Lux's Farewell

733 [0722] Ground-air coordination, footwork coordination

Is Urvo's judgment correct?
Correct, but not precise enough.

It's not that the northern border walkers are not durable, but their own hard power on the frontal battlefield, which is not an advantage compared to other aspects.

You must know that because of Fossbarrow's comprehensive development, the Northland Walkers far surpassed other armies in Runeterra in terms of discipline, organization, and mobility; Under the circumstances, the northern border walker is very good at multi-army cooperation, and his thinking is relatively unified, with extremely high subjective initiative, and can perform many tasks that ordinary troops cannot perform.

However, in terms of hard power in frontal confrontation, the Northland Walkers actually have no advantage-even when facing the Fearless Pioneer, they are still at a disadvantage.

This is impossible.

This situation occurs, on the one hand, because there is a natural gap in the quality of soldiers, and on the other hand, it has a huge relationship with the social custom structure.

How did the soldiers of the Fearless Vanguard come about?

They are either the children of nobles, or the sons of good families supported by the savings of several generations of self-cultivating farmers. They have been riding bamboo horses and gesticulating with wooden sticks since they were three years old.

Since the age of five, the most quiet game they have played is probably the simplified version of Wang Zhi's assertion.

Then, starting at the age of ten, these people will start simple military training, and families with conditions will take the initiative to let these children act together to prepare for future service in the sword formation or shield formation.

At the age of 15, they will go through Demacia's reserve review, and after passing, they will officially enlist in the army.

Generally speaking, unless the family background of Galen is extremely amazing, most soldiers join the Fearless Pioneer at the age of 25 to 30. They will generally serve in the Fearless Pioneer for about ten years, unless they become Officers, otherwise usually retire at the age of 40.

In other words, the fighters of the Fearless Pioneer are all people with about 20 years of military training experience. Some of them are talented and have a family background. They were trained as fighters since they were young. They are the military nobles in the true sense. !
The cost of this kind of training is quite astonishing, but it is precisely because of this frenzied training and selection system that the fearless pioneer has created a great reputation, and it has also created many people who can only be described as incredible in terms of the number of people. record.

What two or three shield formations defended a pass, forcing a whole Noxus battle group to be unable to advance, and how to enter the Freljord on a small scale and retreat completely. These achievements seem like bragging. Behind it is the direct output of the amazing investment under the elite soldier policy and the military aristocratic system.

To put it bluntly, the training cost of the five shield formations of the Fearless Vanguard (usually around 50 people) is actually not much different from a small third-line battle group in Noxus (usually with a number of [-] people).

The essence of Demacia's insistence on such a frenzied training system is that Demacia itself is a military aristocratic country. Becoming a soldier and making military exploits is the most formal promotion channel in this country, and it is also the most popular in the entire Demacia. direction.

In Demacia, any family with a little savings plans to save some money, buy armor and war horses, and wait for a reliable child to train him to join the army, strive to make meritorious service, and become a nobleman—even if he does not become a nobleman , You can also use this to marry the nobles to achieve a class transition.

Under the influence of such a system, Demacia naturally has abundant martial arts.

So, what about the North?

Although Fossbarrow is small, it has a lot of promotion channels. Archons, clerks, and northern walkers are all reliable and good places to go, which is definitely not the same thing as the Fearless Pioneer.

In addition, the source of soldiers in the northern border is quite different from the fearless pioneers selected from the best. In Fossbarrow, there are now very few children who have received military training preparations since they were five or six years old. Most of the children have to go to school and study. culture class.

Although school can also cultivate discipline and maintain ideological unity, as far as fighting itself is concerned, those who go to school and those who have practiced fighting since childhood are definitely different.

Even three years ago, Fossbarrow began to implement the class system when the students were 15 years old, to distinguish the direction of the students, but in the training of combat skills, those who joined the army later certainly cannot compare with the soldiers of the Fearless Pioneer .

Because most of the soldiers of the Northwalker started school at an early age, they are very disciplined; the industry in the North is comprehensive, so their supplies are sufficient and they are highly mobile; the soldiers in the North are diverse, and their ability to cooperate is relatively strong.

The Xiongdu Front Army, represented by the Fearless Pioneer, has been exercising and training combat skills since childhood, so they often have better physical fitness, and have stronger combat effectiveness and better endurance in frontal battles.

Different ways of social promotion, different customs, and different training programs for soldiers have resulted in a huge difference between the North Walker and the Xiongdu Front Army. In the eyes of the Twilight Protoss who does not understand human society, this difference is abstracted into the training time of soldiers, and In Lux's eyes, it has become the key to her own strengths and weaknesses.

From the very beginning, Lux was very aware of her own strengths and weaknesses, so she always insisted on fighting in motion, with air force cover and water transport support, in complex and favorable terrain, and on the defensive. And fight after being fully prepared.

Therefore, the place where the northern border walker and the Xiongdu Front Army fought was either in the sky, on the water, on the shore, or in the mountains. Only the initial tentative attacks of the pioneers of both sides took place in a relatively wide place, but For the first time, the North Walker showed coordinated footwork and caught the vanguard of the Xiongdu Front Army by surprise.

The ground troops of the Xiongdu Front Army are at least seventy to eighty percent in frontal battles. Among them, the elites of the Fearless Pioneer are even higher. If you put an Ascendant in, they can be used as an Ascended Legion.

But in other aspects, they only have a good performance in fighting will and grassroots organization level. I don’t know what the cooperation between arms is. The navy is better than nothing, and the air force is almost wiped out now.

On the other hand, the northern border walkers, although the level of frontal combat is almost meaningless, they have a higher level in more aspects, especially footwork coordination, ground-air cooperation, mobile marching, etc., which are completely crushing advantages. At that time, Lux was really stupid to take the initiative to fight with the Xiongdu Front Army!

Therefore, Urwo's judgment was right. Under the continuous impact, the plateau walkers who did not eat breakfast could not hold on for two or three hours.

But Urwo's judgment is not accurate, because the plateau walkers don't need to persist for so long at all.

Less than a quarter of an hour after the outflanking of the two wings of the Fearless Pioneer, the Northern Air Force arrived.

Since the commanders of all the defense lines reported the situation in their own defense areas immediately, Lacus immediately recognized the attack focus of the Xiongdu Front Army, so the Northern Air Force was the first to set off for support.

Organized bombing formations began to dive and drop bombs over the heads of the Dreadnoughts.

Since the members of the Fearless Pioneer are all wearing heavy armor, the Hex Crystal is not enough to kill them. The bombing formation is mainly based on interference. The Hex Crystal and glass balls are mixed to delay the enemy's actions.

Interference was successful.

Although the Fearless Pioneers are all true fearless warriors, this does not mean that they have to move forward foolishly in the face of bombing, and do not know how to dodge the shiny spheres falling from the sky.

Even if many of these gadgets did not explode, it was impossible for the Fearless Pioneer to continue its strong attack on the third trench, and the offensive became weaker at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Almost at the same time, the second wave of support from the defender also rushed in.

Taking advantage of the fact that the formation of the Fearless Vanguard was dispersed due to the bombing and the offensive weakened, the Archon battlefield was dispatched in a mixed sequence.

More than a hundred Archons arrived at the front line of the battle from the rear, and began to use their specialties to assist the plateau walkers in an orderly manner, buffing friendly troops and debuffing enemies, and strengthening their own fortifications by the way.

So, the fearless pioneer soldiers who had raised their shields to meet the arcane missiles after seeing the caster in robes appeared, were stunned to find that the development of the matter completely exceeded their expectations.

The muddy third ditch quickly became slippery, and the weak breast wall was quickly solidified like a city wall. The enemy's strength became stronger, and the speed of shooting arrows also increased, and there was a burst of blowing on the ground. The wind of the camp.

The gap in the breast wall that had been pushed down with great difficulty was repaired, and the area where the defense had become weak before was also replenished. The morale of the enemy that had been lowered due to being crushed and beaten became high again because of the arrival of reinforcements.

The expected fireballs and arcane missiles are not coming, and the mixed sequence of the Archon battlefield has not yet ignored the ability of the rune steel armor defense, so their main job is to transform the environment, strengthen friendly forces, and weaken the enemy.

With the help of the Archons, when the bombing formation returned and the Fearless Pioneer rushed to the third ditch again, they were shocked to find that the enemy seemed to be much fiercer, while they were gradually restrained, unable to fight no matter what strength.

Obviously, they still suppressed these northern rebels before.

But why now only the Bright Moon Warriors seem to have an advantage?


Urvo, who has been paying attention to the situation at the front line, is also having a headache now.

At first, the development of the battle situation was as he expected. The two sides were in a stalemate with their own superior exchange ratio, but suddenly a bombardment came and a group of mages appeared, and the situation on their side suddenly became not so good.

In this case, a difficult choice is placed in front of Urwo.

Do you want to continue?

If it continues, the elite of the Fearless Pioneer and the number of the enemy will be exchanged for the elite of the Plateau Walker.

And judging from the numbers of both sides, if this is the case, even if he breaks through the frontal defense of the plateau walker and hits a protrusion, it may not be easy to expand the results of the battle in the future, and he may even be untenable.

Licking his lips, Urvo still couldn't give the order to suppress the whole army. He put down the Hex telescope, and finally decided to take another two rounds to see how long the tricks of these mages can last, and to see the enemy's attack. How is the color.

At present, the casualties of the Fearless Pioneer are still within an acceptable range, and the organization is not in the slightest chaos. Even if this attack fails to work, at least some intelligence must be sent out!

However, just when Urvo was about to take another look, the mobile troops of the Northern Legion officially arrived behind the plateau walker regiment.

The group of plain walkers who had achieved a lot of victories in the battle of crossing the 102 Canal and retreated along the Grand Canal to Veros for recuperation have basically recovered after half a month of training.

Just the day before yesterday, this elite group of elite troops from the northern border had arrived at the southern camp of Rithos City by boat, and joined the battle sequence as a reserve team.

Returning with them is the third sequence of Archons, the Son of the Wind.

In the battle of crossing the 102 Canal, the Plainwalker Regiment suffered close to one-third of the casualties. Lux originally planned to use retired and re-enlisted veterans to supplement them. , Lux simply maintained the vacant state and pulled them over as a reserve team.

The quota is still there, temporarily vacant.

Anyway, the reserve team doesn't have position defense missions, what Lux likes is the ability and experience of this team in frontal combat!
And now, the mission of the plain walker group came.

The Plateau Walker and the Fearless Pioneer fought inseparably, and even the Fearless Pioneer was supported by the Archon Battlefield mixed sequence. In this case, wouldn't it be the time for the Plains Walker and the third sequence to make a move?
Haike, who arrived at the battlefield, didn't have time to greet Mi Xin. While sending messengers to communicate, the whole team rushed out from the flank of the plateau walker's group.

After a few miles to the south, the Plainswalker group prepared for the dandelion tactics, and the third order of mages began to cooperate in casting spells.

The next moment, amidst the low sound of spell chanting, a strong wind gradually picked up.

One side of the back sail was opened, and the large-scale feather fall technique was released. Following the soldiers in the front row, they leaped, like dandelion seeds, leaping down from the soil plateau, riding the mighty southeast wind, Floating to the fearless vanguard who was fighting with the plateau walker.

The interlaced terrain of the plateau and the canyon set up a perfect stage for the dandelion tactics. The place where the plain walkers jumped down in a group was a cliff, even if Urvo liked to encircle the northern walkers in advance, He knew the habits of roundabout warfare and interspersed warfare, and had placed enough sentries and reserves on the flanks, but he never thought that the enemy would appear from his side and rear.

When the blossoming dandelions opened their red and blue back sails, they half jumped and half floated around the canyon, which seemed to be completely impassable terrain, and arrived at the attacking position of the fearless vanguard. At the side of the back, Urvo's brain even went blank for a moment.

He didn't panic.

But it was because he didn't panic that he knew what it meant!
After being sieged by others during the siege, seeing that he was about to wrap his ass, as long as he was a little careless in handling at this time, it would be a rout!
At this moment, he no longer had the heart to think about why there were enemies on the side and rear. He could only hope that the frontal enemies would not take the initiative to attack, and at the same time mobilize all the forces at hand, including his own personal guards, to meet them.

Absolutely can't let the offensive of front and rear pincers take shape completely, otherwise it will be over!

However, the matter has come to this point, how could the Northwalker give Urvo this chance?
Almost at the same time Urvo gave the order, the Northern Air Force dispatched again.

This time, the bombing formation and the flying squadron set off together. They crossed the trench area and went straight to the salient of the Plainswalker Legion. While gaining time, successive waves of bombing were launched.

Want to gather troops to stand on two lines?


With the Northern Air Force, which has complete control over the air, why are you gathering?
Fearless pioneer, I am determined to eat today!
The infantry relied on the fortifications to withstand the front, the air force harassed and delayed in the air, and the archons provided spell support and temporary maneuvers. Under the joint offensive of the Trinity, Urvo's forehead was covered with sweat and his cheeks were flushed.

Listening to the crowing of dragons and birds like the sound of dying, at this moment, Your Excellency, the acting commander of the Fearless Pioneer, only felt that his chest was tight and he could hardly breathe smoothly.

It's July!

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