Lux's Farewell

Chapter 738 [0727]

At this point in the battle, the Twilight Protoss has realized that something is wrong.

Five dark kin, and the dark kin who have always been relatively close to each other appeared in a group, which was more or less not enough for the protoss.

Don't look at these giant gods who usually have eyes that grow on the top of their heads, but giant gods are giant gods, and protoss are protoss-the giant gods in the heavens have the power of the astral world, and they are fully worthy of the title of gods, but their human bodies walking in Runeterra are subject to the bodies of the giant gods themselves.

Runeterra is not heaven, and mortal bodies are not constellations of giant gods!

Here, no matter how fit the body is, it cannot exert the full power of the giant god.

Therefore, when facing the dark descendants, their combat effectiveness is not dominant.

The tailwind situation is about to turn into a headwind situation.

Realizing that the situation was wrong, the Twilight Protoss simply gave up the vest of Jarvan IV, and directly began to use the power of space to assist other giant gods in fighting.

One by one the space portals were moved around, and under the multiple scheduling, the protoss, who were fighting separately, finally had a sense of cooperation. Coupled with the constant pulling and mobilization of the space, the situation gradually became somewhat stable.

Although with the attack of the Twilight Protoss, the Garrison Legion and the Fearless Vanguard finally had their own positions and began to attack the Sun Warriors together with Xin Zhao, but overall, the battle situation briefly fell into a stalemate.

However, just when the Twilight Protoss thought he had stabilized the situation, saw through Kalya's calculations, and was slightly relieved, a sudden change occurred.

Tam, who had always behaved well, suddenly summoned a "river" out of thin air in the valley without warning.

The river was tangible and intangible, and although it caused a panic, the soldiers soon discovered that it was not a real river.

Then, Tam jumped up high, and his whole body turned into the same tangible and intangible river water as this river. He stretched out his short and thick limbs, and jumped into the river with a bang.


When the tangible and intangible waves subsided and the big river dissipated, everyone realized that this guy actually slipped away when the outcome was still in the balance!
Did this run away?

That's right, ran away.

Although Tam has gained part of the power of the heavens and has the identity of a protoss, but don't forget that his body is a demon, not a giant god!

After becoming a protoss, although Tamm is still greedy, his control over his own greed has long since changed. In the past, he could take risks because of Lux, but now he has learned to put his life first—the enemy's cards are not yet finished, and he is studded here. Why don't you run away?
It's okay to come over with the wind and grab a little bit of greed, but against the wind, you are a devil, what is your life?
Tam's sudden escape stunned the Twilight Protoss.

He really never expected that the situation was just a little bit unsatisfactory, and Tam turned around and ran away-you are already a protoss, shouldn't you put the interests of the protoss first?
I told you so many things about Karya before, and you forgot all of them in the blink of an eye?
Yes, your body is different from a normal giant god. It is more troublesome to die a protoss. When you are reborn, you may lose a little memory of being a demon... But isn't it a good thing?

If you die a few more times, you can transform into a real giant!

With such a good opportunity, you actually choose to run away?

It's a pity that the joys and sorrows of human beings are not interlinked, and the same is true for giant gods and demons. In the eyes of the Twilight Protoss, "transformation" is the most dangerous loss in Tam's own eyes. If Tam no longer desires greed, is he still Tam?

With Tam's sudden departure, the situation of the battle suddenly changed again. After seeing Tam's departure, LeBlanc and Vladimir quickly and very tacitly left the battle temporarily, decisively and smoothly.

There are people making samples in front, if you don't run away at this time, when will you have to wait?
What, you said they have a grudge against Lacus, at this time revenge should come first?
Stop making trouble, these two old dogs in the true sense, how could they choose to fight to the death for possible revenge!

When I met Lux in the Shadow Realm, they ran away when they saw the situation was not good. After so many years, although I gritted my teeth with hatred when I thought of Lux, I never saw them actually go to the northern border to assassinate!
In the hearts of these two, the importance of their own survival is far greater than all hatred and face, as long as they can survive, they are willing to bear any price.

Now the protoss are at a disadvantage, and Tamm just gave them a sample. The only one capable of chasing them, the Twilight protoss, is entangled so tightly that he can't make a move at all. Such a godsend opportunity is the best time to run away!

So, following a flash of blood and a figure flickering several times, the two protoss also quickly withdrew from the battlefield.

With the departure of LeBlanc and Vladimir, the situation on the protoss side finally fell into a complete collapse.

Twilight, Fierce Sun, Bright Moon, War, Guardian, Harvest, and Chanting, there are still seven protoss on the battlefield at this time.

But these seven protoss are facing the four dark spawns of the Black Mist Legion, the five dark spawns of the Sun God Cult, plus the all-star lineup of the Big Three in the North and Shivana.

Without Tamm, LeBlanc, and Vladimir, even with the Twilight Protoss creating a large number of portals for scheduling, their situation still becomes untenable.

Seeing Aatrox roaring towards him again, the Twilight Protoss at this moment felt tired for the first time.

Originally, he had calculated well, and before Kalya united the mortals again to form an Ascendant Legion, he should first kill this force from the source.

But I never expected that the old immortal who had clearly given up immortality could secretly pull up a team and put eye drops on himself!

Moreover, it's already this time, is the other party still unwilling to show up?
Although the Twilight Protoss does have the idea of ​​"If Kalya is here, I will kill him even if I give up this protoss body", but can you guess it?

Glancing at Aatrox who was striding towards him with a big sword in his hands, the Twilight Protoss shook his head silently, then opened a portal, teleporting the war to him, and asked him to stop Aatrox.

He then began to regroup the Sun Warriors.

Those paranoid mortals of the Bright Moon Warriors are dead.

The Lieyang warriors have better physical fitness, and they are protoss reserve soldiers, so they cannot be wiped out in this battle.

They must be teleported away!

The Twilight Protoss knew in his heart that the target of these Darkborn should only be the Protoss, and they should not bother these Solar Warriors much—so, as long as he opened the portal a few more times, sent these Solar Warriors to a safe place, and let them return to Mount Targon in pieces, it would not take long for himself and many protoss to make a comeback.

After this failure, when I come back next time, those old guys who still insist on not setting foot in Runeterra should have changed their attitudes, right?

Army of Thousand Gods...

Just wait, Karya, look up, there are hundreds of stars in the sky!


The Sun Warriors began to retreat.

Seeing this, the other Protoss quickly understood what the Twilight Protoss meant. Instead of retreating, they advanced, entangled a group of Darkin and the Big Three in the North, and did not give them a chance to annihilate the Sun Warriors.

Attracted by the Protoss, the Darkborn were rapidly losing their minds. They completely ignored the Sun Warriors sneaking under their noses, and rushed towards the Protoss angrily, hoping to completely destroy them.

Of course, the protoss, who had already prepared for death, would disconnect from their bodies before the sword was attached to them—in this way, their bodies would not suffer any damage, and the Great Desolation would not happen again.

For the encounter of the war protoss, one appearance is enough!

Although she intends to kill the Sun Warriors, but facing the Fengruo Protoss who refuses to give up an inch, Lux finally has to admit that the battle may only come to an end here.

Even if this battle severely damaged the power of the Protoss, and almost completely disintegrated the command of the Xiongdu Front Army, but under such a large battle, the results of such a battle are still somewhat inferior.

Kalya had spoken to her about darkin relationships in the past.

Although these dark descendants can now fight side by side, it is not because they have abandoned their prejudices, but because they are facing the protoss.

In Kalya's words, even he could barely keep the Darkborn from fighting on the spot—after the collapse of the Shurima Empire, the Darkborn were doomed to be unable to unite.

Nasus can still look forward, Azir can still hope for the future, and Xerath can still look forward to the future.

But the dark descendants are doomed to have no future. They either hide in the undead place and act in the black mist; or they rely on self-seal to avoid further erosion, and they use their rationality less and less. If you tell them that the mountains are high and the road is far away, and the future is promising, they will not accept it.

Unless there is a darkborn who can completely let go like Kalya, let go of everything in the Shurima Empire, let go of his immortality and erosion, maybe he can still live like a mortal for a while.

Therefore, when watching the Twilight Protoss open the portal and send away a large number of Sun Warriors, Lux could only sigh slightly and let them leave.

Ryze will not participate in the war. Among all the people present, none of them have the talent for space magic, let alone prevent the teleportation of the Twilight Protoss.

All Lux could do was to ruthlessly send a few ultimate flashes of light to the Sun Warriors' formation under the interference of the Abundant Protoss.


The portal was closed, and in a remote valley in the southeast of Badaopo, the Twilight Protoss finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Finally got rid of these depraved lunatics!
After so many years, under the erosion of the power of the void, none of these dark descendants died... They really persisted enough!
However, although the actions against Lux and Fossbarrow failed this time, the Twilight Protoss quickly calmed down.

One failure is not a problem. After all the protoss return to their positions, I can lobby more giant gods to join my camp. Mortals have shown their own threats and demonstrated their control over Runeterra.

After all, Runeterra is a special place. This is the place where all worlds meet. The laws of the world here are so strong that even the giant dragon swimming in the stars cannot resist. If the giant loses control of Runeterra, the consequences will be disastrous.

The giant gods who don't care about the outside world should know this in their hearts!

Moreover, this battle also proved that it is not feasible to promote an extraordinary being to become a protoss through trading. The remaining stars of the Pantheon constellation may also be used as bargaining chips to attract other giants to join this journey to Runeterra...

While silently thinking about the follow-up plan, the Twilight Protoss opened the portal again, intending to directly teleport the Sun Warriors a certain distance.

The south entrance of Badaopo has been blocked, at this time, I might as well take it by surprise and lead Lieyang warriors along the Grand Canal.

As long as they reached a safe location, all the Sun warriors would return to Mount Targon in pieces, and then return to Runeterra with twenty or thirty protoss. Even if the Darkborn were still mad, Fossbarrow's new forces would eventually be destroyed!

Then, just as the portal was opened and the Sun Warriors were about to enter it, an indescribable sense of oppression suddenly made Twilight Starling's heart sink.

Without warning, in his eyes, the whole world became stagnant.

At the same time, an old voice clearly appeared in the ears of the Twilight Protoss and all the Sun Warriors.

"Fortunately, we caught up."

The Twilight Protoss twisted its neck hard, but only saw a faint figure that seemed to not exist in the world.

"Who are you--"

"Me? I'm just a fish that jumped out of the water for a short time." There was obvious and undisguised exhaustion in the other party's voice, "Kalya, don't pretend, I believe you must be here."

"You're pretty good at guessing." Under the astonished eyes of the Twilight Protoss, a Sun Warrior took off his helmet, showing a familiar smiling face, "Twilight, long time no see, you made a big fight this time!"

Why is he among the Sun Warriors?
Who is this bleak figure?

What's with this stagnation?

At this moment, countless doubts arose in the hearts of the Twilight Protoss.

It's a pity that Karya just greeted him briefly, and didn't say another word, but completely focused on the Sun Warrior who was sent out by him so hard.

Karya opened his hands, and countless yellow sands appeared in his palms, spontaneously gathering into a sandstorm.

And after this sandstorm took shape quickly, all these Sun Warriors were quickly included in it—the Sun Warriors in a stagnant state wanted to resist, but they had almost no ability to resist, so they could only watch themselves being torn and crushed by the sand.

The storm intensified.

After all the Sun Warriors were absorbed, Kalya's eyes fell on the Twilight Protoss.

The Twilight Protoss, whose body was still in a sluggish state, didn't hesitate at all, and simply gave up Jarvan IV's body neatly. He didn't want a wave of Starfall!
Seeing that the celestial brilliance on Jarvan IV dissipated and he fell unconscious on the ground, Kalya finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Then, looking at the gravel and mess around him, he couldn't help but smacked his lips.

"The favor this time... I owe a lot!"

Carya's Little Classroom: A Fish Leaping Out of the Water:
Time is a long river, and everything in the world is a fish that swims with the water. Some fish fix themselves at the bottom of the river and achieve immortality, but a fish named Kieran jumped out of the water in a different way.

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