Lux's Farewell

Chapter 737 [0726]

The title of Xin Zhao [Debang Manager] comes from his status as the chief steward of the Guangdun family.

However, in addition to this, he also served as the commander of the Garrison Corps for a period of time, and as an instructor in the Fearless Pioneer for a period of time.

In Demacia, Xin Zhao's reputation is undoubtedly very high, so that when he said "Your Majesty is controlled by the protoss, think about the former Tarik", many soldiers felt a little hesitant in their hearts.

Under normal circumstances, the soldiers cannot feel whether the commander has changed or not.

But don't forget, Jarvan IV has never been an ordinary commander. Since the Battle of Tobyssia, he has lived and ate, shared joys and sorrows with the soldiers. He was able to successfully poach the corners of other nobles' private troops before, relying on this hand!
And since Jarvan IV returned from Xiongdu, his whole style has changed a lot, and his style of command is also different—everyone just thinks that the affairs in Xiongdu and the chaos in the northern border have exhausted His Majesty, and never thought of the possibility of Jarvan IV's replacement.

Now that Xin Zhao suddenly appeared, and raised his arms with certainty, many soldiers, especially the soldiers of the garrison regiment, felt somewhat hesitant.

Even though they were just ordinary soldiers, they could vaguely feel that His Majesty was different from the past.

Therefore, after the black mist covered and the magic of chanting the protoss temporarily failed, these soldiers did not immediately attack the surrounding rebels, but mostly formed formations of swords and shields to protect themselves.

What's interesting is that when the situation of the battle changed suddenly, the walkers in the north also received orders from Lux - the bright light pierced the darkness, and Lux's voice clearly appeared beside them.

"Walkers in the North, all in the team, target the Sun Warriors!"

As a result, the northern border walkers who were still fighting with the Xiongdu front army a moment ago also began to quickly gather the whole team, and under the guidance of commanders at all levels, they actively influenced the Lieyang soldiers who were trying to come to make up their swords, completely ignoring the Xiongdu front army behind them.

Under such circumstances, Jarvan IV couldn't help shouting loudly, ordering the Xiongdu front army and Lieyang soldiers to flank the enemy back and forth.

The Dauntless Vanguard and the remaining soldiers of the Garrison were stunned.

Which side is the friendly army and which side is the enemy?
Is His Majesty who issued the order really His Majesty?
What are we going to do next?
At the moment of the stalemate, two bald crows quacked and flapped their wings and flew out of the black mist. Their cries were so shrill and piercing that they even forced the protoss to stop singing.

"Protoss, protoss, dare to be a protoss!" Shabeka uttered a tone that made people's scalp tingle, "Let me expose your face, protoss, protoss, shameful twilight protoss!"

"If you are still that poor little emperor." Shabek then suddenly spoke up and started a duet, "Then come and say with me that the protoss are all bastards, that Twilight is mean and shameless, that the scorching sun will eventually set, that the bright moon steals its brilliance, that war is a fool, that singing is a pretentious thing, and that the heart is impoverished."

"Sing, sing, as long as you say it, I will fly away with flapping wings."

"Sing, sing, as long as you sing, they will charge with you."

"Tell those people that you are not a protoss, tell those people that you are not a giant god."

The voices of Shabeka and Shabeka were not pleasant, but in the black mist, everyone could hear them clearly. Many soldiers subconsciously looked at Jarvan IV—although it was a bit blasphemous to say so, but anyway, it wasn't the Flying Wing sisters who were blaspheming, but a few giant gods who had never heard of it.

However, Jarvan IV did not respond to Shabeka and Shabeka's words, but repeatedly emphasized his order, asking the fearless vanguard and the garrison to launch an attack quickly.

Under such circumstances, neither the Fearless Vanguard nor the Garrison Corps took any action. They are the most loyal fighters in Demacia, but they have only one object of loyalty, and that is Jarvan IV.

On the edge of the black mist, the Northland Walker and the Black Mist Legion are fighting against the Sun Warriors together.

In the valley, sometimes the sky is bright and clear, and sometimes black mist fills the air.

On the hillside, Lux was once again in danger.

Although the timely arrival of the Black Mist Legion made her let out a long sigh of relief, but only relying on Aatrox, Verus, Shabeka, and Shabek, Lux's side was still at an absolute disadvantage.

Even if the Twilight Protoss is still unwilling to expose and does not take the initiative to attack, the war, abundance, protection, chant, scorching sun, bright moon, and these demon protoss are still enough to completely suppress Lacus and his party.

Even if Aatrox suppresses the two Protoss Hammers of War and Guardian by himself, even if Verus restrains Fengruo, and Shabekah and Shabek suppress Chanting, Lux will also face the tacit attack of the scorching sun and the bright moon.

Leona and Diana fought together, and wherever they went, it could be said that the sun and the moon were competing for glory. Even the light-forged long sword in Lux's hand seemed dimmed in front of these two protoss.

Although before the Great Reconciliation of the Century, the Bright Moon Sect and the Solari Sun Sect were always in a life-and-death situation, but Leona and Diana were close friends before they became protoss, so they cooperated quite tacitly in the battle. Diana attacked and Leona defended, forcing Lux to retreat step by step.

Under the pincer attack of the two protoss, Lux had almost no room to fight back. She could only rely on the light to forge her wings, dodge and dodge as much as possible.

Lux was already so embarrassed.

Shivana, who had to face the demon protoss, was almost taken down on the spot.

In front of Tam's Tongue, Vladimir's Blood Tides, and LeBlanc's Shadow Chains, the thick dragon scales are no different from a thin layer of white paper.

On the contrary, Shivana's attack poses little threat to these guys. The dragon fire breath is almost ineffective, and the dragon's teeth bite is also difficult to hit. If Shivana can't fly, I'm afraid she will be taken down quickly in one encounter.

At the critical moment, Galio finally arrived at the battlefield with Ino and Sona on his car.

Seeing the Colossus of Justice, the morale of the Northwalker was greatly boosted. Amidst bursts of cheers, Galio descended from the sky and rushed into the formation of the Sun Warriors.

Then, he experienced the power of the heavens for the first time.

This kind of power that "looks like magic, but it's not actually magic" is not only unable to absorb, but also causes damage to Galio's body - if it is not protected by the Archon, Galio may soon fall under the concentrated fire of the Sun Warrior.

Lux, who caught a glimpse of this scene out of the corner of her eye, couldn't help but pursed her lips.

The power of the heavens is so unreasonable. Even with the help of Galio, Sona playing music, and the help of the Black Mist Legion, the formation of the Northwalker is retreating steadily when facing the Sun Warriors.

That is to say, these Lieyang warriors can't fly, otherwise the battle situation may be even worse!
Aatrox was still yelling.

Verus' arrows were also firing continuously.

But the balance of victory is tipping in the direction of Protoss little by little.

Lux couldn't hold it anymore, and Shyvana couldn't hold it anymore.

As for the Protoss side, Twilight still had the strength to maintain her disguise at this time, constantly trying to mobilize the Garrison Legion and the Fearless Vanguard to achieve front and rear flank attacks.

A sword slashed on Leona's shield, spread out her light-forged wings, narrowly avoiding Diana's moonblade, barely breaking free from that subtle and dangerous gravitational force, Lux's breathing was already very rapid.

Teacher Karya, where are you?
In this situation, don't you still appear?
If this continues, not only the plateau walker group and the plain walker group may be wiped out, but once the Twilight Protoss breaks the disguise, most of them will not be able to escape!
It's an extremely urgent time, Mr. Karya, what are you waiting for?

Lacus was very confused about where Kalya was.

The Twilight Protoss was also puzzled.

According to his judgment, as long as he gave up his identity as Jarvan IV and took the initiative, victory would be within his reach!

Although he kept trying to order the soldiers to attack, in the eyes of the Twilight Protoss, why did he take these soldiers seriously?

From the beginning to the end, the only thing he worried about was Karya who disappeared!
The one who rejected Chen Xi!
However, seeing that these stupid overreaching people have reached the end of their ropes, why hasn't Karya appeared yet?

Is he hiding in the dark and continuing to wait?

Or is the current situation already the limit of what he can mobilize?
To this day, the Twilight Protoss finally felt what Kalya had felt during the Shurima Empire. At that time, he was in the dark, and Kalya was in the light. He could quietly arrange plans behind the scenes, and Kalya's main energy was on the side of the Shurima Empire.

Now, the relationship between the two parties seems to be reversed. Ever since the Twilight Protoss occupied Jarvan IV's body, Kalya disappeared from the world immediately without leaving any traces, making the Twilight Protoss suspicious.

It can be called the turn of wind and water.

Seeing Kalya's reluctance to show up, and the battle situation developing in his own favor, the Twilight Protoss finally decided to hold on to the wave.

Since the problem can be solved without taking action, it is better not to take action.

After all... Jarvan IV's vest is still very useful.

The Twilight Protoss, who had made up his mind, even responded with a smile to the noisy Shabeka and Shabek—"The Protoss are bastards, Twilight is mean and shameless, and this doesn't rhyme!"

"Gah, do you really mean it?!" Shabeka seemed taken aback by the Twilight Protoss who suddenly spoke, "Don't you even want your face?"

"Kalya is right, you are indeed a guy without the dignity of the protoss!" Shabek added, flapping his wings, "He said that you care about the dignity of the giant god most, but you insist on putting on a cynical look on the surface, which belongs to the kind of hard-wearing—"

The face of the Twilight Protoss darkened visibly to the naked eye.

Those two noisy crows!

He secretly swore that he would stare at them in the future, and after catching them, pluck out all their feathers and throw them into the heaven!
Like to taunt, don't you? !
"He's angry, he's angry!" Shabeka said again, "Kalya is right, he will be anxious!"

"Not in a complete hurry." Shabek added, "Look, he's still maintaining his disguise—"

The Twilight Protoss gritted her teeth, not intending to tangle with them, and wanted to simply take this opportunity to mobilize soldiers.

Then, before he could open his mouth, there was a violent spatial fluctuation, which made the Twilight Protoss almost couldn't help teleporting himself away.

The next moment, a blue arcane magic circle shining with blue arcane brilliance appeared in the black mist. On the magic circle, several figures turned from virtual to real.

"Shabekah, Shabek, what a surprise." A hiss sounded like a poisonous snake spitting out a letter, "Aren't you dead yet?"

"Aha, the poisonous snake is not dead, how could the crow die?"

The arcane radiance dissipated.

In the center of the battlefield, the figures of five dark descendants appeared.

"Twilight Protoss, damn you!" x5
Amidst the sluggish expression of the Twilight Protoss, the five bodies twisted and swelled suddenly.


Although the mantis catches the cicada and the oriole is behind, Kalya has never put all her treasures on one oriole.

According to the experience of the Shurima Empire, the relationship between the giant gods has always been relatively loose - although they have the same position in some aspects, most of the time, they have no substantial alliance.

So in theory, what the Northern Territory has to face is Twilight, Bright Moon, Scorching Sun, War, and Guardians, who have festivals.

In this case, with the Black Mist Legion joining the battle, it seemed to be very stable.

However, based on Kalya's understanding of Twilight, this old silver coin protoss is definitely not that simple.

So just to be on the safe side, Kalya decided to bring another group of people over.


Naturally, it is the Sun God Cult!

After arriving in Shurima, Kalya also considered going to Azir and Nasus.

On the one hand, Antasir is too far away, and on the other hand, the appearance of Shurima they represent in Demacia may cause some problems in the future. Karya finally chose to go via Vikola to inquire about the traces of the Sun God Cult.

Karya's luck is good.

When he arrived in Shurima, Valiva had already been awakened by Xuuyan.

Moreover, the awakened Darkborn is not just Valiva—besides her, there are Nayafeli, Naganeka, and Ta'anari.

Kalya had to use at least a little rhetoric to convince the Black Mist Legion to join the battle.

But instigating the Sun God Cult to trouble the protoss, it really only needs to have a mouth.

The reason is simple. Among the awakened Darkborn, apart from Valiva, who had already realized something was wrong, the other unlucky ones were all sealed by the Twilight Protoss, and they became what they are now.

After hearing the news about the Twilight Protoss, without Kalya's instigation, these dark descendants said one after another, "I'll talk about the past, we just want to see the Twilight Protoss now."

Then, in order to return to the northern border as soon as possible, Kalya simply activated the space marker hidden in Vikola by Ryze.

When Ryze arrived in a hurry, Karya acted as an intermediary, and the two parties completed a deal-Varieva took out a rune fragment she collected, and Ryze sent them to the north.

Although Ryze didn't have any affection for the Darkborn, for Kalya's sake, he agreed to the deal.

Very well, the second oriole is in place.

The second titmouse.

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