Lux's Farewell

735 Hunter and prey [0724]

After getting feedback from the front line, Lux acted immediately.

Everyone knows the meaning of the Fearless Pioneer. As long as it can be won, the morale of the Xiongdu Front Army will drop a thousand miles—by then, blocking the south entrance of Badaopo, maybe the entire anti-insurgency army can be swallowed in one battle!
The so-called opportunity is never to be missed, and time never comes. After laying the groundwork for so long, the enemy finally showed his flaws. Now is the time to seize the opportunity and pursue it fiercely!

When Lux led the main archon to the battlefield, the Fearless Vanguard was still rushing left and right, trying to break through.

But in Badaopo, the valleys are narrow and the mountains are steep. Without the support of mages, even if they are as strong as the Fearless Pioneer, they will not be able to use them at all.

A group of plain walkers who blocked them leaned on the dangerous terrain with ease, as long as they firmly blocked the opponent's passage to the south, even if Urvo led the team himself, he couldn't squeeze any gap at all.

After a brief observation of the battlefield, Lacus was pleasantly surprised to find that a group of plain walkers was more than enough to stop them. The third group of mountain walkers and the fifth group of plain walkers she brought didn't even need to go into battle directly!
After confirming the surrounding terrain, Lacus simply left the fifth regiment of plain walkers behind the first regiment to make preparations, and then commanded the third regiment of archon and mountain walkers to go up the mountain directly—under such a siege, condescending spellcasting up the mountain is the most effective means of killing!
As Lux led the main force of the Archon to the top of the valley, the morale of the Fearless Vanguard finally dropped visibly.

The rune steel heavy armor can withstand ordinary arrows and spells, and its defense against swords and swords is also quite good, and it also maintains a considerable degree of flexibility. It can be said to be a very comprehensive armor.

But no matter how comprehensive the armor is, it is obviously a little weak when facing the boulders, ice and other magical creations falling from the cliffs on both sides of the valley.

Due to the terrain, the fighters of the Fearless Pioneer faced the high-altitude parabolic objects on both sides of the valley. They were in a pure state of being beaten. When they broke the defense and were unable to fight back, no matter how elite the fighters were, their mentality would gradually become unbalanced, and the morale of the army would also drop accordingly.

Even if the Fearless Pioneers are like this, the garrison army operating with them has reached the brink of chaos. If the command system is not still there, I am afraid that under such a situation, their morale has already collapsed and they are scrambling for their lives!
The battle has progressed to this point, and the outcome has been completely determined.

The Fearless Pioneer was in a death situation, and he was doomed to be unable to escape at this time.

Unless there is support that can quickly penetrate the blocking position jointly built by the [-]st and [-]th regiments of Plainwalkers, the destruction of the Fearless Pioneer has become an inevitable result.

Urvo is still fighting.

But beside him, the most elite fighters of the First Shield Formation had already fallen one by one, with less and less fighting.

In front of him, the formation of the plain walker group was still tight, and the blocking layers seemed to have been practiced countless times without any flaws.

Coupled with the fact that Lux's flag appeared on the valley, Urwo has already seen the former noble model under the flag from a distance...

At this point, Urwo finally had a faint understanding in his heart.

Failure already seemed inevitable.

However, Urwo still did not give up, nor did he plan to give up.

Fighting hard as a fearless vanguard commander, even if he dies on the battlefield in the end, it is a supreme honor for him!

"Laxana!" Urvo raised the great sword in his hand high, "You betrayed Demacia!"

Lux said nothing.

"Come on, don't hide behind those evil mages!" Urvo was still trying to provoke, "Fight me! Show your courage!"

Lux still looked at Urvo silently.

She had actually heard Galen talk about him.

According to Galen, Urvo is serious and serious at all times, and is a very reliable person.

"He's not like a lot of bastards, he's a real nobleman."

Lux believed her brother's words.

Therefore, facing Urvo's provocation, Lux was finally willing to give him a chance.

"Surrender." She crossed the line with bare hands and came to Urvo and the First Shield, "I never betrayed Demacia, but Demacia is dying."

"Ridiculous!" Urwo obviously wouldn't accept Lacus's words, let alone surrender easily, "Come on, take out your weapons, and fight me openly!"

Lux took a deep look at Urvo, finally sighed softly, and then clasped her right hand.

In her hands, a brilliant long sword made entirely of light quickly took shape.

Urvo dragged his two-handed sword, fell down, and then rushed towards Lux suddenly. Beside him, the soldiers of the first shield formation also moved quickly, helping him to separate from the oncoming siege, covering him and rushing towards Lux.

If Laxana can be held hostage at close range, perhaps the Fearless Pioneer still has a chance!


Is this really possible?

the answer is negative.

Even though Urvo managed to get a one-on-one chance with Lux under the cover of the first shield formation, from the very beginning, this one-on-one match exceeded his expectations.

Lux's first sword easily cut off Urvo's weapon.

Then, as Urvo tried to dodge and pick up a new weapon, Lux's second sword came like a shadow, piercing through his right arm and pinning him straight to the ground.

"Take it." Lux let go of the battle flag of the first shield formation with a single sword, and let the lightsaber turn into elements and dissipate. "End the battle as soon as possible."

It's a pity that Lux hopes that the battle will end quickly, but the fearless vanguard's will to resist is still very firm.

Even if the commander-in-chief was captured and the battle flag of the first shield formation had fallen, the fearless vanguard continued to fight with the sword formation and shield formation as units.

However, don't forget that it is not only the Fearless Pioneer team that is currently surrounded.

Although the Fearless Pioneer is still insisting, and the Bright Moon Warrior still needs to be called by Lak Ribbon, the Garrison Corps can't hold on anymore.

With Urvo captured, the garrison, which had been demoralized before, could no longer control it.

As a result, even though the Fearless Pioneer and the Bright Moon Warriors were still fighting trapped beasts, the garrison army, which accounted for the largest number of people, began to surrender on a large scale.

There is no need to fight anymore, let's vote!

A large number of soldiers of the Garrison Legion gave up their weapons and armor, and then smoothly withdrew from the battlefield.

Without the support of the Garrison Corps, the Fearless Pioneer and the Bright Moon Warrior were quickly divided and surrounded - the Fearless Pioneer mainly persuaded them to surrender and surrounded them, while the Bright Moon Warrior led a team called by Lacus himself.

It has to be said that the combat effectiveness of the Bright Moon Warriors is indeed quite remarkable.

It seems that they have absorbed the lesson of being wiped out by the crazy Verus group in Shurima. In the case of bad battles, these Bright Moon warriors without exception chose to detonate the Moonstone, causing as much damage as they can.

As a result, even if Lux personally took action, it took a lot of effort to completely wipe out these Bright Moon Warriors.

During this period, strange visions also appeared in the sky.

Others may not know why the sun and the moon shine together and the stars appear, but as a climber, Lux, who is extremely sensitive to the power of the heavens, immediately realized something was wrong.

Such an abundance of celestial energy almost made Lux think that she was back on Mount Targon!
Not right, very wrong!

Lux, who discovered the problem, immediately gave the order to retreat.

But alas, it was too late.

Above the valley, a huge space teleportation hole appeared, and several tall figures walked out of it, overlooking everything in front of them from a high position.


"Ah, sad mortal." The chanting protoss glanced across the messy valley, "The symphony of life and death should be touching, but now it is noisy and tasteless, what a shameful waste."

The other protoss didn't bother.

Because the moment he stepped out of the teleportation hole, all the protoss' eyes fell on Lux.

After careful calculation, except for the Protoss, everyone present has a lot of ties with Lacus.

The former War Protoss was tricked by Karya and became the free Atreus now, and even the War Constellation broke many stars.

The former Guardian Protoss became the free Tarek because of Lux, but the Guardian Constellation does not have the Great Desolate Starfall.

The Twilight Protoss and Lux ​​met for the first time, but considering that she is Kalya's direct disciple, the two sides can be regarded as hot water.

As for the sun star spirit Leona and the moon star spirit Diana, let alone, after all, the sun and moon are the giant gods with the most followers in Runeterra, and their position is completely opposite to that of Lux.

Moreover, in addition to these protoss, there are also several special "protoss" accompanying them.

Titan Tamm of the Greedy Star.

LeBlanc, the titan of the Pale Star.

Titan Vladimir of the Scarlet Star.

The three of them and Lacus also had a lot of not-so-good pasts, and under Twilight's win over, they have accepted the baptism of the power of the heavens, and each accepted a star that once belonged to the war constellation as the "body" of the heavens.

While in theory Tamm, LeBlanc, and Vladimir wouldn't be "giants" without Lux and Karya, it's clear they wouldn't appreciate Lux.

Seeing that the portal was opened and protoss came out one after another, Lux finally frowned.

Things are going... a little out of control.

According to Lux's estimation, she knew that in this war, she should face up to five protoss—twilight, scorching sun, bright moon, guardian, and war.

With Kalya, the Big Three in the North, and Shyvana, five protoss can handle it.

After all, the protoss is not a giant god, but just a giant incarnation and body walking in Runeterra.

Moreover, once the giant god appears, the attitude of the follow-up Demacian army will also become subtle. With the cooperation of the Northern Walker, Northern Air Force and Archon, the five protoss are troublesome, but not fatal.

But now, there are already ten protoss appearing in front of Lux.

And behind the Protoss, there were still a steady stream of Sun Warriors walking out of the portal. After silently comparing the combat strength of the two sides, Lux's heart finally began to sink.

The identities of hunter and prey seem to be reversed!


The battle began amidst a burst of passionate music.

It was not Sona who played the music, but the protoss who sang, and what he sang was a hymn to the giant god.

In the chants of the protoss, time and space seem to be elongated, and the distance seems to have become the end of the world. Even though the soldiers of the Northwalker are still in the formation, surrounded by comrades-in-arms, but in the chanting of the protoss, they seem to be in No Man’s Sky, and everything around them is so far away.

The Plain Walker and the remnants of the Fearless Pioneer, who were still fighting, finally stopped fighting.

Confused, lonely, melancholy...

Various complex emotions appeared on the faces of the soldiers. For mortals, singing the voice of the protoss is a test of will. Those who fail the test will be completely lost in loneliness and confusion as if they were in the heaven.

Fortunately, the voice that chanted the protoss was indistinguishable from the enemy. Except for the Sun Warriors who were protected by the blazing sun, almost all other people below the mortal were completely overwhelmed by the chanting voice.

Looking at the sluggish soldiers, Lux couldn't help but gritted her teeth - there was no way to withdraw!
Most of the walkers in the north lost their ability to move, and the air force in the north also lost their formation. They flew farther and farther under the instinct of dragons and birds. At this time, only a few elite fighters and most of the archons were left who could still obey Lux's orders.

These archons who had received formal magic education responded quickly and used various methods to isolate the sound to avoid being affected by the sound.

As a price, the communication method of voice has completely failed since then.

Thankfully, the North has gestures for communication.

While gesturing to let the Archon protect himself as much as possible, Lux was also thinking about countermeasures.

However, just like Urvo when he was facing a double attack before, Lux now has nothing to do.

Lux is very confident, but self-confidence is not stupid. If Lux dares to rush forward in the opponent's formation, it is giving away.

With Lux's current mastery of high-level elements, she can already turn herself into a ray of light within a short distance. If she wants to run, these protoss should not be able to stop her.

But if Lux does run away...

That's really over.

The most impatient war protoss had now picked up the spear, and when he threw the spear, a portal appeared in front of the war protoss, and then opened in front of Lux.

This star-shining spear was teleported three feet in front of Lux in this way—if Lux hadn't focused enough, this would be enough to give her a chill.

Then, just as Lux dodged sideways and created a lightsaber again in her hand, intending to push away the spears that seemed to be locked on her, the Fertile God stretched out her hand and tapped it a few times.

Thus, a bright, sharp and dangerous spear became two, four, eight.

For the Protoss of Abundance, what is abundant can be food.

It can also be a deadly weapon.

I got up late and didn't finish writing in the morning.

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