The fearless pioneer who was served by the three armed forces is now in danger under the attack of the north and the south.

The fearless vanguard elite in the north, as well as most of the main force of the garrison, were like waves, hitting the third trench parapet defense line wave after wave. After the front line was completely pulled apart, even if there were guardians to help defend, the frontal pressure of the plateau walkers was terrifying.

In this kind of anxious battle, even if the Fearless Pioneer is the one actively attacking, they don't want to withdraw as soon as they want, and if they don't pay attention, they will lose control and be defeated.

However, the Plain Walker group that came around from the Dandelion Tactical in the south has completed the team and started to attack, and the reserve team arranged by Urvo is still unable to gather due to the continuous bombing...

It is no exaggeration to say that the fearless pioneer at this time has come to a desperate situation!
Seeing that the reserve team was unable to form an effective blockade for a long time, Urvo finally gritted his teeth and handed over the task of blocking the rear to his deputy. He took some members of the headquarters and went to the attack line to try to stop the attack in an orderly manner and gather the team.

If you act fast enough, you may be able to take advantage of the fact that the defenders in the trench area have not reacted, and lead the army back to help. As long as you break the blockade, all problems will be solved!

Urvo's idea is good.

But it is a pity that the reality will not go according to his idea - he has just arrived at the front line, and before he has time to organize a retreat, the group of plateau walkers who are being suppressed and beaten are ready to take the initiative to attack.

Since it is footwork coordination and ground-air cooperation, it is natural to focus on cooperation. The plain walker succeeded in going around, and the plateau walker had to put on an attacking posture even if the situation was not going well.

If you dare to withdraw, I dare to chase after you!

Of course, this kind of pursuit is definitely not a swarming attack by the whole army. In the case of being afraid of the frontal combat capabilities of the Fearless Pioneer, the plateau walker group will definitely keep a subtle distance and continue to wait for the opportunity.

It is impossible to disengage, and you will not be given a chance to kill the carbine. Since it is a two-sided attack, you must not be given a chance to break it separately!

Urvo was in great pain.

Although after returning to the front line of the trench, he quickly controlled the situation and began to command the Fearless Pioneer to retreat, but the defenders on the opposite side quickly stuck up like brown sugar, and couldn't even shake it off.

During the period, Urwo also tried to command the Fearless Vanguard to disperse their actions in units of sword formations and shield formations, creating the illusion of retreat, but the pursuit troops led by Mi Xin were still not in a hurry, and there was no intention of rushing forward at all.

Even Uvor's soldiers are in danger, they don't even need the organization of the sword formation and shield formation, and the team is completely messed up. They plan to rely on the individual quality of the fearless pioneer to fight a melee to get rid of it, but even for this sake, the pursuers behind are still very patient, but keep an ambiguous distance, and will never give you a chance to fight back.

I almost wrote "I'm waiting for the pincer" written on my face!

Under such circumstances, the only thing Urwo can count on is to gather the deputies of the reserve team to resist and build a position that is convenient for assault.

Only in this way can the fearless pioneer survive!
Unfortunately, Urwo's calculation is doomed to fail.

The person who carried out Urvo's order was the deputy commander of the raid and the commander of the garrison, Hippolyte Sovo.

Although this professional soldier from the Sovo family has rich combat experience, he has never faced the current situation. In the past, most of the battles that Hippolyte commanded were defensive battles, and he was able to become the deputy commander of this operation. The main reason is that he is the commander of the garrison army.

Urvo asked him to assemble the reserve team, because he was looking at his personal prestige and status, but unfortunately, Hippolyte's status was enough, but his personal command level was not enough for him to make the clearest judgment and the most correct command under such a dangerous chaos.

In the face of frequent interference and bombing by the Northern Air Force, although Hippolyte reluctantly gathered his team, he could only gather the team. In theory, his best choice should be to harass and investigate the enemies in the rear after gathering the team, and build a counterattack position.

The key now is not to be flanked by the enemy on both sides!

However, although Hippolyte assembled the troops, he only assembled the troops in the end. Under the continuous harassment of the northern air force, he did not make any effective response. He just waited for the large troops to converge after gathering the troops, and did not make any preparations for the subsequent breakout.

As a result, Urvo managed to enter the north entrance and merged with the reserve team. The plain walkers group in the south had already formed a well-organized formation and attacked with the magic support of the third sequence of archons.

At the same time, Mi Xin's plateau walker regiment, who had been hanging behind Urwo, also launched an attack formation at the same time.

But because Hippolyte hadn't prepared well before the battle, the two sides couldn't break out of the encirclement to the south immediately after the two sides converged. The fearless vanguard and the garrison could only engage in the battle passively in units of sword formation and shield formation as flexibly as possible.

Under this situation, no matter how elite the Fearless Pioneer is, it will be useless.

Lax's latest order has been passed on to Haike and Mi Xin. They must try to take down the Fearless Pioneer and the Garrison Army at all costs. At this moment, Lax has already led the main force of the Archon to the front line of the battlefield!

Urvo rushed to the forefront of the battle with the first shield of the Dreadnought Vanguard.

Things have come to this, what he can do now is to lead the most elite troops to try to tear a hole in the enemy's front in the south, only in this way, the fearless pioneer will have a chance to break through!

Ulwo didn't know if the rebels in the north had any support.

But what he can be sure of is that he probably won't have any support.

Because of the complete loss of air supremacy, the dragon and bird knights who delivered the news could not fly out at all—Sylvana even gave up breathing dragon fire close to the ground, and chose to wander in the air. Any dragon and bird knight who dared to report to the south would be taken down by her immediately.

In this case, even if Urwo sent several batches of messengers asking for help early, considering the poor marching conditions in the Badaopo Valley, when these messengers arrived at the camp and the camp dispatched reinforcements to support them, the fearless pioneers might already be honored.

Loyal Urvo is not afraid of death.

But he is really afraid that the Fearless Pioneer will die in one battle. He is now very aware of the difficulty of these northern rebels. Without the Fearless Pioneer, an elite team that can suppress the enemy in frontal battles, let alone continue to sweep north, the Xiongdu Pioneer Army may not even be able to maintain the current situation!

Therefore, Ulwo tried his best at this time to open a channel for the Fearless Pioneer and save as much vitality as possible.

If possible, he hoped that His Majesty would act cautiously, take the initiative to retreat, guard the line of the 102 canal, and slowly plan for the northern border.

If you go on recklessly, I'm afraid something big will happen!

However, Urwo obviously didn't know that the current situation was actually completely different from what he thought.

First of all, Ulwo thought that the dragon and bird knights could not fly out and the courier had no time to deliver the message, so the camp did not know the news of his siege; but in fact, Jarvan IV knew—he could see the situation of the fearless pioneer very clearly.

Secondly, Ulwo thought that the camp would provide support as soon as they got the news; but in fact, after Jarvan IV discovered the predicament of the Fearless Pioneers, he thought for a while and chose to sit and watch them die.

In the end, Urwo believed that after this failure, Jarvan IV would act cautiously and not continue to advance aggressively; but in fact, Jarvan IV's current thinking is that when the Fearless Pioneer is finished, he will lead the Sun Warriors to personally attack the northern rebels.

If Urwo knew what the emperor he admired was thinking, he might not be able to resist vomiting three liters of blood at this moment.

In the eyes of Urvo, the immobility of the Twilight Protoss is absolutely unimaginable, but the reality is that in the eyes of the Twilight Protoss, the Fearless Vanguard is a team that should be weakened or even eliminated.

As far as he is concerned, this raid led by the Fearless Pioneer and the Garrison Corps has two directions.

If he can still win under such a disadvantageous offensive, then he will use them to death in the future, use them until the system is broken, and then mix them with sand-in the eyes of the Twilight Protoss, this is the more likely direction.

If the Fearless Pioneer is finished in a disadvantageous situation, that's okay. Then the Twilight Protoss will lead the Soldiers of the Sun, act as saviors, and take down the Fearless Pioneer's northern rebels. They will be easily picked peaches later, and then the Twilight Protoss will be able to advance the Twilight Sect.

In Urwo's eyes, the Fearless Vanguard is the elite of Demacia, because it is not only an elite force, but its members are also civilian elites and noble rookies.

In the eyes of the Twilight Protoss, it is precisely for this reason that the Fearless Pioneer should suffer. Only in this way can Demacia transform from a country of military aristocrats to a sectary country led by the protoss.

In the eyes of Lux, the aristocratic system is backward, but in the eyes of the Twilight Protoss, it is a bit too advanced.

The Twilight Protoss, who was paying attention to the situation on the battlefield, smiled and watched the Fearless Pioneer fall into the siege, and watched Urvo and the Fearless Pioneer's first shield go south together, facing the enemy who was shaped like a swallow after being blessed by spells, desperately charged, and then couldn't help shaking his head.

The Twilight Protoss could tell that this was someone who was ready to face death.

Actively meet death...

What a stupid idea.

For giant gods, immortality is their foundation and their greatest obsession.

Immortality is the real greatness, and real progress should be a process of embracing immortality little by little!
For those stupid mortals, the only meaning of their existence is to actively worship the giant god, learn from the giant god, and then gradually approach immortality under the guidance of the giant god.

Sacrifice is not meaningless.

But the only meaningful sacrifice should be in the pursuit of immortality.

Not for an ethereal Demacia destined to become part of history.

Urvo and the fearless pioneers of the First Shield continued to head south, hoping to open a gap with their lives.

However, the Twilight Protoss could see clearly that they were destined not to be able to rush out.

On both sides of the valley, the third sequence of Archon is also ready. It won't be long before huge boulders will fall from the cliffs on both sides. The fearless vanguard who is still barely maintaining its formation is destined to be completely defeated by then.

The only thing that makes the Twilight Protoss a little pity is that there are still many Bright Moon Warriors in the team.

Of course, it's just a pity.

After all, in the eyes of the Twilight Protoss, the sacrifice of these Lunar Warriors was meaningful.

After seeing enough of the situation on the front line of the battlefield, the Twilight Protoss then confirmed Lux's location, confirming that she had brought the main force of the Northwalker to the battlefield.

"Get ready." With a wave of his hand, the Twilight Protoss dispersed the portal in front of him, "Let's gather all Sun Warriors... Also, is the altar ready?"

"Get ready." Leona appeared by his side without knowing when, "Hurry up."

Compared with before, the current Leona doesn't look "human". Her eyes are as bright as the sun, as if looking directly at her will burn her; her hair has completely turned into the color of the sun, and each strand is like an optical fiber, dazzling.

"The old guys should also be active." Twilight Protoss stood up with a smile, "We can't always take care of things about Runeterra..."

Walking out of the tent, the Twilight Protoss looked up at the clear sky, nodded with satisfaction, and then his eyes fell on the altar that had just been built.

On the altar, there were several Sun Warriors who looked extremely excited, and they had already made all the preparations. They wore robes embroidered with intricate patterns, their chests were exposed, and after seeing the Twilight Protoss and Leona, they all showed fanatic expressions.

And not far from them, the Lieyang warriors who had finished queuing up looked at these people with complicated envy.

"Come on, come on!" The Twilight Protoss stood in front of these people with a smile, "Open your arms and embrace your glory!"

The Lieyang warriors on the altar opened their arms and faced the sky.

The next moment, the sun was blazing, but under such bright sunlight, the four constellations clearly appeared in the sky at the same time.





In addition to these four constellations, several stars that once belonged to the war constellation also shone with subtle brilliance. Countless dazzling rays of light fell from the sky and poured into the bodies of these Sun Warriors. When the brilliance disappeared, all of them changed their appearance.

Someone's eyes were shining with the brilliance of the heavens.

Some people also took the form of demons.

However, no matter what strange appearance they have become, at this moment, these "people" now have the same identity.


The true giant descended to earth.

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