continue to fight fiercely, victory is inevitable. will be ours!

Can fight quickly, can also fight for a long time, this is the fearless pioneer!
 Carya's Small Classroom·Physical Fitness:

  Although Lux has been working hard to strengthen the nutrition of the Forsbarrows, it is undeniable that compared with the fearless pioneers who are either noble or gifted fighters, the soldiers of the northern border walker are more physically fit. It's a lot worse.

(End of this chapter)

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